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Historical Astrology - A Proposition

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This is what we call " mundane astrology " which is just astrology applied to

events (rather than people). This is done fairly often in other schools, namely

Roman or tropical astrology and sometimes in western sidereal astrology, and I

think the connections are striking. I like how you used the Exaltations (Moon

in Fall or " weakening " in Scorpio, Venus Exalted in Pisces, Mars in Fall in


I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I don't see this as a religious

purpose. It can be something connected to faith, but I take a secular approach

to it. I guess it's interesting to see the other extreme. To me that seems

strange that you would have to go to India to do mundane astrology just to study

the past.

To each his own? I suppose so, but not for me. Although I would like to go to

India at some point.


Vladimir Mendoza Balcazar <vladi98mb wrote:


Namaste Dear Jiotishers. My name is Vladimir Mendoza, I live in

Lima-Peru-Southamerica. I am very interesting in astrological researchs

in history but I am need support for this project. I don't want fame o

popularity, my only desire is dedicate the rest of my life in

histo-astrological researchs for the comprehension the occult links in

the important events of the history of the Humanity.


I need travel to India for meet with great astrologers for get support

and wise guidance in my researchs. I want living with a monk or

brahmacari. You can see my natal chart and confirm if I am qualified for

this enterprise. 23 Abril 1979, 3:10 AM, Tumbes-Peru.


Next, I present a sample of the my histo-astrological research.


Thanks for your time and consideration of my proposition.


Om Namo Shivaya. Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna.








Writer for:


Vladimir Mendoza B.


February 3, 1802 - August 25, 1803


Some events important in this period were:


1) The Treaty of Amiens (was signed on March 25, 1802)


The planetary positions at 12:00 were:


Sun 13 Pi 00' 03.92 " UBha


Moon 23 Sc 46' 15.40 " Jye


Mars 0 Aq 16' 31.85 " Dhan


Mercury ® 22 Aq 30' 04.55 " PBha


Jupiter ® 5 Le 49' 29.97 " Magh


Venus 14 Pi 54' 00.67 " UBha


Saturn ® 10 Le 47' 59.51 "


Rahu 29 Aq 04' 26.33 " PBha


Ketu 29 Le 04' 26.33 " UPha


2) War between Great Britain and France recommenced on May 18, 1803


The planetary positions at 12:00 were:


Sun 5 Ta 20' 48.28 " Krit


Moon 29 Pi 54' 05.71 " Reva


Mars 12 Cn 28' 58.32 " Push


Mercury 21 Ta 41' 15.56 " Rohi


Júpiter ® 4 Vi 52' 30.98 " UPha


Venus 27 Pi 36' 34.58 " Reva


Saturn 22 Le 45' 27.79 " PPha


Rahu 6 Aq 52' 19.64 " Sata


Ketu 6 Le 52' 19.64 " Magh


3) François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture, also Toussaint Bréda,

Toussaint-Louverture is captured in Junio 7, 1802. He was one of the

leaders of the Haïtian Revolution. Along with Jean-Jacques

Dessalines, another leader of the Revolution, L'Ouverture is considered

as one of the fathers of the Haitian nation. The astrological chart at

12:00 is:


Sun 25 Ta 00' 11.32 " Mrig


Moon 15 Le 33' 37.57 " PPha


Mars 26 Pi 46' 54.69 " Reva


Mercury 15 Ge 09' 10.54 " Ardr


Jupiter 7 Le 38' 14.60 " Magh


Venus 16 Ge 12' 26.29 " Ardr


Saturn 10 Le 37' 37.26 " Magh


Rahu 25 Aq 08' 29.29 " PBha


Ketu 25 Le 08' 29.29 " PPha


4) Edward Despard and six others are hanged (February 21, 1803), drawn

and quartered for plotting to assassinate king George III and to destroy

the Bank of England. See the chart at 12:00...


Sun 10 Aq 51' 08.31 " Sata


Moon 5 Aq 23' 22.95 " Dhan


Mars 5 Ge 20' 41.20 " Mrig


Mercury ® 15 Aq 37' 56.01 " Sata


Jupiter ® 13 Vi 15' 42.06 " Hast


Venus 25 Sg 52' 11.32 " PSha


Saturn ® 27 Le 24' 32.90 " UPha


Rahu 11 Aq 25' 32.90 " Sata


Ketu 11 Le 25' 32.90 " Magh


Historical and Astrological Outlook


First Chart:


The Treaty of Amiens was signed on March 25, 1802 by Joseph Bonaparte

and the Marquess Cornwallis as a " Definitive Treaty of Peace " between

France and the United Kingdom. Under the treaty, the United Kingdom

recognised the French Republic; the consequent peace, which lasted only

one year, was the only period during which the United Kingdom was not at

war with France during the so-called 'Great French War'.


However, objections to the treaty quickly grew in the United Kingdom,

especially as it seemed that the UK was making all the concessions. In

addition, Bonaparte had interfered with the Batavian and Cisalpine

Republics and sent troops into Switzerland, breaking earlier treaties.

Concerns were also raised by the sending of a major French Army to the

Caribbean island of Santo Domingo, where it reimposed slavery and

cracked down on the independence movement. As a result the British

Government balked at implementing certain terms, such as evacuating

their military presence from Malta, due to this French refusal to

respect other terms of the treaty. Despite appeals from French Foreign

Minster Talleyrand, Bonaparte refused to concede much, especially as it

was rumoured that he had designs on Egypt again. As a result Addington

strengthened the Royal Navy, and imposed a blockade of France.


The astrologycal configuration for the Treaty of Amiens show a weak

tendency in relation to keep the peace among France and UK.


>> The axis Leo-Aquairus contain 3 negative elements: Mars-Rahu versus

Saturn-Ketu. Remember that Leo-Aquarius are linked to honor and

revolutionary thought. the Treaty always seemed unlikely to endure: it

satisfied neither side, and both sides dishonoured parts of it.


>> Here, Jupiter is the planet that permit to enter into a treaty.

Mercury have a important communicative role. For Moon in Jyestha the

lord of dasa is Mercury.


>> Observe the degrees, Mars 00°28' and Rahu 29°27', they

are distant, it decrease the conflictive aspect among Rahu and Mars. The

axis Rahu-Ketu enter to Aquarius-Leo in february 3, 1802, around fifty

days. Mars enter to Aquarius the same day, March 25, at 3:40 AM.


>> The Moon in Scorpio (weakening) is other factor that not support

promote a long-lasting treaty.


>> Observe that from the Moon, Aquarius is fourth house ( land,

territory, etc) and Leo is tenth house (government and politics).


>> From the Moon, Mars seem represent France, then Venus represent UK.

Why? Observe that Mars come of a strong location in Capricorn

(exaltation), as well as the victory of Napoleon against the Second

Coalition: Holy Roman/Austrian Empire (at war with France since 1792)

French Royalists, Kingdom of Great Britain (at war with France since

1793), Kingdom of Naples and Sicily (had been war with France 1793-96),

Russian Empire and Ottoman Empire.


>> From the Moon, Venus is in connection with the Sun, planet linked to

lion and the lion is a symbol of UK.


Being this the case, the peace have precarius condition.


Second Chart:


>> Observe that Jupiter left Leo and enter to Virgo in October 2, 1802.

There is not diplomacy for support peace.


>> Mars in Cancer, weak, in twelfth house from Saturno-Ketu. Mars move

on to a confrotation with Saturn. Is a resistent confrotation since Mars

in Leo is strong, but Ketu-Saturn are complicated of defeat.


>> I am put the Moon in Aries (enter after 11:09 AM, Paris) since it was

a continuous period of warfare until November 20, 1815. Whereas Moon in

Piscis not involve the same tendency.


>> From Moon in Aries, Mars is again Napoleon and Venus is again UK.

Observe that from first day of the conflict with UK, Napoleon have a

problem with WATER element (Mars weakened in Cancer) and water is linked

to naval fleet. For conquer UK, Napoleon must however, in order to mount

his invasion, to achieve naval superiority — or at least to pull the

British fleet away from the English Channel.


>> Observe Venus (UK) in exaltation in Piscis, a water sign. Furthermore

Jupiter in Virgo is in aspect to Venus. Naval superiority of UK was



>> The lord of dasa for Moon in ashwini is Ketu (with Saturn in Leo).

Remember: dasa of Ketu = 7 years; dasa of Venus = 20 years. From May

1803 to Nov 1815, there is aproximately 12 years 6 months. That is

Napoleon was defeated in Venus's dasa (Venus = UK).


Third Chart:


Napoléon Bonaparte, dont le pouvoir en France s'accroissait, était

désireux de restaurer la domination des colons français afin de

faire refleurir l'économie sucrière. Une armée de 25 000 hommes

sous la direction de son beau-frère, le général Leclerc, fut

envoyée à Saint-Domingue en décembre 1801 pour faire tenir la

promesse de Toussaint de rétablir les colons et, officieusement,

rétablir l'esclavage.


Toussaint n'était pas dupe. Il mena une guerre de repli, brûlant

les villes devant l'arrivée des troupes françaises fin janvier

1802. Leclerc vainquit les troupes de Dessalines, puis celles de

Christophe. Ayant ramené avec lui les enfants de Toussaint, il les

lui envoya, en signe d'apaisement. Le 2 mai 1802, Toussaint offrit sa

reddition contre sa liberté et l'intégration de ses troupes dans

l'armée française.


Leclerc ne s'en tint pas là. Capturé par ruse le 7 juin 1802,

Toussaint fut envoyé en France avec sa famille. A son embarquement,

il prédit :


" En me renversant, on n'a abattu que le tronc de l'arbre de la

liberté des nègres. Celui-ci repoussera par les racines, parce

qu'elles sont profondes et nombreuses. "


Il fut enfermé au Fort de Joux dans les montagnes du Jura, la plus

froide région de France. Il y mourut le 7 avril 1803.


Les Français ne réussirent pas à rétablir l'esclavage à

Saint-Domingue. Grâce à la puissance militaire construite sous

Toussaint, les noirs triomphèrent sur eux à la bataille de

Vertières en 1803. Le 1er janvier 1804, leur nouveau chef,

Jean-Jacques Dessalines, proclama l'indépendance du pays qu'il

baptisa de son nom indien : Haïti.


>> 7 June, 1803. Observe the Moon in Leo with malefic Ketu and Saturn,

but the presence of Jupiter obsctruct the death of Toussaint. In the

natal chart of Toussaint Saturn-Mars-Jupiter is in Leo. See it... (at



Sun 8 Ta 49' 51.35 " Krit


Moon 26 Pi 30' 10.77 " Reva


Mars 9 Le 55' 16.37 " Magh


Mercury 15 Ta 19' 05.09 " Rohi


Jupiter 14 Le 33' 10.21 " PPha


Venus 8 Ge 54' 28.15 " Ardr


Saturn 8 Le 52' 08.64 " Magh


Rahu 28 Ar 01' 28.56 " Krit


Ketu 28 Li 01' 28.56 " Visa


>> Observe that in the capture chart the Moon is lord of 12 th in 1th,

involved the journey (by sea = Cancer is water sign) to France and the

consequent death in relation to adverse climatic conditions (cold).


>> Consider the yogakaraka for Moon in Leo is Mars and Mars is in aspect

to Venus-Mercury in Geminis, and Geminis is 11th, friend, social group,

etc. It is linked to Jean-Jacques Dessalines, He served as an officer in

the French army and later rose to become a commander in the revolt

against the same colonial power. As Toussaint L'Ouverture's principal

lieutenant, he led many successful engagements. In his natal chart,

Dessalines have a Mars-Mercury conjunction in Libra (sign of the Venus).

See it... (at 12:00)


Sun 7 Vi 05' 19.41 " UPha


Moon 23 Ar 36' 28.91 " Bhar


Mars 15 Li 39' 41.55 " Swat


Mercury 0 Li 46' 03.62 " Chit


Jupiter 22 Sc 19' 18.24 " Jye


Venus 9 Le 19' 25.04 " Magh


Saturn ® 8 Aq 14' 09.90 " Sata


Rahu 1 Cn 09' 44.07 " Puna


Ketu 1 Cp 09' 44.07 " USha


>>The prediction of Toussaint was rigth and have an important

astrological connection. Haiti declared its independence on January 1,



Sun 19 Sg 02' 45.43 " PSha


Moon 13 Le 22' 06.46 " PPha


Mars 12 Sg 26' 14.36 " Mool


Mercury 27 Sg 05' 22.98 " USha


Jupiter 11 Li 03' 02.82 " Swat


Venus 8 Cp 20' 00.97 " USha


Saturn 12 Vi 20' 03.11 " Hast


Rahu 24 Cp 46' 30.03 " Dhan


Ketu 24 Cn 46' 30.03 " Asre


- Observe that the Moon is in Leo, the same sign of the capture of

Toussaint, after 21 lunar cycles.


- Saturn left Leo (August 26, 1803). Ketu is in Cancer and Rahu in

Capricorn ( October 17, 1803). The malefics " liberate " to the

Moon in Leo. Consider that the the Battle of Vertières, the last

major battle of the Second War of Haitian Independence, the final part

of the Haitian Revolution. It was fought between Haitian rebels and

French expeditionary forces on November 18, 1803. That is after the

malefic planets go out of Leo.


- Consider the position of the Moon in sagittarius in November 18, 1803.

Sagittarius is the opposite sign to Geminis, where Venus-Mercury

conjunction (with aspect from Mars) is present in the capture of

Toussaint. It makes senses since the victory was obtain for Dessalines,

a comrade of Toussaint in the fight.


Fourth Chart:


In late 1802 he was named by government informers and disaffected

soldiers as a member of a conspiracy engaged in a plot to seize the

Tower of London and Bank of England and assassinate George III. The

evidence was thin but Despard was arrested and prosecuted by Attorney

General Spencer Perceval, before Lord Ellenborough, the Lord Chief

Justice. Despite a dramatic appearance by Lord Nelson as character

witness on his behalf, Despard was found guilty by the jury of high

treason, and sentenced, with six of his fellow-conspirators (John Wood

and John Francis, both privates in the army, carpenter Thomas Broughton,

shoemaker James Sedgwick Wratton, slater Arthur Graham, and John

Macnamara),[1] to be hanged, drawn and quartered.


These were the last men to be so sentenced in England, although prior to

execution the sentence was commuted to simple hanging and beheading,

amid fears that the draconian punishment might spark public dissent.

Despard was executed on the roof of the gatehouse at Horsemonger Lane

Gaol, in front of a crowd of at least 20,000 spectators, on 21 February



>> Is a especial cancellation of karmik reactions since Rahu-Ketu have a

important presence in the event. Observe that Sun-Moon in New Moon



>> Dasa of Mars and after, dasa of Rahu. Indicate a next reencarnation

very infortunate... perhaps some period in the Patalas?.


>> Take notice of the resemblance with the astrological chart (of death)

of Augusto Pinochet (dictator of Chile). See the chart with the time and

location right.


Sun 24 Sc 33' 18.08 " Jye


Moon 3 Le 53' 13.35 " Magh


Mars 9 Sc 14' 38.40 " Anu


Mercury 9 Sc 43' 40.61 " Anu


Jupiter 9 Sc 42' 35.98 " Anu


Venus 5 Sg 24' 50.49 " Mool


Saturn ® 1 Le 05' 47.25 " Magh


Rahu 26 Aq 50' 28.04 " PBha


Ketu 26 Le 50' 28.04 " UPha


Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte was a general and President of

Chile. Pinochet led a military junta to power in 1973, through a coup

d'état, deposing the democratically-elected Socialist President

Salvador Allende and establishing a military government. In 1974,

Pinochet appointed himself President and remained in power until 1990.

His coup d'etat generate the death of the socialist president



For me, this deaths are specially karmik deaths.


Note: This is only a part of the more extensive histo-astrological




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