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ALL GURUS: operative definition of WEALTH in Vedic Astrologer/ Debilitated and Retro Planets in Divisional Charts 14/6

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Dear Sir,


Thanks for your reply.


However, some doubts are still lingering...


NBRY therefore means the individual will be DRIVEN than the ordinary person in

accumulating wealth because of his own greed? or to match his extra-ordinary

propensity to consume?


I was UNDER THE IMPRESSION that such yogas and arrangement of some planets


planets) that would allow an individual to maximize his talents in accumulating

material wealth. In other words, he gets opportunities that are not readily

available to others--or that he is always at the " right place " at the " right

time. "


For instance, I am studying a chart that has 3 exalted planets and 2 planets

in their own signs in the dasamsa. This is very rare. And the yogas did fructify

as far as the career is concerned. The woman finished College at age 18 with

two degrees. Some extraordinary CHARISMATIC event brought her to the height of

her career, allowing her to " rub elbows " with the rich and powerful, though she

herself is not rich. The fact that she circulates in the circles of the high and

mighty is an indication that the Raj Yogas worked.


Then again, I also have achart of a woman who has 2 exalted planets in dasamsa

but has not shown signs of " greatness " .


My point therefore, what is the OPERATIVE DEFINITION OF WEALTH as far as

Vedic Astrology is concerned.


Because your example, and some Guru's too, of " wealth " that is as far as the

debilitated planets are concerned, is " living beyond one's income means, loans,

credit cards, and thus, chasing money through means other than the ordinary. "


I think Gurus should be clear on what the scriptures are SAYING ABOUT WEALTH.

Is is wealth from income? Is it passive income? Is wealth conspicous

consumption? Is it utilization of resources? Is wealth even a " material gains "

as far as Vedic Astrology is concerned.? AND IF IT CAME FROM EXTRA ORDINARY


should be something positive? This way, our predictions are not too vague and



As for my original questions, since planets do not get debilitated, combust

and retrograde in REAL LIFE. (we just perceive them to be) do they exert real

pressure to the individual as far as bad major events are concerned? Mercury

retrograde (its not really retro) can make things go a little crazy.


Again, let me pose the following questions:


1. Are planets that are combust, remain combust in all divisional charts?

2. Same question for retrogrades.

3. does a planet's functional status from the point of view of D1, have any

bearing at all in the other divisional charts.


Thanks for your time and patience.







Me Shubha Vela <pkgoteti wrote:

Lispeth Sidani,


Well I am sure he has also followed the a model I too follow pl see my post on

dusthanas in current times.


on ur question


well the rules were laid out when society was in order


Dharmam Mulam idat Jagat (right conduct, action, life, earnings drove the world


[as they never chased material wealth or aggrandizement, what they got took it

as gods gift]



it is Dhanam Mulam idat Jagat (Money drives the world)

money alone matters means no questions asked


so the yogas that said were bad were actually the ones that denoted such gains,

that is compete and win at any cost or snatch it, be smarter than him use

sabotage on ur competitors as a strategy whatver] again OD , borrowings credit

cards, home loans, personal loans etc] how do these come


living beyond ur real income today. u chase ur payments by some means other than



so the NBRY YOGAS PROPEL wealth into a native if neecha placements are there in

divisional charts


I hope this covers ur curiosity


a good question I must say.


Best wishes


G B Prashant Kumar


Pl give personal data with some life events with dates=jobs, marriage, family,

kids, high/low times. Picture or 2 to personal ID pkgoteti, for Lagna

features check.

Services of this astrologer in the group are free, personal mail and CHAT

consultations ARE CHARGEABLE! Mobile 09840051861 Chennai, India



liz_sidani <liz_sidani

vedic astrology

Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:25:21 PM

[vedic astrology] Debilitated and Retro Planets in Divisional Charts


Dear Learned Ones,



In one Guru's lectures, he mentioned that a debilitated benefic in

navamsa or dasamsa, definitely means wealth--material wealth that is,

for the individual. What is the explanation for this. Specifically,


1. Was he refering to " functional benefics " or natural benefics?

2. If the planet in question is a functional benefic, would the rule

still apply?


3. If the planet in question is Mercury who is a " neutral, " what would

its debility in the navamsa or dasamsa imply?


4. If the planet being both the 2nd and 11th lord(s) and ALSO happens

to be the Atmakara (as far as the Rasi is concerned), BECOMES

DEBILITATED IN NAVAMSA BY 50%, would this, applying the Guru's

principle, indicate wealth too?. I would think it implies harship for

the individual. Though the indivual whose chart I'm studying seems to

be having no major difficulties in money.


5. If a planet is debilitated in the 10th house of navamsa how will

its placement " flavor " the 10th house in the dasamsa? I asked this

question because most astrologers use the navamsa more often when

studying the charts of famous individuals.


6. Does one's Atmakara changes per divisional chart?


7. If Atmakara refers to the " soul's urge in this lifetime " what would

its combustion, retrogression or debilitation signify as far as the

individual's " soul mission " is concerned.


8. Is it safe to assume that by just looking at the Atmakara, we

can " predict " more or less, the type of profession the individual is

DRAWN to (at the core of his being). For instance, if its Jupiter AK,

then he must be a teacher, lecturer, astrologer, psychologist, priest,

etc. If its Surya, then he should be a govt. official, politician,

entertainer, performer, corporate leader, etc..?


9. In one book I bought in Malaysia, it says that the navamsa chart

becomes the definitive chart by 60% after the individual turns 32. The

remaining " hold " of the rasi becomes 40%. Is this true?


10. Finally, when a planet is afflicted in the rasi, say Combust, does

it stay combust in ALL DIVISIONAL charts?


11. Does the same hold true for a retrograde planets?


Thanks in advance for your insights.



Lispeth Sidani



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