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Aspects - Divisional Charts

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Dear Viji,


I use aspects in divisional charts. This is purely my choice of

analyzing divisional charts since I was taught by my teacher to do



Follow what your teacher says. Collect as many charts as possible

from your friends, relatives, colleagues. Ask them, date of their

marriage, date of child birth or death of any family members in their

family, date of employment etc. etc. Do not feel shy on this count.

From the known only one can understand the unknown. Apply the

rules taught to you in the respective dividsional charts, what is the

promise of marriage? Early marriage or late one, smooth marriage or a

problematic one, why marriage happened in that period? Try to

correlate in Rasi and Navamsa – Navamsa is meant for marriage,

happiness from marriage, separation, intervention of courts in

marriage life, violence in marriage etc. etc.


Use aspects first. Then try to see without using the aspects whether

the events are getting justified or not as per the over all

instructions of sage Parashara. See yourself. Come to a

conclusion. That is the only way and this is the real method to

learn astrology. Of course it takes lot of time, energy and

patience. There is no short cut. I have no commitments or compulsion

to use astrology as the means for my livelihood and I have chosen

this way.


Follow a single rule which is taught to you by your teacher for quite

some time i.e. till you can frame your own opinion on any issue – at

least for 10 years you have to pursue and have patience, if you

really want to learn astrology for the sake of astrology and

understand the science.



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