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What is a Horoscope? Karma, Destiny, Freewill

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I am considering including this 1 page article at the start of any

interpretation I would do for anyone. What do you think of it?


Thanks for your consideration!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


What is this Horoscope?

This horoscope is a snapshot of your “karma”.


First let me define what I mean by this often misunderstood and

casually misused word. Karma is not “destiny”. Destiny implies

something completely outside your control. Karma, however, is

something you create for yourself. “Every action has an equal and

opposite reaction,” Newton noted in the physical world. Expand that

concept to include the interactions between living beings - that’s



Another term from India - not as popular as “karma” but equally

important to this discussion - is “Jeeva”. Jeeva is a spiritual “atom”

of consciousness and will. The Jeeva is “Freewill”. Karma is

meaningless without freewill. If you did not freely choose to

undertake an action why should you be held accountable for the reaction?


Life is a balance between karma and freewill.


This horoscope can accuracy depict the detailed karma that will come

to play in your life. No horoscope, however, can predict what you, the

Jeeva of freewill, will make of that karma.


What you make of your karma in this horoscope will determine the

horoscope of your future.


This brings up another important Astrological concept: “Samsara” - the

cycle of life and death. We are born and then we die. When we die we

return to the state we were in before we were born. As once we were

born from that state, so will we be again. We call this

“reincarnation.” This horoscope mainly depicts karma resulting from

actions you took and decisions you made in the countless previous

incarnations of your Jeeva. Now, in this life, you should exercise

your freewill wisely because your choices and actions will build your

future karma.


In a game of poker you are dealt a bunch of cards. Now it’s up to you

how to play those cards. If you play poorly you could spoil even a

royal flush, and if you play your best you could win big even on a

terrible starting hand.


This horoscope shows you what cards you have in your hand. Now, play!

The cards certainly can impose some limitations, but when it comes don

to it, your life is up to you, not up to the stars. You are the one

responsible for what you make of this life.


Bearing that in mind, I’ll now show you the karmic energies that are

coming to you in this life, and will suggest how to best exercise your

courage, determination, and freewill to counteract the challenging

karmas and amplify the bountiful ones.



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