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ANS:# No.4639:Vijay Goel : Query from LK: 35 Saala Chakker

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Umesh Bhai, Does this mean then, that at time of birth, the chakar started with Saturn for 6 years? How come you said after 41 years the chakar is finished? Please explain. Thank you for your ongoing leadership and senior insight in the forum. Regards, Iqbal Toronto, Canada Umesh Sharma <mudit982001 wrote: Dear Iqbaal ji,1.Janamdin ka grah=Moon. 2. JanamSamay ka grah= Saturn. Thanks May God bless you Umesh Sharma--- In

lalkitab , Iqbal <punjabilovebug wrote:>> Umesh Ji,> > Suppose one is born on Monday at 9:45pm, then where does the 35 yr chakar start from?> > Thanks,> Iqbal> Toronto, Canada> > Umesh Sharma <mudit982001 wrote:> Dear Vijay,> Read your answers in capital letters below your querries.> Umesh Sharma> lalkitab , "Vijay Goel" <goyalvj@> > wrote:> >> > > > Dear Members,> > > > I wanted to know that in 35 years circulation, first cycle

is> > sani 1-6> > rahu 7-12> > ketu 13-15> > bhrishpati 16-21> > surya 22-23> > chandra 24> > shukra 25-27> > mangal 28-33> > budh 34-35> > And again this cycle repeats.> ANS: ALLOTED YEARS TO PLANETS ARE CORRECTED, AND YES, IT REPEATS BUT > STARTING SEQUENCE IS NOT CORRECT. > > (a)Is this cycle is correct as per LK> ANS: NO, THIS CYCLE STARTS FROM "JANAMSAMAY KA GRAH" AS PER EXAMPLE: > IF JANAMSAMAY KA GRAH IS "SATURN" THAN THIS 35 SALA CHAKRA ENDS > AFTER 41YEARS OF AGE. FOR KONWING OF "JANAMSAMAY KA GRAH" READ LAL-> KITAB'S VYAKARAN PART THERE IT IS VERY CLEARLLY NOTED.> > (b)is this cycle is fixed for every chart as per LK.> ANS:YES.> >

(b) If different how it can be calculated and how it lworks.> ANS: I AGAIN SAYS THAT IT IS START FROM " JANAM SAMAY KA GRAH" AND > CYCLE AS FOLLOW> 1. JUPITER 6YRS.> 2. SUN 2YRS.> 3. MOON 1YRS.> 4. VENUS 3YRS.> 5. MARS 6YRS.> 6. MERC. 3YRS.> 7. SATURN 6YRS.> 8. RAHU 6YRS.> 9. KETU 3YRS> -------> 35 YRS> ---------> THIS IS A SQUENCE.

> THANKS> MAY GOD BLESS YOU> UMESH SHARMA> > > > > > > > In Lal-Kitab Goswami and Vashisth Pg 78 point (e) states that // > Full account of 35 years circulation is incorporated in the matrix > for ANNUAL CHARTS// what does it clearly

means.> > > > Learned Members please throw light on my query.> > > > Thanks,> > Best Wishes,> > Vijay Goel.> >> > > > > > > > > Beware: People will contact you on your personal mail offering remedies, far from transparency of this group. The risk is yours. Trust only if you initiate correspondence.> > Launching online course soon. This is a prelaunch intimation.> > Post your Lal Kitab related questions, clarifications, discussins with subject line starting with "LK Query". This gets the moderator answering them immediately as these will be considered learning questions.> > Astrologers: Your ID will be banned if you solicit horoscopes/birth data on to your personal mail.> > If difficulties in organising remedies material, contact lalkitabremedies >

Please select "No email" option to avoid mails to your mailbox.> > Please be patient. Effort is to answer all queries systematically, queue wise based on Msg # no. Do remind if your message is missed. Generally, an answer to your query should happen within one week. > > Umesh Sharma, a professional astrologer, has most of the day consumed by his clients. Hence lag in answering queries.> > > Post in group for free limited guidance. Send private mails to Umeshji only if ready to pay for full professional consultation.> > INSTRUCTION:- 1. DO ONLY ONE REMEDY IN ONE DAY, DURING DAY TIME.> 2. SEND FEED BACK AFTER 15/43DAYS, AFTER HAVING PERFORMED THE REMEDIES.> > CAUTION: Although utmost care has been taken to select and suggest the remedies, remedies suggested are in good faith with the view to do welfare of Humanity. Consultees should observe and perform these only at

their own will, accord and risk. > > > >

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