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Yogas ? Should time be spent on them ?

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Can anyone tell me what should be the next

move, once we have seen the Yogas present in

a chart ? Can a normal person make them

fructify the same with conscious efforts ?

Or does he wait for them to show their

results ? Can a person better than the normal

make them fructify when they are bound to

happen, or do they fructify on their own ?

Is it possible to time the Yogas fructification

to within a week or fortnights time.( Now those

who answer in the affirmative , I am going to

request them to please check my Chart for

the 3 best Yogas, and time them ).


Verification of Yogas in a chart, for Balarishta

etc, when a child is born and when the Doctors

say is critical for next 48 hours or so, is

understandable. But the verification of Yogas

in a chart just for elation sake, somehow

intrigues me.


I remember when I was much younger, and had

purchased the book of 300 Yogas by Shri

BV Raman, I had sat down to search for respective

Yogas in my Horoscope. In those days we never

had access to the software's of today which

just give us the Yogas present in a chart, at the

click of a button on the PC screen. Even today

I check the Yogas manually, lest

I forget what I learnt from my Brihat Jataka

Teacher. Anyway I searched and found many Yogas,

in my Chart. Some frightened me , with the

results mentioned therein, while the others gave

me a high.and joy. I remember Budhi aditya yoga

which we commonly know, in my chart was in Gemini,

with Mercury and the Lagna Lord Sun therein the

same sign, in the 11th house. Okay . And the other

Yoga was Mahabhagya Yoga, where in a day birth

one has to have the ascendant,Sun and Moon, all

in odd signs which I did have. (Lagna-Leo,Sun in

Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius). This gave me a

big high.


But subsequently what else could I

do after knowing these Yogas ? Nothing. Except

feeling happy and waiting for my fortunes to rise,

which never did, except perhaps for a

son to carry on the family name, which among

5 brothers, only I had. This was Gods grace and

I translated the Mahabhagya into this result.


But where was the conscious effort to translate

these Yogas into reality from my side ? None.


Therefore I feel ultimately, searching for

very many Yogas, and talking much about these,

would not be the right thing apparently, if one

has to utilize his time on astrological knowledge.

Looking at the Yogas in ones own chart, with

unattached emotions , and then moving ahead

would be the right attitude.


BUT, for the serious seeker of astro knowledge,

Yogas are actually the combinations which give

a constant result, and have been formed on certain

parameters based on common effects realised

among various natives, and experienced , by

the ancient seers, and cannot be overlooked,

or waived off in the air , if one has to

search for clues in his chart for the not

so apparent pointers for many important

factors in ones LIfe.


But for a ordinary common person, who is not

a astrologer, it is always better to leave

all such stuff,after a point of conclusion

reached, instead of dragging it on continous

discussions,which may take his own time and

others time.personally I would not answer the

query if any native asks me to search for the

Yogas present in his chart and relate to him.


This was just a personal opinion, and not

related to anyone on the List.




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