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Final Dispositor in Vargottama

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Dear Kumar,


Dispositorship refers to Rasi...

Vargottama simply supports (or diminishes) a planet's strength in a

particular sign which will be evident during the dasa of that planet.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Kumar Arumugam " <kumar58

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:02 PM

Final Dispositor in Vargottama



In a situation where the final dispositor ends in Vargottama, eg. Me in

Ar, Mar in Aq, Sa in Sg, Ju in Li, and Ve in Pi. Venus and Jupiter are

in Vargottama. In this situation, which planet will be the final

dispositor for Mercury? Venus or Jupiter?

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Dear Wendy,


I am very new to astrology. Can you please clarify this further. In a

vargottama situation, Venus and Jupiter in this case, aren't the two

planets dispositors of each other?




jyotish-vidya , " Wendy Vasicek "

<jyotishvidya wrote:


> Dear Kumar,


> Dispositorship refers to Rasi...

> Vargottama simply supports (or diminishes) a planet's strength in a

> particular sign which will be evident during the dasa of that



> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___



> -

> " Kumar Arumugam " <kumar58

> <jyotish-vidya >

> Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:02 PM

> Final Dispositor in Vargottama



> In a situation where the final dispositor ends in Vargottama, eg.

Me in

> Ar, Mar in Aq, Sa in Sg, Ju in Li, and Ve in Pi. Venus and Jupiter


> in Vargottama. In this situation, which planet will be the final

> dispositor for Mercury? Venus or Jupiter?


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Dear Mrs.Wendy,


You wrote:


> Vargottama simply supports (or diminishes) a planet's strength in a

> particular sign which will be evident during the dasa of that planet.



What would be the case for planet in vargottama in its inimical sign?

weakening its strength?




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Dear Manasa,


A planet without strength in both rasi and navamsha is doubly afflicted. A

planet with full strength in both charts is doubly blessed.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" m2sangeeth " <m2sangeeth

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, January 26, 2008 10:45 PM

Re: Final Dispositor in Vargottama



Dear Mrs.Wendy,


You wrote:


> Vargottama simply supports (or diminishes) a planet's strength in a

> particular sign which will be evident during the dasa of that planet.



What would be the case for planet in vargottama in its inimical sign?

weakening its strength?




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The final dispositor, one planet control theory (MC Jain, unless I am

remembering wrongly) refers to the planet which is one in own sign

and ends up being the last planet in the dispositor counting. In your

example Venus. If it is vargottama (or other significant roles such

as atmakaraka or lagnesha, dashamesha etc) that gives it additional

attributes but even without those it remains the final dispositor.


It is good to have the final dispositor strong and benefic on several

counts, since it is carrying a lot of responsibility. A weak final

dispositor, logically would represent problems. Just being in own

sign, is not enough to make a planet strong and beneficial.


A vargottama planet is more transparent. Since it is sattwika.



jyotish-vidya , " Kumar Arumugam " <kumar58



> In a situation where the final dispositor ends in Vargottama, eg.

Me in

> Ar, Mar in Aq, Sa in Sg, Ju in Li, and Ve in Pi. Venus and Jupiter


> in Vargottama. In this situation, which planet will be the final

> dispositor for Mercury? Venus or Jupiter?


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Dear Manas,


Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the work of Jain, except for some

critical comments I've read that say the bulk of his work was not his own

but copied from other sources such as Isadore Kozminsky, Raphael, Mohan

Koparkar etc.. I personally cannot comment on this, of course, not having

read any of his books.

However, I do know that the sages themselves have given us adequate

guidelines regarding the use of dispositors. Yogas such as Parvata, Kakala,

Parijatha, Kalpadruma, Mridanga etc being clear examples. See BPHS below...




*Note the following four planets: a) the ascendant lord, b) the dispositor

of the ascendant lord, c) the dispositor of the planet at " b " , d) the

Navamsa dispositor of the planet at " c " .

If all these are disposed in angles and trines from the ascendant, or be

exalted, Kalpadruma yoga exists. One with this yoga will be endowed with all

kinds of wealth, be a king, pious, strong, fond of war, and merciful.*


Just from this yoga alone, which incorporates the dispositor of ascendant

lord's dispositor etc; we can logically follow the same principle in regards

to other house lords.


In Ernst Wilhelm's 'Core Yogas' we read:

*The first four dispositor yogas given: Parvata Yoga, Kahala Yoga,

Parijatha Yoga, and Kalpadruma Yoga are all centered on the lagna

lord, therefore, they further the native in life. The principles

illustrated by these four yogas, however, may be extended to other

house lords as well; these other houses being furthered and a benefit

to the native in the event that their lord's dispositors are well situated

as illustrated by these yogas.*


I think it would be wrong therefore to claim this to be a (new) theory put

forward by any modern author. Perhaps Jain has been responsible for

popularising/modernising this principle, but not, I feel, for developing the

principle/theory itself. You've mentioned Jain several times here. Can you

tell me what impresses you about his work?


///The final dispositor, one planet control theory refers to the planet

which is one in own sign and ends up being the last planet in the dispositor



It can be of course that there is not one final dispositor. I was looking at

a tentative chart for Heath Ledger, the actor who died recently at the age

of 28. In this chart, JU is final dispositor of all except MO & ME who are

their own final dispositor...neither of which occupy their own sign...

In fact no planet occupies own sign in this chart (including Jupiter).


Comments welcome :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Jyotish Volunteers " <jyotishi

<jyotish-vidya >

Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:11 PM

Re: Final Dispositor in Vargottama



The final dispositor, one planet control theory (MC Jain, unless I am

remembering wrongly) refers to the planet which is one in own sign

and ends up being the last planet in the dispositor counting. In your

example Venus. If it is vargottama (or other significant roles such

as atmakaraka or lagnesha, dashamesha etc) that gives it additional

attributes but even without those it remains the final dispositor.


It is good to have the final dispositor strong and benefic on several

counts, since it is carrying a lot of responsibility. A weak final

dispositor, logically would represent problems. Just being in own

sign, is not enough to make a planet strong and beneficial.


A vargottama planet is more transparent. Since it is sattwika.

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Hi Wendy,


I think Rick Houk was very taken by M.C. Jain as he mentioned him quite a bit in

his article in the 36 Teachers series that came out in 90s (the Charubel --

degrees of zodiac simplified approach of MC Jain) and I think I read some posts

in Finn Wandahl's posts that someone sent me from an archieved jyotish



And absolutely! Final dispositor does not have to be only the planet that is in

own sign! We have recently seen an example here where there was a loop at the

end -- such as would be the case if jupiter were in libra and venus in pisces as

final dispositors! Interestingly, they remind me not as the spear-point that

some think a final dispositor is, but more like a lasoo or more morbidly the

final noose ;-)


Please pardon my levity, I know I am in the presence of senior and serious

company and must behave!


Wendy Vasicek


Sunday, January 27, 2008 5:50 AM

Re: Re: Final Dispositor in Vargottama



Dear Manas,


Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the work of Jain, except for some

critical comments I've read that say the bulk of his work was not his own

but copied from other sources such as Isadore Kozminsky, Raphael, Mohan

Koparkar etc.. I personally cannot comment on this, of course, not having

read any of his books.

However, I do know that the sages themselves have given us adequate

guidelines regarding the use of dispositors. Yogas such as Parvata, Kakala,

Parijatha, Kalpadruma, Mridanga etc being clear examples. See BPHS below...




*Note the following four planets: a) the ascendant lord, b) the dispositor

of the ascendant lord, c) the dispositor of the planet at " b " , d) the

Navamsa dispositor of the planet at " c " .

If all these are disposed in angles and trines from the ascendant, or be

exalted, Kalpadruma yoga exists. One with this yoga will be endowed with all

kinds of wealth, be a king, pious, strong, fond of war, and merciful.*


Just from this yoga alone, which incorporates the dispositor of ascendant

lord's dispositor etc; we can logically follow the same principle in regards

to other house lords.


In Ernst Wilhelm's 'Core Yogas' we read:

*The first four dispositor yogas given: Parvata Yoga, Kahala Yoga,

Parijatha Yoga, and Kalpadruma Yoga are all centered on the lagna

lord, therefore, they further the native in life. The principles

illustrated by these four yogas, however, may be extended to other

house lords as well; these other houses being furthered and a benefit

to the native in the event that their lord's dispositors are well situated

as illustrated by these yogas.*


I think it would be wrong therefore to claim this to be a (new) theory put

forward by any modern author. Perhaps Jain has been responsible for

popularising/modernising this principle, but not, I feel, for developing the

principle/theory itself. You've mentioned Jain several times here. Can you

tell me what impresses you about his work?


///The final dispositor, one planet control theory refers to the planet

which is one in own sign and ends up being the last planet in the dispositor



It can be of course that there is not one final dispositor. I was looking at

a tentative chart for Heath Ledger, the actor who died recently at the age

of 28. In this chart, JU is final dispositor of all except MO & ME who are

their own final dispositor...neither of which occupy their own sign...

In fact no planet occupies own sign in this chart (including Jupiter).


Comments welcome :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Jyotish Volunteers " <jyotishi

<jyotish-vidya >

Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:11 PM

Re: Final Dispositor in Vargottama


The final dispositor, one planet control theory (MC Jain, unless I am

remembering wrongly) refers to the planet which is one in own sign

and ends up being the last planet in the dispositor counting. In your

example Venus. If it is vargottama (or other significant roles such

as atmakaraka or lagnesha, dashamesha etc) that gives it additional

attributes but even without those it remains the final dispositor.


It is good to have the final dispositor strong and benefic on several

counts, since it is carrying a lot of responsibility. A weak final

dispositor, logically would represent problems. Just being in own

sign, is not enough to make a planet strong and beneficial.


A vargottama planet is more transparent. Since it is sattwika.







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