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Wendy ji's operation

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Wendy ji,


///It was actually Mon 2nd Apr that it was excised. A

little late now for me to check transits etc for that



On that day, Chandra was in Hasta in the 9th, aspected

by Lagnadipati Sani, Kuja and Surya.


Guru [12 lord - hospitals] is not directly involved,

but he aspects both Surya and Sani, who, in turn,

aspect Chandra.


///It's fortunate that my Dr. opted to cut it out and

send to pathology rather than freeze it off (which I'd

asked him to) as it turned out to be cancerous... a

well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.///


Ah, one of the benefits of a strong 9th house, right,

Wendy ji? A person with a strong 9th house of luck

either takes the right decision, or allows somebody

else to take the right decision for him/her! :-)


Budha, as the lord of the 9th, is a strongly

intellectual and logical graha. Did you feel that the

doctor should do what he wanted to do because he,

after all, knows more about medicine?




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor








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Dear Balaji,


//Guru [12 lord - hospitals] is not directly involved,

but he aspects both Surya and Sani, who, in turn,

aspect Chandra.//


Transits have little relevance if not read in conjunction with current

dasas...being in this instance ME-JU-SA-SA. As we know, Jupiter is a F/M

for Capricorn and as such can prove harmful to the native. We also know that

physical development (adipose tissue etc) is governed by Jupiter. We know

too that all tumours are (basically) due to abnormal tissue development.


Bhukti lord Jupiter, conjunct Rahu, aspects 3rd (arms etc). We can say then

that the possibility is inherent in Vimsottari. I believe that the catalyst,

in this instance, is the transit of Jupiter aspecting 3rd from Scorpio. The

good fortune of having the carcinoma removed early was due primarily, I

believe, to Jupiter occupying nakshatra of 9th lord Mercury in transit as

well as in rasi. P/D lord Saturn, transiting natal Jupiter, also occupied

Mercury nakshatra...9th, as we know, governs remedies, medicine etc..


8th lord Sun transiting Jupiter's sign Pisces (3rd) is an indicator of

month...surgical procedures (accidents etc) are seen from 8th. Whilst

Jupiter's dispositor (Moon) aspecting 3rd from 9th (in nakshatra of Sun)

indicates the day...Sun BTW also occupied nakshatra of dasa lord Mercury.


//Budha, as the lord of the 9th, is a strongly

intellectual and logical graha. Did you feel that the

doctor should do what he wanted to do because he,

after all, knows more about medicine?//


I was actually toying with the idea of freezing it myself (you can buy the

stick for this over the counter). But I decided, by the grace of God, it

would probably be better to have Dr. do it...the right decision, no doubt as

the squamous cell carcinomas are very aggressive (malignant) and can spread

quickly if not removed in time :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Balaji Narasimhan " <sherlockbalaji

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:10 PM

Re: Wendy ji's operation



Wendy ji,


///It was actually Mon 2nd Apr that it was excised. A

little late now for me to check transits etc for that



On that day, Chandra was in Hasta in the 9th, aspected

by Lagnadipati Sani, Kuja and Surya.


Guru [12 lord - hospitals] is not directly involved,

but he aspects both Surya and Sani, who, in turn,

aspect Chandra.


///It's fortunate that my Dr. opted to cut it out and

send to pathology rather than freeze it off (which I'd

asked him to) as it turned out to be cancerous... a

well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.///


Ah, one of the benefits of a strong 9th house, right,

Wendy ji? A person with a strong 9th house of luck

either takes the right decision, or allows somebody

else to take the right decision for him/her! :-)


Budha, as the lord of the 9th, is a strongly

intellectual and logical graha. Did you feel that the

doctor should do what he wanted to do because he,

after all, knows more about medicine?




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor








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Wendy ji,


///Bhukti lord Jupiter, conjunct Rahu, aspects 3rd

(arms etc). We can say then that the possibility is

inherent in Vimsottari.///


Does this mean that, if Udu Dasa indicates something,

but transits don't, then it will not happen?


///The good fortune of having the carcinoma removed

early was due primarily, I believe, to Jupiter

occupying nakshatra of 9th lord Mercury in transit as

well as in rasi.///


Yes! If the 9th lord doesn't have his say, then luck

just disappears! :-)


///8th lord Sun transiting Jupiter's sign Pisces (3rd)

is an indicator of month...surgical procedures

(accidents etc) are seen from 8th.///


Interesting! Wendy ji, one day, when you are free, you

should write an article corelating your various

surgeries with Surya's transits. I'm sure it will be



///I was actually toying with the idea of freezing it

myself (you can buy the stick for this over the



Thank God you didn't!


I think, Wendy ji, that it is always best to go to a

good doctor whenever one is not sure. I mean, why take

a risk?


BTW, my uncle, who is in ICU in the US after bypass,

has developed some complications relating to

BP/diabetes. In my chart, with Vrishaba Lagna, PD

natha Chandra, lord of the 3rd, is transiting the 8th.




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor








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Dear Balaji,


//Does this mean that, if Udu Dasa indicates something,

but transits don't, then it will not happen?//


The possibility inherent in dasa is influenced (supported or restricted) by

transit. Transit on its own cannot determine an event.


//BTW, my uncle, who is in ICU in the US after bypass,

has developed some complications relating to

BP/diabetes. In my chart, with Vrishaba Lagna, PD

natha Chandra, lord of the 3rd, is transiting the 8th.//


How is he progressing now?


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







" Balaji Narasimhan " <sherlockbalaji

<jyotish-vidya >

Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:43 PM

Re: Wendy ji's operation



Wendy ji,


///Bhukti lord Jupiter, conjunct Rahu, aspects 3rd

(arms etc). We can say then that the possibility is

inherent in Vimsottari.///


Does this mean that, if Udu Dasa indicates something,

but transits don't, then it will not happen?


///The good fortune of having the carcinoma removed

early was due primarily, I believe, to Jupiter

occupying nakshatra of 9th lord Mercury in transit as

well as in rasi.///


Yes! If the 9th lord doesn't have his say, then luck

just disappears! :-)


///8th lord Sun transiting Jupiter's sign Pisces (3rd)

is an indicator of month...surgical procedures

(accidents etc) are seen from 8th.///


Interesting! Wendy ji, one day, when you are free, you

should write an article corelating your various

surgeries with Surya's transits. I'm sure it will be



///I was actually toying with the idea of freezing it

myself (you can buy the stick for this over the



Thank God you didn't!


I think, Wendy ji, that it is always best to go to a

good doctor whenever one is not sure. I mean, why take

a risk?


BTW, my uncle, who is in ICU in the US after bypass,

has developed some complications relating to

BP/diabetes. In my chart, with Vrishaba Lagna, PD

natha Chandra, lord of the 3rd, is transiting the 8th.




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor








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Wendy ji,


///How is he progressing now?///


To the best of my knowledge, he is still in the ICU.

My cousin brother, who is with him, seems tired of

answering phones and e-mails, so I have decided not to

bother him for a while.


Some days back, he had some problem with fluid

accumulation in the lungs--in my chart, with Vrishaba

Lagna, we have PD of Chandra, with watery Chandra

ruling lungs aspected by 8th lord Guru.


The 4th rules lungs, and lord Surya is now transiting

the 12th from Vrishaba aspected by Sani.




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor








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