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please help me to resettle my elder sons marriage?

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Dear Shri.Sharma,


In your son’s horoscope Moon and Moon Rasi’s 7th house are afflicted and hence

bhravrajyA yOgA (sanyAsa yOgA) inflected on him. In my opinion if he could

strictly observe “khAbAlica sanyAsA” in a distant unknown place (totally

unconnected to his kith and kin) for a minimum period of 48 days and later on he

may relinquish the sanyAsa after dip in a holly River.



Alternatively if possible please have consultations with Pt.Sanjay Rathji /

Pt. Arjunji or with any other reputed professional Astrologers who may guide





D.Sathiyanarayana Gupta.



" suryaprakash shar,a " <sps_sharma_2005 wrote:

dear learned gurus,experrts and common members,

I am an retired aero engr and having interest in indological

studies,by last six years i am facing critical problem about my leder

sons marriage;his details r as under:

DOB:27.02.1973;TOB:00:30hrs(night at 12 hrs 30 mins);POB:jodhpur(RAJ);

marrital status:married in dec2001 and geot divorse within one

year;since than he is unable to get suitable match,we consulted many

astrologers and also performed kaala sarpa dosha nivaraNa puja;but all

in vein;can any one from you tell me why there is so much delay in

resettlement of marriage?is there some blck magic or witchcraft tried

on my son?we shall be highly obliged if you can help us;thanks









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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Mr.Sharma,

I dont believe in post-mortem of events, when it is said to the

astrologer. But your son's chart can be an addition to my chart


few things that clearly shows divorce in chart

1)See, the 7th lord from Navamsha lagna, Saturn in Navamsha lagna,

aspected by Jupiter, the 6th & 9th lord, & saturn is with 3rd lord &

12th lord.What does this indicate?

2)7th lord from Lagna, venus in Mar's Nakshatra, who happens to be the

6th lord. What does this indicate again?






vedic astrology , " suryaprakash shar,a "

<sps_sharma_2005 wrote:


> dear learned gurus,experrts and common members,

> I am an retired aero engr and having interest in indological

> studies,by last six years i am facing critical problem about my leder

> sons marriage;his details r as under:

> DOB:27.02.1973;TOB:00:30hrs(night at 12 hrs 30 mins);POB:jodhpur


> marrital status:married in dec2001 and geot divorse within one

> year;since than he is unable to get suitable match,we consulted many

> astrologers and also performed kaala sarpa dosha nivaraNa puja;but


> in vein;can any one from you tell me why there is so much delay in

> resettlement of marriage?is there some blck magic or witchcraft tried

> on my son?we shall be highly obliged if you can help us;thanks

> spsharma


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om krishna guru,


dear sathyaprakash sharma,


1) your son's chart 7th lord of marriage and

karaka venus is heavily afflicted and 7th house has slowing and delaying

planet sani is there.Also karak for dukh.


This amounts to kalatra shapa also.


2) 7th lord from moon also debilated and aspected by lagna and 6th



3)dasa of badak going on who is very much afflicted and being moon mana

karak its amounting to a sort of sanyas yoga and too much affliction to

moon karak for mother is amounting to matru shapa.


so i think these are the apparrent reasons ,as the chart and dasas



But the problems started in sun -sat as they r contributing in

affliction to venus the marriage karak and sat is placed in 4th house of

happiness from venus .


I think it should be remedied .And regrding remedies ask senior

members and gurus.


I think the gochara and dasas r favrble for marriage ,from july onwards

to 2 years.so do the neccessarry things.


regrding kalsarpa and all that i dont know much and i think moon can

break it if proper and countering karma can be done ,pooja is just

invoking the devatas and karma has to extinguished by corresponding

karmas and i leav to gurujans for suggestions and comments.


regrds sunil nair .


pt.sunilnair <pt.sunilnair .

http://www.indiamart.com/Vedic Astrology/

<http://www.indiamart.com/Vedic Astrology/>


om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


any out of the group consultation will be charged.



vedic astrology , " suryaprakash shar,a "

<sps_sharma_2005 wrote:


> dear learned gurus,experrts and common members,

> I am an retired aero engr and having interest in indological

> studies,by last six years i am facing critical problem about my leder

> sons marriage;his details r as under:

> DOB:27.02.1973;TOB:00:30hrs(night at 12 hrs 30 mins);POB:jodhpur(RAJ);

> marrital status:married in dec2001 and geot divorse within one

> year;since than he is unable to get suitable match,we consulted many

> astrologers and also performed kaala sarpa dosha nivaraNa puja;but all

> in vein;can any one from you tell me why there is so much delay in

> resettlement of marriage?is there some blck magic or witchcraft tried

> on my son?we shall be highly obliged if you can help us;thanks

> spsharma







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