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Uttara's Chart

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Dear Patrice,


please convey Uttara our best wishes and whole list is praying for her and Lord

will is giving her courage and help her through these difficult times.






Patrice Curry


Wednesday, August 29, 2007 8:10 PM

Uttara's Chart



Dear List,


Uttara was this time in surgery again for new cancers in her breast. New,

versus the original primary cancer metastasizing. She has many other issues

as well, but especially her heart a more immediate concern. She has been for

some time suffering from Atrial Fibrillation and I know the doctors have

been balancing their decisions on treating this with another ablation (she

had one done on April 1, 2003), and the immediate concerns for treating the

cancer. The week before going in for the cancer surgery, she had gone to

the hospital as well as doctors appointments due to her heart and Atrial

Fib. I'm posting below a couple notes she's written which gives some of what

is going on. Best I think for me to just post this from her as she has a

quick understanding of the terms and puts this all concisely.


She is to see her surgeon today, and has many doctors appointments. As she

put it, enough appointments to make her dizzy. Also, to be clear, below she

is also saying that she has been diagnosed with NASH, which is a liver

disease, separate from the cancer.


Uttara wrote:

I did have a bilateral mastectomy on Monday 8/20. I have a long recovery and

chemo ahead of me. I am also told that I have a suspicious infiltrate on

the middle lobe of my right lung that needs to be biopsied in the near

future. In the hospital, I had a medium reaction to the anesthetic given -

which is normal and needed to be treated. However, Monday evening

unbeknown-est to me or anyone else, I was given the wrong medicine (which I

am highly allergic too) and had a terrible reaction. It put me into the

Critical Care unit and my heart reacted violently too.


Uttara also writes:

In less than a year (6-8mos) the secondary primary tumor measured 1.6cm in

length and circumference with a Stage 3 - Grade 3 finding. The other

breast tissue showed more than three areas of Lobular Insitu which as you

know, is a precursor for future cancer. The cancer as expected is rather

aggressive and the doctors feel that I am riddled with microscopic multiple

primary cancer systemically. I will see my oncologist a week from Tuesday to

start chemo. Maybe. I say that because, my heart is in A-Fib more than it

is not and while in hospital this past week, the cardiologists were treating

me for the A- fib. beside the medication poisoning. A week before that, I

was in ICU to have a cardio conversion, but, I ended up converting on my

own. Nevertheless, I need another Pulmonary Atrial Ablation. So, I am

thinking it might be done before chemo is started. If I fore go chemo and

other treatment for the cancer to preserve the heart and liver (NASH -

steatohepatitis Stage 1 with scarring at the bile ducts), then letting the

cancer run a muck in my system is a dicey proposition and one that would

eventually kill me for sure. Even before the Liver would progress to

failure or its own primary cancer.


I'm sending this all to you for information in discussing her chart. Just

briefly here, when viewing her chart we can see all the 12H activity with

these current transits and planets there. On the day of her surgery, for the

bilateral mastectomy on Monday 8/20, Mercury, her lagnesh, was exactly on

her natal Mercury, which is at Mrityu Bhaga (MB) degree, so both in natal

and transit chart her lagnesh was at this MB degree. A planet in MB degree

is particularly harmful to the health of the native. Also in her natal chart

ascendant itself is also in MB degree. Uttara has had many health issues

throughout her life.


On 8/20 Mars was in transit just over one degree from her natal Moon in

Taurus, who lords her natal Sun in Cancer. Uttara has sent me info that she

was wheeled into the surgery room at 9:32 AM. This gives same ascendant of

natal chart, Virgo, with Mercury lagnesh, and as said above this Mercury on

her natal Mercury in MB degree. The ascendant degree is exactly the degree

of 12/6 house transiting Ketu/Rahu at 13 degrees. This Ketu/Rahu are

currently in transit in their natal houses, Uttara's 6th and 12th axis.

This 9:32, Chicago chart also gives ascendant in Moon's star with Rahu sub

lord. Rahu itself is in own star. Only planet in Moon's star is TMars who as

stated is also on natal Moon in Venus sign. So ascendant degree at time of

surgery, and Mars in Moon's stars. - T chart shows RVenus, and we know R

planets are not good for health as well, whilst this RVenus is in serious

gandanta and in Moon's sign, natural 4H of breasts, chest, etc.. and at this

9:32 time, Moon and this RVenus are in parivartana and to the exact degree,

putting Moon in sandhi position.


Sun was in transit in own house and at moolatrikona degree, however this is

Uttara's 12H and Sun in late stages of gandanta, this in Ketu's star, and

closely conjoined with Uttara's 5/6 H lord TSaturn, who natally sits in her

ascendant. All these planets reflecting Uttara's 1st house, as well as Sun

who is karaka for body, health, vitality. are in Ketu's star, Sun, lagnesh

Mercury, Saturn and this TKetu itself in her 12H..


Something else to note is Sun and Leo are significators for heart. Also for

a woman we can look to Moon as well for heart.


In addition, using Uttara's 9:06 birth time, and Krishnamurti ayanamsha,

dasas for this surgery are SA/VE/MO. This gives her a progressed dasa Moon

at 8:46+ degrees Cancer. 8 degrees Cancer is a very auspicious degree for

Moon. In this degree the Moon is more fortunate and protective of the

native's well-being and I think this is showing also for her with all the

nurturing and good care that Uttara is receiving, as well as her exceptional

state, both emotionally as well as mind - the emotional aspect of mind.


It's clear to see the importance of the nodes in this and particularly Ketu.

Natally Uttara has only lagnesh Mercury in Ketu's star and both natally are

in her 12H, Leo. This shows the spiritual seeker and this stellium of

planets in her 12H in transit activating this - as well note mahadasha lord

Saturn in transit there as well, with antardasha lord Venus natally in 12th.

There is clearly a transformation taking place for Uttara, both physically

and spiritually.


As Ketu and Rahu are always together and in 7H aspect, it's clear to see

Rahu's role here as well - with the radical surgery, especially in light of

the TMars giving aspect to her 12H and the stellinum in transit there, as

well this TMars aspecting TRahu in return on her 6H. Also considering the

doctors plans for healing, medicines, etc.. including chemo. TRahu is the

only planet in Rahu star at time of surgery, and in current transits, as

well as in Uttara's natal chart. Rahu is strong and co-owns her 6H.


Something to note also in this is the recent stationing and turning backward

and forward direction of Ketu/Rahu, as well the eclipse on early Tuesday

morning. As I write the nodes are nearly completely stationed at 13.12

degrees. This is exactly one degree from my natal nodes, with Ketu exactly

on my lagna and in parivartana with lagnesh Sun to the exact degree in

Scorpio. This seems to be much of my connection in this and bringing me back

on the list and in close touch with Uttara at this time.


There is so much more.


Also I will send the prashna chart info as it's a beautiful and amazing

chart showing the divine guidance and protection, as well as exceptional

timing for spiritual endeavors and window here for Uttara.


The light of the heavens resonates in our souls, which are the same light.



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