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Different systems of astrology-Mr.Lazmi

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Dear Sh.Lajmi,If any one knows the rationale behind any system then he does not require these big volumes of books. In my opinion,there are three types of people in the world1-Inventor- Invent a system2-Contributor- Contribute to invention and subsequent improvement in the system by doing reseach

3- Consumer- Use system for their benefit.Almost all the persons in these groups are from last two categories. I put you and me in the second category. Therefore, Let us keep aside all these issues at present. You are an KP expert, No doubt to others. I know but not as much as you. Let us try to build a core group of KP students which may become a source of necessity for others in future.

YoursShiv Dev KalsiOn 5/18/08, L.Y.Rao. <lyrastro1 wrote:


Dear Shri Kalsi, Thanks for your mail and concern expressed...but allow me to inform you that ALL this needless discussiion was begun by Rajni Khan,Umesh Sharma and Raj...after I asked them a simple

question... " WHAT IS THE RATIONALE FOR LAL KITAB PREDICTIONS,UPAYAS OR REMEDIES ETC., which seems " to have got their goat " ...and immediately they went on the offensive...Umesh Sharma asked me for the rationale

of Vimhottari Dasa...which to their great chagrin I provided them with very promptly indeed...and in return DEMANDE the Rationale for Lal Kitab..,.which seems to have totally flabbergasted them...since then there was needless and endless and most often MEANINGLESS

CORRESPONDENCE... Finally wisdom seems to have dawned on Raj who promptly reprimanded the group and asked them to FIRST DO SOME INTROSPECTION THEMSELVES... However some more adamant members like Kulbir Bans

continued...and began insisting that the Great SEER,Rup Chand Sharmaji wrote a book...while the followers clearly admit that he never did,but that " some of his intelligent disciples had made copious notes while with him... " and these notes later appeared as

books...the 5 or more different versions of Lal Kitab exemplify this... Coming to the subject of UPAYAS AND REMEDIES,how can one reconcile with the FACT stated at LK sites,that L.K. is based on

the KARMA THEORY...AND THE CLAIM THAT KAARMIC DESTINY CAN BE IN ANY WAY BE ALTERED/MODIFIED/INFLUENCED at all...? ! My submission to the group was that UPAYAS ETC., are only PLACEBOS...which are also known to give relief in upto 55%

cases...these are scientific facts,etc... This seems to have incensed the followers more...! ? As a doctor,surely you must be fully aware of this fact... Tell me dear DOCTOR KALSI... have I written

something wrong ? By the way talking about Karma...allow me to inform uall that there are Karmas are grouped under 3 Headings...SANCHITA, PRARABDHA and AGAMI or KRIYAMANA... PRARABDHA OR FATE HAS TO BE SUFFERRED/EXPERIENCED,

whether one likes it or not...AGAMI is the result of our doings in the present existence,SANCHITA is accumulated Karma over the past lives,that still has to be gone through as pending Karma... and so on...

A lot many pages can be written on the subject...but I have given above very briefly,enough to make my point...that only about 1 to 2 % of things in our life ARE IN OUR CONTROL...the REST IS

KAARMIC DESTINY/FATE...! Gullible as humans are,and also very optimistic several new philosophers emerged who merrily MARKETED the idea that a HUMAN CAN ALTER/INFLUENCE HIS FATE/DESTINY...quite successfuly to the

gullible...and less educated and knowledgeable... It is for people like you and me,and members of this L.K. forum to educate and inform the uninformed and exploited masses,instead of taking advantage and " fleecing them " and making

a " pile of money " ... To my mind,only the guilty among us can take objection to this exhortation... ! The above,in brief is my considered viewpoint...which I have always been fearlessly expressing...and

yes,in the process I could have made quite a few enemies but this is inevitable in any endeavour... With kind regards, LAJMI YOGESH RAO. > > Dear Mr. Lazmi,

> I have a great pleasure to see an expert of KP system of astrology in a > Lalkitab Group.During My studies of astgrology sciences, I have read all the > six books written by great Mr.KrishanaMurti. A plumber by

profession, he > mastered rather invented a new system which is most correct method of the > present for judging the timing of event and horary. > Presently I am also studying the Lalkitab System of Astrology. This

is also > an unique system of astrology and has its own parameters. I have gone > through the present controversies regarding the rationality of the system. > Dear Lazmi, Most of the participitants including you are riding two

> different trains running parrallel to each other. I appreciate your stance > being single handedly facing the other hostile group. Not many in this group > know the basics of KP system. and infact you have also not read the

Lalkitab > system of astrology. > If one want to debate then there is no rationale in Astrology it self. It is > the practical experience which make these sytems a proved one. The correct

> interpretition of timing of event is the beauty of KP system, while > protection is the beauty of lalkitab System. If you know the timing of an > event then you can take the remedial measure as preventing an event

is not > in the jurisdiction of human being.Even Mr Krishna Murti was taking > remedial measure. I read his experience in the books. Regarding looting by > astrologers, You are right most of the astrolgers are using these

systems to > mint money and loot innocent. Black sheep are everywhere in every system. > Good and evil are two brothers and will go simultaneously. Evil cannot stop > Good to forgo its goodness.

> It is better for us to know the system and educate the other innocent about > the misdeed of these blacksheep. > This is the wastage of time to through garbage on each other, let every body

> take advantage of your knowledge and if you feel you can get the advantage > of experience of Lalkitab Astrolgers to learn this system. > Yours Sincerely, > > -- > Dr. Shiv Dev Kalsi,

> Jyotish Rishi (AIFAS) > Consultant (Vedic Astrology) >

-- Dr. Shiv Dev Kalsi,Jyotish Rishi (AIFAS)Consultant (Vedic Astrology)

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