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Gemstones in Jyotish

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|| Aum Durgayai Namah ||

|| Om Shreem Mahalaxmiyai Namah ||


Namaste list members,


I see a lot of posts on the lists, asking how to choose a gemstone, what not

to wear etc.., while I try and answer any specific queries as far as the

technical, gemological aspect of the query is concerned, I try and stay away

from advising " what gem to wear/what not to wear " . For the thirst of the

interested, please find an excellent article below, giving basics from various

angles. Please know that this material is not my property, but belongs to a


respected jyotisha, an elder to me: Sarajit ji Poddar. I have merely

reproduced it in exact form as originally written by the author. Nonetheless, I


strongly that the interested readers will benefit from it.




Prescription of Gemstone is one of the most important aspects of remedies in

Jyotish Shastra. The use of Gemstone is also endorsed by shastras such as

Garuda Purana which gives elaborate description of the nature of the gemstones

and their use. Even though gemstone use is one of the most popular source of

remedies for all ills of the material world, may it be health, wealth or

fortune, it is fraught with many misconceptions and erroneous notions of their

selection and prescription. This article envisages providing consistent

principles which would help the Jyotishas and laymen to select the right





Since the gemstones enhance the influence of the planet in the life of the

person, the gemstones for the planets giving yogas should always be chosen. To

know the yoga givers or the yoga-karakas in a horoscope, studying classics

such as Brhat Parashara Hora shastra should be studied. However, I shall

provide here some guidelines which can help in choosing the gemstones.


Lagna lord is the first and foremost yoga karaka in a horoscope, since is

the owner of both Kendra (Quadrant) and Kona (Trine). He is protector of the

Lagna, which represent health, vitality and the controller of the whole

horoscope. The placement of the Lagna lord is extremely important for the


strength of the horoscope and its gemstone can help a person overcoming all

difficulties in life.


The lords of two trines fifth and ninth are equally important. They are the

two important houses which control the financial wellbeing of a person. If

they are badly placed in the horoscope, then the person might suffer

financially in life. Thus their strength is extremely important in addition to


lords of second and eleventh, who signify Wealth and Income.


Each planet can give results on the following basis.

1. Lordship

2. Placement

3. Natural Karakatva (Significations)

4. Yoga (Exchange, Conjunction, Aspects)


Hence it must be remembered that a good planet (lords of Lagna, 5th and 9th)

/ Yoga- karaka if placed in a dusthana (6th / 8th/ 12th), they can also give

malefic results in addition to their inherent benefic nature to do good.

Similarly if the yogakarakas are involved in other bad yogas, they can give bad

results, while their gemstones are worn. Whenever there is a conjunction or

exchange of two planets, their inherent and functional nature is greatly

modified. When a benefic planet comes into association with a malefic planet,


the benefic nature of the planet is corrupted and it starts giving malefic

results, however the malefic planet gains out of the company and gives good

results. Such subtle effects should always be kept into consideration, while

suggesting a gemstone for Jyotish remedial purposes.


Exception to this is that, if Saturn becomes the Yoga-karaka and is placed

in a dusthana, then its ability to do good increases. It is advisable to wear

Neelam, Saturn’s stone for such cases.




If a yoga-karaka (or any good planet in the horoscope, lords of any houses

other than 6th/ 8th or 12th) is debilitated, they must be strengthened. One of

the ways is to wear the stone of the debilitated planet. However, the more

effective way is to find the planet who is causing neecha-bhanga to the

debilitated planet. If the neecha-bhanga is happening with respect to the Moon,

then Mantra would be a good remedy, however, if it happens with respect to the

Lagna, then wearing the gemstone of the planet causing the neecha-bhanga would

make the debilitated planet come out of the state of debilitation.


When there is no cancellation of debility of other weaknesses then the

gemstones for the supporters of the debilitated planet can be prescribed for

causing cancellation of debility or for enhancing the life-forces that are


destroyed due to the debility. For example, the Moon is debilitated in Scorpio

(8th house of natural zodiac) and is said to be MARANA KARAKA if placed in

the 8th house from Lagna. Weakness of such Moon, in any chart is not good for

longevity. Hence a blue sapphire is used for enhancing the life-force. The

information regarding this is given at the detail section for each planet and

their gemstones



It must be noted that debilitation of some planets are desirable in a

horoscope. They are the lords of the Dusthanas (6th/ 8th/ 12th). If the lords


the Dusthanas are placed in other Dusthanas in debilitation, then it confers

Vipareeta raja yoga, whereby the native gains due to the loss of natural and

functional significations of the planet causing the yoga. For example, if 8th

lord Moon is involved in Vipareeta Raja yoga, by its debilitation in the 12th

house, the native might enjoy rise in life, but the Mother (natural

signification of Moon) and the marriage (8th house is the longevity of

marriage) might

suffer simultaneously. To enjoy the fruits of Vipareeta Raja yoga, the

native must not strengthen such debilitated planets that confer the yoga.




Vipareeta means opposite or gemstones used for weakening the effects of some

planets in certain houses. If any house is occupied by an enemy of its

Karaka, then the significations of the house suffer. Keeping this principle in

view, the first house to be checked in any chart is the ninth house of fortune

and Dharma with Jupiter & Sun as the significator. Rahu and Saturn are the

enemies of these significator and if they are placed in the ninth house, they

shall damage fortune and Dharma. The remedy is to strengthen the concerned

Karaka by wearing its gemstone in the ring finger. Suka Nadi states that if


is in the ninth house, then the native has good fortune after wearing a

Topaz. The same principle of Vipareeta Ratna (Opposite Gemstone) has been used

here. Rahu is the enemy of Jupiter and since it is placed in the ninth house,


use of a Topaz (gemstone of Jupiter) removes the misfortune caused by Rahu.

Similarly, if Saturn is in the ninth house, then the person may suffer from

poverty/ failure in the homeland after 36 years. To remove this evil, a ruby,

the gemstone of the Sun (Saturn’s enemy) is worn.




Hands in which the gemstones are worn to be chosen on the basis of certain

criteria. The right hand is ruled Jupiter and the left hand by Venus

indicating increase (right hand) or decrease (lift hand) of life force.


Thus, if gemstones have to be prescribed to decrease the evil effects of a

malefic planet, its gemstone should be used in the left hand. Such use should

be temporary covering the dasa-bhukti of the planet.



When the planet is a malefic for the horoscope, the maleficence of the

planet can be reduced by wearing a counter gemstone temporarily during the

Dasa-bhukti of the planet. If instead a gem is to be worn for the main Dasa


itself, then it should be worn in the left hand. For example, if Rahu is

malefic then during its period a Yellow Sapphire/Topaz/Citrine can be worn in


right hand ring finger or Hessonite/Brown Tourmaline etc can be worn in the

left hand middle finger.






A genuine gemstone of good quality should never be used with an imperfect or

flawed gem or with one that is astrologically incompatible with it. Suta

Goswami (Garuda Purana) advises “not to wear a gem that is of inferior


or incompatible even if it is set together with the divine Kausthuba Mani of

Vishnu. Just as the best of saints lose their merits by bad company,

similarly, an imperfect/inferior or incompatible gemstone can ruin the

beneficence of

other good gems.



For determining compatibility of gemstones most astrologers go by the

Naisargika Sambandha (natural relationship) of other planets with the stone of


principal/ruling planet. The Ruling Planet is the strongest one in trines to

the Lagna or in the seventh house (1,5,7 & 9 houses), and if none are there,

then the Lagna lord is chosen. Thus if the ruling planet is the Moon, then

all planets are compatible with it, but if it is the Sun, then only Jupiter,

Mars & Moon are compatible and their stones can be chosen.


Since the Lagna is the controller of the Horoscope, the impact of the

Gemstone ultimately falls on the Lagna (more so, since Lagna is the controller


the physical body, where the gemstone is worn). The planets, whose gemstone is

worn, should be a friend to the Lagna lord as per the naisargika sambandha.

If any planet is inimical to the lord of Lagna, the use of its gemstone can

damage / endanger the concerned people related to the house owned by the

planet. For example if the lord of the fifth house is inimical to the Lagna


then the use of a gemstone of the fifth lord can endanger the life children.

Hence utmost caution should be used in prescribing gemstones.


Naisargika Sambandha of Planets




Some astrologers also use Tatkalika Sambandha (Current relationship) between

planets in a chart as this also takes the individual horoscope into focus.

Here, the planets that are Param Mitra, Mitra or Sama to the ruling planet are

chosen for supportive gemstones.


Among all the methods of judging the suitability of a Gemstone namely, the

naisargika sambandha, tatkalika sambandha and other sambandha, the best and

most beneficial gemstones are those of the planets involved in a beneficial

Yoga. If the tenth and ninth lord are involved in a Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga,

then their stones should be used together to augment the effects of the Yoga.

Gemstones of planets involved in Duryoga and other malefic combinations or

where benefits accrue if the planets are weak and afflicted like the Vipareeta

Rajyoga, should never be used.




Gemstones of mutually inimical planets should never be used simultaneously

as they shall prove to be very adverse. Many astrologers give gemstones of

mutually inimical planets such as Hessonite (Rahu) with Ruby (Sun) or Yellow

Sapphire (Jupiter) or Red Coral (Mars). Such combinations can be extremely

dangerous for the native. The natural fight between the owners of the gemstones

can be visible in the life of native, where we can witness; the native is caught

between many undesirable circumstances without his fault. The table shown

below shows the natural relationships between the planets.




The index finger is called Tarjani and is considered very inauspicious. In

mantra recitation the beads should never touch this finger, even while turning

the rosary (when we finish one circle of 108 beads). It rules the


and is the finger of “fall†or expression of anger. The Gyana Mudra has

all fingers except this index finger stretched out with the index finger (of

anger) being in touch with and controlled by the Akasha Tattva of the Thumb.

Normally for people who are spiritual / worship their Guru, gemstones should

not be used in this finger. Some astrologers prescribe Ruby / Yellow Sapphire

for Power / Wealth respectively, for use in the index finger. However these

gemstones have been found to give better results of stable power and gradual

stable growth in finance in the ring finger.


Tatwa in Palmistry



The gemstone of a planet placed in a house should be worn according to the

quadrant (Kendra house) is whose trines it is placed. Thus a planet in the

ninth house influences the Dharma Trikona and its gemstone should be worn in


ring finger. Gemstones of planets in Moksha Trikona (4, 8, 12) should not be

prescribed as then they would be worn in the Tarjani (Index finger). Instead

mantra of these planets should be advised.


Further gemstone cannot be worn in the finger of inimical elements. For

example, if a Red Coral is to be worn for Mars placed in the seventh house,


cannot be prescribed for the little finger due to Mars ruling Agni Tattva

(fire element), which is opposed to the Vayu Tattva (Air element). Thus a Coral

can only be worn in the ring finger (Agni Tattva / Fire) or middle finger

(Prithvi Tattva / Earth). Just as the thumb is different from the other four

fingers and in conjunction with them does all work, the Akasha Tattva (Ether

element–symbolized by the Thumb) permeates all signs of the other elements


is the driving force / Dhi Shakti.






Since the gemstones are taken for fulfilling the material pursuits in the

life than anything else, the arudha lagna plays a very vital role in selection

of the gemstones. Arudha Lagna shows the image in this world or in other

words, the perception of the world related to the native. This is the material

manifestation of the existantial reality of a person. Maharishi parashara says

that planets in the twelfth of Arudha Lagna (AL) can show the sources of

expenditure, while that in the 11th from the AL show the sources of Income.


though the promise of the wealth can be seen from different dhana yogas in

the horoscope and the strength of the 2nd, 11th and the trines, the sources and

the quantum of the gains or losses can be seen from the Arudha.




Thus, it is very important to consider the placement of Planets with respect

to the Arudha Lagna for final selection of an Gemstone. The following

guidelines can help in such judgement:




1. If a planet is placed in or aspecting the 12th from the Arudha Lagna, the

gemstone for such planet can increase the expenditure of the native.

Malefics are well placed here as it confer rajayoga while placed here in

addition to

the expenses shown. However one must remember that planets placed here shows

the persons who would secretly oppose the native in various activities. So

the gemstones of such planets to be chosen after careful consideration of all

factors involved.




2. The gemstone of a planet placed in or aspecting the 11th from Arudha

Lagna shall give income from the sources indicated by the planet. The sources


be known by judging both the functional as well as natural significations of

the concerned planet.




3. The 2nd and 7th house from the Arudha Lagna are the houses of sustainance

of the Image. They should be occupied by benefics or exalted planets. If

they are occupied by malefics, the gemstones of such planets can cause fall of

image and troubles in career and various other troubles. In addition the

planets in the 7th from Arudha lagna shows the persons who would openly oppose


person in various activities, and this is more true with respect to the

Malefics. Thus if benefics are placed in the 7th from the Arudha Lagna, their

gemstones can be given, provided the native can withstand the opposition shown

by the concerned planet.




4. The planets in the Arudha Lagna shows how the world perceives the native.

The presence of Moon or Jupiter in the Arudha Lagna gives long lasting fame.

They should otherwise be placed with benefics or exalted planets and

gemstones of such Moon, Jupiter, benefics or exalted planets can be beneficial


the native, otherwise it can be harmful.




Similarly the lord of the Arudha Lagna should ideally be well placed in

either exaltation, mulatrikona, own house or friends house. If gemstone of such

planets is worn, it would benefit the native by uplifting his image. If such

planet is in fall or unfavourably placed, then the gemstone of the planet,

countering the evil has to be worn (please refer to relevant section for more

information on this)




5. Malefics in the 3rd or 6th gives material success whereas benefics in

these places makes the person spiritual, unless they are debilitated. Thus

wearing the gemstones of the malefics placed in 3rd or 6th can help in


of objectives and gaining over all odds. However, malefics in the 3rd from AL

can be detrimental to the health and longevity, thus while prescribing the

gemstones, one need to consider this factor as well.




6. The eighth house is also very crucial in a way that it controls the

longevity of the person. Malefics placed over there can harm the health of the

person and also the image. Stones of such malefics placed there should never be





7. All planets either be benefics or malefics give good results and

financial gains while placed in the 9th house from the arudha Lagna. Unless any


adverse yogas exist, gemstone of such planet would be beneficial to the





8. 10th house shows the impact of a planet in the native's career. Benefics

are best suited here and malefics are prohibited. For example, if Saturn is

placed in such 10th, then the career becomes a bed of thorne for the native.







RUBY is the precious stone that occurs as a red, transparent variety of the

mineral corundum. It is symbolic of excellent health, vigor, love and

passion, an aid to firm friendship, and believed to ensure beauty. It


the heart and blood circulation, makes one bold and courageous and eliminates

depression, sadness or sensuality. Increase name and fame. Its color ranges

from purplish red (called Pigeon Blood) or bluish red to a yellowish red. When

cut into a cabochon (a non-convex) form, some specimens of ruby exhibit

asterism i.e. a six-rayed star can be seen in the interior of the stone. These


called star rubies and are very highly prized. Burmese rubies are considered

the finest. The ruby is a very brilliant, hard, durable, and wearable stone.




PEARL is a lustrous concretion consisting mainly of Nacre (Popularly called

mother-of pearl), which is the substance forming the inner layers of the

mollusc shells. The pearl is an abnormal growth due to a minute foreign


invading the body of the mollusc. The particle irritates the mollusc and

becomes coated with layers of Nacre. Both marine and freshwater molluscs


pearls. Spherical pearls are the best. A Bouton pearl is hemispherical. If a

solid pearl has an irregular shape, it is known as a Baroque pearl. Pearls

are commonly known as pear, bell, or drop, according to the shape. Pearl

coloration varies as white, black, rose, and cream.


Natural, spherical pearls have been cultured successfully since 1920. This

is controlled, but natural and these pearls can also be used as astrological

gems. Artificial pearls, in contrast to cultured pearls, are entirely

artificial, made largely of glass and should be rejected. A good pearl


mental faculties, calms emotions and increases peace of mind. This is an

excellent gem for meditation.





RED CORAL is a large class of marine invertebrates characterized by a

protective calcium carbonate or horny skeleton (also called coral). Corals are

divided into two subclasses, based on differences in their radial symmetry

(symmetry around a central axis) of eight-tentacle animals, each with an


skeleton or six-tentacle (or multiples of six). The Red coral belongs to the

eight-tentacle sub-class. It removes obstacles and averts accidents, discord

and warfare. It is an asset in money matters and makes a person debt free. By

purifying the blood it helps in pregnancy & childbirth besides curing boils.







EMERALD is the green variety of the mineral beryl making its wearer faithful

& of fixed commitments. It helps in planning & forecasting by enhancing

intuition & psychic powers. It sharpens the intellect and gives a photogenic

memory thereby improving learning ability, communication and clairvoyance. Good

for general health, particularly the nervous system, it also has the power of

healing diseases of the eye. It has the colour of fresh young green grass as

in the world's finest " drop of oil " emerald from Colombia.


Although a hard stone, emeralds chip easily since it somewhat brittle.

Hence, special care should be given in wearing and handling. A common flaw

reduction technique is to boil the emerald in oil (sometimes tinted green) and


actually good for the stone in light of its fragile nature. Oiling hides some

of the whitish flaws (cracks) by filling the cracks and becomes an integral

part of the emerald unless it is subjected to some type of degreasing







YELLOW SAPPHIRE the symbol of universal love and brotherhood, promotes

general well being and spiritual knowledge. It is very helpful for pregnancy &

childbirth. It nullifies Kuja Dosha and promotes marriage and controls a


Mars in preventing jaundice and liver diseases. Excellent for business

stability and financial matters, it is one of nature's most wonderful gifts.


Topaz occurs not only in the transparent yellow, yellow brown, orange-brown,

and pink-brown colours. It is a hard, brilliant stone but it is much rarer

and much more expensive than the Citrine (Quartz) stones commonly sold as " Rio

topaz, " " Madeira topaz, " " Spanish topaz, " and " Palmeira topaz. "






DIAMOND Induces purity and fearlessness. Gives artistic abilities and

worldly happiness. Strengthens bones and is useful for combating diseases of


sex organs. Makes one more attractive.





BLUE SAPPHIRE The finest blue sapphires are from Burma and Kashmir. It

counteracts enviousness from others and removes the evil eye thereby protecting

from travel dangers and mental unrest and various forms of madness. It

alleviates long-term misfortunes by causing a change of place/residence. Fine,

brilliant, deep blue Burmese sapphires will surely dazzle the eye.






HESSONITE has smoky-red lustre. The other varieties are of honey colour.






CAT’S EYE is gem-quality chrysoberyl. With cabochon cut (oval, rounded

form), a light-coloured line appears that moves as the gem is turned, giving


stone a resemblance to the eye of a cat. This phenomena called chatoyance

(asterism) is caused by a parallel arrangement of fine fibres of either foreign

substance or minute hollow tubules.











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