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We see them as yogas most of the times when

they are not.

So the problem lies in our seeing them as Yogas,

and not them NOT being Yogas.

Yogas are certainly there but Not every time we

perceive them as such.


The shlokas regards to the Yogas -

The interpretations, the meanings, the

translations may differ on the description, but

the basic contents would remain same.

They are misunderstood by us common



If the Yogas do not work , the shastras are not to be

cited as written wrong, or any failings in the shlokas by the

Rishi Munis of the ancient Vedic heritage be observed.

But the failure lies in us people with our shortcomings who

are not able to read the unwritten statements and hidden

meanings behind the shlokas which only a real astrologer,

who is adept in astrological,astronomical ,spiritual knowledge

alongwith possessing intuitive faculties. the shlokas are

not for the coomon folks but for a selective audience.

Once this has been understood, one would search for the

shortcomings in himself rather than in the Shastras or the

Dictums therein.


The Yogas fail on many counts, but they are meant to fail on

those scales of measures which we normally use and judge.

and they must, because Astrology is not for anyone who

picked a book on the Airport while traveling.for time pass.

It is seriously meant for interested participants.and seeking

minds. Generally people just read the rules for the Planets

forming Yogas.But do not read further or behind. Nor do they

homework for the neechbhanga of these Yogas, which are a

also not apparently mentioned in one line statements for the

unworthy lot. One has to search these through speculative

thinking , through retrospection of the charts they encounter,

which may or may not not yield the benefic results of the

Yogas they show to the viewer.


I shall come on reasons of failures of Yogas in another mail.




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