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~ Out - Of - Body ~ (By Rosie)

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When we are children we accept so much of the world around us

without questioning. Our exposure to our environment is not enough

for us to understand if something untoward happens within our



The older we grow though the more we realize that certain things,

people and experiences do not fit into the pattern of the

environment that we are living within.

So as a child we could and possible have been exposed to a lot of

happenings and experience that we would have then taken on board

without batting an eye.


How many times did we see, feel, hear and experience out of the

normal everyday stuff that we would not take for granted now, and

just took it on board, and then promptly forgot it.

I wish I knew, I bet that a lot of things happened to me, and I just

reacted towards them as I would react to my mother telling me to

come to the dinner table and come and meet the lady from upstairs



So when I do recall some specific experiences I feel exuberant, here

is something that is uniquely mine and I can claim it and know it

now for what it is, as I now have some wisdom to look back and

understand what it was that was happening.

I could also very easily rue my actions for what I did with my

experience, but I was a child, and as a child I acted in the normal

way we would react when something we did not like happened to us…I

wanted it to stop.


I was at the time going to the High School, and was pre-puberty, so

that puts me at the age of 12years. I was a late starter, but I

feel this was the lead up to my puberty.

My mother worked as did my step-father, so we, the children had

certain chores to do every morning. Mine was to clean and get the

fire ready for the evening and to peel the potatoes for the evening

meal. I would then get my breakfast, get washed and then dressed.

Make sure I had my school stuff correct and leaving the house make

sure the door was locked.

I normally walked the two miles to school, and was normally out of

the house by 8am to be at school in plenty of time for the 9am start.


Now getting up and doing all that I was doing was at least a two

hour job even before I walked out of the door. Then I would be half

way to school and suddenly find myself back in bed and just waking


To say the least, I was extremely annoyed. I then had to get up and

repeat everything I had just done. The fire, the potatoes, the

breakfast, getting washed and dressed, getting my school bag ready

and going out again and walking at least another mile on top of what

I had already done.


I know now what was happening. But then I took it as just another

horrible but normal living experience something that everyone went

through. In fact I was so convinced of this that I did not mention

it to anyone, not my mother or my best friends.


But I was getting so tired of doing all of this twice…it was a four

to five hours of work everyday for me plus the rest of the day.

Needless to say, I did have to do it twice, the chores the getting

ready for school, it was not by any miracle done by the second time

I got of bed.

Now of course I would be ecstatic to think I was walking-out-of

body, and doing all that physical stuff…but now I understand it

better. Then I was ready to be committed, I was very depressed and

very tired.


Of course I put a stop to it. I got as I said very tired and

depressed. I refused to get up in the morning and have to work

twice as hard and somehow by my state of feeling and my body

hormones my higher conscience got the message, and after

approximately six months of out of body walking it stopped.


It did come back, but only periodically.

I have tried to figure out what prerequisites it needs, but after

looking very carefully around the times it has happened nothing sets

a pattern. So I have nothing on which I can work to bring about my

out-of-body walking episodes again.



The second time it happened, that was a total out of body physical

experience and not just an astral experience, was when I was living

in Arizona, as far away as you could get from Scotland. I put the

year around 1992-1993, and not significant for anything…except of

course it was darn hot as usual.

I had gone for a nap after college (could it be when I am learning?)

and felt a little hungry. So getting out of bed I went down the

stairs, put on the kitchen light, opened the fridge door and reached

inside for a piece of deli meat. I rolled it up in my hand and

started up the stairs again, with one hand on the metal railing and

taking a bite of the meat which was in my right hand. As I took the

bite and started to chew, I found myself in bed with my hand at my

mouth and me trying to chew a non-existent piece of meat. My hand

was still curled as though it was holding the meat, and I was awe



To this day I could kick myself, because instead of getting up and

checking to see if anything had been disturbed down stairs, I just

thought about it for a while then worked a math problem in my head

and just fell asleep. I just should have known better, but as yet I

was not on my spiritual journey. And that has to be one of my most

lamest excuses..


Since then I have had quite a few out-of-body experiences. All

different and all without knowledge that they where coming.

I have visited friends, done healings, gone exploring homes I know,

even tried to frighten my cat and tried walking through doors, and

yes I did, made me very excited when I did so.

The proof though is in the eating of the pudding. I can only relate

to you that I have done this things. I have been told by others

that they have too, and I do believe them. I also know that each

experience is different, but authentic to that person.


All I can say is, don't ever be afraid when it happens, as you might

just stop it from happing again, and that would be such a shame.

Get into the fun of it and enjoy. My believe is that you can't be

hurt, if walking through doors did not hurt me, then what can.

Believe that you are protected. Your guides/angels are always with

you, and of course your belief in yourself and your connection to

the divine…believe in them and yourself and happy journeying.


Walk in Light





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