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The 5 Levels of Purification ... !!!

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The Five Grades of Mental Purity:


Initially the Noble Learner temporarily disables the mental hindrancesand bindings by 'Substitution by the Opposite' using insight: Lust istemporarily substituted by disgust, anger by friendliness, restlessnessby calm, laziness by energy and doubt is substituted by certainty.

Later the Noble Learner temporarily overcomes the mental hindrancesand bindings by 'Suppression' by entering one-pointed absorption ofconcentration, which is unmixed, unpolluted & untainted by hindrances.

Later the Noble Learner permanently eliminates a partial fraction of the hindrances & bindings by 'Cutting Off' at reaching path-moment of theStream-entry, Once-Returner, Non-Returner and Arahat (Magga) state.Later the Noble Learne®d permanently eliminates the remaining fraction of hindrances by effortless 'Calming' at reaching the fruition-moment of the Stream-entry, Once-Returner, Non-Returner and Arahat (Phala) state.

Finally the Noble Learned irreversibly leaves behind all mental hindrancesand bindings by 'Escape' into the unconditioned & unconditional element ofNibbāna, without remaining traces of neither clinging nor other fuels left...

Take Home: Substitution => Suppression => Cut Off => Calming => Escape!

Source: The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga. 5th century AC. http://www.pariyatti.com/book.cgi?prod_id=771100


Friendship is the Greatest ! and the entire Noble Life...


Bhikkhu Samāhita, Sri Lanka.

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