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" geneticrejuvenation " <geneticrejuvenation

Wed May 25, 2005 7:49 pm



The answers to your questions are in the messages and files, but I

will comment. In Hermetic Science, we are devoted to many True

Masters. Principally among them are Jesus and Buddha. We have elected

to study their teachings and to carry them out, rather than worship

anything. The Truth is, they taught that they did not wish to be

worshipped. Also, there were to be no rituals. Food and drink, as at

the " Last Supper " , was to be only a " remembrance " of Jesus and his

teaching about: " You must eat my body and drink my blood... " , which

we now know to be a similitude for the " Marriage Supper of the Lamb

of God " or Rasa Tantra.


Rituals are monuments to the idiocy of man, since they do no good.

Worshipping people, names, and forms, like rituals, are all

idolatrous. Needless to say, you can do whatever you want. Without

bearing the burden of wrath from those who might disagree, I should

think that this thing we call God is best understood by direct

perception. One must choose between an outer or an inner concept of

the Divinity. Is it to be subjective or objective? In the West, it

was an object outside us, which being forced outside, could never be

attained within.


In the east, among Yogis, Brahman was known to be a Manifestation

which must come from within - The Subjective God of Direct Perception

from Within Us, which could be attained. The Eastern concept of One-

ness with God, is considered heresy in the West. So we must decide

between a God which we keep outside with the dog, or a God which we

invite inside for Deep Communion. St. Paul said: " The GREAT MYSTERY

IS CHRIST WITHIN US " . Jesus said: " The Kingdom of Heaven (God?) is

within you " , and " The second coming of the Son of Man will be from



The Constitution of the United States of America, guarantees Freedom

of Religion, so that no " whorehouse puta " can enslave you to what you

think is an erroneous concept. As a catholic once told me: " I

disagree with your theology, but I would fight to the death for our

mutual right to religious Freedom " . Since he had more troops than I,

I was very grateful for the protection, and I also defend the right

of other religions to " call it the way they see it " . Hermetic Science

is for but a few. As Jesus said: " Wide is the highway to destruction,

and narrow is the alley to Salvation " .


In my humble opinion, God is best understood as Salvation from

Suffering. Jesus once cured a man of a disease and declared: " Your

sins are forgiven " . They asked him how could he forgive another's

sins. Jesus answered: " His disease is cured " . A wise man once

said: " Christ never saved anyone. CHRIST IS SALVATION " - not an outer

therapist, but an inner therapy. In this Inner Light, I conclude that

to be " Born Again of bioplasma and Holy Spirit " is the Holy Spirit,

or Kundalini Fire, or the " Resurrection " , mentioned so often by

Mohammed in the Koran, and this is the Allah Within - the Inner

Jihad - the Divine Transformation. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha



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