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lagna n 7th house connection

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dear all,

lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

separated.kindly comment.


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jyotish-vidya , " poojasharma9 " <poojasharma9



> dear all,

> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.

> pooja


Dear Pooja,

What I feel that such placement of planets leads to marriage

in relation or one which is close to us and not any kind of maritial



Thanks & Regards.


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Dear pooja,


//lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

marital discord.//


Do you have a chart to support this statement?




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Hiii all



I have a chart with parivartana between 1st and 7th lord....


and he had a very bad marriage...(marriages in fact)


he was married quite late (age 34) and both his marriages were




his chart is

May 20 ,1952 ,Palghat.(Kerala State ,India) 4 30 AM.

looking forward to hear from you all :)




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Dear Chandramohan and All:


I know a person who likes the color pink, and had a late and bad

marriage. Does this mean the color pink causes bad marriages?




When the Lord of the First is in the 7th you open a chanel of energy

flow between the 1st and the 7th. The first is the self and the 7th is

the other (spouse, partner, etc.).


A parivartana will do the same, but the channel will be even wider.


That is ALL you can say about it before you make all the rest of the



Under bad circumstances connecting the self and the spouse too

directly causes what we call in western psychology " codependence " -

which is a negative state in which the person's sense of self is too

wrapped up in their partner's identity and approval.


Under good circustances connecting the self and the spouse so

intimately could cause extreme harmony and understanding and

harmonious blending of being between the husband and wife.


In the particular chart chandramohan brought to the table, the lord of

the first is malefic mars. Don't you think this is quite an important

fact to mention. Don't you think it might be different if the lord of

the 1st were venus?


Also, look at the moon and venus. The moon represents women and is in

the 12th house and thus spoiled. Moon rules the 4th, so the happiness

of home life is lost and the persons emotions are ruined. How can you

expect a person like that to have a happy marriage? Venus represents

women we are romantic with (wife) she is dead (in a very late degree)

and in a house she doesn't like. These are more the causes of the bad

marriage, NOT the fact that there is parivartana between 1st and 7th





Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor



On Jul 10, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Chandramohan S wrote:


> Hiii all

> YES.


> I have a chart with parivartana between 1st and 7th lord....


> and he had a very bad marriage...(marriages in fact)


> he was married quite late (age 34) and both his marriages were

> unsuccessful....



> his chart is

> May 20 ,1952 ,Palghat.(Kerala State ,India) 4 30 AM.

> looking forward to hear from you all :)




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dear manasa,


here is one.





this is the detail of a close friend of mine.im intentionally giving this chart

for discussion as i know this person v.well and in case u need any details,ill b

able to furnish the same.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 4:31 PM







Dear pooja,


//lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

marital discord.//


Do you have a chart to support this statement?























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daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination.if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM







Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net




















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Dear pooja,


I got only one question for you.. Did this person's extended family

play any role or Was their agreements based on extended family members?







jyotish-vidya , pooja Sharma <poojasharma9



> dear manasa,


> here is one.

> d.o.b.-9.4.1977

> t.o.b.-2pm

> p.o.b.-delhi


> this is the detail of a close friend of mine.im intentionally giving

this chart for discussion as i know this person v.well and in case u

need any details,ill b able to furnish the same.

> pooja


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P.s. Please note the typo (agreements) Do read it as 'arguments'.

jyotish-vidya , " m2sangeeth " <m2sangeeth wrote:


> Dear pooja,


> I got only one question for you.. Did this person's extended family

> play any role or Was their (agreements) based on extended family



> Regards,

> manasa




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Hello Pooja,


Your friend's asc lord Moon is in the 6th house.


Please correct me, if it is wrong.










Apr 9, 1977 2:00 PM -05:30 INT

Delhi, India Longitude: 77E13 Latitude: 28N40

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:32 Current Period: MO/RA/SA


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord


Asc 24:49 Can Aslesha Me

Sun 25:49 Pis +00:58:55 WK Revati Me

Moon 06:56 Sag +14:15:27 WK Mula Ke

Mars 22:15 Aqu +00:46:43 WK P.Bhadra Ju

Merc 15:02 Ari +01:06:02 WK Bharani Ve

Jupt 07:35 Tau +00:12:09 FM Krittika Su

Ven R 20:52 Pis -00:36:35 CM Revati Me

Sat R 16:24 Can -00:00:11 FM Pushya Sa

Rahu 00:49 Lib +00:00:18 FM Chitra Ma

Ketu 00:49 Ari +00:00:18 FM Aswini Ke


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 396 beats

Day: Saturday Sunrise: 6:05 AM

Tithi: Krishna Shashthi

Yoga Pt: 6:05 Pi Yogi:Sa AviYogi:Mo Dup Yogi: Ju

Dagha Rashis: Ari Leo


Rashi Chart


** 5 * * 3 **

*6 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SAR16:24 * * *

* * 4 AS 24:49 * 2 JU 07:35*

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * KE 00:49 **

*7 RA 00:49 * 1 ME 15:02 *

** * * **

*8 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VER20:52*

* * 10 * 12 SU 25:49*

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MO 06:56 * * MA 22:15 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 9 * * 11 **





** 12 * * 10 **

*1 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* JU * VER * *

*MA * * AS * * *

*KE * 11 SU * 9 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **

*2 * 8 SAR *

** * * **

*3 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

*MO * 5 ME * 7 RA *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 4 * * 6 **



Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis


Ke/Ra 16/07/1976

Ke/Ju 04/08/1977

Ke/Sa 11/07/1978

Ke/Me 20/08/1979

Ve/Ve 16/08/1980

Ve/Su 16/12/1983

Ve/Mo 16/12/1984

Ve/Ma 16/08/1986

Ve/Ra 16/10/1987

Ve/Ju 16/10/1990

Ve/Sa 16/06/1993

Ve/Me 16/08/1996

Ve/Ke 17/06/1999

Su/Su 16/08/2000

Su/Mo 03/12/2000

Su/Ma 04/06/2001

Su/Ra 10/10/2001

Su/Ju 04/09/2002

Su/Sa 23/06/2003

Su/Me 04/06/2004

Su/Ke 10/04/2005

Su/Ve 16/08/2005

Mo/Mo 16/08/2006

Mo/Ma 17/06/2007

Mo/Ra 16/01/2008

Mo/Ju 17/07/2009

Mo/Sa 16/11/2010

Mo/Me 16/06/2012

Mo/Ke 15/11/2013

Mo/Ve 16/06/2014

Mo/Su 15/02/2016

Ma/Ma 16/08/2016

Ma/Ra 12/01/2017

Ma/Ju 30/01/2018

Ma/Sa 06/01/2019

Ma/Me 15/02/2020

Ma/Ke 11/02/2021

Ma/Ve 10/07/2021

Ma/Su 10/09/2022

Ma/Mo 15/01/2023

Ra/Ra 17/08/2023

Ra/Ju 29/04/2026

Ra/Sa 21/09/2028

Ra/Me 29/07/2031

Ra/Ke 15/02/2034

Ra/Ve 05/03/2035

Ra/Su 05/03/2038

Ra/Mo 28/01/2039

Ra/Ma 28/07/2040

Ju/Ju 16/08/2041

Ju/Sa 04/10/2043

Ju/Me 17/04/2046

Ju/Ke 22/07/2048

Ju/Ve 28/06/2049

Ju/Su 27/02/2052

Ju/Mo 16/12/2052

Ju/Ma 17/04/2054

Ju/Ra 23/03/2055

Sa/Sa 16/08/2057

Sa/Me 19/08/2060

Sa/Ke 29/04/2063

Sa/Ve 07/06/2064

Sa/Su 07/08/2067

Sa/Mo 19/07/2068

Sa/Ma 18/02/2070

Sa/Ra 29/03/2071

Sa/Ju 02/02/2074

Me/Me 16/08/2076

Me/Ke 12/01/2079

Me/Ve 10/01/2080

Me/Su 09/11/2082

Me/Mo 16/09/2083

Me/Ma 14/02/2085

Me/Ra 12/02/2086

Me/Ju 31/08/2088

Me/Sa 07/12/2090




jyotish-vidya , pooja Sharma <poojasharma9



> dear manasa,


> here is one.

> d.o.b.-9.4.1977

> t.o.b.-2pm

> p.o.b.-delhi


> this is the detail of a close friend of mine.im intentionally giving

this chart for discussion as i know this person v.well and in case u

need any details,ill b able to furnish the same.

> pooja



> --- On Thu, 7/10/08, m2sangeeth m2sangeeth wrote:


> m2sangeeth m2sangeeth

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Thursday, July 10, 2008, 4:31 PM

Dear pooja,


> //lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.//


> Do you have a chart to support this statement?


> Regards,

> Manasa.














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Dear madam

i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In my friend

horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and

the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi). he is not yet

married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be any problem in his married life. his in

mars dasa and saturn bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your


with regards



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM







daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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dear sir,

 thats correct.and this moon forms kemdrum yoga and is unexpected by any planet.



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, naren.dra1 <naren.dra wrote:


naren.dra1 <naren.dra

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 2:15 PM







Hello Pooja,


Your friend's asc lord Moon is in the 6th house.


Please correct me, if it is wrong.








Apr 9, 1977 2:00 PM -05:30 INT

Delhi, India Longitude: 77E13 Latitude: 28N40

Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:32 Current Period: MO/RA/SA


Planet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra Lord

============ ========= ========= ========= =========

Asc 24:49 Can Aslesha Me

Sun 25:49 Pis +00:58:55 WK Revati Me

Moon 06:56 Sag +14:15:27 WK Mula Ke

Mars 22:15 Aqu +00:46:43 WK P.Bhadra Ju

Merc 15:02 Ari +01:06:02 WK Bharani Ve

Jupt 07:35 Tau +00:12:09 FM Krittika Su

Ven R 20:52 Pis -00:36:35 CM Revati Me

Sat R 16:24 Can -00:00:11 FM Pushya Sa

Rahu 00:49 Lib +00:00:18 FM Chitra Ma

Ketu 00:49 Ari +00:00:18 FM Aswini Ke


True Node 365.25 Day Year - Internet Time: 396 beats

Day: Saturday Sunrise: 6:05 AM

Tithi: Krishna Shashthi

Yoga Pt: 6:05 Pi Yogi:Sa AviYogi:Mo Dup Yogi: Ju

Dagha Rashis: Ari Leo


Rashi Chart

************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *******

** 5 * * 3 **

*6 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SAR16:24 * * *

* * 4 AS 24:49 * 2 JU 07:35*

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * KE 00:49 **

*7 RA 00:49 * 1 ME 15:02 *

** * * **

*8 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * VER20:52*

* * 10 * 12 SU 25:49*

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MO 06:56 * * MA 22:15 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 9 * * 11 **

************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *******



************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *******

** 12 * * 10 **

*1 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* JU * VER * *

*MA * * AS * * *

*KE * 11 SU * 9 *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** * * **

*2 * 8 SAR *

** * * **

*3 * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

*MO * 5 ME * 7 RA *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

** 4 * * 6 **

************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *******


Vimshottari Dasha/Buktis

============ ========= ===

Ke/Ra 16/07/1976

Ke/Ju 04/08/1977

Ke/Sa 11/07/1978

Ke/Me 20/08/1979

Ve/Ve 16/08/1980

Ve/Su 16/12/1983

Ve/Mo 16/12/1984

Ve/Ma 16/08/1986

Ve/Ra 16/10/1987

Ve/Ju 16/10/1990

Ve/Sa 16/06/1993

Ve/Me 16/08/1996

Ve/Ke 17/06/1999

Su/Su 16/08/2000

Su/Mo 03/12/2000

Su/Ma 04/06/2001

Su/Ra 10/10/2001

Su/Ju 04/09/2002

Su/Sa 23/06/2003

Su/Me 04/06/2004

Su/Ke 10/04/2005

Su/Ve 16/08/2005

Mo/Mo 16/08/2006

Mo/Ma 17/06/2007

Mo/Ra 16/01/2008

Mo/Ju 17/07/2009

Mo/Sa 16/11/2010

Mo/Me 16/06/2012

Mo/Ke 15/11/2013

Mo/Ve 16/06/2014

Mo/Su 15/02/2016

Ma/Ma 16/08/2016

Ma/Ra 12/01/2017

Ma/Ju 30/01/2018

Ma/Sa 06/01/2019

Ma/Me 15/02/2020

Ma/Ke 11/02/2021

Ma/Ve 10/07/2021

Ma/Su 10/09/2022

Ma/Mo 15/01/2023

Ra/Ra 17/08/2023

Ra/Ju 29/04/2026

Ra/Sa 21/09/2028

Ra/Me 29/07/2031

Ra/Ke 15/02/2034

Ra/Ve 05/03/2035

Ra/Su 05/03/2038

Ra/Mo 28/01/2039

Ra/Ma 28/07/2040

Ju/Ju 16/08/2041

Ju/Sa 04/10/2043

Ju/Me 17/04/2046

Ju/Ke 22/07/2048

Ju/Ve 28/06/2049

Ju/Su 27/02/2052

Ju/Mo 16/12/2052

Ju/Ma 17/04/2054

Ju/Ra 23/03/2055

Sa/Sa 16/08/2057

Sa/Me 19/08/2060

Sa/Ke 29/04/2063

Sa/Ve 07/06/2064

Sa/Su 07/08/2067

Sa/Mo 19/07/2068

Sa/Ma 18/02/2070

Sa/Ra 29/03/2071

Sa/Ju 02/02/2074

Me/Me 16/08/2076

Me/Ke 12/01/2079

Me/Ve 10/01/2080

Me/Su 09/11/2082

Me/Mo 16/09/2083

Me/Ma 14/02/2085

Me/Ra 12/02/2086

Me/Ju 31/08/2088

Me/Sa 07/12/2090


jyotish-vidya, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ ...>



> dear manasa,


> here is one.

> d.o.b.-9.4.1977

> t.o.b.-2pm

> p.o.b.-delhi


> this is the detail of a close friend of mine.im intentionally giving

this chart for discussion as i know this person v.well and in case u

need any details,ill b able to furnish the same.

> pooja



> --- On Thu, 7/10/08, m2sangeeth m2sangeeth@. .. wrote:


> m2sangeeth m2sangeeth@. ..

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Thursday, July 10, 2008, 4:31 PM

Dear pooja,


> //lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.//


> Do you have a chart to support this statement?


> Regards,

> Manasa.














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dear manasa,

this is the horo of a female married to a handsome guy.they had love marriage on

25jan,2003.she is still deeply in love with the guy.and yes,the boy's family is

always the major pt. of dispute between the two.




, 7/13/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 11:35 AM







Dear pooja,


I got only one question for you.. Did this person's extended family

play any role or Was their agreements based on extended family members?





jyotish-vidya, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ ...>



> dear manasa,


> here is one.

> d.o.b.-9.4.1977

> t.o.b.-2pm

> p.o.b.-delhi


> this is the detail of a close friend of mine.im intentionally giving

this chart for discussion as i know this person v.well and in case u

need any details,ill b able to furnish the same.

> pooja






















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dear sir,

           timing of events can never be predicted without applying

transit.inspite of the BASIC PROMISE and FAVOURABLE DASHA in the horoscopes,the

event wont occur till FAVOURABLE TRANSIT comes.




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 7:02 AM







Dear madam

i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In my friend

horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and

the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) . he is not

yet married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be any problem in his married life. his

in mars dasa and saturn bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your


with regards



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM


daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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Dear madam

thank you for replying my mail.

// the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and the 7th

house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) .//  what about the

general prediction for this planetary positions?

kind regards



--- On Mon, 7/14/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 2:37 PM







dear sir,

           timing of events can never be predicted without applying

transit.inspite of the BASIC PROMISE and FAVOURABLE DASHA in the horoscopes,the

event wont occur till FAVOURABLE TRANSIT comes.




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju > wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 7:02 AM


Dear madam

i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In my friend

horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and

the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) . he is not

yet married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be any problem in his married life. his

in mars dasa and saturn bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your


with regards



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM


daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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This is the Truth.





jyotish-vidya , pooja Sharma <poojasharma9



> dear sir,

>            timing of events can never be predicted without applying

transit.inspite of the BASIC PROMISE and FAVOURABLE DASHA in the

horoscopes,the event wont occur till FAVOURABLE TRANSIT comes.


> pooja


> --- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju wrote:


> Raju kannan <centumraju

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Monday, July 14, 2008, 7:02 AM

Dear madam

> i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In

my friend horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith

venus and sun and the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with

kuliga(mandi) . he is not yet married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be

any problem in his married life. his in mars dasa and saturn

bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your viwes.

> with regards

> raju


> --- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


> pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM


> daer sir,

> ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no

marital discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they

think on totally different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a

horoscope,in which 7th lord is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects

its own 7th house,there is no physical and mental capability between

the two.

>                                   before accepting it as a

combination for marital discord,i want all the members to kindly

comment.i may be wrong.


> pooja


> --- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


> Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> Re: lagna n 7th house connection

> jyotish-vidya

> Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


> Dear Pooja,


> > lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> > marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> > separated.kindly comment.


> I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.


> Yours,

> Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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dear sir,

marital discord seems to be there if we consider only those parameters as given

by u.but again i suggest u to do a deeper analysis before reaching any




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:33 AM







Dear madam

thank you for replying my mail.

// the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and the 7th

house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) .//  what about the

general prediction for this planetary positions?

kind regards



--- On Mon, 7/14/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 2:37 PM


dear sir,

           timing of events can never be predicted without applying

transit.inspite of the BASIC PROMISE and FAVOURABLE DASHA in the horoscopes,the

event wont occur till FAVOURABLE TRANSIT comes.




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju> wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 7:02 AM


Dear madam

i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In my friend

horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and

the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) . he is not

yet married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be any problem in his married life. his

in mars dasa and saturn bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your


with regards



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM


daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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Dear madam

Thank you for your information .

with regards




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9 wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 3:31 PM







dear sir,

marital discord seems to be there if we consider only those parameters as given

by u.but again i suggest u to do a deeper analysis before reaching any




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju > wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:33 AM


Dear madam

thank you for replying my mail.

// the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and the 7th

house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) .//  what about the

general prediction for this planetary positions?

kind regards



--- On Mon, 7/14/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 2:37 PM


dear sir,

           timing of events can never be predicted without applying

transit.inspite of the BASIC PROMISE and FAVOURABLE DASHA in the horoscopes,the

event wont occur till FAVOURABLE TRANSIT comes.




--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Raju kannan <centumraju> wrote:


Raju kannan <centumraju>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Monday, July 14, 2008, 7:02 AM


Dear madam

i woluld like to know some more details regarding this topic . In my friend

horoscope the 7th lord mercury (combust) in lagna alongwith venus and sun and

the 7th house is occupied by retrograde saturn with kuliga(mandi) . he is not

yet married and 33 yrs old. wiil there be any problem in his married life. his

in mars dasa and saturn bhukthi . when he ll get married? kindly express your


with regards



--- On Sun, 7/13/08, pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ > wrote:


pooja Sharma <poojasharma9@ >

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Sunday, July 13, 2008, 3:55 PM


daer sir,

ive come thru many horoscopes with such combination. if there is no marital

discord,then there is mental distance between the two.they think on totally

different planes.ive jst furnished the details of a horoscope,in which 7th lord

is in lagna.even though 7th lord aspects its own 7th house,there is no physical

and mental capability between the two.

                                  before accepting it as a combination for

marital discord,i want all the members to kindly comment.i may be wrong.




--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Vic D <vicdicara (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:24 PM


Dear Pooja,


> lagna lord in 7th house or 7th house in lagna leads to

> marital discord.the couple is either physically or mentally

> separated.kindly comment.


I find this HIGHLY disagreeable.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

http://www.vedicast rologer.net



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Dear pooja,


In my view the disagreements are due to exalted venus in the chart

that is combust. As you will be knowing venus is the karaka for

spouse.Sun has taken the qualities of venus and is quite strong in the

chart. So there is an element of ego in all the verbal fights she is in.


7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in. Saturn being the lord of 7 & 8, says that her

spouse and his family follows traditional customs quite strictly. Is

it true if I say that she is a person with modern outlook? Her family

upbringing had been like that ( note that sun is the ruler of 2nd

house which says abt her extended family). This is another reason why

she is in dispute.


Mental agony has to be seen both from the 4th house and moon.4th lord

is venus that is combust so she cannot freely express her emotions and

moon is in 8th house from jupiter giving ups and downs.


What could be done about this? I find that guru is in parivarthana

with venus and she was blessed with love of her life via marriage in

sun/jupiter period. So it's jupiter's approach that would help in

finding the solution- which is wisdom,philosophy and optimism.

Unconditional love would bless her with a happy married life. Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.




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dear manasa,

       im truly impressed by your analysis.yes,the family has a traditional bent

of mind.but her husband is against such rigid customs n thoughts.her in-laws

boycotted her as she does indulge in all those irrelevent gossips though she

performs the customs of the family.

                manasa,i wud like to detail u more abt her relation with her

hubby.she is highly spititual,wanted to remain unmarried but the guy came  in

her life and promised to combine her spiritual goals with him.all was fine until

they got married.they used to visit religious places on datings.she felt as if

she had found a soulmate with whom she wud reach the ultimate goal of


            and marriage changed everything.and u know what,whenever she

discusses GOD or something like that ,the boy is least interested now.80% of the

time,they are arguing over the behaviour of the boy's one family member or the


          now comes the astrology part.yes venus is combust,but wudn't it be

giving any of its exaltation effect?if the main problem is to bring marital

harmony ,then why not we concentrate on 7th lord retro saturn also.how to make

saturn nullify the ill effects?


and about her emotions,i agree it is again 4th lord venus combustion and moon in

kemdrum in 6th house.but such combinations are there in many horoscopes and they

do not necessarily contribute to marital discords.


manasa,u mean to say,the lagna and 7th house connection is not the reason for

their discord?im still confused.kindly help.




--- On Tue, 7/15/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 12:45 PM







Dear pooja,


In my view the disagreements are due to exalted venus in the chart

that is combust. As you will be knowing venus is the karaka for

spouse.Sun has taken the qualities of venus and is quite strong in the

chart. So there is an element of ego in all the verbal fights she is in.


7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in. Saturn being the lord of 7 & 8, says that her

spouse and his family follows traditional customs quite strictly. Is

it true if I say that she is a person with modern outlook? Her family

upbringing had been like that ( note that sun is the ruler of 2nd

house which says abt her extended family). This is another reason why

she is in dispute.


Mental agony has to be seen both from the 4th house and moon.4th lord

is venus that is combust so she cannot freely express her emotions and

moon is in 8th house from jupiter giving ups and downs.


What could be done about this? I find that guru is in parivarthana

with venus and she was blessed with love of her life via marriage in

sun/jupiter period. So it's jupiter's approach that would help in

finding the solution- which is wisdom,philosophy and optimism.

Unconditional love would bless her with a happy married life. Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.























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dera manasa,

          // 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in.//

does it also not mean that the person loves her spouse more than herself or

anything.or does it mean that the person is so self sufficient that she doesnt

need any 7th house company.(as wherever the house lord goes,it take its

signifance to that house).

kindly comment on this too



sir,i still feel as if the main culprit is the 7th lord in lagna and that too



--- On Tue, 7/15/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 12:45 PM







Dear pooja,


In my view the disagreements are due to exalted venus in the chart

that is combust. As you will be knowing venus is the karaka for

spouse.Sun has taken the qualities of venus and is quite strong in the

chart. So there is an element of ego in all the verbal fights she is in.


7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in. Saturn being the lord of 7 & 8, says that her

spouse and his family follows traditional customs quite strictly. Is

it true if I say that she is a person with modern outlook? Her family

upbringing had been like that ( note that sun is the ruler of 2nd

house which says abt her extended family). This is another reason why

she is in dispute.


Mental agony has to be seen both from the 4th house and moon.4th lord

is venus that is combust so she cannot freely express her emotions and

moon is in 8th house from jupiter giving ups and downs.


What could be done about this? I find that guru is in parivarthana

with venus and she was blessed with love of her life via marriage in

sun/jupiter period. So it's jupiter's approach that would help in

finding the solution- which is wisdom,philosophy and optimism.

Unconditional love would bless her with a happy married life. Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.























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7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in.



I am following this argument with keen interest and I feel the above is correct.


The point is the SATURN's mooltrikona rashi is in the 8th house and therefore he

becomes absolute malefic and causes 'garbad' with the younger co borns of the

native, husband's family and even her status as a married woman is in trouble.


But correct me, I am leraner.










pooja Sharma

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 10:10 AM


Re: Re: lagna n 7th house connection



dera manasa,

// 7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in.//

does it also not mean that the person loves her spouse more than herself or

anything.or does it mean that the person is so self sufficient that she doesnt

need any 7th house company.(as wherever the house lord goes,it take its

signifance to that house).

kindly comment on this too



sir,i still feel as if the main culprit is the 7th lord in lagna and that too



--- On Tue, 7/15/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 12:45 PM


Dear pooja,


In my view the disagreements are due to exalted venus in the chart

that is combust. As you will be knowing venus is the karaka for

spouse.Sun has taken the qualities of venus and is quite strong in the

chart. So there is an element of ego in all the verbal fights she is in.


7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in. Saturn being the lord of 7 & 8, says that her

spouse and his family follows traditional customs quite strictly. Is

it true if I say that she is a person with modern outlook? Her family

upbringing had been like that ( note that sun is the ruler of 2nd

house which says abt her extended family). This is another reason why

she is in dispute.


Mental agony has to be seen both from the 4th house and moon.4th lord

is venus that is combust so she cannot freely express her emotions and

moon is in 8th house from jupiter giving ups and downs.


What could be done about this? I find that guru is in parivarthana

with venus and she was blessed with love of her life via marriage in

sun/jupiter period. So it's jupiter's approach that would help in

finding the solution- which is wisdom,philosophy and optimism.

Unconditional love would bless her with a happy married life. Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.






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//moon being 8th frm jupiter gives such ups and downs// ?u mean emotions?


//Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.//


as i ve jst mentioned in the previous mail to u,she is all the time interested

in spirituality and religion.but these days,she dont even afford to do that due

to the mental turmoil and the husband being non-supportive.

sir,one more query,how cud u pinpoint it to be a RAMA temple?how do we predict

the diety to be worshiped for a particular horo?




--- On Tue, 7/15/08, m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth wrote:


m2sangeeth <m2sangeeth

Re: lagna n 7th house connection


Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 12:45 PM







Dear pooja,


In my view the disagreements are due to exalted venus in the chart

that is combust. As you will be knowing venus is the karaka for

spouse.Sun has taken the qualities of venus and is quite strong in the

chart. So there is an element of ego in all the verbal fights she is in.


7th lord in lagna says that the person is identified through the

partnership she is in. Saturn being the lord of 7 & 8, says that her

spouse and his family follows traditional customs quite strictly. Is

it true if I say that she is a person with modern outlook? Her family

upbringing had been like that ( note that sun is the ruler of 2nd

house which says abt her extended family). This is another reason why

she is in dispute.


Mental agony has to be seen both from the 4th house and moon.4th lord

is venus that is combust so she cannot freely express her emotions and

moon is in 8th house from jupiter giving ups and downs.


What could be done about this? I find that guru is in parivarthana

with venus and she was blessed with love of her life via marriage in

sun/jupiter period. So it's jupiter's approach that would help in

finding the solution- which is wisdom,philosophy and optimism.

Unconditional love would bless her with a happy married life. Going to

the family temple (which should be a Rama temple ) and praying there

would ease the task for its the 9th house that is afflicted. In

navamsa, jupiter is in its own house. So definitely she will be blessed.























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