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similar date of birth - same problem - please enlighten

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Dear All,

I found the following message while i was going through previous



" my friend is sufferring from continous tension and he didi jobs and

unfortunately he is fired always . as an amatuer astrologer i was

amazed by

looking at his horoscope so i need you guidence and advice what will

happen in

future wih him data is




karachi ,pakistan


As his three palnets like guru exalted in Lagna , Venus Exalted In

9th And Sun

in 10th But he is living a mediocre life.

A.M.khan "


The interesting part is my date of birth is 9/5/1979; 11:49 AM;

place of birth - chennai, India.


I also have cancer lagna. i am aslo facing the same kind of trauma

as mentioned above.My query - is there a conflict between 9th house

& 10th house? since 9th is 12th from 10th is my spritual inclination

affecting my professional progress? should i compare my vimsamsa &

dasamsa to detrmine my future?my current dasa is jupiter dasa.kindly


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Dear Friend,

Position of planets. in lagna need also to be seen in Navamsa.when expected

results are not forthcoming.Sun as Amatya karaka in Bharani nakshtra ruled

byVenus leads to interests in different fields/areas but not making progress

further to gain confident approaches.

The Navamsa lagna raising in your casse is that of sagittarus with lagna lord

posited in 10th in the sign of virgo.Vargottama mars in R-K axis(5/11).9th lord

sun also amaatya karak in 12th in scorpio.Aceratin indication for spirtual


Interest in AStrology during dasa of jupiter particularly when jupiter in

exaltation apscts planet in 9th,atmakarak venus.Being 7th from moon,leads too

many associations but making bit dislike for female company.

For professional growth,planets in 10th have a role.Mars in ketu nakshtra a nd

also sun in aswani one do not give confidence for settled and progressive

career,In addition sade sati last phase and in gochara saturn with ketu.ASpect

of saturn on 11th may lead set backs and finacial worries.

Dasa of 6th and 9th lord palced in 10th in navamasa.ASpect of saturn on venus in

navamsa.These changes in pogressive chart have impact on life.Saturn being

retrograde is aspecting lagna and also moon in 8th of navamsa.Hinderance and

unexpected instances bring change in the outlook for material progress.

For your friend it is Thula navamsa in R-K axis.Postion of moon improved for

your friend but aspect of saturn on navmasa takes away momentum in life,Certain

problem in married life.So different lifes and changed outlook

if you are very hardworking,your friend is having other diversions.



--- On Tue, 7/15/08, yakrish777 <yakrish777 wrote:


yakrish777 <yakrish777

similar date of birth - same problem - please enlighten


Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 4:32 AM








Dear All,

I found the following message while i was going through previous



" my friend is sufferring from continous tension and he didi jobs and

unfortunately he is fired always . as an amatuer astrologer i was

amazed by

looking at his horoscope so i need you guidence and advice what will

happen in

future wih him data is




karachi ,pakistan


As his three palnets like guru exalted in Lagna , Venus Exalted In

9th And Sun

in 10th But he is living a mediocre life.

A.M.khan "


The interesting part is my date of birth is 9/5/1979; 11:49 AM;

place of birth - chennai, India.


I also have cancer lagna. i am aslo facing the same kind of trauma

as mentioned above.My query - is there a conflict between 9th house

& 10th house? since 9th is 12th from 10th is my spritual inclination

affecting my professional progress? should i compare my vimsamsa &

dasamsa to detrmine my future?my current dasa is jupiter dasa.kindly





















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Guest guest

Dear Friend,


At the outset I would like to thank you for the time spent &

detailed analysis given. I was flummoxed by the intensity of my

problem. Slowly I am seeing light at the end of tunnel - as the

phrase goes.As u have mentioned my interest in astrology started

only after my start of jupiter dasa.Interestingly my lagna lord in

dasamasa & Vimsamsa is in the ninth house aspected/conjoined by

jupiter.will this also be a reason for my spritual inclination?


Further to this if u have time kindly throw some light on these



1) If the 12th lord is placed in any house is the significance of

that house is damaged?


2) Navamsa shows the bhagya of present life & rasi shows the

efforts/attitude of present life. so can i analyse in this fashion -

superimpose navamsa chart on rasi chart & check the placement of

planets/ lagna etc. For example if moon is in 4th house cancer in

rasi chart & scorpio navamsa can I concurr that the significance of

4th house - mother/property etc will be at loss since moon is neecha.


Kindly enlighten.


Once again I thank u for the detailed mail. Looking forward to your














jyotish-vidya , vattem krishnan

<bursar_99 wrote:


> Dear Friend,

> Position of planets. in lagna need also to be seen in Navamsa.when

expected results are not forthcoming.Sun as Amatya karaka in Bharani

nakshtra ruled byVenus leads to interests in different fields/areas

but not making progress further to gain confident approaches.

> The Navamsa lagna raising in your casse is that of sagittarus with

lagna lord posited in 10th in the sign of virgo.Vargottama mars in R-

K axis(5/11).9th lord sun also amaatya karak in 12th in

scorpio.Aceratin indication for spirtual indication.

> Interest in AStrology during dasa of jupiter particularly when

jupiter in exaltation apscts planet in 9th,atmakarak venus.Being 7th

from moon,leads too many associations but making bit dislike for

female company.

> For professional growth,planets in 10th have a role.Mars in ketu

nakshtra a nd also sun in aswani one do not give confidence for

settled and progressive career,In addition sade sati last phase and

in gochara saturn with ketu.ASpect of saturn on 11th may lead set

backs and finacial worries.

> Dasa of 6th and 9th lord palced in 10th in navamasa.ASpect of

saturn on venus in navamsa.These changes in pogressive chart have

impact on life.Saturn being retrograde is aspecting lagna and also

moon in 8th of navamsa.Hinderance and unexpected instances bring

change in the outlook for material progress.

> For your friend it is Thula navamsa in R-K axis.Postion of moon

improved for your friend but aspect of saturn on navmasa takes away

momentum in life,Certain problem in married life.So different lifes

and changed outlook

> if you are very hardworking,your friend is having other diversions.

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Tue, 7/15/08, yakrish777 <yakrish777 wrote:


> yakrish777 <yakrish777

> similar date of birth - same problem -

please enlighten

> jyotish-vidya

> Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 4:32 AM


Dear All,

> I found the following message while i was going through previous

> messages:-


> " my friend is sufferring from continous tension and he didi jobs


> unfortunately he is fired always . as an amatuer astrologer i was

> amazed by

> looking at his horoscope so i need you guidence and advice what


> happen in

> future wih him data is


> 8/51979

> 12.15pm

> karachi ,pakistan


> As his three palnets like guru exalted in Lagna , Venus Exalted In

> 9th And Sun

> in 10th But he is living a mediocre life.

> A.M.khan "


> The interesting part is my date of birth is 9/5/1979; 11:49 AM;

> place of birth - chennai, India.


> I also have cancer lagna. i am aslo facing the same kind of trauma

> as mentioned above.My query - is there a conflict between 9th


> & 10th house? since 9th is 12th from 10th is my spritual


> affecting my professional progress? should i compare my vimsamsa &

> dasamsa to detrmine my future?my current dasa is jupiter


> enlighten.














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Dear Friend,

All varga charts including navamsa they only indicate how planets at different

states effect various pahases in human life.Any consistency observesed in the

benific planets is a value addition to the course of events likely to happen.

From Rasi at the time of birth to  Navamsa the transformation indicates the gain

and loss of strength of various planets yes by super imposing on rasi chart you

can understand better the events that happen in life.

Spirtual inclination rooted in Dharma bahava and moksha bhavas unfold and guide

the course of life with the influence of Sun,Venus and Jupitera.But dasa r very

important for the course to change.

12th lord if placed any other bhava,depending on the nature of planet,the

significance will either get enhanced or dimnish.IN all kendras benific planets

will give benits including konas.Malefic planets too give good results in 1,5

and 9 houses so on so forth.



--- On Wed, 7/16/08, yakrish777 <yakrish777 wrote:


yakrish777 <yakrish777

Re: similar date of birth - same problem - please



Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 5:56 AM







Dear Friend,


At the outset I would like to thank you for the time spent &

detailed analysis given. I was flummoxed by the intensity of my

problem. Slowly I am seeing light at the end of tunnel - as the

phrase goes.As u have mentioned my interest in astrology started

only after my start of jupiter dasa.Interestingly my lagna lord in

dasamasa & Vimsamsa is in the ninth house aspected/conjoined by

jupiter.will this also be a reason for my spritual inclination?


Further to this if u have time kindly throw some light on these



1) If the 12th lord is placed in any house is the significance of

that house is damaged?


2) Navamsa shows the bhagya of present life & rasi shows the

efforts/attitude of present life. so can i analyse in this fashion -

superimpose navamsa chart on rasi chart & check the placement of

planets/ lagna etc. For example if moon is in 4th house cancer in

rasi chart & scorpio navamsa can I concurr that the significance of

4th house - mother/property etc will be at loss since moon is neecha.


Kindly enlighten.


Once again I thank u for the detailed mail. Looking forward to your




Krishnamurthy. B


jyotish-vidya, vattem krishnan

<bursar_99@. ..> wrote:


> Dear Friend,

> Position of planets. in lagna need also to be seen in Navamsa.when

expected results are not forthcoming. Sun as Amatya karaka in Bharani

nakshtra ruled byVenus leads to interests in different fields/areas

but not making progress further to gain confident approaches.

> The Navamsa lagna raising in your casse is that of sagittarus with

lagna lord posited in 10th in the sign of virgo.Vargottama mars in R-

K axis(5/11).9th lord sun also amaatya karak in 12th in

scorpio.Aceratin indication for spirtual indication.

> Interest in AStrology during dasa of jupiter particularly when

jupiter in exaltation apscts planet in 9th,atmakarak venus.Being 7th

from moon,leads too many associations but making bit dislike for

female company.

> For professional growth,planets in 10th have a role.Mars in ketu

nakshtra a nd also sun in aswani one do not give confidence for

settled and progressive career,In addition sade sati last phase and

in gochara saturn with ketu.ASpect of saturn on 11th may lead set

backs and finacial worries.

> Dasa of 6th and 9th lord palced in 10th in navamasa.ASpect of

saturn on venus in navamsa.These changes in pogressive chart have

impact on life.Saturn being retrograde is aspecting lagna and also

moon in 8th of navamsa.Hinderance and unexpected instances bring

change in the outlook for material progress.

> For your friend it is Thula navamsa in R-K axis.Postion of moon

improved for your friend but aspect of saturn on navmasa takes away

momentum in life,Certain problem in married life.So different lifes

and changed outlook

> if you are very hardworking, your friend is having other diversions.

> vrkrishnan


> --- On Tue, 7/15/08, yakrish777 <yakrish777@ ...> wrote:


> yakrish777 <yakrish777@ ...>

> similar date of birth - same problem -

please enlighten

> jyotish-vidya

> Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 4:32 AM


Dear All,

> I found the following message while i was going through previous

> messages:-


> " my friend is sufferring from continous tension and he didi jobs


> unfortunately he is fired always . as an amatuer astrologer i was

> amazed by

> looking at his horoscope so i need you guidence and advice what


> happen in

> future wih him data is


> 8/51979

> 12.15pm

> karachi ,pakistan


> As his three palnets like guru exalted in Lagna , Venus Exalted In

> 9th And Sun

> in 10th But he is living a mediocre life.

> A.M.khan "


> The interesting part is my date of birth is 9/5/1979; 11:49 AM;

> place of birth - chennai, India.


> I also have cancer lagna. i am aslo facing the same kind of trauma

> as mentioned above.My query - is there a conflict between 9th


> & 10th house? since 9th is 12th from 10th is my spritual


> affecting my professional progress? should i compare my vimsamsa &

> dasamsa to detrmine my future?my current dasa is jupiter


> enlighten.














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