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Shakata Yoga

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Dear Manasa,


> I feel that strength of both karakas (4th and 9th)and the houses

> involved determines on which plane the person finds misfortune.



Thanks. Your reasoning is interesting. In my case, I believe the yoga

(Shakata) to affect my entire life, but I feel it more strongly in

external life than I do emotionally, because my Moon is solidly

situated at about 11 degrees of Taurus in the 5th House.



Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor


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Dear Vic,


I just looked into your chart to understand what you wrote. Your lagna

lord,saturn, is in 4th house in naks of moon and moon in 5th house

which is in its exaltation rasi. 4th and 11th house lord mars is

debilitated and combust in 7th house but lord of 7th house is Moon. No

wonder the powerful moon/ lord krishna is your saviour.


Jupiter in naks of mars in 10th house, 10th lord in 8th house in naks

of sun, 9th lord conjunct ketu in naks of ketu in the 8th house helps

me to understand why you had more troubles in external life than the

inner world.


If you look at my chart you can see that I had more misfortunes in my

emotional life. (dec 21/1979, 22:20,Cochin, India). IMO, Jupiter is

the saviour in my chart.






jyotish-vidya , Vic D <vicdicara wrote:


> Dear Manasa,


> > I feel that strength of both karakas (4th and 9th)and the houses

> > involved determines on which plane the person finds misfortune.



> Thanks. Your reasoning is interesting. In my case, I believe the yoga

> (Shakata) to affect my entire life, but I feel it more strongly in

> external life than I do emotionally, because my Moon is solidly

> situated at about 11 degrees of Taurus in the 5th House.


> Yours,

> Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> http://www.vedicastrologer.net


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Dear Manasa,


> I just looked into your chart to understand what you wrote. Your lagna

> lord,saturn, is in 4th house in naks of moon and moon in 5th house

> which is in its exaltation rasi. 4th and 11th house lord mars is

> debilitated and combust in 7th house but lord of 7th house is Moon. No

> wonder the powerful moon/ lord krishna is your saviour.


Upon reading this I got more and more and more of a smile on my face.

There is nothing I love more than the moon!


You picked out all the excellent relationships. Moon is saving Saturn

and Mars - both of whom are otherwise screwing up my mother, emotions,

property, and educational degrees (4th house).


I had a tremendous relationship with my mother in my youth. I mean

tremendous. That was during the moon dasha. Then came Rahu and now

Jupiter... Now it is basically not even an echo or a shadow. It is

ruined. My mother is debilitated and our relationship is strained. It

is a source of grief. Next will come Saturn... that will be the end. =(


My emotions are convoluted. I am highly emotional in a good way, but

am so detached and independent and a loner. (Saturn in the 4th,

debilitated, but helped by the moon). It's what James Braha would call

a " wild card " . One terrible thing (debilitation in aries) one great

thing (in Nakshatra of exalted moon). And sure enough as you will see

I have great and lousy 4th House karma side by side in my life.


I live in very comfortable houses, but I lose money on them, and

recently foreclosed and house and filed bankruptcy as a result. Yet I

live in relative luxury with fancy, good cars, and in a great



I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people, but I

dropped out of college and never got any sort of degree after changing

majors 4 times in about 1 year. Nonetheless without any degree I have

a highpaying job in technical fields. Although I often switch jobs or

my employers go out of business (there's a yoga for that too, don't

show it to anyone thinking about hiring me ;-).


The moon also saved my 7th House. Mars sitting here and messing up my

ego (sun) makes me so needy of attention from the public and makes me

look elsewhere than my own partner for affirmation and attention. It

is a troubling curse. But at the same time, my wife and I have

weathered all obsticles (and some were HUGE) together and have a

relationship that is better than ever and closer than most any others,

because she is a saint and because of the benefic position of the lord

of the 7th House.


Initially, when I first started trying to read my horoscope, I thought

these counteractions may be due to neech-bhanga raja-yogas. But I've

been deprecating those as over-rated and on careful consideration I

think the alleviations to my fallen mars and saturn are due simply to

their connection to the exalted moon.


I also think that Shakata Yoga and mixed karma affects a Capricorn

anscendant strongly. It is not a dual sign, but it is a dual creature

- half ugly and half beautiful... that's not very scientific... just a

poetic thought. Don't take it seriously.


> If you look at my chart you can see that I had more misfortunes in my

> emotional life. (dec 21/1979, 22:20,Cochin, India). IMO, Jupiter is

> the saviour in my chart.


I'll take a look!





Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor


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NB - I forgot to mention Jupiter's aspect on Saturn and the 4th is

also a saving grace. So on one side theres fallen Saturn. On the other

hand there Saturn is in the exalted Moon's nakshatra and aspected by

Benefic jupiter. So it's a " wild card " producing extremely good and

bad results side by side.




> Vic D <vicdicara

> July 16, 2008 2:55:16 PM PDT

> jyotish-vidya

> Re: Re: Shakata Yoga


> Dear Manasa,


>> I just looked into your chart to understand what you wrote. Your

>> lagna

>> lord,saturn, is in 4th house in naks of moon and moon in 5th house

>> which is in its exaltation rasi. 4th and 11th house lord mars is

>> debilitated and combust in 7th house but lord of 7th house is Moon.

>> No

>> wonder the powerful moon/ lord krishna is your saviour.


> Upon reading this I got more and more and more of a smile on my

> face. There is nothing I love more than the moon!


> You picked out all the excellent relationships. Moon is saving

> Saturn and Mars - both of whom are otherwise screwing up my mother,

> emotions, property, and educational degrees (4th house).


> I had a tremendous relationship with my mother in my youth. I mean

> tremendous. That was during the moon dasha. Then came Rahu and now

> Jupiter... Now it is basically not even an echo or a shadow. It is

> ruined. My mother is debilitated and our relationship is strained.

> It is a source of grief. Next will come Saturn... that will be the

> end. =(


> My emotions are convoluted. I am highly emotional in a good way, but

> am so detached and independent and a loner. (Saturn in the 4th,

> debilitated, but helped by the moon). It's what James Braha would

> call a " wild card " . One terrible thing (debilitation in aries) one

> great thing (in Nakshatra of exalted moon). And sure enough as you

> will see I have great and lousy 4th House karma side by side in my

> life.


> I live in very comfortable houses, but I lose money on them, and

> recently foreclosed and house and filed bankruptcy as a result. Yet

> I live in relative luxury with fancy, good cars, and in a great

> neighborhood.


> I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people, but I

> dropped out of college and never got any sort of degree after

> changing majors 4 times in about 1 year. Nonetheless without any

> degree I have a highpaying job in technical fields. Although I often

> switch jobs or my employers go out of business (there's a yoga for

> that too, don't show it to anyone thinking about hiring me ;-).


> The moon also saved my 7th House. Mars sitting here and messing up

> my ego (sun) makes me so needy of attention from the public and

> makes me look elsewhere than my own partner for affirmation and

> attention. It is a troubling curse. But at the same time, my wife

> and I have weathered all obsticles (and some were HUGE) together and

> have a relationship that is better than ever and closer than most

> any others, because she is a saint and because of the benefic

> position of the lord of the 7th House.


> Initially, when I first started trying to read my horoscope, I

> thought these counteractions may be due to neech-bhanga raja-yogas.

> But I've been deprecating those as over-rated and on careful

> consideration I think the alleviations to my fallen mars and saturn

> are due simply to their connection to the exalted moon.


> I also think that Shakata Yoga and mixed karma affects a Capricorn

> anscendant strongly. It is not a dual sign, but it is a dual

> creature - half ugly and half beautiful... that's not very

> scientific... just a poetic thought. Don't take it seriously.


>> If you look at my chart you can see that I had more misfortunes in my

>> emotional life. (dec 21/1979, 22:20,Cochin, India). IMO, Jupiter is

>> the saviour in my chart.


> I'll take a look!




> Yours,

> Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> http://www.vedicastrologer.net






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Dear Vic,


I could read through your lines the very clarity of your mind. I am

sure this gives you good intuitive power.


you wrote:

//Although I often switch jobs or my employers go out of business

(there's a yoga for that too, don't show it to anyone thinking about

hiring me ;-).//


You are not alone! My husband's experience is also the same. Isn't

that weird?


you wrote:

//I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people//


I could relate myself to this. Rather than academic texts, I take a

great deal of interest in reading spiritual texts these days. Could be

due to jupiter transiting my 5th house and aspecting 9th house from there.


W.r.t sakata yoga in my chart, I had difficulty in emotionally

connecting with my mother. She showered me with expensive gifts and

spend lots for me but I don't remember getting a hug or kiss from her

in my childhood/ adolescent yrs. These days I have a more amicable

relationship with her but childhood memories of mother not being

around with me still hurts.Luckily, weak moon in 6th house only did

that. My mother had been a very busy doctor ever since I was born and

been helping the needy when she was not around me. So I don't blame

her for anything, I only love her more:-)





jyotish-vidya , Vic D <vicdicara wrote:


> Dear Manasa,


> > I just looked into your chart to understand what you wrote. Your lagna

> > lord,saturn, is in 4th house in naks of moon and moon in 5th house

> > which is in its exaltation rasi. 4th and 11th house lord mars is

> > debilitated and combust in 7th house but lord of 7th house is Moon. No

> > wonder the powerful moon/ lord krishna is your saviour.


> Upon reading this I got more and more and more of a smile on my face.

> There is nothing I love more than the moon!


> You picked out all the excellent relationships. Moon is saving Saturn

> and Mars - both of whom are otherwise screwing up my mother, emotions,

> property, and educational degrees (4th house).


> I had a tremendous relationship with my mother in my youth. I mean

> tremendous. That was during the moon dasha. Then came Rahu and now

> Jupiter... Now it is basically not even an echo or a shadow. It is

> ruined. My mother is debilitated and our relationship is strained. It

> is a source of grief. Next will come Saturn... that will be the end. =(


> My emotions are convoluted. I am highly emotional in a good way, but

> am so detached and independent and a loner. (Saturn in the 4th,

> debilitated, but helped by the moon). It's what James Braha would call

> a " wild card " . One terrible thing (debilitation in aries) one great

> thing (in Nakshatra of exalted moon). And sure enough as you will see

> I have great and lousy 4th House karma side by side in my life.


> I live in very comfortable houses, but I lose money on them, and

> recently foreclosed and house and filed bankruptcy as a result. Yet I

> live in relative luxury with fancy, good cars, and in a great

> neighborhood.


> I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people, but I

> dropped out of college and never got any sort of degree after changing

> majors 4 times in about 1 year. Nonetheless without any degree I have

> a highpaying job in technical fields.


> The moon also saved my 7th House. Mars sitting here and messing up my

> ego (sun) makes me so needy of attention from the public and makes me

> look elsewhere than my own partner for affirmation and attention. It

> is a troubling curse. But at the same time, my wife and I have

> weathered all obsticles (and some were HUGE) together and have a

> relationship that is better than ever and closer than most any others,

> because she is a saint and because of the benefic position of the lord

> of the 7th House.


> Initially, when I first started trying to read my horoscope, I thought

> these counteractions may be due to neech-bhanga raja-yogas. But I've

> been deprecating those as over-rated and on careful consideration I

> think the alleviations to my fallen mars and saturn are due simply to

> their connection to the exalted moon.


> I also think that Shakata Yoga and mixed karma affects a Capricorn

> anscendant strongly. It is not a dual sign, but it is a dual creature

> - half ugly and half beautiful... that's not very scientific... just a

> poetic thought. Don't take it seriously.


> > If you look at my chart you can see that I had more misfortunes in my

> > emotional life. (dec 21/1979, 22:20,Cochin, India). IMO, Jupiter is

> > the saviour in my chart.


> I'll take a look!




> Yours,

> Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> http://www.vedicastrologer.net


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NB-// I could read through your lines the very clarity of your mind. I

am sure this gives you good intuitive power.//

The above was said after reading your whole post not wrt the two

sentences I copied and pasted.





jyotish-vidya , " m2sangeeth " <m2sangeeth wrote:


> Dear Vic,


> I could read through your lines the very clarity of your mind. I am

> sure this gives you good intuitive power.


> you wrote:

> //Although I often switch jobs or my employers go out of business

> (there's a yoga for that too, don't show it to anyone thinking about

> hiring me ;-).//


> You are not alone! My husband's experience is also the same. Isn't

> that weird?


> you wrote:

> //I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people//


> I could relate myself to this. Rather than academic texts, I take a

> great deal of interest in reading spiritual texts these days. Could be

> due to jupiter transiting my 5th house and aspecting 9th house from



> W.r.t sakata yoga in my chart, I had difficulty in emotionally

> connecting with my mother. She showered me with expensive gifts and

> spend lots for me but I don't remember getting a hug or kiss from her

> in my childhood/ adolescent yrs. These days I have a more amicable

> relationship with her but childhood memories of mother not being

> around with me still hurts.Luckily, weak moon in 6th house only did

> that. My mother had been a very busy doctor ever since I was born and

> been helping the needy when she was not around me. So I don't blame

> her for anything, I only love her more:-)


> regards,

> manasa.


> jyotish-vidya , Vic D <vicdicara@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Manasa,

> >

> > > I just looked into your chart to understand what you wrote. Your


> > > lord,saturn, is in 4th house in naks of moon and moon in 5th house

> > > which is in its exaltation rasi. 4th and 11th house lord mars is

> > > debilitated and combust in 7th house but lord of 7th house is

Moon. No

> > > wonder the powerful moon/ lord krishna is your saviour.

> >

> > Upon reading this I got more and more and more of a smile on my


> > There is nothing I love more than the moon!

> >

> > You picked out all the excellent relationships. Moon is saving


> > and Mars - both of whom are otherwise screwing up my mother,


> > property, and educational degrees (4th house).

> >

> > I had a tremendous relationship with my mother in my youth. I mean

> > tremendous. That was during the moon dasha. Then came Rahu and now

> > Jupiter... Now it is basically not even an echo or a shadow. It is

> > ruined. My mother is debilitated and our relationship is strained.


> > is a source of grief. Next will come Saturn... that will be the

end. =(

> >

> > My emotions are convoluted. I am highly emotional in a good way, but

> > am so detached and independent and a loner. (Saturn in the 4th,

> > debilitated, but helped by the moon). It's what James Braha would


> > a " wild card " . One terrible thing (debilitation in aries) one great

> > thing (in Nakshatra of exalted moon). And sure enough as you will


> > I have great and lousy 4th House karma side by side in my life.

> >

> > I live in very comfortable houses, but I lose money on them, and

> > recently foreclosed and house and filed bankruptcy as a result.

Yet I

> > live in relative luxury with fancy, good cars, and in a great

> > neighborhood.

> >

> > I can learn anything I want faster than 98 out of 100 people, but I

> > dropped out of college and never got any sort of degree after


> > majors 4 times in about 1 year. Nonetheless without any degree I


> > a highpaying job in technical fields.

> >

> > The moon also saved my 7th House. Mars sitting here and messing up


> > ego (sun) makes me so needy of attention from the public and makes


> > look elsewhere than my own partner for affirmation and attention. It

> > is a troubling curse. But at the same time, my wife and I have

> > weathered all obsticles (and some were HUGE) together and have a

> > relationship that is better than ever and closer than most any


> > because she is a saint and because of the benefic position of the


> > of the 7th House.

> >

> > Initially, when I first started trying to read my horoscope, I


> > these counteractions may be due to neech-bhanga raja-yogas. But I've

> > been deprecating those as over-rated and on careful consideration I

> > think the alleviations to my fallen mars and saturn are due simply


> > their connection to the exalted moon.

> >

> > I also think that Shakata Yoga and mixed karma affects a Capricorn

> > anscendant strongly. It is not a dual sign, but it is a dual


> > - half ugly and half beautiful... that's not very scientific...

just a

> > poetic thought. Don't take it seriously.

> >

> > > If you look at my chart you can see that I had more misfortunes

in my

> > > emotional life. (dec 21/1979, 22:20,Cochin, India). IMO, Jupiter is

> > > the saviour in my chart.

> >

> > I'll take a look!

> >

> >

> >

> > Yours,

> > Vic DiCara / Vraja Kishor

> > http://www.vedicastrologer.net

> >


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