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To: Balaji

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Hi Balaji

please forgive me for addressing you as Krishna. It was a typing mistake only.

I have you in my thoughts and wish you you the best for complete recovery of

your hand.




" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we

unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated

from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. " from A Return

To Love: by Marianne Williamson





Uttara <muttaraphalguni


Friday, August 29, 2008 10:47:23 PM

Hello - And - USA Republican V.P. canidate announced

by McCain



to everyone here at Jyotish-vidya!!!



has been a very long time…..I miss my interaction with everyone. Every once in

a great while I key in to see

what is up. I am sure that those who

know me well, understand my lack of participation due to health matters and



are many members here who have kept me close in their hearts and prayers for my

welfare; which I believe, has carried me on, especially when I was and have

been at my lowest. The power of prayer

and mantra is life changing and here I am, complications and all. My heartfelt

THANKS to so many for your

carrying and allegiance to me. As an

inactive moderator this very long length of time, please be assured that on a

occasion, I do have the opportunity to key in to read hundreds of

email on Jyotish-vidya at a time and try to keep myself a breast as to what is

going on with the opinions and activities of our members here.



I am excited to report that the natal chart of V.P. candidate for McCain’s

presidency has a potential to not only excite the USA presidential candidacy

but give substantial value to the process. Sarah Palin’s birth chart does not

have as yet a birth time, but if one were to key up her birth details with a

00:00:00 time for her birth date – February 11, 1964 – Sandpoint, Idaho, USA

and compare it to the election date of the USA birth chart for the transit of

Nov. 4th 2008 – Washington, D.C. at 10:14am - one will see that this women is

going places whether or not she

becomes V.P. of USA.



will leave it to you to work out all the details. Have Fun!!!



an extra note: Wendy, I am very sorry to

read of the passing of your sister 8/3. May she rest in peace at the right hand

side of the Lord.



I read with Joy that you may not have to have surgery on your hand. May I share

a little of my own hand wrist

problems. A few years ago I injured my

hand from over work and extension. My

surgeon wanted to do surgery right away. I was in considerable pain, but I also

read that most injuries take 3 to

4 months to heal on their own with bracing and anti-inflammatory. Surgery would

have a recuperation period of

4months or more with no guarantee that the problem would be healed. I chose to

not have surgery and guess what,

within 3/4months with bracing and Tylenol my hand healed. Since then every once

in awhile when I over

do it, my hand acts up and I put my brace on which goes up my arm to my elbow

for a few days and I am ok.!! Hope this info helps you.



Krishna, I believe it was almost two years ago, that you were doing research on

the heredity of charts within families from one generation to another. Let me

so briefly say here, two things. On, I hope you are continuing with your

research and two, it helps to remember above all else, that if one remembers

that each birth chart is a transit chart of their parents and a reflection of

not only their parents character and what the child is born into but also the

circumstances of transits and how they affect what we absorb. Not necessarily

what is done to us. In other words each birth chart takes on our

heredity and issues as much as each birth chart is a new beginning of

self. So, often we want to blame our

ancestry for who we are or what is the underlining basis of our thoughts and

actions, when in reality, taking on the transits charts of our heredity gives

us the chance and ability to be not only ourselves but to create a new destiny.



again everyone, I am doing well for the

moment. I have ridden quite a few

turbulent waves these past few years and I am facing more surgery this Fall.



Vic for your stature and contribution here. It is invaluable and warmly

welcomed. You have much to offer and most importantly express it in a generous,

unpretentious and humble way. You joyously join the league of seniors here

who are most helpful for the intent of Jyotish-Vidya!!



to all,



" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is

that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that

most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we

unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated

from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. " from A Return

To Love: by Marianne Williamson




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Uttara ji,


///Hi Balaji

please forgive me for addressing you as Krishna. It was a typing mistake only. I

have you in my thoughts and wish you you the best for complete recovery of your



No probs! Once Ketu's PD is over, I'm sure that I can get back to doing knuckle




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor



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