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VP Canidate Sarah Palin Biography Info

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To All,

Here are three biography sites for members to help with

study and finding a birth time lagna with Dasha. I have selected these for

their dates and cross

reference and to also fill in the gaps of dates from one to another.. They were

selected for their information and

not in any way from a personal leaning or sway.

Hope the information helps in study.





p.s. there is also a recently published book by Kaylene Johnson

Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned Alaska¢s Political

Establishment on its Ear



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Hi Uttara,

Good information to back up further for our study from planets point of view.Her

initial interests in Games like basket ball and also to have graduated in

communiacation journalism have some rlevance to her chart in which we find her

moon in Taurus.what is your view.

Linda also points out her relationships with her kith and kin also as carrying a

kind of complexities.do you think these features have also link to her capricorn

lagna(timeof birth in that event then may not coincide with other factors)



--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Uttara <muttaraphalguni wrote:


Uttara <muttaraphalguni

VP Canidate Sarah Palin Biography Info


Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:04 PM


To All,

Here are three biography sites for members to help with

study and finding a birth time lagna with Dasha. I have selected these for

their dates and cross

reference and to also fill in the gaps of dates from one to another.. They

were selected for their information and

not in any way from a personal leaning or sway.

Hope the information helps in study.





p.s. there is also a recently published book by Kaylene Johnson

Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned Alaska¢s Political

Establishment on its Ear



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Hello Vattem,

To tell you the truth, I look to Mars for competition and sports and adventures

spirit along with pioneer and Maverick behavior. Whether Mars is in 1st, 5th,

10th or 12th. or Scorpio/Aries. The 6th if their work requires this type of

action vs their 10th which is career and often demanding of these principles.

But Mars in and of itself i believe for sports, adventures and self competition

is strong in 1st and 5th. It is also interesting to note how many professional

athletes have Mars in their 12th house. But Virgo has to play a large part here

for precision and exactness. Yes, too, I believe a Taurus Asc with a Mars in

5th hse Virgo can definitely show these attributes also. My daughter has this

placement and Holy Cow, what a little go getter in sports and executive

abilities. So, if Mars is in Capricorn right on the edge of 28/29* although

weak here it does rev up for Aquarius power especially since Saturn is there

too. With all its pros and cons


However, with whole house Mars in Capricorn with its end of effect it can

either wreck havoc or stimulate positive. I have to look up the Nakshatra for



Linda - mother - in - law is in 10th house but one has to take the axis of 4/10

into consideration. Also, an older generation of values and personal feelings

of a daughter-in-law not necessarily living up to her expectation as a Mother

and Wife. I know personally that my mother-in-law and my mother never think I

am right or raised my children according to their wishes - And, I have great

adult children who have been a pleasure to have in my life - so go figure.


10th house is career as we all know, but it is also our most public side of us.

Where we are expected to be on our best behavior in look, stature, intelligence,

proper ethics, successful accomplishments and competitive forthright. Whereas

4th house is comfortable - in the 4th house behind closed door where one can let

down their hair and be themselves - hopefully. Where life is conducted on a

very intimate and private bases. Where family matters too should be kept private

and not for public fodder or mongering.


There is unfortunately, recent private news today that Gov/Mrs. Palin's

unmarried 17yr old daughter if 5months pregnant. In the matter of

grandchildren, which is ninth house, It only becomes relevant as another clue to

look at Palin's chart from this perspective.


Every family has complex Kith and Kin issues. I don't think it adds anything to

the chart as to how Gov/Mrs. Palin will conduct herself or handle her duties in

office if she is elected.

It is a mistake for anyone to think that only women are affected by home

matters. Men are very much affected and yet have to leave home everyday to go

to work to provide for their family. In today's' global society especially in

USA it has become very common for both Mothers and Fathers to work outside of

the home while raising children. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it one more thing on

ones plate to handle and balance? yes. But it is done often with much success.


So, I don't have an opinion as to whether in Gov/Mrs Palin's birth chart her

family will be an issue in running for VP or in office if elected. However, I

believe looking at her chart with her accurate Maha Dasha running along with

transits will prove to be more of an insight.


I wish I had a birth time to be able to confidently select a lagna. So, in the

meantime, I am all over the place with pros and cons. I need to study in

earnest the dates in her biography to help pin down a lagna. This is grueling

work for me because it is not my forte.

In the meantime, as most astrologers take Noon as a birth time if Asc is

unknown, I use Midnight as you an others have noticed. I do this purposely to

see where all the planets are at the beginning of a new day, where the ASC

starts and what Dashas are there for the day.

Then i favor the Moon for thoughts and feelings in a chart and use it as an ASC.

I know this is frown on my most but it gives me an anchor and then I use the Sun

as an Asc too.

But, I don't make any clear assessment from either one of these for a proper

lagna, just picking up where the planets are located and what houses from the

Moon and Sun. Interesting too. on occasion I will use 6:00:00 as a birth time

because it is the beginning of the day in many Eastern Indian cultures.


I am sure more learned members here can be most helpful in securing a lagna. In

the meantime, it is a very good study to try and pin down the right Lagna.


Delineating a chart too can become and often is very subjective even with the

accurate placements. And, this too has to be taken into consideration.


Hope this info helps.

Paternal Grandmother and Maternal Grandfather are 12th house


Looking forward to more thoughts and lagna possibilities from you and others for

this chart.


I am still off on the Maha Dasha Prat for 4 Nov Transit date for birth chart -

by your calculations Vattem. Still shows JU/ME/RA/SU
















vattem krishnan <bursar_99


Monday, September 1, 2008 7:34:19 PM

Re: VP Canidate Sarah Palin Biography Info



Hi Uttara,

Good information to back up further for our study from planets point of view.Her

initial interests in Games like basket ball and also to have graduated in

communiacation journalism have some rlevance to her chart in which we find her

moon in Taurus.what is your view.

Linda also points out her relationships with her kith and kin also as carrying a

kind of complexities. do you think these features have also link to her

capricorn lagna(timeof birth in that event then may not coincide with other




--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ > wrote:


Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ >

VP Canidate Sarah Palin Biography Info


Monday, September 1, 2008, 2:04 PM


To All,

Here are three biography sites for members to help with

study and finding a birth time lagna with Dasha. I have selected these for

their dates and cross

reference and to also fill in the gaps of dates from one to another.. They

were selected for their information and

not in any way from a personal leaning or sway.

Hope the information helps in study.


http://rncnyc2004. blogspot. com/2008/ 08/governor- sarah-palin- biography. html

http://www.biograph y.com/search/ article.do? id=360398

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Sarah_Palin

p.s. there is also a recently published book by Kaylene Johnson

Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned Alaska¢s Political

Establishment on its Ear



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