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Gurubala and Marriage

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Dear learned people of Vedic Astrology,  I beg to clarify on Gurubala

(Beneficial effects of Jupiter). My relations's DOB is  1-2-1977, TOB: 11:19

AM, POB Bangalore. Marriage is the matter of cocernand the Gurubala as told by

Astrologers will end for Mithuna Rashi people on 9-12-2008and they have to wait

for One year for chances of getting married. Some say if theother party has

Gurubala the marriage takes place even if the one doesn't have.Is this true,

any remedies exist, or other planetary conditions matter, I request youto




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Dear Radhakrishna,


Whenever you hear a blanket prediction made for a large group of

people but concerning a highly personal and individual aspect of life

such as marriage, your common sense should alert you to take a step

back and think critically about whatever that statement is.


Such is the case here - someone is trying to tell all Gemini/Maithuna

moon-born people that they will not be able to get married between

9/12/08 and 9/12/09! It pains me that this sort of thing is even

allowed, and it saddens me that human beings in general have such poor

powers of critical thought! The idea that between 9/12/08 and 9/12/09

no Maithuna-moon persons in the world will marry is patently absurd.


Will there be a generic impact disfavoring marriage for those with the

moon in Gemini during that period? Yes, quite reasonably. What will

this mean to individuals born with the moon in Gemini? It ABSOLUTELY

depends upon the nature of their individual horoscope.


Persons attempt to earn money from astrology by making blanket

statements to newspapers and the like are themselves papakaris - they

are misusing the divine science of astrology and causing disservice to

humanity by weakening their faith in this science trough the provision

of preposterous information.


I *am* sympathetic to such persons, but a jyotishi should make a

living from the payments and gifts of individual clients. Or if he or

she wishes to make readings for the larger society they must take up

mundane astrology and predict the nature of political and natural

events. To attempt to make personal predictions on an impersonal and

large scale is counter-productive and vikarmic.


Persons interested in obtaining astrological guidance in their life

MUST do so INDIVIDUALLY through a GURU - a jyotisha who represents Sri

Ganesh, and Sri Bhagwan. There is simply no alternative.


Begging forgiveness to those I have certainly insulted...


~~~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:20 AM, RADHAKRISHNA MD wrote:


> Dear learned people of Vedic Astrology, I beg to clarify on

> Gurubala (Beneficial effects of Jupiter). My relations's DOB is

> 1-2-1977, TOB: 11:19 AM, POB Bangalore. Marriage is the matter of

> cocernand the Gurubala as told by Astrologers will end for Mithuna

> Rashi people on 9-12-2008and they have to wait for One year for

> chances of getting married. Some say if theother party has Gurubala

> the marriage takes place even if the one doesn't have.Is this true,

> any remedies exist, or other planetary conditions matter, I request

> youto clarify.Regards,M.D.Radhakrishna



> Connect with friends all over the world. Get India

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Dear Vic D,

Thank you for your very practical reply, and agree that it is a matter

where common sense has to act. It neccessiates  for a detailed analysisbased on

the individual horoscope. I have provided the basic data for

help.Regards,M.D.Radhakrishna--- On Tue, 4/11/08, Vic D <vicdicara


Vic D <vicdicara

Re: Gurubala and Marriage


Cc: mdrk

Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, 10:45 PM



















Dear Radhakrishna,




Whenever you hear a blanket prediction made for a large group of


people but concerning a highly personal and individual aspect of life


such as marriage, your common sense should alert you to take a step


back and think critically about whatever that statement is.




Such is the case here - someone is trying to tell all Gemini/Maithuna


moon-born people that they will not be able to get married between


9/12/08 and 9/12/09! It pains me that this sort of thing is even


allowed, and it saddens me that human beings in general have such poor


powers of critical thought! The idea that between 9/12/08 and 9/12/09


no Maithuna-moon persons in the world will marry is patently absurd.




Will there be a generic impact disfavoring marriage for those with the


moon in Gemini during that period? Yes, quite reasonably. What will


this mean to individuals born with the moon in Gemini? It ABSOLUTELY


depends upon the nature of their individual horoscope.




Persons attempt to earn money from astrology by making blanket


statements to newspapers and the like are themselves papakaris - they


are misusing the divine science of astrology and causing disservice to


humanity by weakening their faith in this science trough the provision


of preposterous information.




I *am* sympathetic to such persons, but a jyotishi should make a


living from the payments and gifts of individual clients. Or if he or


she wishes to make readings for the larger society they must take up


mundane astrology and predict the nature of political and natural


events. To attempt to make personal predictions on an impersonal and


large scale is counter-productive and vikarmic.




Persons interested in obtaining astrological guidance in their life


MUST do so INDIVIDUALLY through a GURU - a jyotisha who represents Sri


Ganesh, and Sri Bhagwan. There is simply no alternative.




Begging forgiveness to those I have certainly insulted...




~~~ Vic DiCara




www.vicdicara. com




www.vedicastrologer .net




On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:20 AM, RADHAKRISHNA MD wrote:




> Dear learned people of Vedic Astrology, I beg to clarify on


> Gurubala (Beneficial effects of Jupiter). My relations's DOB is


> 1-2-1977, TOB: 11:19 AM, POB Bangalore. Marriage is the matter of


> cocernand the Gurubala as told by Astrologers will end for Mithuna


> Rashi people on 9-12-2008and they have to wait for One year for


> chances of getting married. Some say if theother party has Gurubala


> the marriage takes place even if the one doesn't have.Is this true,


> any remedies exist, or other planetary conditions matter, I request


> youto clarify.Regards, M.D.Radhakrishna






> Connect with friends all over the world. Get India


> Messenger at http://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/





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Dear Dr. Radhakrishna,


Yes, but since this is not a forum intended to cater to individual

readings - but to the discussion of astrological principles between

astrologers, I have not calculated the chart for the data you gave.

Instead I have replied to the basic principles. I hope you will



However, if you wish to put forward a few theories or specific

question regarding to some of the factors at work in the chart under

question, I and others would be happy to address those with you.


~~~ Vic DiCara









On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:08 AM, RADHAKRISHNA MD wrote:


> Dear Vic D,

> Thank you for your very practical reply, and agree that it is a matter

> where common sense has to act. It neccessiates for a detailed

> analysisbased on the individual horoscope. I have provided the basic

> data for help.Regards,M.D.Radhakrishna--- On Tue, 4/11/08, Vic D


> > wrote:

> Vic D <vicdicara

> Re: Gurubala and Marriage

> jyotish-vidya

> Cc: mdrk

> Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, 10:45 PM













Dear Radhakrishna,




> Whenever you hear a blanket prediction made for a large group of


> people but concerning a highly personal and individual aspect of life


> such as marriage, your common sense should alert you to take a step


> back and think critically about whatever that statement is.




> Such is the case here - someone is trying to tell all Gemini/Maithuna


> moon-born people that they will not be able to get married between


> 9/12/08 and 9/12/09! It pains me that this sort of thing is even


> allowed, and it saddens me that human beings in general have such poor


> powers of critical thought! The idea that between 9/12/08 and 9/12/09


> no Maithuna-moon persons in the world will marry is patently absurd.




> Will there be a generic impact disfavoring marriage for those with the


> moon in Gemini during that period? Yes, quite reasonably. What will


> this mean to individuals born with the moon in Gemini? It ABSOLUTELY


> depends upon the nature of their individual horoscope.




> Persons attempt to earn money from astrology by making blanket


> statements to newspapers and the like are themselves papakaris - they


> are misusing the divine science of astrology and causing disservice to


> humanity by weakening their faith in this science trough the provision


> of preposterous information.




> I *am* sympathetic to such persons, but a jyotishi should make a


> living from the payments and gifts of individual clients. Or if he or


> she wishes to make readings for the larger society they must take up


> mundane astrology and predict the nature of political and natural


> events. To attempt to make personal predictions on an impersonal and


> large scale is counter-productive and vikarmic.




> Persons interested in obtaining astrological guidance in their life


> MUST do so INDIVIDUALLY through a GURU - a jyotisha who represents Sri


> Ganesh, and Sri Bhagwan. There is simply no alternative.




> Begging forgiveness to those I have certainly insulted...




> ~~~ Vic DiCara




> www.vicdicara. com




> www.vedicastrologer .net




> On Nov 4, 2008, at 8:20 AM, RADHAKRISHNA MD wrote:




>> Dear learned people of Vedic Astrology, I beg to clarify on


>> Gurubala (Beneficial effects of Jupiter). My relations's DOB is


>> 1-2-1977, TOB: 11:19 AM, POB Bangalore. Marriage is the matter of


>> cocernand the Gurubala as told by Astrologers will end for Mithuna


>> Rashi people on 9-12-2008and they have to wait for One year for


>> chances of getting married. Some say if theother party has Gurubala


>> the marriage takes place even if the one doesn't have.Is this true,


>> any remedies exist, or other planetary conditions matter, I request


>> youto clarify.Regards, M.D.Radhakrishna






>> Connect with friends all over the world. Get India


>> Messenger at http://in.messenger ./ ?wm=n/





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