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Rahu Ketu discussion

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ADDED Note:  The article link below is also and in depth look at the subject of

Jyotish as a whole, and it too is a very important subject to discuss and

comment on from all members.  I neglected to word this in my email below.  



Read On....


--- On Mon, 1/5/09, muttaraphalguni <muttaraphalguni wrote:


muttaraphalguni <muttaraphalguni

Rahu Ketu discussion


Monday, January 5, 2009, 11:48 PM














To All Students, Members, Learned Ones and Senior members;




As we know there is a lot of controversy surrounding Rahu and Ketu.




What are they, if and what signs they own, where are they exalted and

debilitated, if and how they are similar to Saturn and Mars, what houses/signs

do they rule, co-rule if any, what signs/houses give the best significance of





Along with the continued argument of Taurus/Scorpio their exaltation/debilita

tion signs vs. Gemini/Sag.  And or, their best significant efforts produced in

Gemini and Virgo.  And so much more etc. etc. It is endless.  So too, the

various other astrological systems and how they interpet and use Rahu Ketu.




Here I have a link  regarding an in depth essay on the subject along with a

question on Parasara's teachings of Rahu Ketu.




http://www.boloji. com/astro/ 00303a.htm




I would like to ask all members to read this and comment, ask questions, give

opinions and personal experience regarding the matter; plus insights and

observations and quote passages where warranted and if possible give chart





This is, I feel, the perfect topic to start the New Year as a Jyotish Parashara

learning forum.




Mrs. Wendy started the ball rolling when she answered my earlier email on Rahu

Ketu. VK and Krishna too are commenting as others.




I hope that all will take this opportunity to contribute.  I know I will be most

appreciative of the input from others and truly feel I can only gain a better

understanding and use of Rahu Ketu.




As Always,








  " " " 'Three things that cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth "  

Guatama Buddha





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Dear Uttara,


You may not be aware of it but we had Rohini Ranjan contributing on this

group for awhile...around Feb/Mar 2008 if I'm not mistaken. He certainly had

some outlandish ideas even then.


Best Wishes,







<jyotish-vidya >

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 2:48 PM

Rahu Ketu discussion




To All Students, Members, Learned Ones and Senior members;


As we know there is a lot of controversy surrounding Rahu and Ketu.


What are they, if and what signs they own, where are they exalted and

debilitated, if and how they are similar to Saturn and Mars, what

houses/signs do they rule, co-rule if any, what signs/houses give the best

significance of each.


Along with the continued argument of Taurus/Scorpio their

exaltation/debilitation signs vs. Gemini/Sag. And or, their best significant

efforts produced in Gemini and Virgo. And so much more etc. etc. It is

endless. So too, the various other astrological systems and how they

interpet and use Rahu Ketu.


Here I have a link regarding an in depth essay on the subject along with a

question on Parasara's teachings of Rahu Ketu.




I would like to ask all members to read this and comment, ask questions,

give opinions and personal experience regarding the matter; plus insights

and observations and quote passages where warranted and if possible give

chart examples.


This is, I feel, the perfect topic to start the New Year as a Jyotish

Parashara learning forum.


Mrs. Wendy started the ball rolling when she answered my earlier email on

Rahu Ketu. VK and Krishna too are commenting as others.


I hope that all will take this opportunity to contribute. I know I will be

most appreciative of the input from others and truly feel I can only gain a

better understanding and use of Rahu Ketu.


As Always,




" " " 'Three things that cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the

truth " Guatama Buddha

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Dear Mrs.Wendy and All Mmebers,



you for this keen observation Mrs. Wendy.  As you and others know I was inactive

last Feb/Mar and was not aware that Rohini Ranjan was a member, not to

mention a very disagreeable sort on JV.  I have taken the time to

search his emails here on the forum and can read that his stance and behavior

mimics the article of his I put forth below.


I am glad to nip

this in the bud and apologize to all members here if I have caused any

insult.  Actually, I was waiting for members to, as well as myself,

to take to task his article and support Parasara Jyotish as well as Rahu

Ketu in their positive and authentic light.


I would like to take this opportunity and make

one point clear for new students and members. The essay put forth which

is very easily accessible on the Internet, is a very good example of

how Parasara teachings and Jyotish as a whole can and often is hijacked

with confusing equivocal misinformation and prevaricating garbage even with

quoted material that is taken out of context.


The point being Jyotish-Vidya's forum and its website

is an authentic teaching vehicle where all its sincere members are committed to


and learning the right techniques and teachings of Parasara and Jyotish as a



As Always,




" " " 'Three things that cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth "  

Guatama Buddha



--- On Tue, 1/6/09, Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:


Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya

Re: Rahu Ketu discussion


Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:51 AM












Dear Uttara,




You may not be aware of it but we had Rohini Ranjan contributing on this


group for awhile...around Feb/Mar 2008 if I'm not mistaken. He certainly had


some outlandish ideas even then.




Best Wishes,




http://JyotishVidya .com


____________ _________ ___






<muttaraphalguni@ >




Tuesday, January 06, 2009 2:48 PM


Rahu Ketu discussion




To All Students, Members, Learned Ones and Senior members;




As we know there is a lot of controversy surrounding Rahu and Ketu.




What are they, if and what signs they own, where are they exalted and


debilitated, if and how they are similar to Saturn and Mars, what


houses/signs do they rule, co-rule if any, what signs/houses give the best


significance of each.




Along with the continued argument of Taurus/Scorpio their


exaltation/debilita tion signs vs. Gemini/Sag. And or, their best significant


efforts produced in Gemini and Virgo. And so much more etc. etc. It is


endless. So too, the various other astrological systems and how they


interpet and use Rahu Ketu.




Here I have a link regarding an in depth essay on the subject along with a


question on Parasara's teachings of Rahu Ketu.




http://www.boloji. com/astro/ 00303a.htm




I would like to ask all members to read this and comment, ask questions,


give opinions and personal experience regarding the matter; plus insights


and observations and quote passages where warranted and if possible give


chart examples.




This is, I feel, the perfect topic to start the New Year as a Jyotish


Parashara learning forum.




Mrs. Wendy started the ball rolling when she answered my earlier email on


Rahu Ketu. VK and Krishna too are commenting as others.




I hope that all will take this opportunity to contribute. I know I will be


most appreciative of the input from others and truly feel I can only gain a


better understanding and use of Rahu Ketu.




As Always,








" " " 'Three things that cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the


truth " Guatama Buddha




























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Dear Debra,


Not to worry...you weren't to know. Perhaps, however, this can stand as a

reminder that we should be a little more discerning about what we read on

the internet. It's good to remember that these articles are nothing more

than someone else's opinion...rarely based on the wisdom of the sages :-)


Best Wishes,







" Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:54 AM

Re: Rahu Ketu discussion



Dear Wendy,


Thank you for this keen observation. As you and others know I was inactive

last Feb/Mar and was not aware that Rohini Ranjan was a member, not to

mention a very disagreeable sort on JV.

I have taken the time to search his emails here on the forum and can see his

stance and behavior mimics the article of his I put forth below.


I am glad to nip this in the bud and apologize to all members here if I have

caused any insult. Actually, I was waiting for members to, as well as

myself, take to task his article and support Parasara Jyotish as well as

Rahu Ketu in their positive and authentic light.


I would like to make one point clear for new students and members. The essay

put forth which is very easily accessible on the Internet, is a very good

example of how Parasara teachings and Jyotish as a whole can and often is

hijacked with misinformation and garbage. The point being Jyotish-Vidya's

forum is an authentic teaching group whose members are committed to teaching

the right techniques and teachings of Parasara and Jyotish as a whole.


As Always,




" " " 'Three things that cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the

truth " Guatama Buddha

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