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Jupiter Transit

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Jenma Guru :Anticipate good luck ahead - wide travel with the blessings of

relatives-gain experiences on new opportunities .You may feel its effects 2

months in advance.


--- On Fri, 10/17/08, top2dim <top2dim wrote:

top2dim <top2dim

[vedic astrology] jupiter transit

vedic astrology

Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:21 PM












I heard that jupiter transit is sometime during the month of



I would like to know how long before or after does this transit show


its effects.




My rasi is capricorn and jupiter will enter my janma rasi. Is this


good or bad? Also i am under the influence of astama sani, would this


jupiter transit reduce the effects of astama sani?







































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I will have rahu and Jupiter in Capricorn, the 7th house from my janma rasi,

Cancer. What would be the effect. I have heard that Jupiter and Rahu together

form Guru chandal Yoga. Please let the effect of this combination.





--- On Sat, 18/10/08, KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham wrote:



Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit

vedic astrology

Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 12:14 AM









Jenma Guru :Anticipate good luck ahead - wide travel with the blessings of

relatives-gain experiences on new opportunities .You may feel its effects 2

months in advance.


--- On Fri, 10/17/08, top2dim <top2dim > wrote:

top2dim <top2dim >

[vedic astrology] jupiter transit

vedic astrology

Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:21 PM


I heard that jupiter transit is sometime during the month of December.


I would like to know how long before or after does this transit show


its effects.


My rasi is capricorn and jupiter will enter my janma rasi. Is this


good or bad? Also i am under the influence of astama sani, would this


jupiter transit reduce the effects of astama sani?
















____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __






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You would enjoy family happiness and good conjugal pleasure.


--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Manjunath Prabhu <manju_prabhu78 wrote:

Manjunath Prabhu <manju_prabhu78

Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit

vedic astrology

Monday, October 20, 2008, 11:59 AM
















I will have rahu and Jupiter in Capricorn, the 7th house from my janma rasi,

Cancer. What would be the effect. I have heard that Jupiter and Rahu together

form Guru chandal Yoga. Please let the effect of this combination.










--- On Sat, 18/10/08, KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham@ > wrote:






Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit


vedic astrology


Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 12:14 AM








Jenma Guru :Anticipate good luck ahead - wide travel with the blessings of

relatives-gain experiences on new opportunities .You may feel its effects 2

months in advance.




--- On Fri, 10/17/08, top2dim <top2dim > wrote:


top2dim <top2dim >


[vedic astrology] jupiter transit


vedic astrology


Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:21 PM




I heard that jupiter transit is sometime during the month of December.




I would like to know how long before or after does this transit show




its effects.




My rasi is capricorn and jupiter will enter my janma rasi. Is this




good or bad? Also i am under the influence of astama sani, would this




jupiter transit reduce the effects of astama sani?












____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __











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Hi ,


I have jupiter in 1st lagna in libra in my lagna kundali(libra lagna), i am

sagiterious(moon sign).

How will it affect to me.





On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Manjunath Prabhu <

manju_prabhu78 wrote:


> Hi,


> I will have rahu and Jupiter in Capricorn, the 7th house from my janma

> rasi, Cancer. What would be the effect. I have heard that Jupiter and Rahu

> together form Guru chandal Yoga. Please let the effect of this combination.


> Cheers

> Manju


> --- On Sat, 18/10/08, KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM


> wrote:


> KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham<munisevitham%40>

> >

> Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit


> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40>

> Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 12:14 AM


> Namaste,


> Jenma Guru :Anticipate good luck ahead - wide travel with the blessings of

> relatives-gain experiences on new opportunities .You may feel its effects 2

> months in advance.


> --- On Fri, 10/17/08, top2dim <top2dim > wrote:

> top2dim <top2dim >

> [vedic astrology] jupiter transit

> vedic astrology

> Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:21 PM


> I heard that jupiter transit is sometime during the month of December.


> I would like to know how long before or after does this transit show


> its effects.


> My rasi is capricorn and jupiter will enter my janma rasi. Is this


> good or bad? Also i am under the influence of astama sani, would this


> jupiter transit reduce the effects of astama sani?


> Thanks,


> g


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __



> http://mail.



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Guru Chandala Yoga is not good at all. It makes you vicious at times


With warm regards


G Kumar

Professional blogger, astro scholar & ceo




Submit your news, blogs & sites free at http://www.e.info





vedic astrology

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:30 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit





You would enjoy family happiness and good conjugal pleasure.


--- On Mon, 10/20/08, Manjunath Prabhu <manju_prabhu78 wrote:

Manjunath Prabhu <manju_prabhu78

Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit

vedic astrology

Monday, October 20, 2008, 11:59 AM






I will have rahu and Jupiter in Capricorn, the 7th house from my janma rasi,

Cancer. What would be the effect. I have heard that Jupiter and Rahu together

form Guru chandal Yoga. Please let the effect of this combination.








--- On Sat, 18/10/08, KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham@ > wrote:




Re: [vedic astrology] jupiter transit


vedic astrology


Saturday, 18 October, 2008, 12:14 AM




Jenma Guru :Anticipate good luck ahead - wide travel with the blessings of

relatives-gain experiences on new opportunities .You may feel its effects 2

months in advance.


--- On Fri, 10/17/08, top2dim <top2dim > wrote:


top2dim <top2dim >


[vedic astrology] jupiter transit


vedic astrology


Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:21 PM


I heard that jupiter transit is sometime during the month of December.


I would like to know how long before or after does this transit show


its effects.


My rasi is capricorn and jupiter will enter my janma rasi. Is this


good or bad? Also i am under the influence of astama sani, would this


jupiter transit reduce the effects of astama sani?






____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __






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  • 2 months later...

Dear Group,


My experience of this Jupiter transit (so far) has been quite revealing. No

doubt many problems related to the houses ruled by Jupiter have surfaced

(almost continuously) but each time it seems to have been a blessing in

disguise. I attribute this to the fact that natal Jupiter is in sign of

exaltation. Although problems are there due to transit Jupiter's

debilitation, to my relief, the solution to those problems has not been far



Of course life would be much easier without the problems in the first place

but, without exception, Natal Jupiter's exaltation has delivered the

solution to those problems. This reassures me that his position in rasi

prevails in spite of the difficult transit. In this vein perhaps we can

deduce that benefits arising from Jupiter's transit through sign of

exaltation might be unsustainable if he's afflicted in rasi.


Any thoughts on this?


Best Wishes,




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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


· Position of planets in a chart is the primary factor (the

dignity of planets exaltation, own sign etc. etc.), which decides the

events, which are to be taken, place in the life of a native.


· The dasha scheme which operates from time to time, which

decides the " time " – the promised events to take place.


· Finally, the transit delivers the result. If the transit is

favourable, the parcel is delivered in a right condition. If the

transit is bad, the parcel is torn or may be the goods inside the

parcel gets damaged in the process of delivery.


Transit is subservient to the first two conditions. A transit

cannot deliver anything on its own – (A postman cannot deliver

anything on his own, he delivers only what was sent to you by

somebody). A favorable transit may give the parcel in good condition,

but the goods might have perished.


This is my understanding. Other members may like to add their



Regards, C.S. Ravindramani








jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya



> Dear Group,


> My experience of this Jupiter transit (so far) has been quite

revealing. No

> doubt many problems related to the houses ruled by Jupiter have


> (almost continuously) but each time it seems to have been a

blessing in

> disguise. I attribute this to the fact that natal Jupiter is in

sign of

> exaltation. Although problems are there due to transit Jupiter's

> debilitation, to my relief, the solution to those problems has not

been far

> behind.


> Of course life would be much easier without the problems in the

first place

> but, without exception, Natal Jupiter's exaltation has delivered


> solution to those problems. This reassures me that his position in


> prevails in spite of the difficult transit. In this vein perhaps we


> deduce that benefits arising from Jupiter's transit through sign of

> exaltation might be unsustainable if he's afflicted in rasi.


> Any thoughts on this?


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs.Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ________________________


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