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Indian elections and some doubts

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Dear Group,


Does anybody have horoscopes of Sonia Gandhi,Rahul Gandhi and Manmohan Singh.



Doubt - In vimshottari dasa system,


Are the results are to be predicted based on planet placement with respect to Rashi (Moon) or is it to be seen based on Lagna horoscope ? - a doubt arising due to vimshottari dasa starting from nakshatra of moon.



Warm Regards




--- On Sun, 17/5/09, Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:

Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidyaRe: yagnasjyotish-vidya Date: Sunday, 17 May, 2009, 1:24 PM



Dear Sanjay,///I have often wondered about the reasons and my inclination is to believethat He is promoting the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha (the latter ofwhom as you know was also a reformist, and found that the Vedic traditionhad become too top heavy and corrupt....// /This is a valid point you raise and one I've been subtly trying to put forward for some time now. In the Gita (4:06) it says; "Whenever there is a decline in Dharma (righteousness) and a predominance of Adharma (unrighteousness) , O Arjuna, then I manifest myself. I appear fom time to time for protecting the good, for transforming the wicked, and for establishing world order (Dharma)."Vedic atrology was never intended to be used for fortune telling, but to awaken the intellect to a greater understanding of creation and our intimate relationship with the manifest universe seen through the eyes of God. Sadly,

for many, many centuries this high principle has been on the decline, and it's now (almost) universally accepted that the prime purpose of jyotish is to predict. People flood these groups demanding "Hey! tell me my future!"...they don't even feign respect.Below are a few words from the gospel of Luke 12: 25-31 (King James Version) supporting the above comments.**And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither

be ye of doubtful mind.For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.**///Maybe our learned members can share some experiences and tell ushow to find Vedic scholars who are authentic and qualified.// /This is a topic I also feel strongly about. I do know of a person, hardly qualified as an astrologer, who organises yagnas on his website. My view on this is that the ability to recite the Vedas is not the only criterea needed to perform yagnas...the level of awareness (state of consciousness) of the pandits is also vitally important..Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______-

"Sanjay Khanduja" <skhanduja ><jyotish-vidya>Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:16 AMRe: yagnasDear Mrs. Wendy,Here is a slightly long answer with some queries (if you'll bear with me!).I appreciate the excellent analysis you have given and your analogy aboutthe 'safety net' makes sense. My friend Dennis Harness (from AmericanCollege of Vedic Astrology) once used a similar example of a seat beltstating:" You may still have the accident, that is destined, but with a yagna itwould be more like putting on a seat

belt in your car just prior. "I particularly agree with your insights about the need to take personalresponsibility, and not fall into temptation (by just paying for a yagna,and then turning our attention back towards the misdeeds that gavebirth to our sufferings in the first place). How true, we must learn thecommandments and not just read them, but live them.Interestingly enough, Maharishi's foremost disciple founded the Art ofLiving foundation and still promotes meditation and yoga (in the broadsense of the word) but guides all devotees away from Jyotisha, anddoes not have Vedic astrology as a subject or service in his group.I have often wondered about the reasons and my inclination is to believethat He is promoting the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha (the latter ofwhom as you know was also a reformist, and found that the Vedic traditionhad become too top heavy and corrupt, with

excessive reliance onperforming rituals and sacrifices. This included animal sacrifices etc,similar to what the Hebrews were performing when Christ was sentto reform and purify the practices that had become widespread.I believe that yagnas are perhaps the Vedic technology (as Maharishiused to say) that can relieve some of our karmic burden, however itseems that authentic practitioners of vedic rituals and yagnas arefew and far between. How does one know?Maybe our learned members can share some experiences and tell ushow to find Vedic scholars who are authentic and qualified. And alsocomment on whether Buddha's teachings of meditation and selflessservice or 'daan' are equally effective.It seems to me that the Christian approach of tithing 10% of your incomeregularly, "for the least among us", would be just as effective in bringinggrace into our lives, rather than only doing yagnas

episodically?I look forward to your inputs.regards,Sanjay

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