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Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

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Dear Mrs Wendy and members,

We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV channeles was

about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very much an abrupt

one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.

Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have paved way

for the surprise award.

The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may interesting to

review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify the young President

of US.

We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was alo

included in the notable horoscope.

There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he got

sworn in as President,almost without any opposition all of have hailed victory.

His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8 and 12 houses need also mention here.


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Dear Krishnan and All,


In my opinion the 'Nobel Peace Prize' has become extremely political. I

admit I'm not as 'up-to-speed' on world events as I should be, but I know

of nothing outstanding that Obama has done to warrant such auspicious



As for the astrological indications (briefly):



Debilitated 3rd lord (support for one's initiative) and 12th lord (10th

from 3rd denoting recognition and prestige in society) is conjunct

lagnesh Saturn in lagna and has gained 3 NeechaBhanga yoga points.



4th lord (good name and reputation) and 11th lord (good news, auspicious

events) occupies 8th (11th from 10th) along with Rahu who represents

worldly fame.



Combust 8th lord Sun is transiting sign of exaltation along with Sun and

lagnesh Saturn.


I readily admit that I could be somewhat prejudiced in this regard.

However, I put forward the assumption that, with both dasa and bhukti

lords presently in sign of debilitation, this award may not be as

deserving as it should be. What has he actually done to advance the cause

of world peace? I can think of many other political figures far more

deserving who have not received such recognition.


I await others comments on this...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" vattem " <bursar_99

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM

Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs Wendy and members,

We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV

channeles was about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very

much an abrupt one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.

Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have

paved way for the surprise award.

The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may

interesting to review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify

the young President of US.

We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was

alo included in the notable horoscope.

There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he

got sworn in as President,almost without any opposition all of have

hailed victory.

His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8 and 12 houses need also mention here.


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Dear Mrs Wendy and Others,

i agree with you that the Nobel Committee gets hoodwinked in the political gimmiks.certainly there are several others who have put in decades of service and toiled for the sake of peace and people.

What really shocks the Astrologers are the capabilities of Neechabhanga rajayoga caused presently in capricorn in natural zodiac and the link of this yoga in his chart throgh jupiter?Dasalord jupiter as 3rd conveyed a new message across the globe for his new approach ,a fresg dialogue for nuclear disarmament and among muslim ruled countries a new order has been foreseen by him.It is for his idea/order that gives new direction for his political process.

As the award was also cited for his intellectual rather than for his work/success,some role of moon in his 5th in exaltation also to be a major factor along with the aspect of jupiter on mercury(planet for intellectualism) posited along with sun.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:

Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidyaRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 4:24 AM

Dear Krishnan and All,In my opinion the 'Nobel Peace Prize' has become extremely political. I admit I'm not as 'up-to-speed' on world events as I should be, but I know of nothing outstanding that Obama has done to warrant such auspicious recognition.As for the astrological indications (briefly):1) DASA LORD JUPITER:Debilitated 3rd lord (support for one's initiative) and 12th lord (10th from 3rd denoting recognition and prestige in society) is conjunct lagnesh Saturn in lagna and has gained 3 NeechaBhanga yoga points.2) BHUKTI LORD MARS:4th lord (good name and reputation) and 11th lord (good news, auspicious events) occupies 8th (11th from 10th) along with Rahu who represents worldly fame.3) PRATAYANTAR LORD MERCURY:Combust 8th lord Sun is transiting sign of exaltation along with Sun and lagnesh Saturn.I readily admit that I could be somewhat prejudiced in

this regard. However, I put forward the assumption that, with both dasa and bhukti lords presently in sign of debilitation, this award may not be as deserving as it should be. What has he actually done to advance the cause of world peace? I can think of many other political figures far more deserving who have not received such recognition.I await others comments on this...Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______- "vattem" <bursar_99 ><jyotish-vidya>Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Mrs Wendy and members,We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV channeles was about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very much an abrupt one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have paved way for the surprise award.The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may interesting to review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify the young President of US.We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was alo included in the notable horoscope.There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he

got sworn in as President,almost without any opposition all of have hailed victory.His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8 and 12 houses need also mention here.vrkrishnan

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Dear Krishnan,


///i agree with you that the Nobel Committee gets hoodwinked in the

political gimmiks.certainly there are several others who have put in

decades of service and toiled for the sake of peace and people.///


There can be no doubt whatsoever that this has been a well-planned,

pre-meditated exercise to elevate Obama's world standing. Let's pull back

the curtain and look at some facts.


1) The deadline to submit nominations for this year's peace prize was

February 1st.


2) Obama's inauguration was only 12 days prior to this deadline...January

20th. Hardly time for him to establish any policy in regards to World



3) Obama's strongest supporters throughout the Presidential campaign (and

still today) included questionable characters such as the domestic

terrorist William Ayers who was (is?) a Professor of Education and Senior

University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).


4) University professors are among those eligible to submit



I cannot say who nominated Obama but certainly it would be someone

supporting his ambitions on the World stage, and it would have to be

someone eligible to nominate him?


I have some real concerns about the character/intentions of those

signified by JU/SA...both in retrograde motion with debilitated Jupiter

receiving help from swakshetra Saturn and strong Mars (occupying kendra

from Moon).


I'm aware that I'm in choppy waters here and expect a backlash from

some...already one member has d. None-the-less I have to call

it as I see it and this chart does cause me some concern.


PS: The announcement of the Peace Prize was totally unexpected... Note

transiting (bhukti lord) Mars close conjunction with Ketu...sudden,

unexpected events!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Vattem Krishnan " <bursar_99

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 10, 2009 5:07 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs Wendy and Others,

i agree with you that the Nobel Committee gets hoodwinked in the

political gimmiks.certainly there are several others who have put in

decades of service and toiled for the sake of peace and people.

What really shocks the Astrologers are the capabilities of Neechabhanga

rajayoga caused presently in capricorn in natural zodiac and the link of

this yoga in his chart throgh jupiter?Dasalord jupiter as 3rd conveyed a

new message across the globe for his new approach ,a fresg dialogue for

nuclear disarmament and among muslim ruled countries a new order has been

foreseen by him.It is for his idea/order that gives new direction for his

political process.

As the award was also cited for his intellectual rather than for his

work/success,some role of moon in his 5th in exaltation also to be a

major factor along with the aspect of jupiter on mercury(planet for

intellectualism) posited along with sun.



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

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Dear Mrs Wendy,


I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12 days of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank God George Bush is not in power" Prize.


Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call to action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken. National politics always trumps international politics and no US President is going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite the Peace Prize.


Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor, GW Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra of Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers who roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories and will tell you exactly what you want to hear.


However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are further bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed by the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.








Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidyajyotish-vidya Sent: Sat, October 10, 2009 1:24:52 AMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

Dear Krishnan and All,In my opinion the 'Nobel Peace Prize' has become extremely political. I admit I'm not as 'up-to-speed' on world events as I should be, but I know of nothing outstanding that Obama has done to warrant such auspicious recognition.As for the astrological indications (briefly):1) DASA LORD JUPITER:Debilitated 3rd lord (support for one's initiative) and 12th lord (10th from 3rd denoting recognition and prestige in society) is conjunct lagnesh Saturn in lagna and has gained 3 NeechaBhanga yoga points.2) BHUKTI LORD MARS:4th lord (good name and reputation) and 11th lord (good news, auspicious events) occupies 8th (11th from 10th) along with Rahu who represents worldly fame.3) PRATAYANTAR LORD MERCURY:Combust 8th lord Sun is transiting sign of exaltation along with Sun and lagnesh Saturn.I readily admit that I could be somewhat prejudiced in this

regard. However, I put forward the assumption that, with both dasa and bhukti lords presently in sign of debilitation, this award may not be as deserving as it should be. What has he actually done to advance the cause of world peace? I can think of many other political figures far more deserving who have not received such recognition.I await others comments on this...Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya.com____________ _________ _________ _______- "vattem" <bursar_99 ><jyotish-vidya>Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM Startling News of Mr

Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Mrs Wendy and members,We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV channeles was about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very much an abrupt one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have paved way for the surprise award.The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may interesting to review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify the young President of US.We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was alo included in the notable horoscope.There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he got sworn in as President,almost without any opposition all of have hailed victory.His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8 and 12

houses need also mention here.vrkrishnan

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Dear Mrs Wendy and members,

It is true the whole thing has come up in a very short time unlike in the case of similar other awards in the past.I agree with you transiting mars close to ketu and also"JU/SA...both in retrograde motion with debilitated Jupiterreceiving help from swakshetra Saturn and strong Mars (occupying kendra)

An interesting fact has also come out of the his swearing chart as President at12h07m(EST) on 29th jab 2009 is that Moon was in 8th in scorpio in Anuradha Nakshtra on that day with ascendant being Aries.For this chart,in navamsa lagna lord venus was in 8th with rahu in taurus indicating sudden rise of name and fame

On the said day again he has jupiter and mercury with rahu and 3rd from moon giving vasumati yoga.

The association of nodes are always add element of surprise and 3rd lord saturn happened to be saturn and is 10th from ascendant on the day of swearing in.

Even this I think was once discussed by the members.Transitting planets as on the date of announcement have element of surprise even for Astrologers to scratch their heads.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:

Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidyaRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 9:27 AM

Dear Krishnan,///i agree with you that the Nobel Committee gets hoodwinked in thepolitical gimmiks.certainly there are several others who have put indecades of service and toiled for the sake of peace and people.///There can be no doubt whatsoever that this has been a well-planned,pre-meditated exercise to elevate Obama's world standing. Let's pull backthe curtain and look at some facts.1) The deadline to submit nominations for this year's peace prize wasFebruary 1st.2) Obama's inauguration was only 12 days prior to this deadline...January20th. Hardly time for him to establish any policy in regards to Worldpeace.3) Obama's strongest supporters throughout the Presidential campaign (andstill today) included questionable characters such as the domesticterrorist William Ayers who was (is?) a Professor of Education and SeniorUniversity Scholar at the University of Illinois at

Chicago (UIC).4) University professors are among those eligible to submitnominations. ..I cannot say who nominated Obama but certainly it would be someonesupporting his ambitions on the World stage, and it would have to besomeone eligible to nominate him?I have some real concerns about the character/intention s of thosesignified by JU/SA...both in retrograde motion with debilitated Jupiterreceiving help from swakshetra Saturn and strong Mars (occupying kendrafrom Moon).I'm aware that I'm in choppy waters here and expect a backlash fromsome...already one member has d. None-the-less I have to callit as I see it and this chart does cause me some concern.PS: The announcement of the Peace Prize was totally unexpected.. . Notetransiting (bhukti lord) Mars close conjunction with Ketu...sudden,unexpected events!Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______- "Vattem Krishnan" <bursar_99 ><jyotish-vidya>Saturday, October 10, 2009 5:07 PMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winningcoveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Mrs Wendy and Others,i agree with you that the Nobel Committee gets hoodwinked in thepolitical gimmiks.certainly there are several others who have put indecades of service and toiled for the sake

of peace and people.What really shocks the Astrologers are the capabilities of Neechabhangarajayoga caused presently in capricorn in natural zodiac and the link ofthis yoga in his chart throgh jupiter?Dasalord jupiter as 3rd conveyed anew message across the globe for his new approach ,a fresg dialogue fornuclear disarmament and among muslim ruled countries a new order has beenforeseen by him.It is for his idea/order that gives new direction for hispolitical process.As the award was also cited for his intellectual rather than for hiswork/success, some role of moon in his 5th in exaltation also to be amajor factor along with the aspect of jupiter on mercury(planet forintellectualism) posited along with sun.Vattem KrishnanCyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)

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Dear Mrs Wendy,


I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.








Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojjyotish-vidya Sent: Sat, October 10, 2009 7:34:24 AMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch




Dear Mrs Wendy,


I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12 days of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank God George Bush is not in power" Prize.


Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call to action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken. National politics always trumps international politics and no US President is going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite the Peace Prize.


Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor, GW Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra of Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers who roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories and will tell you exactly what you want to hear.


However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are further bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed by the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.








Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya@ bigpond.com>jyotish-vidyaSat, October 10, 2009 1:24:52 AMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

Dear Krishnan and All,In my opinion the 'Nobel Peace Prize' has become extremely political. I admit I'm not as 'up-to-speed' on world events as I should be, but I know of nothing outstanding that Obama has done to warrant such auspicious recognition.As for the astrological indications (briefly):1) DASA LORD JUPITER:Debilitated 3rd lord (support for one's initiative) and 12th lord (10th from 3rd denoting recognition and prestige in society) is conjunct lagnesh Saturn in lagna and has gained 3 NeechaBhanga yoga points.2) BHUKTI LORD MARS:4th lord (good name and reputation) and 11th lord (good news, auspicious events) occupies 8th (11th from 10th) along with Rahu who represents worldly fame.3) PRATAYANTAR LORD MERCURY:Combust 8th lord Sun is transiting sign of exaltation along with Sun and lagnesh Saturn.I readily admit that I could be somewhat prejudiced in this

regard. However, I put forward the assumption that, with both dasa and bhukti lords presently in sign of debilitation, this award may not be as deserving as it should be. What has he actually done to advance the cause of world peace? I can think of many other political figures far more deserving who have not received such recognition.I await others comments on this...Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______- "vattem" <bursar_99 ><jyotish-vidya>Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM Startling News of Mr

Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Mrs Wendy and members,We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV channeles was about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very much an abrupt one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have paved way for the surprise award.The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may interesting to review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify the young President of US.We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was alo included in the notable horoscope.There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he got sworn in as President,almost without any opposition all of have hailed victory.His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8

and 12 houses need also mention here.vrkrishnan

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Dear Manoj,


///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company

of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call

to action.///


What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.


///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described

in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.///


Yes, I gathered that :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Manoj Chandran " <chandran_manoj

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs Wendy,


I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in

office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12 days

of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the

Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the

Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out

political statements. This could well have been called the " Thank God

George Bush is not in power " Prize.


Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company of

people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call to

action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his

policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken. National

politics always trumps international politics and no US President is

going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite the

Peace Prize.


Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and " scandals " and

inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama " gained " by the

(perceived) negative " inheritance " left behind by his predecessor, GW

Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of

Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra of

Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers who

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories and

will tell you exactly what you want to hear.


However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his

universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are further

bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true

state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed by

the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.








" Manoj Chandran " <chandran_manoj

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs Wendy,


I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described in

the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.




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Dear Mr Chandran,Mrs Wendy and Others,

The transiting position of planets as a developed/continuity of the natal chart,when the declaration of chart was made.for capricorn ascendants it was not auspicious.such abrupt declaration without much awareness,is to deny to the public their own feed back and opinion.A country that swears by it's highest order of justice and equality nomination to the prestigeous award atleast could have been made known through media.Even the person who deserves or not makes a statement of innocence, public get bemused.This only indicates the quality of politics and the intelligentia too feel emberassment of the declaration.Incase if this award is likely to help the President to deliver results to Americans and expedite process will only be known through time.As of now the President's popularity graph certainly taken a severe blow even after this declaration of the prestigeous award.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 10:51 AM




Dear Mrs Wendy,


I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.








Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >jyotish-vidyaSat, October 10, 2009 7:34:24 AMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch




Dear Mrs Wendy,


I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12 days of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank God George Bush is not in power" Prize.


Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call to action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken. National politics always trumps international politics and no US President is going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite the Peace Prize.


Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor, GW Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra of Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers who roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories and will tell you exactly what you want to hear.


However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are further bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed by the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.








Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya@ bigpond.com>jyotish-vidyaSat, October 10, 2009 1:24:52 AMRe: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

Dear Krishnan and All,In my opinion the 'Nobel Peace Prize' has become extremely political. I admit I'm not as 'up-to-speed' on world events as I should be, but I know of nothing outstanding that Obama has done to warrant such auspicious recognition.As for the astrological indications (briefly):1) DASA LORD JUPITER:Debilitated 3rd lord (support for one's initiative) and 12th lord (10th from 3rd denoting recognition and prestige in society) is conjunct lagnesh Saturn in lagna and has gained 3 NeechaBhanga yoga points.2) BHUKTI LORD MARS:4th lord (good name and reputation) and 11th lord (good news, auspicious events) occupies 8th (11th from 10th) along with Rahu who represents worldly fame.3) PRATAYANTAR LORD MERCURY:Combust 8th lord Sun is transiting sign of exaltation along with Sun and lagnesh Saturn.I readily admit that I could be somewhat prejudiced in

this regard. However, I put forward the assumption that, with both dasa and bhukti lords presently in sign of debilitation, this award may not be as deserving as it should be. What has he actually done to advance the cause of world peace? I can think of many other political figures far more deserving who have not received such recognition.I await others comments on this...Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______- "vattem" <bursar_99 ><jyotish-vidya>Sent:

Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Mrs Wendy and members,We woke up to early morning prayers and the news heard through TV channeles was about Nobel Prize to the President of US.The news was very much an abrupt one.Even for Mr Barack Obama himself.Currently exalted mercury with saturn and saturn in zodiac must have paved way for the surprise award.The role of venus in in neecha is also to be taken note.it may interesting to review and find how the transit could lay a map to glorify the young President of US.We had a very interesting analysis of Mr Barak Obama and the chart was alo included in the notable horoscope.There was some clarity of his ascendant as capricorn and finally when he got sworn in as President,almost without

any opposition all of have hailed victory.His Vipareet raja yoga involvng 6.8 and 12 houses need also mention here.vrkrishnan

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Dear ones, i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are about 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am convinced about the lagna.Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house of comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and Rahu in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th and 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.Love and regards,gopi. jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya wrote:>> Dear Manoj,> > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call > to action.///> > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.///> > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya.com> ___> > > - > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj jyotish-vidya > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12 days > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank God > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company of > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call to > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken. National > politics always trumps international politics and no US President is > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite the > Peace Prize.> > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor, GW > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra of > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers who > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories and > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are further > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed by > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > Regards,> -Manoj> > > > - > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj jyotish-vidya > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described in > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > Regards,> -Manoj>

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Dear Gopi,


I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart you are

commenting on in regards to President Obama.


If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a copy of

the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born at 19:24:00.

This is the accepted official birth time that is used to delineate his chart

most authentically by most.


His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra

primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu dieties

presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls into Leo navamsa

ruled by Sun.


As Always,




jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927 wrote:


> Dear ones,

> i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are about

> 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am

> convinced about the lagna.

> Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house of

> comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country

> in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th

> house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!

> The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th

> lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).

> Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and Rahu

> in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th and

> 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and

> exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.

> Love and regards,

> gopi.

> jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Manoj,

> >

> > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the

> company

> > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a

> call

> > to action.///

> >

> > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.

> >

> > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions

> described

> > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal

> ones.///

> >

> > Yes, I gathered that :-)

> >

> > Best Wishes,

> > Mrs. Wendy

> > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > ___

> >

> >

> > -

> > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > jyotish-vidya

> > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM

> > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

> winning

> > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> >

> >

> > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> >

> > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in

> > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12

> days

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the

> > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the

> > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

> > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out

> > political statements. This could well have been called the " Thank God

> > George Bush is not in power " Prize.

> >

> > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company

> of

> > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call

> to

> > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his

> > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.

> National

> > politics always trumps international politics and no US President is

> > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite

> the

> > Peace Prize.

> >

> > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and " scandals " and

> > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama " gained " by the

> > (perceived) negative " inheritance " left behind by his predecessor, GW

> > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of

> > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra

> of

> > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers

> who

> > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories

> and

> > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.

> >

> > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his

> > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are

> further

> > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true

> > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed

> by

> > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > jyotish-vidya

> > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM

> > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

> winning

> > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> >

> >

> > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> >

> > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described

> in

> > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.

> >

> > Regards,

> > -Manoj

> >


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Dear Uttara and Gopi,


Very quickly here as I'm quite busy " spring cleaning " my house...a

mammoth task that seems to be taking forever...so not much time for the

group at the moment...sorry :-(


However, your discussion regarding Obama's chart spurred me on to add

some more to my interpretation of his horoscope...have neglected this for

a long time due to lack of time. I've also added some more to the popup

window (with his birth certificate) which, I think, is worth reading.



There is a link to the popup window at the top of the page... " Click Here

to View Birth Certificate "


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:18 AM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Gopi,


I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart

you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.


If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a

copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born

at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used to

delineate his chart most authentically by most.


His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra

primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu

dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls

into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.


As Always,




jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927



> Dear ones,

> i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are

> about

> 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am

> convinced about the lagna.

> Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house

> of

> comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country

> in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th

> house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!

> The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th

> lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).

> Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and

> Rahu

> in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th

> and

> 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and

> exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.

> Love and regards,

> gopi.

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Dear Mrs Wendy and Others,

The revival of the discussion is only to evaluate how transitory planets can shower blessings and cause yogas and also for others to cause miseries.

Infact some of us must have learnt how suddenly the weather took a turn on Tues daya in california and caused mudslings and loss of property in a very untimely manner.

These issues having importance in mundane astrology have their own eloberations to understand about the behaviour of planets in zodiac.

The concern of the gochara continues as nodes by the end of Dec2009 assume position in 9th sign of zodiac(rahu) and gemini(Ketu).Also we find Mars contnues to be under debilitation till the beginning of the new year 2010 with several other planets to taking up positions in malefic houses of Mars and aturn.

You have rightly observed that "obama as born under 10th sign of Zodiac(capricorn)"perhaps is the best way to go with the tide and find out his path of ascendance.Now point in switching over lagnas(when particulalrly birth certificate authenticity was?).

The events as they are unfolding, it is more the transitoty planets that are helping the native even though natal significance of the house and lords are not convincing astrologically.with the addition of Nobel Peace prize if not for his past events and "success"but for the era of "hope'has to be taken in it's right perspective.

when ascendancy to Presidency was made easy all other laurels and kuods become decorative and might also be a democrative way of looking at the achievements.Capricorn born natives like democracy but exhibit martian influence.This is what we can astrologically think of.perhaps they are not fo 'balance"and doubt also their likelyhood for compassion as seen from present policy ofthe US Govt .

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidya wrote:

Mrs. Wendy <jyotishvidyaRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 1:09 AM

Dear Uttara and Gopi,Very quickly here as I'm quite busy "spring cleaning" my house...a mammoth task that seems to be taking forever...so not much time for the group at the moment...sorry :-(However, your discussion regarding Obama's chart spurred me on to add some more to my interpretation of his horoscope... have neglected this for a long time due to lack of time. I've also added some more to the popup window (with his birth certificate) which, I think, is worth reading. http://jyotishvidya .com/obama. htmThere is a link to the popup window at the top of the page..."Click Here to View Birth Certificate"Best Wishes,Mrs. Wendyhttp://JyotishVidya .com____________ _________ _________ _______-

"Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net><jyotish-vidya>Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:18 AM Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the ChDear Gopi,I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is

used to delineate his chart most authentically by most.His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.As Always,Uttarajyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear ones,> i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are > about> 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> convinced about the lagna.> Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house > of> comfirts with 4th lord as

well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country> in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th> lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and > Rahu> in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th > and> 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> Love and regards,> gopi.

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Dear Uttara,yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.warm regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni wrote:>> Dear Gopi,> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun. > > As Always,> > Uttara > > jyotish-vidya , "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear ones,> > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are about> > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > convinced about the lagna.> > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house of> > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country> > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th> > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).> > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and Rahu> > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th and> > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > Love and regards,> > gopi.> > jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Manoj,> > >> > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > company> > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> > call> > > to action.///> > >> > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > >> > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > described> > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > ones.///> > >> > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > >> > > Best Wishes,> > > Mrs. Wendy> > > http://JyotishVidya.com> > > ___> > >> > >> > > -> > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > jyotish-vidya > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > winning> > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > >> > >> > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > >> > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only in> > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first 12> > days> > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve the> > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in the> > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing out> > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank God> > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > >> > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the company> > of> > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a call> > to> > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence his> > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.> > National> > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President is> > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes, despite> > the> > > Peace Prize.> > >> > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor, GW> > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra of> > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Nakshatra> > of> > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story tellers> > who> > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell stories> > and> > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > >> > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially his> > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > further> > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the true> > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately potrayed> > by> > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > >> > > Regards,> > > -Manoj> > >> > >> > >> > > -> > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > jyotish-vidya > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > winning> > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > >> > >> > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > >> > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions described> > in> > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > >> > > Regards,> > > -Manoj> > >> >>

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Dear Gopi,


///This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site journal of astrology.com

since they have given some good readings with this lagna///


It would be good if you could provide a link to this...


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:02 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Uttara,

yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site

journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with

this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the

purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not

foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.

warm regards,


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Dear Gopi and All,


///I also believe birth certificate is not foolproof.///


Without doubt Obama can be very loose (deceptive) with the truth...this

is verifiable fact (supported with Ketu in 2nd house of speech whilst

Mercury is combust 8th lord Sun); However he's no fool, and he would be

well aware of the consequences (to his career) if he were to knowingly

provide a false (forged) copy of his birth certificate.


Also verifiable in this (Capricorn) chart is the role his maternal

grandparents played in his upbringing...Ketu, significator of maternal

grandparents, in 2nd house of family with dispositor (Saturn) in lagna.

And how can we overlook his two lovely daughters with exalted Moon in 5th

etc, etc..


///Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.///


Please explain ???


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927

<jyotish-vidya >

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:02 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Uttara,

yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site

journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with

this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the

purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not

foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.

warm regards,


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Dear Mrs Wendy,sorry you got me wrong.I am not talking about the birth certificate in its entirety but just regarding the T.O.B(time of birth) only, since only the sincere astrologers are interested in this but not the hospitals(specially in india).That's all.Politicians in india are known for this.Hope this will clarify.I am not familiar with providing links hence pl go to the site journal of astrology.com by typing it.Warm regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya wrote:>> Dear Gopi and All,> > ///I also believe birth certificate is not foolproof.///> > Without doubt Obama can be very loose (deceptive) with the truth...this > is verifiable fact (supported with Ketu in 2nd house of speech whilst > Mercury is combust 8th lord Sun); However he's no fool, and he would be > well aware of the consequences (to his career) if he were to knowingly > provide a false (forged) copy of his birth certificate.> > Also verifiable in this (Capricorn) chart is the role his maternal > grandparents played in his upbringing...Ketu, significator of maternal > grandparents, in 2nd house of family with dispositor (Saturn) in lagna. > And how can we overlook his two lovely daughters with exalted Moon in 5th > etc, etc..> > ///Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.///> > Please explain ???> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya.com> ___> > > - > "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927 jyotish-vidya > Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:02 PM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.>

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Dear Mrs wendy,here is the link but i am afraid you may have to search for the article on president obama since it was long time i read. www.journalofastrolgy.comWarm regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927 wrote:>> Dear Mrs Wendy,> sorry you got me wrong.I am not talking about the birth certificate in> its entirety but just regarding the T.O.B(time of birth) only, since> only the sincere astrologers are interested in this but not the> hospitals(specially in india).That's all.Politicians in india are known> for this.Hope this will clarify.> I am not familiar with providing links hence pl go to the site journal> of astrology.com by typing it.> Warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" jyotishvidya@> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi and All,> >> > ///I also believe birth certificate is not foolproof.///> >> > Without doubt Obama can be very loose (deceptive) with the> truth...this> > is verifiable fact (supported with Ketu in 2nd house of speech whilst> > Mercury is combust 8th lord Sun); However he's no fool, and he would> be> > well aware of the consequences (to his career) if he were to knowingly> > provide a false (forged) copy of his birth certificate.> >> > Also verifiable in this (Capricorn) chart is the role his maternal> > grandparents played in his upbringing...Ketu, significator of maternal> > grandparents, in 2nd house of family with dispositor (Saturn) in> lagna.> > And how can we overlook his two lovely daughters with exalted Moon in> 5th> > etc, etc..> >> > ///Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.///> >> > Please explain ???> >> > Best Wishes,> > Mrs. Wendy> > http://JyotishVidya.com> > ___> >> >> > -> > "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> > jyotish-vidya > > Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:02 PM> > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> winning> > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >> >> > Dear Uttara,> > yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's> site> > journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> > this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> > purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is> not> > foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> > warm regards,> > gopi.> >>

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Dear Krishnan ji,I agree with you that transits are not at all good for times to come.Here in india(south) flash floods killed around 350 people and crores of property lost at the same time thousands became homeless.//The events as they are unfolding, it is more the transitoty planets

that are helping the native even though natal significance of the house

and lords are not convincing astrologically.//If we see from libra lagna 11th lord of titles sitting pretty in 10th house of rajya(kingdom) in a nipuna yoga that too with 9thL of luck! in the natal chart asp by both nat/tr jup the maha/pratyantar dasa lord and sun is the bhukti lord himself as 11thL.Love and regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Others,> The revival of the discussion is only to evaluate how transitory planets can shower blessings and cause yogas and also for others to cause miseries.> Infact some of us must have learnt how suddenly the weather took a turn on Tues daya in california and caused mudslings and loss of property in a very untimely manner.> These issues having importance in mundane astrology have their own eloberations to understand about the behaviour of planets in zodiac.> The concern of the gochara continues as nodes by the end of Dec2009 assume position in 9th sign of zodiac(rahu) and gemini(Ketu).Also we find Mars contnues to be under debilitation till the beginning of the new year 2010 with several other planets to taking up positions in malefic houses of Mars and aturn. > You have rightly observed that "obama as born under 10th sign of Zodiac(capricorn)"perhaps is the best way to go with the tide and find out his path of ascendance.Now point in switching over lagnas(when particulalrly birth certificate authenticity was?).> The events as they are unfolding, it is more the transitoty planets

that are helping the native even though natal significance of the house

and lords are not convincing astrologically.with the addition of Nobel Peace prize if not for his past events and "success"but for the era of "hope'has to be taken in it's right perspective.> when ascendancy to Presidency was made easy all other laurels and kuods become decorative and might also be a democrative way of looking at the achievements.> Capricorn born natives like democracy but exhibit martian influence.This is what we can astrologically think of.perhaps they are not fo 'balance"and doubt also their likelyhood for compassion as seen from present policy ofthe US Govt .> > Vattem Krishnan > Cyber Jyotish Services> (For all counseling services)> > > --- On Wed, 10/14/09, Mrs. Wendy jyotishvidya wrote:> > > Mrs. Wendy jyotishvidya Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> jyotish-vidya > Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 1:09 AM> > > > > > > Dear Uttara and Gopi,> > Very quickly here as I'm quite busy "spring cleaning" my house...a > mammoth task that seems to be taking forever...so not much time for the > group at the moment...sorry :-(> > However, your discussion regarding Obama's chart spurred me on to add > some more to my interpretation of his horoscope... have neglected this for > a long time due to lack of time. I've also added some more to the popup > window (with his birth certificate) which, I think, is worth reading. > http://jyotishvidya .com/obama. htm> > There is a link to the popup window at the top of the page..."Click Here > to View Birth Certificate"> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya .com> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > - > "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net>> <jyotish-vidya>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:18 AM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > Dear Gopi,> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart > you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a > copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born > at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used to > delineate his chart most authentically by most.> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra > primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu > dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls > into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> > As Always,> > Uttara> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ ..> > wrote:> >> > Dear ones,> > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are > > about> > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > convinced about the lagna.> > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house > > of> > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign country> > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th> > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and > > Rahu> > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th > > and> > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > Love and regards,> > gopi.>

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Dear Mrs Wendy and other members,

In JV we I appreciate the fact that the data correct r not is always taken before making any analysis and also based on the charts the facts known and made available are correlated.This is what was attempted by Mrs Wendy while analysing chart of Mr Obama and considering the Ascendant of gapricorn..For this the credit certainly goes to Mrs Wendy.

I think one who is keen and interested in Astrology(might be an astrologer or noT)will be go by the data made available and as furnished This data is also normally tested and verified in his/her own way.Normally this what is also taught in Astrology to verify data given to for analysis.

A reference to hospitals,politicians was made (has no relevence here)refering to a country,probably we r not into this kind of discussions .More so in JV.In fact As a follower of Shri K.N.Rao with personal contacts for more than two decades even I had read his JOA article.what ever he has made and analysed , we regard it.May be academic relevence to the topic.

Even Astrological Magzine of of late B.V.Raman too had made extensive study of Michael Obama chart based on Capricorn Ascdt.The revealtions made and the analysis made earlier in JV are on the same lines

..I sue even on this lattest development of getting Nobel peace prize as an abrupt acclamation we may like to see and ignore all other issue which not veru much relevent for us here.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 7:03 AM

Dear Mrs Wendy,sorry you got me wrong.I am not talking about the birth certificate in its entirety but just regarding the T.O.B(time of birth) only, since only the sincere astrologers are interested in this but not the hospitals(specially in india).That' s all.Politicians in india are known for this.Hope this will clarify.I am not familiar with providing links hence pl go to the site journal of astrology.com by typing it.Warm regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Gopi and All,> > ///I also believe birth certificate is not foolproof.// /> > Without doubt Obama can be very loose (deceptive) with the truth...this > is verifiable fact (supported with Ketu in 2nd house of speech whilst > Mercury is combust 8th lord Sun); However he's no fool, and he would be > well aware of the consequences (to his

career) if he were to knowingly > provide a false (forged) copy of his birth certificate.> > Also verifiable in this (Capricorn) chart is the role his maternal > grandparents played in his upbringing.. .Ketu, significator of maternal > grandparents, in 2nd house of family with dispositor (Saturn) in lagna. > And how can we overlook his two lovely daughters with exalted Moon in 5th > etc, etc..> > ///Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.// /> > Please explain ???> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya .com> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > - > "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@.. .> jyotish-vidya> Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:02 PM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.>

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Dear Mr Gopi,Wendy and others,

In the JOA the comparision between Mrs hillary Clinton and Mr Obama for purpose of presidential election has appeared as an article in April-June issue.The article also conatained a rider:Read the following to know that Col Gour is clearly hinting at Obama being a stronger candidate than Hillary. But he was told by Shri K.N.Rao when he was venturing to write this article that no one had confirmed the birth details of Obama or Hillary. We continue to grope in the dark as always with the horoscopes of celebrities, politicians etc.This stand of Shri K.n.rao is very familiar and knowing closely will also attest this stand.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 wrote:

gopalakrishna <gopi_b927 Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 7:43 AM

Dear Krishnan ji,I agree with you that transits are not at all good for times to come.Here in india(south) flash floods killed around 350 people and crores of property lost at the same time thousands became homeless.//The events as they are unfolding, it is more the transitoty planets that are helping the native even though natal significance of the house and lords are not convincing astrologically. //If we see from libra lagna 11th lord of titles sitting pretty in 10th house of rajya(kingdom) in a nipuna yoga that too with 9thL of luck! in the natal chart asp by both nat/tr jup the maha/pratyantar dasa lord and sun is the bhukti lord himself as 11thL.Love and regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@.. .> wrote:>> Dear Mrs Wendy and Others,> The revival of the discussion is only to evaluate how transitory planets can shower

blessings and cause yogas and also for others to cause miseries.> Infact some of us must have learnt how suddenly the weather took a turn on Tues daya in california and caused mudslings and loss of property in a very untimely manner.> These issues having importance in mundane astrology have their own eloberations to understand about the behaviour of planets in zodiac.> The concern of the gochara continues as nodes by the end of Dec2009 assume position in 9th sign of zodiac(rahu) and gemini(Ketu) .Also we find Mars contnues to be under debilitation till the beginning of the new year 2010 with several other planets to taking up positions in malefic houses of Mars and aturn. > You have rightly observed that "obama as born under 10th sign of Zodiac(capricorn) "perhaps is the best way to go with the tide and find out his path of ascendance.Now point in switching over lagnas(when particulalrly birth certificate authenticity

was?).> The events as they are unfolding, it is more the transitoty planets that are helping the native even though natal significance of the house and lords are not convincing astrologically. with the addition of Nobel Peace prize if not for his past events and "success"but for the era of "hope'has to be taken in it's right perspective.> when ascendancy to Presidency was made easy all other laurels and kuods become decorative and might also be a democrative way of looking at the achievements.> Capricorn born natives like democracy but exhibit martian influence.This is what we can astrologically think of.perhaps they are not fo 'balance"and doubt also their likelyhood for compassion as seen from present policy ofthe US Govt .> > Vattem Krishnan > Cyber Jyotish Services> (For all counseling services)> > > --- On Wed, 10/14/09, Mrs. Wendy jyotishvidya@ ... wrote:> >

> Mrs. Wendy jyotishvidya@ ...> Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> jyotish-vidya> Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 1:09 AM> > > > > > > Dear Uttara and Gopi,> > Very quickly here as I'm quite busy "spring cleaning" my house...a > mammoth task that seems to be taking forever...so not much time for the > group at the moment...sorry :-(> > However, your discussion regarding Obama's chart spurred me on to add > some more to my interpretation of his horoscope... have neglected this for > a long time due to lack of time. I've also added some more to the popup > window (with his birth certificate) which, I think, is worth reading. > http://jyotishvidya .com/obama. htm> > There is a link

to the popup window at the top of the page..."Click Here > to View Birth Certificate"> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya .com> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > - > "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net>> <jyotish-vidya>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:18 AM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > Dear Gopi,> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart > you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find a > copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was born > at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official

birth time that is used to > delineate his chart most authentically by most.> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista nakshatra > primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8 Vasu > dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which falls > into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> > As Always,> > Uttara> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ ..> > wrote:> >> > Dear ones,> > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are > > about> > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > convinced about the lagna.> > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th house > > of> > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign

country> > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the 11th> > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and > > Rahu> > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th > > and> > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > Love and regards,> > gopi.>

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Dear Gopi,


I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be

another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.

I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political

astrological tome to support one time vs. another.


JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group

of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN

Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I

believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along

with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President



Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair

out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs

Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long

before any certificate of birth or live birth surfaced. The archives have all

the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a

prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was

based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not

win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation

just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in

the end was not accurate.



That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on

as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is

not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a

Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this

Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as

one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the

Capricorn came to support without question much of what is President Obama. And

consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth.


Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view

out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the

current transits of the natal chart for President Obama.


If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to

where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by

others globally including world leaders.


If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in

Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu

is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/partnerships from

Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of



Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the

current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama

is feeling and creating.


Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have

with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult

to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any

sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in

the Middle East.





And dated October 8,2009

http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167:is-obam\

a-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44


There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year

that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of

demise based on how the planets would be lined up.


Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail

canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on

how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all

conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who

he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his

grandfather; the tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to

Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother

who died a few days before his election win.


Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many

have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through

assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice

President etc etc etc.


Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is

not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent

attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His

disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of

several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US

and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the

USA; along with his health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection,

undermines his presence as an effective President.

So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under

threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed

fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world

and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are

disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to

understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month

it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and

undermined the country that he represents.


It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable

based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a

mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global



It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in

Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not

only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for

the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling

as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.


I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.


I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the

hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please

also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my

previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been

up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties

portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and

his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office over a people

of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing.


Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is

complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs.

wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.


However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.


As Always,





jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927 wrote:


> Dear Uttara,

> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site

> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with

> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the

> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not

> foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.

> warm regards,

> gopi.

> jyotish-vidya , " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Gopi,

> >

> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart

> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.

> >

> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find

> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was

> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used

> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.

> >

> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista

> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8

> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which

> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.

> >

> > As Always,

> >

> > Uttara

> >

> > jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " gopi_b927@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear ones,

> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are

> about

> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am

> > > convinced about the lagna.

> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th

> house of

> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign

> country

> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th

> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!

> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the

> 11th

> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).

> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and

> Rahu

> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th

> and

> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and

> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.

> > > Love and regards,

> > > gopi.

> > > jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Manoj,

> > > >

> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the

> > > company

> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as

> a

> > > call

> > > > to action.///

> > > >

> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.

> > > >

> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions

> > > described

> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal

> > > ones.///

> > > >

> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)

> > > >

> > > > Best Wishes,

> > > > Mrs. Wendy

> > > > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > > > ___

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > > > jyotish-vidya

> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM

> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

> > > winning

> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> > > >

> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only

> in

> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first

> 12

> > > days

> > > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve

> the

> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in

> the

> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing

> out

> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the " Thank

> God

> > > > George Bush is not in power " Prize.

> > > >

> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the

> company

> > > of

> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a

> call

> > > to

> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence

> his

> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.

> > > National

> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President

> is

> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,

> despite

> > > the

> > > > Peace Prize.

> > > >

> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and " scandals " and

> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama " gained " by the

> > > > (perceived) negative " inheritance " left behind by his predecessor,

> GW

> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra

> of

> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in

> Nakshatra

> > > of

> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story

> tellers

> > > who

> > > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell

> stories

> > > and

> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.

> > > >

> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially

> his

> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are

> > > further

> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the

> true

> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately

> potrayed

> > > by

> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > -Manoj

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > > > jyotish-vidya

> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM

> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

> > > winning

> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> > > >

> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions

> described

> > > in

> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > -Manoj

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensively covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion.Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe

birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to

Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house

of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)>

> > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs

Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> > > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who

have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of>

> > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon,

Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> >

> in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Uttara,Thank you for a long and nice post and also for your time.yes,i have understood and agree with you.You have explained well.Warm regards,gopi. jyotish-vidya , "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni wrote:>> > Dear Gopi,> > I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.> I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. > > JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.> > Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.> > > That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. > > Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. > > If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.> > If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.> > Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.> > Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. > > http://www.russiablog.org/2009/07/forget_me_not_obamas_russian_r.php> http://reason.com/blog/2009/07/23/obamas-central-asia-realism> > And dated October 8,2009> http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167:is-obama-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44 > > There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.> > Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.> > Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.> > Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.> So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.> > It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. > > It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.> > I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.> > I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. > > Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.> > However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.> > As Always,> > Uttara > > > jyotish-vidya , "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ wrote:> >> > Dear Uttara,> > yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> > journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> > this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> > purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> > foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> > warm regards,> > gopi.> > jyotish-vidya , "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Gopi,> > >> > > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> > you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> > >> > > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> > a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> > born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> > to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> > >> > > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> > nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8> > Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> > falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> > >> > > As Always,> > >> > > Uttara> > >> > > jyotish-vidya , "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> > wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear ones,> > > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> > about> > > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > > convinced about the lagna.> > > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> > house of> > > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> > country> > > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> > > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> > 11th> > > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).> > > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> > Rahu> > > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> > and> > > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > > Love and regards,> > > > gopi.> > > > jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@>> > > > wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Manoj,> > > > >> > > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > > company> > > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> > a> > > > call> > > > > to action.///> > > > >> > > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > > >> > > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > > described> > > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > > ones.///> > > > >> > > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > > >> > > > > Best Wishes,> > > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > > http://JyotishVidya.com> > > > > ___> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > > jyotish-vidya > > > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > > winning> > > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > > >> > > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> > in> > > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> > 12> > > > days> > > > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> > the> > > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> > the> > > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> > out> > > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> > God> > > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > > >> > > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > company> > > > of> > > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> > call> > > > to> > > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> > his> > > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.> > > > National> > > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> > is> > > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> > despite> > > > the> > > > > Peace Prize.> > > > >> > > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> > GW> > > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> > of> > > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> > Nakshatra> > > > of> > > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> > tellers> > > > who> > > > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> > stories> > > > and> > > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > > >> > > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> > his> > > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > > further> > > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> > true> > > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> > potrayed> > > > by> > > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > -Manoj> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > -> > > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > > jyotish-vidya > > > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > > winning> > > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > > >> > > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > described> > > > in> > > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > > >> > > > > Regards,> > > > > -Manoj> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Your welcome Gopi!


As always,



jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927 wrote:


> Dear Uttara,

> Thank you for a long and nice post and also for your time.

> yes,i have understood and agree with you.You have explained well.

> Warm regards,

> gopi.

> jyotish-vidya , " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni@>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Gopi,

> >

> > I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to

> be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.

> > I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an

> political astrological tome to support one time vs. another.

> >

> > JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a

> study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in

> delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do

> take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this

> past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao

> has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.

> >

> > Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was

> pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a

> authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible

> effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

> birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last

> year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger

> who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to

> President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the

> presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation

> just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive.

> And in the end was not accurate.

> >

> >

> > That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time

> settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth.

> Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial

> legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents.

> It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic

> birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to

> validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to

> support without question much of what is President Obama. And

> consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth.

> >

> > Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in

> my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events

> against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama.

> >

> > If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly

> as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is

> viewed by others globally including world leaders.

> >

> > If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both

> Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also,

> as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of

> relationship/partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj

> debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.

> >

> > Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other

> position in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a

> lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.

> >

> > Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern

> allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA

> President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the

> President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of

> the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East.

> >

> > http://www.russiablog.org/2009/07/forget_me_not_obamas_russian_r.php

> > http://reason.com/blog/2009/07/23/obamas-central-asia-realism

> >

> > And dated October 8,2009

> >

> http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167\

> :is-obama-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44

> >

> > There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this

> past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his

> greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined

> up.

> >

> > Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then

> presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would

> fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the

> reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end

> of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years

> after been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption

> at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to

> say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before

> his election win.

> >

> > Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and

> agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his

> demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with

> family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.

> >

> > Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has

> happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also

> known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have

> been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end

> of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last

> minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics

> committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his

> health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines

> his presence as an effective President.

> > So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is

> under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela

> has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many

> around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite

> frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook

> that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality.

> As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but

> highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he

> represents.

> >

> > It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is

> vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic

> President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own

> people and those in the global community.

> >

> > It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with

> Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come

> out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and

> longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year

> 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of

> Cancer to Leo.

> >

> > I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines

> Capricorn Lagna.

> >

> > I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the

> reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a

> Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined

> Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as

> favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by

> the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to

> recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest

> dream to be president and rule from the oval office over a people of his

> own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing.

> >

> > Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the

> discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few

> days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.

> >

> > However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.

> >

> > As Always,

> >

> > Uttara

> >

> >

> > jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " gopi_b927@

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Uttara,

> > > yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's

> site

> > > journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings

> with

> > > this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for

> the

> > > purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is

> not

> > > foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western

> countries.

> > > warm regards,

> > > gopi.

> > > jyotish-vidya , " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gopi,

> > > >

> > > > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth

> chart

> > > you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.

> > > >

> > > > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will

> find

> > > a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he

> was

> > > born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is

> used

> > > to delineate his chart most authentically by most.

> > > >

> > > > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista

> > > nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives

> Dhanista 8

> > > Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first

> which

> > > falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.

> > > >

> > > > As Always,

> > > >

> > > > Uttara

> > > >

> > > > jyotish-vidya , " gopalakrishna " gopi_b927@

> > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear ones,

> > > > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there

> are

> > > about

> > > > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i

> am

> > > > > convinced about the lagna.

> > > > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th

> > > house of

> > > > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign

> > > country

> > > > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in

> 11th

> > > > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!

> > > > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the

> > > 11th

> > > > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian).

> > > > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup

> and

> > > Rahu

> > > > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg

> 4th

> > > and

> > > > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun

> and

> > > > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of

> surprises.

> > > > > Love and regards,

> > > > > gopi.

> > > > > jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy "

> <jyotishvidya@>

> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Manoj,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst

> the

> > > > > company

> > > > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this

> as

> > > a

> > > > > call

> > > > > > to action.///

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and

> postions

> > > > > described

> > > > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal

> > > > > ones.///

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Best Wishes,

> > > > > > Mrs. Wendy

> > > > > > http://JyotishVidya.com

> > > > > > ___

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -

> > > > > > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > > > > > jyotish-vidya

> > > > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM

> > > > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack

> Obama's

> > > > > winning

> > > > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was

> only

> > > in

> > > > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the

> first

> > > 12

> > > > > days

> > > > > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to

> deserve

> > > the

> > > > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows

> in

> > > the

> > > > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!

> > > > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for

> dishing

> > > out

> > > > > > political statements. This could well have been called the

> " Thank

> > > God

> > > > > > George Bush is not in power " Prize.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the

> > > company

> > > > > of

> > > > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as

> a

> > > call

> > > > > to

> > > > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can

> influence

> > > his

> > > > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.

> > > > > National

> > > > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US

> President

> > > is

> > > > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,

> > > despite

> > > > > the

> > > > > > Peace Prize.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and " scandals "

> and

> > > > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama " gained " by

> the

> > > > > > (perceived) negative " inheritance " left behind by his

> predecessor,

> > > GW

> > > > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the

> Nakshatra

> > > of

> > > > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in

> > > Nakshatra

> > > > > of

> > > > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story

> > > tellers

> > > > > who

> > > > > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell

> > > stories

> > > > > and

> > > > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda

> (especially

> > > his

> > > > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats

> are

> > > > > further

> > > > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman,

> the

> > > true

> > > > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately

> > > potrayed

> > > > > by

> > > > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > -Manoj

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -

> > > > > > " Manoj Chandran " chandran_manoj@

> > > > > > jyotish-vidya

> > > > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM

> > > > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack

> Obama's

> > > > > winning

> > > > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions

> > > described

> > > > > in

> > > > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal

> ones.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards,

> > > > > > -Manoj

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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