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Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch

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Dear Krishnan Ji,


// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //


There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99jyotish-vidya Sent: Wed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaWednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can

be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement

gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as

well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > >

> Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> >

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly

mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > >

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran"

chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> > > in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >>


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Dear Chandran ji,

I, some how became pessimistic as a jupiter ascendant(sagittarus) and with jupiter in 10th from rasi.Reading of Shri l.R.Chaudhir's "the fascinating jupiter' could not enthrall me frankly,though he attributes very good things for jupiter in 10th as well as capricorn sign.Incidentally it is my moon sign.

Status of retrogression has made me atleast to toil more by way of unwanted travels and also not so good indication in status too.

This apart ,theoritical revealations from our texts for an academic PURSUIT will be to brush up awareness through your query

To know abour Jupiter's,let's consider how sign lord as dispositor affects,native of capricornCurrently saturn in enemy house of simha is not a favourable disposition.Saturn known for slef efforts causes wasteful expenduring during the time jupiter in capricorn together with hurdles in general outlook and also opposition from several quarters.

2.jupiter in 10th(from lagna) is considered most favourable(for Aries people),though a depression sign(Capricorn)

Now retrograde status of jupiter adds to vows in matters relating health and service matters.Possible discredit or loss through dishonesty.

3.Jupiter as karaka for several issues like law,orderliness,finance and relationships,during retrogression likely to suffer.

Possibly in sun's nakshtra of uttarashadha and srvana may bring honours.worst part is dhanishta nakhstra of capricorn leding to losses unexpectedly and in service matter.

Now jupiter direct at 23.10 degrees must prove to be a consolation in mundane aspects as well as for those who are facing problems due to sign lord'sshadhstaka position in leo.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:29 PM




Dear Krishnan Ji,


// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //


There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >jyotish-vidyaWed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaWednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can

be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement

gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as

well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > >

> Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> >

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly

mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > >

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran"

chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> > > in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >>


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Dear Krishnan Ji,


Many thanks for your comments.


It is interesting that according to what I have learnt, Jupiter in 10th house is not all that great for Career matters and status. One of the reasons is ofcourse because he gets debilitated in the 10th house of the Kala Purusha. The other is that from the 10th house he aspects and enhances the 6th house of employment. Hence, according to one of my teachers, this has a tendency to make "good workers" but not "good bosses". In a sense it might deny promotions etc and an overall feeling of not being appreciated at work or career. Ofcourse this is a general statement and each chart is different.


Regarding Saturn, I thought he has left Simha and is now in Kanya? Am I mistaken?








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99jyotish-vidya Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 9:35:41 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Chandran ji,

I, some how became pessimistic as a jupiter ascendant(sagittaru s) and with jupiter in 10th from rasi.Reading of Shri l.R.Chaudhir' s "the fascinating jupiter' could not enthrall me frankly,though he attributes very good things for jupiter in 10th as well as capricorn sign.Incidentally it is my moon sign.

Status of retrogression has made me atleast to toil more by way of unwanted travels and also not so good indication in status too.

This apart ,theoritical revealations from our texts for an academic PURSUIT will be to brush up awareness through your query

To know abour Jupiter's,let' s consider how sign lord as dispositor affects,native of capricornCurrently saturn in enemy house of simha is not a favourable disposition. Saturn known for slef efforts causes wasteful expenduring during the time jupiter in capricorn together with hurdles in general outlook and also opposition from several quarters.

2.jupiter in 10th(from lagna) is considered most favourable(for Aries people),though a depression sign(Capricorn)

Now retrograde status of jupiter adds to vows in matters relating health and service matters.Possible discredit or loss through dishonesty.

3.Jupiter as karaka for several issues like law,orderliness, finance and relationships, during retrogression likely to suffer.

Possibly in sun's nakshtra of uttarashadha and srvana may bring honours.worst part is dhanishta nakhstra of capricorn leding to losses unexpectedly and in service matter.

Now jupiter direct at 23.10 degrees must prove to be a consolation in mundane aspects as well as for those who are facing problems due to sign lord'sshadhstaka position in leo.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaThursday, October 15, 2009, 4:29 PM




Dear Krishnan Ji,


// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //


There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >jyotish-vidyaWed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaWednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can

be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement

gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as

well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > >

> Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> >

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly

mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > >

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran"

chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> > > in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >>


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Dear Krishnan Ji,


Thank you for your kind Diwali Wishes. May the Force Be With Us All.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99jyotish-vidya Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 9:35:41 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Chandran ji,

I, some how became pessimistic as a jupiter ascendant(sagittaru s) and with jupiter in 10th from rasi.Reading of Shri l.R.Chaudhir' s "the fascinating jupiter' could not enthrall me frankly,though he attributes very good things for jupiter in 10th as well as capricorn sign.Incidentally it is my moon sign.

Status of retrogression has made me atleast to toil more by way of unwanted travels and also not so good indication in status too.

This apart ,theoritical revealations from our texts for an academic PURSUIT will be to brush up awareness through your query

To know abour Jupiter's,let' s consider how sign lord as dispositor affects,native of capricornCurrently saturn in enemy house of simha is not a favourable disposition. Saturn known for slef efforts causes wasteful expenduring during the time jupiter in capricorn together with hurdles in general outlook and also opposition from several quarters.

2.jupiter in 10th(from lagna) is considered most favourable(for Aries people),though a depression sign(Capricorn)

Now retrograde status of jupiter adds to vows in matters relating health and service matters.Possible discredit or loss through dishonesty.

3.Jupiter as karaka for several issues like law,orderliness, finance and relationships, during retrogression likely to suffer.

Possibly in sun's nakshtra of uttarashadha and srvana may bring honours.worst part is dhanishta nakhstra of capricorn leding to losses unexpectedly and in service matter.

Now jupiter direct at 23.10 degrees must prove to be a consolation in mundane aspects as well as for those who are facing problems due to sign lord'sshadhstaka position in leo.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaThursday, October 15, 2009, 4:29 PM




Dear Krishnan Ji,


// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //


There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >jyotish-vidyaWed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaWednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can

be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement

gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as

well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > >

> Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> >

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly

mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > >

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran"

chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> > > in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >>


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Dear Manoj ji,// It is interesting that according to what I have learnt, Jupiter in

10th house is not all that great for Career matters and status. One of

the reasons is ofcourse because he gets debilitated in the 10th house

of the Kala Purusha. The other is that from the 10th house he aspects

and enhances the 6th house of employment. Hence, according to one of my

teachers, this has a tendency to make "good workers" but not "good

bosses". In a sense it might deny promotions etc and an overall feeling

of not being appreciated at work or career. Ofcourse this is a general

statement and each chart is different.//yes,this is right in my case.Love and regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:>> Dear Krishnan Ji,> > Many thanks for your comments.> > It is interesting that according to what I have learnt, Jupiter in

10th house is not all that great for Career matters and status. One of

the reasons is ofcourse because he gets debilitated in the 10th house

of the Kala Purusha. The other is that from the 10th house he aspects

and enhances the 6th house of employment. Hence, according to one of my

teachers, this has a tendency to make "good workers" but not "good

bosses". In a sense it might deny promotions etc and an overall feeling

of not being appreciated at work or career. Ofcourse this is a general

statement and each chart is different. It is interesting that according to what I have learnt, Jupiter in

10th house is not all that great for Career matters and status. One of

the reasons is ofcourse because he gets debilitated in the 10th house

of the Kala Purusha. The other is that from the 10th house he aspects

and enhances the 6th house of employment. Hence, according to one of my

teachers, this has a tendency to make "good workers" but not "good

bosses". In a sense it might deny promotions etc and an overall feeling

of not being appreciated at work or career. Ofcourse this is a general

statement and each chart is different.> > Regarding Saturn, I thought he has left Simha and is now in Kanya? Am I mistaken?> > Regards,> -Manoj> > > > > > ________________________________> Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 jyotish-vidya > Thu, October 15, 2009 9:35:41 PM> Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Chandran ji,> I, some how became pessimistic as a jupiter ascendant(sagittaru s) and with jupiter in 10th from rasi.Reading of Shri l.R.Chaudhir' s "the fascinating jupiter' could not enthrall me frankly,though he attributes very good things for jupiter in 10th as well as capricorn sign.Incidentally it is my moon sign.> Status of retrogression has made me atleast to toil more by way of unwanted travels and also not so good indication in status too.> This apart ,theoritical revealations from our texts for an academic PURSUIT will be to brush up awareness through your query > To know abour Jupiter's,let' s consider how sign lord as dispositor affects,native of capricornCurrently saturn in enemy house of simha is not a favourable disposition. Saturn known for slef efforts causes wasteful expenduring during the time jupiter in capricorn together with hurdles in general outlook and also opposition from several quarters.> 2.jupiter in 10th(from lagna) is considered most favourable(for Aries people),though a depression sign(Capricorn)> Now retrograde status of jupiter adds to vows in matters relating health and service matters.Possible discredit or loss through dishonesty.> 3.Jupiter as karaka for several issues like law,orderliness, finance and relationships, during retrogression likely to suffer.> Possibly in sun's nakshtra of uttarashadha and srvana may bring honours.worst part is dhanishta nakhstra of capricorn leding to losses unexpectedly and in service matter.> Now jupiter direct at 23.10 degrees must prove to be a consolation in mundane aspects as well as for those who are facing problems due to sign lord'sshadhstaka position in leo.> HOPE THIS DEEPAWALI PRAYERS HELP ALL OF US TO BE MORE DETERMINED AND POSITIVE IN OUR OUTLOOK. WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALL THE BEST. > > > Vattem Krishnan > Cyber Jyotish Services> (For all counseling services)> > > --- On Thu, 10/15/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:> > > >Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >> >Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >jyotish-vidya> >Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:29 PM> >> >> > > >Dear Krishnan Ji,> >> >// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //> >> >There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.> > > >Regards,> > -Manoj> >> >> >> >> >> >> ________________________________> Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >> >jyotish-vidya> >Wed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PM> >Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >> > > >Dear Uttara Ji and all> >Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.> >Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous > >> >> >Vattem Krishnan > >Cyber Jyotish Services> >(For all counseling services)> >> >> >--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:> >> >> >>Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net>> >> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >>jyotish-vidya> >>Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM> >>> >>> >> > >>> >>Dear Gopi,> >>> >>I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.> >>I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. > >>> >>JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.> >>> >>Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.> >>> >>That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. > >>> >>Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. > >>> >>If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.> >>> >>If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.> >>> >>Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.> >>> >>Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. > >>> >>http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. php> >>http://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realism> >>> >>And dated October 8,2009> >>http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 > >>> >>There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.> >>> >>Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.> >>> >>Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.> >>> >>Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.> >>So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.> >>> >>It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. > >>> >>It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.> >>> >>I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.> >>> >>I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. > >>> >>Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.> >>> >>However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.> >>> >>As Always,> >>> >>Uttara > >>> >>jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@ ..> wrote:> >>>> >>> Dear Uttara,> >>> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> >>> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> >>> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> >>> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> >>> foolproof.Yes it can be depended upon specially in western countries.> >>> warm regards,> >>> gopi.> >>> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> >>> wrote:> >>> >> >>> > Dear Gopi,> >>> >> >>> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> >>> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >>> >> >>> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> >>> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> >>> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> >>> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >>> >> >>> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> >>> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement gives Dhanista 8> >>> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> >>> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >>> >> >>> > As Always,> >>> >> >>> > Uttara> >>> >> >>> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> >>> wrote:> >>> > >> >>> > > Dear ones,> >>> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> >>> about> >>> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> >>> > > convinced about the lagna.> >>> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> >>> house of> >>> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> >>> country> >>> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as well who is posited in 11th> >>> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> >>> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> >>> 11th> >>> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> >>> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> >>> Rahu> >>> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> >>> and> >>> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> >>> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> >>> > > Love and regards,> >>> > > gopi.> >>> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> >>> > > wrote:> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Dear Manoj,> >>> > > >> >>> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> >>> > > company> >>> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> >>> a> >>> > > call> >>> > > > to action.///> >>> > > >> >>> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> >>> > > described> >>> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> >>> > > ones.///> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Best Wishes,> >>> > > > Mrs. Wendy> >>> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> >>> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _______> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > > -> >>> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> >>> > > > jyotish-vidya> >>> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> >>> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> >>> > > winning> >>> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> >>> > > >> >>> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> >>> in> >>> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> >>> 12> >>> > > days> >>> > > > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> >>> the> >>> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> >>> the> >>> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> >>> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> >>> out> >>> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> >>> God> >>> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> >>> company> >>> > > of> >>> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> >>> call> >>> > > to> >>> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> >>> his> >>> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly mistaken.> >>> > > National> >>> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> >>> is> >>> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> >>> despite> >>> > > the> >>> > > > Peace Prize.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> >>> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> >>> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> >>> GW> >>> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> >>> of> >>> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> >>> Nakshatra> >>> > > of> >>> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> >>> tellers> >>> > > who> >>> > > > roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> >>> stories> >>> > > and> >>> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> >>> his> >>> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> >>> > > further> >>> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> >>> true> >>> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> >>> potrayed> >>> > > by> >>> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Regards,> >>> > > > -Manoj> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > > -> >>> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> >>> > > > jyotish-vidya> >>> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> >>> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> >>> > > winning> >>> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> >>> > > >> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> >>> > > >> >>> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> >>> described> >>> > > in> >>> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> >>> > > >> >>> > > > Regards,> >>> > > > -Manoj> >>> > > >> >>> > >> >>> >> >>>> >>> >> > >>

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Dear Uttara,


///It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a

Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth



Actually, to be quite honest, I too saw some possibilities with the Libra

lagna before the interaction with Vic led me to look at Capricorn. Of

course, once the chart was cast, there was no doubt...in my mind, at

least :-)


///Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who

put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to

President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the

presidency and would succumb in office if he did win.///


Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even forward

it on to the group again, if you can.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

<jyotish-vidya >

Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:53 AM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch




Dear Gopi,


I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be

another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.

I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political

astrological tome to support one time vs. another.


JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a

study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating

a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious

note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that

this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to

date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.


Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling

its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic

T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of

a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth

surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year.

Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put

forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President

Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and

would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set

everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end

was not accurate.



That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time

settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth.

Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial

legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents.

It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic

birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to

validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to

support without question much of what is President Obama. And

consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth.


Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my

view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events

against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama.


If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as

to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is

viewed by others globally including world leaders.


If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter

in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you

know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of

relationship/partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj

debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.


Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position

in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of

conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.


Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies,

have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President.

Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly

stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest

friend and allie Israel in the Middle East.





And dated October 8,2009

http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167:is-obam\

a-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44


There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this

past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest

vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.


Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then

presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would

fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality

was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life

of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after

been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption at last

minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a

last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his

election win.


Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and

agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his

demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family

or with the Vice President etc etc etc.


Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen.

That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that

several recent attempts against his life and the country have been

foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of

September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last

minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics

committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his

health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines his

presence as an effective President.

So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is

under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela

has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many

around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite

frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that

lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As

these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but

highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he



It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is

vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic

President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own

people and those in the global community.


It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu

in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on

top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and

longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year

2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of

Cancer to Leo.


I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn



I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality

and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn

Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's

Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as

President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta

nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition.

Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be

president and rule from the oval office over a people of his own making,

his crown is quickly tarnishing.


Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion

is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with

Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.


However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.


As Always,



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Dear Mr Chandran,

yeah till 29th Aug it was Simha and Jupiter once moves to Aquarius the position will be same.Also Saturn retrgression before end of Nove will make aspect on leo.These stages are issues for Jyotishis to study impact.

when we consider from US point of view:"hope alludes" for an year and half.Incase we considet what Mrs Wendy has given US chart at Philadelphiarevival of financial markets and the expected boost is still a matter to conjure.

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manojRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidya Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 1:12 AM




Dear Krishnan Ji,


Many thanks for your comments.


It is interesting that according to what I have learnt, Jupiter in 10th house is not all that great for Career matters and status. One of the reasons is ofcourse because he gets debilitated in the 10th house of the Kala Purusha. The other is that from the 10th house he aspects and enhances the 6th house of employment. Hence, according to one of my teachers, this has a tendency to make "good workers" but not "good bosses". In a sense it might deny promotions etc and an overall feeling of not being appreciated at work or career. Ofcourse this is a general statement and each chart is different.


Regarding Saturn, I thought he has left Simha and is now in Kanya? Am I mistaken?








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >jyotish-vidyaThu, October 15, 2009 9:35:41 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Chandran ji,

I, some how became pessimistic as a jupiter ascendant(sagittaru s) and with jupiter in 10th from rasi.Reading of Shri l.R.Chaudhir' s "the fascinating jupiter' could not enthrall me frankly,though he attributes very good things for jupiter in 10th as well as capricorn sign.Incidentally it is my moon sign.

Status of retrogression has made me atleast to toil more by way of unwanted travels and also not so good indication in status too.

This apart ,theoritical revealations from our texts for an academic PURSUIT will be to brush up awareness through your query

To know abour Jupiter's,let' s consider how sign lord as dispositor affects,native of capricornCurrently saturn in enemy house of simha is not a favourable disposition. Saturn known for slef efforts causes wasteful expenduring during the time jupiter in capricorn together with hurdles in general outlook and also opposition from several quarters.

2.jupiter in 10th(from lagna) is considered most favourable(for Aries people),though a depression sign(Capricorn)

Now retrograde status of jupiter adds to vows in matters relating health and service matters.Possible discredit or loss through dishonesty.

3.Jupiter as karaka for several issues like law,orderliness, finance and relationships, during retrogression likely to suffer.

Possibly in sun's nakshtra of uttarashadha and srvana may bring honours.worst part is dhanishta nakhstra of capricorn leding to losses unexpectedly and in service matter.

Now jupiter direct at 23.10 degrees must prove to be a consolation in mundane aspects as well as for those who are facing problems due to sign lord'sshadhstaka position in leo.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ > wrote:

Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ >Re: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaThursday, October 15, 2009, 4:29 PM




Dear Krishnan Ji,


// we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable. //


There are different opinions, I know, on debilitated planets going retrograde. But since debilitation is basically a weakness and since retrogression gives planet more strength, is it not logical that if a planet is debilitated, then having it be retrograde is "better" than having it be direct. Please kindly give you views on this.








Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >jyotish-vidyaWed, October 14, 2009 9:09:25 PMRe: Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch






Dear Uttara Ji and all

Very good Post.Comprehensivel y covered the present sitution of various planets in debilitaion. Also Mrs Wendy has tried to analyse impact on US chart separately.we only hope jupiter becoming direct in a day or two would forbid all bad and permit humans to live peacefully and comfortable.

Venus debilitation as the year2009 closeswith entry into own sign will certainly change and make the coming festive season joyous

Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

Uttara <muttaraphalguni@ sbcglobal. net> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Chjyotish-vidyaWednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:53 PM

Dear Gopi,I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political astrological tome to support one time vs. another. JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live

birth surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year. Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end was not accurate.That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth. Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents. It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to support without

question much of what is President Obama. And consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth. Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama. If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is viewed by others globally including world leaders.If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of relationship/ partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position in the current chart or

nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies, have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President. Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest friend and allie Israel in the Middle East. http://www.russiabl og.org/2009/ 07/forget_ me_not_obamas_ russian_r. phphttp://reason. com/blog/ 2009/07/23/ obamas-central- asia-realismAnd dated October 8,2009http://www.gadaily. com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=1167:is- obama-truly- a-world-leader & catid=37: column & Itemid= 44 There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after been raised by her and his grandfather; the

tension of disruption at last minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his election win.Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family or with the Vice President etc etc etc.Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen. That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that several recent attempts against his life and the country have been foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his health care reform bill being

opposed with loud objection, undermines his presence as an effective President.So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he represents.It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own people and those in the global community. It is the debilitation of Mars with

Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of Cancer to Leo.I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn Lagna.I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition. Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be president and rule from the oval office

over a people of his own making, his crown is quickly tarnishing. Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.As Always,Uttara jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" <gopi_b927@. ..> wrote:>> Dear Uttara,> yes i know about files section.This was taken from sri K.N.Rao ji's site> journal of astrology.com since they have given some good readings with> this lagna.Hence i just presented this as an alternative lagna for the> purpose of study/discussion only.I also believe birth certificate is not> foolproof.Yes it can

be depended upon specially in western countries.> warm regards,> gopi.> jyotish-vidya, "Uttara" <muttaraphalguni@ >> wrote:> >> > Dear Gopi,> >> > I would be very interested to know the source of the natal birth chart> you are commenting on in regards to President Obama.> >> > If you look in the files section of Jyotish Vidya forum you will find> a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth regarding Obama stating he was> born at 19:24:00. This is the accepted official birth time that is used> to delineate his chart most authentically by most.> >> > His Lagna points to Capricorn 24:43* which gives him a Dhanista> nakshatra primarily ruled by Mars. Also this placement

gives Dhanista 8> Vasu dieties presiding over him. The ASC pada here is the first which> falls into Leo navamsa ruled by Sun.> >> > As Always,> >> > Uttara> >> > jyotish-vidya, "gopalakrishna" gopi_b927@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear ones,> > > i got a chart of president obama with Libra lagna since there are> about> > > 3/4 birth datas available on the net as i understand.Ofcourse i am> > > convinced about the lagna.> > > Accordingly 10th L mo is exalted in 8th aspd by jup3,6 from 4th> house of> > > comfirts with 4th lord as well.L/L in 9th house of luck/foreign> country> > > in the nakshatra of Rahu a foreiigner as

well who is posited in 11th> > > house of gains with mars the the 7thL of position giver.!!> > > The dasa at present is jup-sun-jup and sun bhukti(antara) is the> 11th> > > lord of gains till 7-4-2010(indian) .> > > Regarding transits jup retro sitting comfirtably with natal jup and> Rahu> > > in 4th from lagna and 9th(luck) from exal nat moon and also aspg 4th> and> > > 5th L sat in 12th house of a foreign country from lagna with sun and> > > exal 12th L as well along with ven the lagna and 8th L of surprises.> > > Love and regards,> > > gopi.> > > jyotish-vidya, "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya@ >> > > wrote:> > > >> > >

> Dear Manoj,> > > >> > > > ///Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> > > company> > > > of people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as> a> > > call> > > > to action.///> > > >> > > > What else could he say. As we know, he's a clever speaker.> > > >> > > > ///I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> > > described> > > > in the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal> > > ones.///> > > >> > > > Yes, I gathered that :-)> > > >> > > > Best Wishes,> > > > Mrs. Wendy> > > > http://JyotishVidya .com> > >

> ____________ _________ _________ _______> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran" chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:34 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I second your opinion on this. It is comical that Obama was only> in> > > > office for 12 days before the nomination closed. So in the first> 12> > > days> >

> > of office he has some how magically accomplished enough to deserve> the> > > > Nobel Peace Prize. May be measuring the Drapes for the windows in> the> > > > Oval office is considered a Peaceful Gesture !!!> > > > Unfortunately this Nobel Committee has become a pulpit for dishing> out> > > > political statements. This could well have been called the "Thank> God> > > > George Bush is not in power" Prize.> > > >> > > > Even President Obama said he did not deserve to be amongst the> company> > > of> > > > people who have received the prize, but he will accept this as a> call> > > to> > > > action. If the Nobel committee is hoping that they can influence> his> > > > policies by hanging this on his head, they are sadly

mistaken.> > > National> > > > politics always trumps international politics and no US President> is> > > > going to hesitate to defend his country, whatever it takes,> despite> > > the> > > > Peace Prize.> > > >> > > > Antar Dasha Lord Mars in 8H of sudden events and "scandals" and> > > > inheritance. Being debilitated I am guessing Obama "gained" by the> > > > (perceived) negative "inheritance" left behind by his predecessor,> GW> > > > Bush. It is also interesting to note that Mars is in the Nakshatra> of> > > > Punarvasu, an auspicious one ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in> Nakshatra> > > of> > > > Shravana ruled by Moon. Sharavana can be a Naskatra of story> tellers> > > who> > > >

roam from once place to another. We know Obama loves to tell> stories> > > and> > > > will tell you exactly what you want to hear.> > > >> > > > However, considering the fact that his domestic agenda (especially> his> > > > universal healthcare) is in serious jeopardy, the democrats are> > > further> > > > bracing for a Major Scandal of the Ethics Committee Chairman, the> true> > > > state of Obama's mind right now is probably more accurately> potrayed> > > by> > > > the qualities of Nakshatra occupied by the Moon, Arudra.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > -> > > > "Manoj Chandran"

chandran_manoj@> > > > jyotish-vidya> > > > Saturday, October 10, 2009 10:51 PM> > > > Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's> > > winning> > > > coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > >> > > >> > > > Dear Mrs Wendy,> > > >> > > > I forgot to add for clarity that the Nakshatras and postions> described> > > in> > > > the previous email were all transit positions and not Natal ones.> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > > -Manoj> > > >> > >>


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Dear Mrs. Wendy,


/////Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even forward it

on to the group again, if you can./////


No, this post was not on JV rather, it made the headlines and news of many

outlets here in USA including Foxnews.


Last May in Denver the UAC was held where 1500 astrologers from around the world

attended. It was there that neo-vedic Joni Patry

made the statement in a group presentation that McCain would win with an Obama

19:11pm birth time given to her by an aide of his campaign.


I have taken the liberty to post links here for better understanding and review.

I did not alter them in any way so please excuse if some of the post's length is

superlative to the topic.


Here is a clip of that introduction:





Here is Joni Patry's outline of favoring McCain and cautioning Obama's






and an example from one news source of many:




Much ridicule was created because everyone had in favor Obama to win:S




I believe it was within a month that the Live Certificate was published showing

that in reality Obama was born at 19:24pm


Here is Jon Patry's post after the fact with a new birth time.





Also, for general interest sake. There is a series (I believe 5 parts maybe 6)

on You tube by Gary Bell, radio talk show host on AM640 Toronto called Gary the

Spaceman; who talks about Vedic Astrology having predicted that all the USA

president's who were voted into office on an even year succumbed while in

office. He goes through all the presidents explaining Vedic accuracy. Part 5 is

a fascinating parallel he makes to current history and known facts about

President Obama.



Hope the information helps even though lengthy and cluttered with others thing

than the articles themselves on the websites. However, they are authentic

without any tampering or shortening of any copyright, quotes or author's



As Always,




p.s. Yes, I do believe several on JV were first looking at Libra because of the

Presidents' affability and ease of diplomatic/manipulative sway in speaking.





jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya wrote:


> Dear Uttara,


> ///It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a

> Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth

> surfaced.///


> Actually, to be quite honest, I too saw some possibilities with the Libra

> lagna before the interaction with Vic led me to look at Capricorn. Of

> course, once the chart was cast, there was no doubt...in my mind, at

> least :-)


> ///Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who

> put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to

> President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the

> presidency and would succumb in office if he did win.///


> Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even forward

> it on to the group again, if you can.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ___



> -

> " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

> <jyotish-vidya >

> Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:53 AM

> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

> coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch




> Dear Gopi,


> I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to be

> another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.

> I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an political

> astrological tome to support one time vs. another.


> JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a

> study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in delineating

> a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious

> note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that

> this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to

> date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.


> Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling

> its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic

> T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of

> a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth

> surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year.

> Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put

> forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President

> Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency and

> would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set

> everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end

> was not accurate.



> That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time

> settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth.

> Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial

> legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents.

> It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an authentic

> birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to

> validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to

> support without question much of what is President Obama. And

> consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth.


> Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in my

> view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events

> against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama.


> If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly as

> to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is

> viewed by others globally including world leaders.


> If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both Jupiter

> in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you

> know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of

> relationship/partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj

> debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.


> Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other position

> in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of

> conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.


> Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern allies,

> have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President.

> Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly

> stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's biggest

> friend and allie Israel in the Middle East.


> http://www.russiablog.org/2009/07/forget_me_not_obamas_russian_r.php

> http://reason.com/blog/2009/07/23/obamas-central-asia-realism


> And dated October 8,2009


http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167:is-obam\

a-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44


> There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this

> past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his greatest

> vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.


> Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then

> presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage would

> fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the reality

> was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life

> of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after

> been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption at last

> minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a

> last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his

> election win.


> Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and

> agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his

> demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with family

> or with the Vice President etc etc etc.


> Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen.

> That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that

> several recent attempts against his life and the country have been

> foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of

> September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last

> minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics

> committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his

> health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines his

> presence as an effective President.

> So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is

> under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela

> has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by many

> around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and quite

> frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook that

> lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As

> these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but

> highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that he

> represents.


> It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is

> vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic

> President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own

> people and those in the global community.


> It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with Rahu

> in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on

> top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and

> longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year

> 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of

> Cancer to Leo.


> I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines Capricorn

> Lagna.


> I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the reality

> and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a Capricorn

> Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined Capricorn's

> Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable as

> President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta

> nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition.

> Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be

> president and rule from the oval office over a people of his own making,

> his crown is quickly tarnishing.


> Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the discussion

> is complete with members input over the last year and few days along with

> Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.


> However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.


> As Always,


> Uttara


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Thank you, dear Uttara,


Hopefully I can go through this later this evening...must push on here

(at home) or I'll never get finished...


Thank you for finding that info :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:03 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs. Wendy,


/////Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even

forward it on to the group again, if you can./////


No, this post was not on JV rather, it made the headlines and news of

many outlets here in USA including Foxnews.


Last May in Denver the UAC was held where 1500 astrologers from around

the world attended. It was there that neo-vedic Joni Patry

made the statement in a group presentation that McCain would win with an

Obama 19:11pm birth time given to her by an aide of his campaign.


I have taken the liberty to post links here for better understanding and

review. I did not alter them in any way so please excuse if some of the

post's length is superlative to the topic.


Here is a clip of that introduction:





Here is Joni Patry's outline of favoring McCain and cautioning Obama's






and an example from one news source of many:




Much ridicule was created because everyone had in favor Obama to win:S




I believe it was within a month that the Live Certificate was published

showing that in reality Obama was born at 19:24pm


Here is Jon Patry's post after the fact with a new birth time.





Also, for general interest sake. There is a series (I believe 5 parts

maybe 6) on You tube by Gary Bell, radio talk show host on AM640 Toronto

called Gary the Spaceman; who talks about Vedic Astrology having

predicted that all the USA president's who were voted into office on an

even year succumbed while in office. He goes through all the presidents

explaining Vedic accuracy. Part 5 is a fascinating parallel he makes to

current history and known facts about President Obama.



Hope the information helps even though lengthy and cluttered with others

thing than the articles themselves on the websites. However, they are

authentic without any tampering or shortening of any copyright, quotes or

author's thoughts.


As Always,




p.s. Yes, I do believe several on JV were first looking at Libra because

of the Presidents' affability and ease of diplomatic/manipulative sway in






jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya



> Dear Uttara,


> ///It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort of a

> Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth

> surfaced.///


> Actually, to be quite honest, I too saw some possibilities with the

> Libra

> lagna before the interaction with Vic led me to look at Capricorn. Of

> course, once the chart was cast, there was no doubt...in my mind, at

> least :-)


> ///Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who

> put forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to

> President Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the

> presidency and would succumb in office if he did win.///


> Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even

> forward

> it on to the group again, if you can.


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ___



> -

> " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

> <jyotish-vidya >

> Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:53 AM

> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's

> winning

> coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch




> Dear Gopi,


> I have hesitated to comment on your post further but as it has come to

> be

> another hot issue of authencity in regard to T.O.B.

> I will try and add my thoughts here, hoping to refrain from an

> political

> astrological tome to support one time vs. another.


> JV is not known for debating a political position as much as it is a

> study group of validating a T.O.B. for Parasara techniques in

> delineating

> a natal chart. KN Rao is a highly respected Ji and I do take serious

> note of what he says. I believe in previous posts this past day that

> this has been acknowledged along with the fact that KN Rao has not to

> date given a firm Lagna for President Obama.


> Also, what you are missing here is the fact that this forum was pulling

> its hair out last year as we were all trying to validate a authentic

> T.O.B. It is to Mrs Wendy's credit who laid out the plausible effort

> of

> a Capricorn lagna long before any certificate of birth or live birth

> surfaced. The archives have all the posts on the subject of last year.

> Also, do you remember last year a prominent Neo-Vedic astrolger who put

> forth a birth time of 19:12 saying it was based on an aide to President

> Obama in his campaign. She reported he would not win the presidency

> and

> would succumb in office if he did win. This revelation just about set

> everyone in the US on their ear. It was so disruptive. And in the end

> was not accurate.



> That being say Gopi, please let me explain first that the birth time

> settled on as you know is supported by the Certificate of Live birth.

> Note, that this is not the original Birth Certificate but an offficial

> legal document stating a Live birth with the time of birth and parents.

> It was I who questioned this Live birth certificate against an

> authentic

> birth cetificate but in reality as one started the long effort to

> validate a time of birth for an accurate ASC the Capricorn came to

> support without question much of what is President Obama. And

> consequently, backed the authenticated legal document of Live Birth.


> Rather than go through the lengthy explanation as to how Capricorn in

> my

> view out weighs Libra Lagna lets concentrate on a few current events

> against the current transits of the natal chart for President Obama.


> If we look only at the axis of Capricorn and Cancer this speaks loudly

> as

> to where president Obama is in action and thoughts. Also, how he is

> viewed by others globally including world leaders.


> If we look at the transits of Capricorn Cancer one see that both

> Jupiter

> in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are both in debilitation. Also, as you

> know, Ketu is conj, debilitated Mars in Cancer,7th hse of

> relationship/partnerships from Capricorn Lagna and Rahu is conj

> debilitated Jupiter in Capricorn, lst hse of Self.


> Just taking this axis on its own without any Dasha or any other

> position

> in the current chart or nakshattra or their rulers, one sees a lot of

> conflicts Obama is feeling and creating.


> Honduras,Poland, the Czech Republic, and many Central and Eastern

> allies,

> have with out doubt felt the recent alienation of the USA President.

> Adding insult to injury, the recent UN address by the President clearly

> stated without any sympathy or remorse, the sellout of the USA's

> biggest

> friend and allie Israel in the Middle East.


> http://www.russiablog.org/2009/07/forget_me_not_obamas_russian_r.php

> http://reason.com/blog/2009/07/23/obamas-central-asia-realism


> And dated October 8,2009


http://www.gadaily.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=1167:is-obam\

a-truly-a-world-leader & catid=37:column & Itemid=44


> There has much that has been written, and a lot of hand wringing this

> past year that come October 2009, President Obama would face his

> greatest

> vulnerability of demise based on how the planets would be lined up.


> Just as many were convinced last year this time that the then

> presidentail canidate Obama would meet his demise, or his marriage

> would

> fall apart based on how the planets were lined up, in the end the

> reality

> was against all conspriacies as it was in reality the grave end of life

> of his grandmother who he had been distanced from for many years after

> been raised by her and his grandfather; the tension of disruption at

> last

> minute to save face to fly to Hawaii as a good faith measure to say a

> last good-bye. It was his grandmother who died a few days before his

> election win.


> Today, we are looking at how the planets are lined up for October and

> agian many have committed to a fact that the President will meet his

> demise through assination or by travel, whether by himself or with

> family

> or with the Vice President etc etc etc.


> Currently we are in the middle of October and no such event has happen.

> That is not to say the next 2 1/2 wks won't, but it is also known that

> several recent attempts against his life and the country have been

> foiled. However, His disastrous UN address selling out Israel end of

> September; the alienation of several countries; his awkward and last

> minute attempt to gain favor with the US and International Olympics

> committee failing to win a successful bid for the USA; along with his

> health care reform bill being opposed with loud objection, undermines

> his

> presence as an effective President.

> So, even though his idealist view of a socialistic society for all is

> under threat, his political shimmying up to the President of Venezuela

> has backed fired as it is also buckling as the President is view by

> many

> around the world and global leaders as weak, not to be trusted and

> quite

> frankly, many are disgusted with his judgment and idealistic outlook

> that

> lacks true ability to understand the landscape of global reality. As

> these views continue this month it will due nothing in his favor but

> highlight the downfall of a president and undermined the country that

> he

> represents.


> It is rather a time, this October that all in the United states is

> vulnerable based on the thinking and actions of a mislead autocratic

> President who is on a mission of his own agenda indifferent to his own

> people and those in the global community.


> It is the debilitation of Mars with Ketu in Cancer and Jupiter with

> Rahu

> in Capricorn that is his greatest challenge to overcome and come out on

> top. Not only for him personally and for his persons' health and

> longevity but also for the country that he leads. Mid May of next year

> 2010 should be a final telling as debilitated Mars will transit out of

> Cancer to Leo.


> I fail to see that Libra based on the above affects out shines

> Capricorn

> Lagna.


> I hope that my input as well as others has helped you to see the

> reality

> and the hard work many senior members have put in to confirm a

> Capricorn

> Lagna. Please also note, that this is the reason I outlined

> Capricorn's

> Lagna degree in my previous post to you, showing you that as favorable

> as

> President Obama has been up to now has been supported by the Dhanishta

> nakshatra and its 8 vasnu dieties portecting his rise to recognition.

> Now that he has accomplished this goal and his greatest dream to be

> president and rule from the oval office over a people of his own

> making,

> his crown is quickly tarnishing.


> Gopi, I do not wish to continue this conversation. I feel the

> discussion

> is complete with members input over the last year and few days along

> with

> Mrs. wendy's. I do feel the subject has run its course.


> However, I do thank you for bringing your views to the table.


> As Always,


> Uttara


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Dear Uttara and All,


I'm yet to come across any (so-called) neo-vedic site that's not highly

commercialised. Ms. Patry is no exception...charging $200.U.S. for 1 hour

($300. for 90 minutes)...WOW!

http://www.galacticcenter.org/vedic astrology-consultations.html


As a matter of interest I checked out Wikipedia to get some idea of

(general) hourly rates for lawyers...which of course vary considerably.

But, as an example, this entry suggests that Ms. Patry charges more than

the average insurance defence lawyer..


from wikipedia:

" Typically insurance defence firms have lower hourly rates than other

non-insurance firms, but are compensated by having steady, regular paying

work provided. Locations like Salt Lake City will average $150. per hour

for an associate's time on a basic case, but will increase for larger

firms. "


It's my opinion that exorbitant fees are nothing but pure greed and show

a lack of faith in the divine to meet our needs. Greed is something we've

come to expect from company executives but it should not be what

motivates sincere astrologers who should, in my opinion, rely on

donations (or a very minimal fee). This was my practice when I was giving

consultations from my home (about 12 yrs ago).


Ill health put an end to that...having been in and out of hospital

several times I could no longer (physically) keep up with the heavy

housework necessary to present the proper environment for receiving

people into my home. I suppose it would have been good enough for others,

but never good enough for me, and it became quite stressful.


On the internet, it's okay if I have a few bad days when I can't manage

to dust or vacuum the carpets... I don't have to impress anyone! I'm

grateful to " Divine Will " that it's worked out that way for me as I'm

free to offer what I can for the benefit of genuine students of



Of course there are traditional Vedic astrologers who also charge

exorbitant fees for their services...the following being just one





I know it's a controversial topic and many will probably disagree with

me; however greed in any form is a strong master... in the words of



" No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love

the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye

cannot serve God and mammon. "


Mammon = material wealth or greed


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

<jyotish-vidya >

Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:03 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear Mrs. Wendy,


/////Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even

forward it on to the group again, if you can./////


No, this post was not on JV rather, it made the headlines and news of

many outlets here in USA including Foxnews.


Last May in Denver the UAC was held where 1500 astrologers from around

the world attended. It was there that neo-vedic Joni Patry

made the statement in a group presentation that McCain would win with an

Obama 19:11pm birth time given to her by an aide of his campaign.


I have taken the liberty to post links here for better understanding and

review. I did not alter them in any way so please excuse if some of the

post's length is superlative to the topic.


Here is a clip of that introduction:





Here is Joni Patry's outline of favoring McCain and cautioning Obama's






and an example from one news source of many:




Much ridicule was created because everyone had in favor Obama to win:S




I believe it was within a month that the Live Certificate was published

showing that in reality Obama was born at 19:24pm


Here is Jon Patry's post after the fact with a new birth time.





Also, for general interest sake. There is a series (I believe 5 parts

maybe 6) on You tube by Gary Bell, radio talk show host on AM640 Toronto

called Gary the Spaceman; who talks about Vedic Astrology having

predicted that all the USA president's who were voted into office on an

even year succumbed while in office. He goes through all the presidents

explaining Vedic accuracy. Part 5 is a fascinating parallel he makes to

current history and known facts about President Obama.



Hope the information helps even though lengthy and cluttered with others

thing than the articles themselves on the websites. However, they are

authentic without any tampering or shortening of any copyright, quotes or

author's thoughts.


As Always,




p.s. Yes, I do believe several on JV were first looking at Libra because

of the Presidents' affability and ease of diplomatic/manipulative sway in


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Dear and Respected Mrs Wendy,i am really happy to read such(your)mails which are very rare.I totally agree with you whatever you have written.//Greed is something we've> come to expect from company executives but it should not be what> motivates sincere astrologers who should, in my opinion, rely on> donations (or a very minimal fee). This was my practice when I was giving> consultations from my home (about 12 yrs ago).//This is really good apart from Christ's words at the end.Warm regards,gopi.jyotish-vidya , "Mrs. Wendy" <jyotishvidya wrote:>> Dear Uttara and All,> > I'm yet to come across any (so-called) neo-vedic site that's not highly> commercialised. Ms. Patry is no exception...charging $200.U.S. for 1 hour> ($300. for 90 minutes)...WOW!> http://www.galacticcenter.org/vedic astrology-consultations.html> > As a matter of interest I checked out Wikipedia to get some idea of> (general) hourly rates for lawyers...which of course vary considerably.> But, as an example, this entry suggests that Ms. Patry charges more than> the average insurance defence lawyer..> > from wikipedia:> "Typically insurance defence firms have lower hourly rates than other> non-insurance firms, but are compensated by having steady, regular paying> work provided. Locations like Salt Lake City will average $150. per hour> for an associate's time on a basic case, but will increase for larger> firms."> > It's my opinion that exorbitant fees are nothing but pure greed and show> a lack of faith in the divine to meet our needs. Greed is something we've> come to expect from company executives but it should not be what> motivates sincere astrologers who should, in my opinion, rely on> donations (or a very minimal fee). This was my practice when I was giving> consultations from my home (about 12 yrs ago).> > Ill health put an end to that...having been in and out of hospital> several times I could no longer (physically) keep up with the heavy> housework necessary to present the proper environment for receiving> people into my home. I suppose it would have been good enough for others,> but never good enough for me, and it became quite stressful.> > On the internet, it's okay if I have a few bad days when I can't manage> to dust or vacuum the carpets... I don't have to impress anyone! I'm> grateful to "Divine Will" that it's worked out that way for me as I'm> free to offer what I can for the benefit of genuine students of> astrology.> > Of course there are traditional Vedic astrologers who also charge> exorbitant fees for their services...the following being just one> example.> > http://www.astrosalon.com/AAPages/readings_files/FeeSchedR.html> > I know it's a controversial topic and many will probably disagree with> me; however greed in any form is a strong master... in the words of> Christ;> > "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love> the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye> cannot serve God and mammon."> > Mammon = material wealth or greed> > Best Wishes,> Mrs. Wendy> http://JyotishVidya.com> ___> > > - > "Uttara" muttaraphalguni jyotish-vidya > Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:03 PM> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning> coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch> > > Dear Mrs. Wendy,> > /////Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even> forward it on to the group again, if you can./////> > No, this post was not on JV rather, it made the headlines and news of> many outlets here in USA including Foxnews.> > Last May in Denver the UAC was held where 1500 astrologers from around> the world attended. It was there that neo-vedic Joni Patry> made the statement in a group presentation that McCain would win with an> Obama 19:11pm birth time given to her by an aide of his campaign.> > I have taken the liberty to post links here for better understanding and> review. I did not alter them in any way so please excuse if some of the> post's length is superlative to the topic.> > Here is a clip of that introduction:> > http://horoscopicastrologyblog.com/2008/08/06/reflections-on-the-united-astrology-conference-uac-2008/> > Here is Joni Patry's outline of favoring McCain and cautioning Obama's> longevity:> > http://www.galacticcenter.org/blog/joni-s-blog/may-19-2008-news-from-the-stars.html> > and an example from one news source of many:> > http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008May17/0,4670,AstrologersCandidates,00.html> > Much ridicule was created because everyone had in favor Obama to win:S> http://www.galacticcenter.org/blog/joni-s-blog/june-2008-news-from-the-stars.html> > I believe it was within a month that the Live Certificate was published> showing that in reality Obama was born at 19:24pm> > Here is Jon Patry's post after the fact with a new birth time.> > http://www.galacticcenter.org/blog/joni-s-blog/barack-obama-s-natal-chart-revisited.html> > Also, for general interest sake. There is a series (I believe 5 parts> maybe 6) on You tube by Gary Bell, radio talk show host on AM640 Toronto> called Gary the Spaceman; who talks about Vedic Astrology having> predicted that all the USA president's who were voted into office on an> even year succumbed while in office. He goes through all the presidents> explaining Vedic accuracy. Part 5 is a fascinating parallel he makes to> current history and known facts about President Obama.> >

> Hope the information helps even though lengthy and cluttered with others> thing than the articles themselves on the websites. However, they are> authentic without any tampering or shortening of any copyright, quotes or> author's thoughts.> > As Always,> > Uttara> > p.s. Yes, I do believe several on JV were first looking at Libra because> of the Presidents' affability and ease of diplomatic/manipulative sway in> speaking.>
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Thank you, dear Gopi :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy






" gopalakrishna " <gopi_b927

<jyotish-vidya >

Sunday, October 18, 2009 3:00 PM

Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



Dear and Respected Mrs Wendy,

i am really happy to read such(your)mails which are very rare.I totally

agree with you whatever you have written.

//Greed is something we've

> come to expect from company executives but it should not be what

> motivates sincere astrologers who should, in my opinion, rely on

> donations (or a very minimal fee). This was my practice when I was


> consultations from my home (about 12 yrs ago).//

This is really good apart from Christ's words at the end.

Warm regards,


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Dear Mrs. wendy and All,


Yes, these things can get out of hand unfortunately...

I believe there was one astrologer who used to be listed on JV (forgive me I

cant think of his name at the moment) who was/is? charging $500.00 an hour or

1.5hrs. His picture had the white paint down his forehead unto his nose.

Anyway, my purpose was not to distract you but to give you the information you

asked for on Ms. Patry's prediction of who the next president would be. It was

also Ms. Patry who on her site slammed any traditional astrologer whose was not

up to date on current modern techniques which would include in a reading the

outer planets and some Jamini principles. It was quite some article of vehmenent

ousting of traditional astrolgers who practiced only Parasara. She also has

accredited degrees from Vedic schools in USA and studied under an Indian guru.Ms

Patry often speaks on radio shows as in public platforms.


Again, not to get off track, the links I sent for All to view here on JV was to

support what was put forth last year that presidential elect Obama would not win

the election based on his 19:11 TOB and that he would succumb in office if he

were elected or before the election itself. Which none has happen. The death was

that of his maternal Grandmother. I thought it interesting though, that once Ms

Patry revised her chart time of 13minutes she gave grave warning for a

particularly difficult time for President Obama but did not state his death.


The point I was making in my post to Gopi was that he is in grave disruption,

tension and unfavorableness but to date he has not been assasinated in this high

risk month of October 2009 that everyone was sure would befall him. Rather, his

reputation has falter greatly.

Which I think creates more damage to him than if he were killed or died in

office. Also his death would not gain favorably or anything in the leadership

of this country. The Conggres and House of Representatives Democratic rule

would not change and V.P. Biden would not improve things domestically or

internationally as neither would Mrs Nancy Pelosi. Both who are in line for the

presidency if President Obama did succumb while in office. In fact it might make

things worse.


On to more interesting facts or conspiracy is the You Tube link I listed with

Gary Bell stating that Vedic astrology has proven that all presidents that died

in office were elected on an even year.


I would be quite interested in hearing your take or other members on this. Could

possibly make a good study format of discussion.

If so, I would favor a change in the topic name for posts.


As always,





jyotish-vidya , " Mrs. Wendy " <jyotishvidya wrote:


> Dear Uttara and All,


> I'm yet to come across any (so-called) neo-vedic site that's not highly

> commercialised. Ms. Patry is no exception...charging $200.U.S. for 1 hour

> ($300. for 90 minutes)...WOW!

> http://www.galacticcenter.org/vedic astrology-consultations.html


> As a matter of interest I checked out Wikipedia to get some idea of

> (general) hourly rates for lawyers...which of course vary considerably.

> But, as an example, this entry suggests that Ms. Patry charges more than

> the average insurance defence lawyer..


> from wikipedia:

> " Typically insurance defence firms have lower hourly rates than other

> non-insurance firms, but are compensated by having steady, regular paying

> work provided. Locations like Salt Lake City will average $150. per hour

> for an associate's time on a basic case, but will increase for larger

> firms. "


> It's my opinion that exorbitant fees are nothing but pure greed and show

> a lack of faith in the divine to meet our needs. Greed is something we've

> come to expect from company executives but it should not be what

> motivates sincere astrologers who should, in my opinion, rely on

> donations (or a very minimal fee). This was my practice when I was giving

> consultations from my home (about 12 yrs ago).


> Ill health put an end to that...having been in and out of hospital

> several times I could no longer (physically) keep up with the heavy

> housework necessary to present the proper environment for receiving

> people into my home. I suppose it would have been good enough for others,

> but never good enough for me, and it became quite stressful.


> On the internet, it's okay if I have a few bad days when I can't manage

> to dust or vacuum the carpets... I don't have to impress anyone! I'm

> grateful to " Divine Will " that it's worked out that way for me as I'm

> free to offer what I can for the benefit of genuine students of

> astrology.


> Of course there are traditional Vedic astrologers who also charge

> exorbitant fees for their services...the following being just one

> example.


> http://www.astrosalon.com/AAPages/readings_files/FeeSchedR.html


> I know it's a controversial topic and many will probably disagree with

> me; however greed in any form is a strong master... in the words of

> Christ;


> " No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love

> the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye

> cannot serve God and mammon. "


> Mammon = material wealth or greed


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> ___



> -

> " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni

> <jyotish-vidya >

> Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:03 PM

> Re: Startling News of Mr Barack Obama's winning

> coveted Noble Prize-Review of the Ch



> Dear Mrs. Wendy,


> /////Was this a post on JV? If so, could you point me to it...or even

> forward it on to the group again, if you can./////


> No, this post was not on JV rather, it made the headlines and news of

> many outlets here in USA including Foxnews.


> Last May in Denver the UAC was held where 1500 astrologers from around

> the world attended. It was there that neo-vedic Joni Patry

> made the statement in a group presentation that McCain would win with an

> Obama 19:11pm birth time given to her by an aide of his campaign.


> I have taken the liberty to post links here for better understanding and

> review. I did not alter them in any way so please excuse if some of the

> post's length is superlative to the topic.


> Here is a clip of that introduction:






> Here is Joni Patry's outline of favoring McCain and cautioning Obama's

> longevity:






> and an example from one news source of many:


> http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008May17/0,4670,AstrologersCandidates,00.html


> Much ridicule was created because everyone had in favor Obama to win:S





> I believe it was within a month that the Live Certificate was published

> showing that in reality Obama was born at 19:24pm


> Here is Jon Patry's post after the fact with a new birth time.






> Also, for general interest sake. There is a series (I believe 5 parts

> maybe 6) on You tube by Gary Bell, radio talk show host on AM640 Toronto

> called Gary the Spaceman; who talks about Vedic Astrology having

> predicted that all the USA president's who were voted into office on an

> even year succumbed while in office. He goes through all the presidents

> explaining Vedic accuracy. Part 5 is a fascinating parallel he makes to

> current history and known facts about President Obama.




> Hope the information helps even though lengthy and cluttered with others

> thing than the articles themselves on the websites. However, they are

> authentic without any tampering or shortening of any copyright, quotes or

> author's thoughts.


> As Always,


> Uttara


> p.s. Yes, I do believe several on JV were first looking at Libra because

> of the Presidents' affability and ease of diplomatic/manipulative sway in

> speaking.


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