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Vitamin D and heart attacks/jaundice

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Dear Manoj, And All,


Even with your references stated in your post. You either are misguided, ill

informed or do not have a complete understanding of the complexity of jaundice

in babies.


Where it is very true that more than not, newborn babies have a tendency to have

a problem with the breakdown of red blood cell and their excretion - not their

production - normal levels being(2-18) of billirubin which can vary after the

first 24/48 hrs for a week and up to three, four weeks of nursing babies.

However,once a baby has billirubin levels over 10, at 48hrs, most doctors will

reccommend putting the baby in a sunny window to help break down the red blood

cells to eliminate from the liver. Once the level starts to increase or climb

to 14-18, all doctors recommend photolight therapy. Any level that goes above

18 is considered high risk and babies are monitored very closely under

photolight therapy in the hospital for at least 48hrs if not longer.


It is also very true that the problem of billirubin stems from an

incompatability of blood types of mother and baby. Some incompatabilities of

blood types are worse than others as is the RH syndrome that some babies have of

incomplete compatibility.


As far as Otype group being not a problem and can be canceled is infactically

incorrect. In fact, the reality is that it is the Otype blood group that is at

the highest risk to baby if there is not a complete RH imcompatibility.


In 1976 when I was just barely 25yrs old I gave birth to my first child.

throughout my pregnancy carrying my baby to term and then the viability of my

newborn baby once born, I was on high risk because I have O neg. blood. even

when my husband and I attended pre natal parenting classes for delivery and

first few weeks of baby care. We were advised differently because I had 0 neg

blood. In fact, when the subject of newborn jaundice came up as a possibility

of newborns, with a-b difference and how it resolves etc. when it came time to

talk about O type blood it was advised that parents talk with their doctors

about it. They wouldn''t talk about the high risk openly. However, my husband

and I were already clued in because we had excellant medical care at a top notch

hospital natal center and top rated newbborn pediatricians and ob/gyn.


As it turned out, my baby was born at 6lbs. 8oz. and with 12 hrs she was turning

a dark yellow and dropped to below 5 lbs because her billirubin was rising very

quickly. At 24hrs her bellirubin was in the high twenties (29)and my docotrs

were advising if they could not get her billirubin down to below 20 with in the

next 24/36 hrs they would have to do a blood transfusion and were also very

concerned that she would have brain damage. My blood type O neg. My daughter's

O pos.


Thankfully, her billirubin high levels with incubater and phototherpy lights

began to slowly decrease. At 36hrs her levels were at 24 and the doctor took

this to be a very good sign than she would continue to decrease her levels with

light therapy and held off the blood transfusion for another day to she how she

was faring. In the end she was in the hospital 10days. with intervals of being

on and off the photo therapy in her incubator. All nursing was stopped within

the first 12hrs and water and formula was given to help push the toxins from her

liver. There was still a concern that the high levels had caused brain damage

and we wouldn't know for some time as she developed. At one month she was

" failing to thrive " because she was not taking her formula and very clolicky.

she was rehospitalized. Her little digestiive system and liver were not

developed enough to handle any food and excretion. Once home after 14days she

started to projectile vomit and did this for the next several months until it

was found that she could not process the formula and was indeed allergic to the

milk. So, for her first year she was a very sick baby. At one year though she

had manage to triple her weight with alternatives and very good pediatrician

guidance. At 12 months she weighed a hair under 15lbs.

What was the cause? The high levels of bilirubin from an incompatability of O

neg blood to her O pos blood.


Fast forward, when my son was born several years later, again I was put on high

risk for bringing baby to term and his ability to survive once born. why?

because my blood type is O neg. sure, enough, when he was born his blood type

was B pos. My son started jaudice at 48hrs and was hospitalized for 8 days.

although his levels did not go as high as his sister he still managed to climb

to 23. His weight at birth was 7lbs 11oz. he dropped within 24 hrs to under 7


It is natural that babies lose 6 to 12 oz of weight after birth but by the time

they go home, should have regained it or close to it.

I brought my daughter home from the hospital at 5lb 1oz. I brought my son home

at 6lbs 6oz.


He too had a very colicky first year but not has severe as his sister. with

proper care and very good doctors he too triple his weight in one year to 19lbs.


And once again, why these two babies were so sick their first year - their

billirubin levels being very high with an incompability of their O pos and B pos

blood to thier mother's O neg blood. Let me also inform that there is RH facotr

problems with one set of cousins whose biological Uncle's wife had the

incompatability factor to her children. these children in contract to mind

after the first born were all blood transfused before they left the hospital to

keep them alive.


Today, both my daughter and my son are very healthy superior brain functioning

adults. But their births, first year of life and for many years as young

children till the age of 14 saw many problem with digestion, liver, immunity,

allergies and asthma. It took until that time for their bodies to grow enough

and demand more nutrition for muscle growth and development and to start to grow

in height to average levels. today my daughter is a very tiny, petite 5' 2 " .

My son height is 5' 6 " .


I hope this very real story enlightens you to the very real facts of billirubin

and their levels of risks along with a better knowledge of the very real high

risk concern of any mother who has a 0 blood type.


As Always,






jyotish-vidya , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Balaji,


> Mild Jaundice is very comming amongst babies in the first few weeks. I have

checked with the America Association of Pediatrics Website and with my cousin

who is a pediatric surgeon and it seems that the only situation where blood

Group becomes significant if the mother's and the child's are different. The

Article posted by Mrs Wendy also has the same conclusion. So blood Group O can

be safely ruled out as the cause for Jaundice. That information is incorrect.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji

> jyotish-vidya

> Thu, January 7, 2010 10:20:32 PM

> Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks



> Chandran ji,


> ///Blood Group O as such did not give your Nephew Jaundice, but the fact that

it probably was different from the mother's blood Type may have been the real



> My sister, nephew and Brother in law--ALL have O group. Doctors said that this

is what caused the jaundice in the first place.


> ///Treatment of severe Jaundice in New Born Infants by exposing them to Sun is

neither preferred nor fool-proof./ //


> The jaundice was mild, and doctors adviced exposure to the sun. It worked. I'm

sure that, had it been severe, they would have adviced other forms of treatment.


> Also, the delivery took place in BLR in August 2005, when the climate is

fairly tolerable. Docs said that we should expose him to the sun only for ten

minutes max in the morning and evening. And since this was done at sunrise and

sunset, damage due to sunburn never happened.


> In case you want to see his chart, it has here:


> Pranav

> 25 Aug 2002

> 08:01 AM

> Bangalore

> (12 n 59; 77 e 35)

> Lagna: 04-Kanya-40


> Note that at birth he was running GU-RA-SA. Guru is karaka for liver and

occupies 6th from 6th, Rahu is lord of 6th (Sani vad Rahu) and Sani is lord of

5th, which rules liver. Sani also rules diseases and the 6th house in this



> Since Guru is uccha in Rasi and Sani is uccha in Navamsa, it was quite mild.

Also, uccha lagnesh Budha would have also offered protection.


> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji. ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~






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NOTE: I inadvertently forgot to add a link for further reading and knowledge.







Dear Manoj, And All,


Even with your references stated in your post. You either are misguided, ill

informed or do not have a complete understanding of the complexity of jaundice

in babies.


Where it is very true that more than not, newborn babies have a tendency to have

a problem with the breakdown of red blood cell and their excretion - not their

production - normal levels being(2-18) of billirubin which can vary after the

first 24/48 hrs for a week and up to three, four weeks of nursing babies.

However,once a baby has billirubin levels over 10, at 48hrs, most doctors will

reccommend putting the baby in a sunny window to help break down the red blood

cells to eliminate from the liver. Once the level starts to increase or climb

to 14-18, all doctors recommend photolight therapy. Any level that goes above

18 is considered high risk and babies are monitored very closely under

photolight therapy in the hospital for at least 48hrs if not longer.


It is also very true that the problem of billirubin stems from an

incompatability of blood types of mother and baby. Some incompatabilities of

blood types are worse than others as is the RH syndrome that some babies have of

incomplete compatibility.


As far as Otype group being not a problem and can be canceled is infactically

incorrect. In fact, the reality is that it is the Otype blood group that is at

the highest risk to baby if there is not a complete RH imcompatibility.


In 1976 when I was just barely 25yrs old I gave birth to my first child.

throughout my pregnancy carrying my baby to term and then the viability of my

newborn baby once born, I was on high risk because I have O neg. blood. even

when my husband and I attended pre natal parenting classes for delivery and

first few weeks of baby care. We were advised differently because I had 0 neg

blood. In fact, when the subject of newborn jaundice came up as a possibility

of newborns, with a-b difference and how it resolves etc. when it came time to

talk about O type blood it was advised that parents talk with their doctors

about it. They wouldn''t talk about the high risk openly. However, my husband

and I were already clued in because we had excellant medical care at a top notch

hospital natal center and top rated newbborn pediatricians and ob/gyn.


As it turned out, my baby was born at 6lbs. 8oz. and with 12 hrs she was turning

a dark yellow and dropped to below 5 lbs because her billirubin was rising very

quickly. At 24hrs her bellirubin was in the high twenties (29)and my docotrs

were advising if they could not get her billirubin down to below 20 with in the

next 24/36 hrs they would have to do a blood transfusion and were also very

concerned that she would have brain damage. My blood type O neg. My daughter's

O pos.


Thankfully, her billirubin high levels with incubater and phototherpy lights

began to slowly decrease. At 36hrs her levels were at 24 and the doctor took

this to be a very good sign than she would continue to decrease her levels with

light therapy and held off the blood transfusion for another day to she how she

was faring. In the end she was in the hospital 10days. with intervals of being

on and off the photo therapy in her incubator. All nursing was stopped within

the first 12hrs and water and formula was given to help push the toxins from her

liver. There was still a concern that the high levels had caused brain damage

and we wouldn't know for some time as she developed. At one month she was

" failing to thrive " because she was not taking her formula and very clolicky.

she was rehospitalized. Her little digestiive system and liver were not

developed enough to handle any food and excretion. Once home after 14days she

started to projectile vomit and did this for the next several months until it

was found that she could not process the formula and was indeed allergic to the

milk. So, for her first year she was a very sick baby. At one year though she

had manage to triple her weight with alternatives and very good pediatrician

guidance. At 12 months she weighed a hair under 15lbs.

What was the cause? The high levels of bilirubin from an incompatability of O

neg blood to her O pos blood.


Fast forward, when my son was born several years later, again I was put on high

risk for bringing baby to term and his ability to survive once born. why?

because my blood type is O neg. sure, enough, when he was born his blood type

was B pos. My son started jaudice at 48hrs and was hospitalized for 8 days.

although his levels did not go as high as his sister he still managed to climb

to 23. His weight at birth was 7lbs 11oz. he dropped within 24 hrs to under 7


It is natural that babies lose 6 to 12 oz of weight after birth but by the time

they go home, should have regained it or close to it.

I brought my daughter home from the hospital at 5lb 1oz. I brought my son home

at 6lbs 6oz.


He too had a very colicky first year but not has severe as his sister. with

proper care and very good doctors he too triple his weight in one year to 19lbs.


And once again, why these two babies were so sick their first year - their

billirubin levels being very high with an incompability of their O pos and B pos

blood to thier mother's O neg blood. Let me also inform that there is RH facotr

problems with one set of cousins whose biological Uncle's wife had the

incompatability factor to her children. these children in contract to mind

after the first born were all blood transfused before they left the hospital to

keep them alive.


Today, both my daughter and my son are very healthy superior brain functioning

adults. But their births, first year of life and for many years as young

children till the age of 14 saw many problem with digestion, liver, immunity,

allergies and asthma. It took until that time for their bodies to grow enough

and demand more nutrition for muscle growth and development and to start to grow

in height to average levels. today my daughter is a very tiny, petite 5' 2 " .

My son height is 5' 6 " .


I hope this very real story enlightens you to the very real facts of billirubin

and their levels of risks along with a better knowledge of the very real high

risk concern of any mother who has a 0 blood type.


As Always,






jyotish-vidya , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Balaji,


> Mild Jaundice is very comming amongst babies in the first few weeks. I have

checked with the America Association of Pediatrics Website and with my cousin

who is a pediatric surgeon and it seems that the only situation where blood

Group becomes significant if the mother's and the child's are different. The

Article posted by Mrs Wendy also has the same conclusion. So blood Group O can

be safely ruled out as the cause for Jaundice. That information is incorrect.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji

> jyotish-vidya

> Thu, January 7, 2010 10:20:32 PM

> Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks



> Chandran ji,


> ///Blood Group O as such did not give your Nephew Jaundice, but the fact that

it probably was different from the mother's blood Type may have been the real



> My sister, nephew and Brother in law--ALL have O group. Doctors said that this

is what caused the jaundice in the first place.


> ///Treatment of severe Jaundice in New Born Infants by exposing them to Sun is

neither preferred nor fool-proof./ //


> The jaundice was mild, and doctors adviced exposure to the sun. It worked. I'm

sure that, had it been severe, they would have adviced other forms of treatment.


> Also, the delivery took place in BLR in August 2005, when the climate is

fairly tolerable. Docs said that we should expose him to the sun only for ten

minutes max in the morning and evening. And since this was done at sunrise and

sunset, damage due to sunburn never happened.


> In case you want to see his chart, it has here:


> Pranav

> 25 Aug 2002

> 08:01 AM

> Bangalore

> (12 n 59; 77 e 35)

> Lagna: 04-Kanya-40


> Note that at birth he was running GU-RA-SA. Guru is karaka for liver and

occupies 6th from 6th, Rahu is lord of 6th (Sani vad Rahu) and Sani is lord of

5th, which rules liver. Sani also rules diseases and the 6th house in this



> Since Guru is uccha in Rasi and Sani is uccha in Navamsa, it was quite mild.

Also, uccha lagnesh Budha would have also offered protection.


> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji. ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~






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here are the birth charts:




Chicago, IL USA

21:49 (-6 Zone -1 for DST)

ASC: Taurus

Moon: Cancer

Sun: Virgo




Highland Park, IL USA

08:16 (-6Zone -l for DST)

ASC: Cancer

Moon: Capricorn

Sun: Gemini



jyotish-vidya , " Uttara " <muttaraphalguni wrote:


> NOTE: I inadvertently forgot to add a link for further reading and knowledge.


> http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001559.htm


> Uttara



> Dear Manoj, And All,


> Even with your references stated in your post. You either are misguided, ill

informed or do not have a complete understanding of the complexity of jaundice

in babies.


> Where it is very true that more than not, newborn babies have a tendency to

have a problem with the breakdown of red blood cell and their excretion - not

their production - normal levels being(2-18) of billirubin which can vary after

the first 24/48 hrs for a week and up to three, four weeks of nursing babies.

However,once a baby has billirubin levels over 10, at 48hrs, most doctors will

reccommend putting the baby in a sunny window to help break down the red blood

cells to eliminate from the liver. Once the level starts to increase or climb

to 14-18, all doctors recommend photolight therapy. Any level that goes above

18 is considered high risk and babies are monitored very closely under

photolight therapy in the hospital for at least 48hrs if not longer.


> It is also very true that the problem of billirubin stems from an

incompatability of blood types of mother and baby. Some incompatabilities of

blood types are worse than others as is the RH syndrome that some babies have of

incomplete compatibility.


> As far as Otype group being not a problem and can be canceled is infactically

incorrect. In fact, the reality is that it is the Otype blood group that is at

the highest risk to baby if there is not a complete RH imcompatibility.


> In 1976 when I was just barely 25yrs old I gave birth to my first child.

throughout my pregnancy carrying my baby to term and then the viability of my

newborn baby once born, I was on high risk because I have O neg. blood. even

when my husband and I attended pre natal parenting classes for delivery and

first few weeks of baby care. We were advised differently because I had 0 neg

blood. In fact, when the subject of newborn jaundice came up as a possibility

of newborns, with a-b difference and how it resolves etc. when it came time to

talk about O type blood it was advised that parents talk with their doctors

about it. They wouldn''t talk about the high risk openly. However, my husband

and I were already clued in because we had excellant medical care at a top notch

hospital natal center and top rated newbborn pediatricians and ob/gyn.


> As it turned out, my baby was born at 6lbs. 8oz. and with 12 hrs she was

turning a dark yellow and dropped to below 5 lbs because her billirubin was

rising very quickly. At 24hrs her bellirubin was in the high twenties (29)and my

docotrs were advising if they could not get her billirubin down to below 20 with

in the next 24/36 hrs they would have to do a blood transfusion and were also

very concerned that she would have brain damage. My blood type O neg. My

daughter's O pos.


> Thankfully, her billirubin high levels with incubater and phototherpy lights

began to slowly decrease. At 36hrs her levels were at 24 and the doctor took

this to be a very good sign than she would continue to decrease her levels with

light therapy and held off the blood transfusion for another day to she how she

was faring. In the end she was in the hospital 10days. with intervals of being

on and off the photo therapy in her incubator. All nursing was stopped within

the first 12hrs and water and formula was given to help push the toxins from her

liver. There was still a concern that the high levels had caused brain damage

and we wouldn't know for some time as she developed. At one month she was

" failing to thrive " because she was not taking her formula and very clolicky.

she was rehospitalized. Her little digestiive system and liver were not

developed enough to handle any food and excretion. Once home after 14days she

started to projectile vomit and did this for the next several months until it

was found that she could not process the formula and was indeed allergic to the

milk. So, for her first year she was a very sick baby. At one year though she

had manage to triple her weight with alternatives and very good pediatrician

guidance. At 12 months she weighed a hair under 15lbs.

> What was the cause? The high levels of bilirubin from an incompatability of O

neg blood to her O pos blood.


> Fast forward, when my son was born several years later, again I was put on

high risk for bringing baby to term and his ability to survive once born. why?

because my blood type is O neg. sure, enough, when he was born his blood type

was B pos. My son started jaudice at 48hrs and was hospitalized for 8 days.

although his levels did not go as high as his sister he still managed to climb

to 23. His weight at birth was 7lbs 11oz. he dropped within 24 hrs to under 7


> It is natural that babies lose 6 to 12 oz of weight after birth but by the

time they go home, should have regained it or close to it.

> I brought my daughter home from the hospital at 5lb 1oz. I brought my son

home at 6lbs 6oz.


> He too had a very colicky first year but not has severe as his sister. with

proper care and very good doctors he too triple his weight in one year to 19lbs.


> And once again, why these two babies were so sick their first year - their

billirubin levels being very high with an incompability of their O pos and B pos

blood to thier mother's O neg blood. Let me also inform that there is RH facotr

problems with one set of cousins whose biological Uncle's wife had the

incompatability factor to her children. these children in contract to mind

after the first born were all blood transfused before they left the hospital to

keep them alive.


> Today, both my daughter and my son are very healthy superior brain functioning

adults. But their births, first year of life and for many years as young

children till the age of 14 saw many problem with digestion, liver, immunity,

allergies and asthma. It took until that time for their bodies to grow enough

and demand more nutrition for muscle growth and development and to start to grow

in height to average levels. today my daughter is a very tiny, petite 5' 2 " .

> My son height is 5' 6 " .


> I hope this very real story enlightens you to the very real facts of

billirubin and their levels of risks along with a better knowledge of the very

real high risk concern of any mother who has a 0 blood type.


> As Always,


> Uttara




> jyotish-vidya , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Balaji,

> >

> > Mild Jaundice is very comming amongst babies in the first few weeks. I have

checked with the America Association of Pediatrics Website and with my cousin

who is a pediatric surgeon and it seems that the only situation where blood

Group becomes significant if the mother's and the child's are different. The

Article posted by Mrs Wendy also has the same conclusion. So blood Group O can

be safely ruled out as the cause for Jaundice. That information is incorrect.

> >  

> > Regards,

> >  -Manoj

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji@>

> > jyotish-vidya

> > Thu, January 7, 2010 10:20:32 PM

> > Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks

> >

> >  

> > Chandran ji,

> >

> > ///Blood Group O as such did not give your Nephew Jaundice, but the fact

that it probably was different from the mother's blood Type may have been the

real reason.///

> >

> > My sister, nephew and Brother in law--ALL have O group. Doctors said that

this is what caused the jaundice in the first place.

> >

> > ///Treatment of severe Jaundice in New Born Infants by exposing them to Sun

is neither preferred nor fool-proof./ //

> >

> > The jaundice was mild, and doctors adviced exposure to the sun. It worked.

I'm sure that, had it been severe, they would have adviced other forms of


> >

> > Also, the delivery took place in BLR in August 2005, when the climate is

fairly tolerable. Docs said that we should expose him to the sun only for ten

minutes max in the morning and evening. And since this was done at sunrise and

sunset, damage due to sunburn never happened.

> >

> > In case you want to see his chart, it has here:

> >

> > Pranav

> > 25 Aug 2002

> > 08:01 AM

> > Bangalore

> > (12 n 59; 77 e 35)

> > Lagna: 04-Kanya-40

> >

> > Note that at birth he was running GU-RA-SA. Guru is karaka for liver and

occupies 6th from 6th, Rahu is lord of 6th (Sani vad Rahu) and Sani is lord of

5th, which rules liver. Sani also rules diseases and the 6th house in this


> >

> > Since Guru is uccha in Rasi and Sani is uccha in Navamsa, it was quite mild.

Also, uccha lagnesh Budha would have also offered protection.

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~

> > Balaji Narasimhan

> > Author & Editor

> > http://www.balaji. ind.in/

> > ~~~~~~~~~

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Uttara Ji,


 Two facts prompted me to post:


1. My son had complications from Jaundice. He is not O Type.

2. My cousin's daughter had no Jaundice. She was O Type.


Hence, the statement that blood Group O causes Jaundice was incorrect (atleast

incomplete). That should have been my only statement. You have clearly

explained the Rh factors being involved. I was aware that Rh incompatibilty

causes complications BUT not aware that Rh incompatibility with O type is

worse than the others. Thanks for the clarification and detailed account.

I understand the higher risk of O type now.










Uttara <muttaraphalguni


Sat, January 9, 2010 2:32:43 PM

Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks/jaundice



NOTE: I inadvertently forgot to add a link for further reading and knowledge.


http://www.nlm. nih.gov/medlinep lus/ency/ article/001559. htm




Dear Manoj, And All,


Even with your references stated in your post. You either are misguided, ill

informed or do not have a complete understanding of the complexity of jaundice

in babies.


Where it is very true that more than not, newborn babies have a tendency to have

a problem with the breakdown of red blood cell and their excretion - not their

production - normal levels being(2-18) of billirubin which can vary after the

first 24/48 hrs for a week and up to three, four weeks of nursing babies.

However,once a baby has billirubin levels over 10, at 48hrs, most doctors will

reccommend putting the baby in a sunny window to help break down the red blood

cells to eliminate from the liver. Once the level starts to increase or climb to

14-18, all doctors recommend photolight therapy. Any level that goes above 18 is

considered high risk and babies are monitored very closely under photolight

therapy in the hospital for at least 48hrs if not longer.


It is also very true that the problem of billirubin stems from an

incompatability of blood types of mother and baby. Some incompatabilities of

blood types are worse than others as is the RH syndrome that some babies have of

incomplete compatibility.


As far as Otype group being not a problem and can be canceled is infactically

incorrect. In fact, the reality is that it is the Otype blood group that is at

the highest risk to baby if there is not a complete RH imcompatibility.


In 1976 when I was just barely 25yrs old I gave birth to my first child.

throughout my pregnancy carrying my baby to term and then the viability of my

newborn baby once born, I was on high risk because I have O neg. blood. even

when my husband and I attended pre natal parenting classes for delivery and

first few weeks of baby care. We were advised differently because I had 0 neg

blood. In fact, when the subject of newborn jaundice came up as a possibility of

newborns, with a-b difference and how it resolves etc. when it came time to talk

about O type blood it was advised that parents talk with their doctors about it.

They wouldn''t talk about the high risk openly. However, my husband and I were

already clued in because we had excellant medical care at a top notch hospital

natal center and top rated newbborn pediatricians and ob/gyn.


As it turned out, my baby was born at 6lbs. 8oz. and with 12 hrs she was turning

a dark yellow and dropped to below 5 lbs because her billirubin was rising very

quickly. At 24hrs her bellirubin was in the high twenties (29)and my docotrs

were advising if they could not get her billirubin down to below 20 with in the

next 24/36 hrs they would have to do a blood transfusion and were also very

concerned that she would have brain damage. My blood type O neg. My daughter's O



Thankfully, her billirubin high levels with incubater and phototherpy lights

began to slowly decrease. At 36hrs her levels were at 24 and the doctor took

this to be a very good sign than she would continue to decrease her levels with

light therapy and held off the blood transfusion for another day to she how she

was faring. In the end she was in the hospital 10days. with intervals of being

on and off the photo therapy in her incubator. All nursing was stopped within

the first 12hrs and water and formula was given to help push the toxins from her

liver. There was still a concern that the high levels had caused brain damage

and we wouldn't know for some time as she developed. At one month she was

" failing to thrive " because she was not taking her formula and very clolicky.

she was rehospitalized. Her little digestiive system and liver were not

developed enough to handle any food and excretion. Once home after 14days she

started to projectile vomit and did

this for the next several months until it was found that she could not process

the formula and was indeed allergic to the milk. So, for her first year she was

a very sick baby. At one year though she had manage to triple her weight with

alternatives and very good pediatrician guidance. At 12 months she weighed a

hair under 15lbs.

What was the cause? The high levels of bilirubin from an incompatability of O

neg blood to her O pos blood.


Fast forward, when my son was born several years later, again I was put on high

risk for bringing baby to term and his ability to survive once born. why?

because my blood type is O neg. sure, enough, when he was born his blood type

was B pos. My son started jaudice at 48hrs and was hospitalized for 8 days.

although his levels did not go as high as his sister he still managed to climb

to 23. His weight at birth was 7lbs 11oz. he dropped within 24 hrs to under 7


It is natural that babies lose 6 to 12 oz of weight after birth but by the time

they go home, should have regained it or close to it.

I brought my daughter home from the hospital at 5lb 1oz. I brought my son home

at 6lbs 6oz.


He too had a very colicky first year but not has severe as his sister. with

proper care and very good doctors he too triple his weight in one year to 19lbs.


And once again, why these two babies were so sick their first year - their

billirubin levels being very high with an incompability of their O pos and B pos

blood to thier mother's O neg blood. Let me also inform that there is RH facotr

problems with one set of cousins whose biological Uncle's wife had the

incompatability factor to her children. these children in contract to mind after

the first born were all blood transfused before they left the hospital to keep

them alive.


Today, both my daughter and my son are very healthy superior brain functioning

adults. But their births, first year of life and for many years as young

children till the age of 14 saw many problem with digestion, liver, immunity,

allergies and asthma. It took until that time for their bodies to grow enough

and demand more nutrition for muscle growth and development and to start to grow

in height to average levels. today my daughter is a very tiny, petite 5' 2 " .

My son height is 5' 6 " .


I hope this very real story enlightens you to the very real facts of billirubin

and their levels of risks along with a better knowledge of the very real high

risk concern of any mother who has a 0 blood type.


As Always,




jyotish-vidya, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ ...>



> Dear Balaji,


> Mild Jaundice is very comming amongst babies in the first few weeks. I have

checked with the America Association of Pediatrics Website and with my cousin

who is a pediatric surgeon and it seems that the only situation where blood

Group becomes significant if the mother's and the child's are different. The

Article posted by Mrs Wendy also has the same conclusion. So blood Group O

can be safely ruled out as the cause for Jaundice. That information is



> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji@ ...>

> jyotish-vidya

> Thu, January 7, 2010 10:20:32 PM

> Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks



> Chandran ji,


> ///Blood Group O as such did not give your Nephew Jaundice, but the fact that

it probably was different from the mother's blood Type may have been the real



> My sister, nephew and Brother in law--ALL have O group. Doctors said that this

is what caused the jaundice in the first place.


> ///Treatment of severe Jaundice in New Born Infants by exposing them to Sun is

neither preferred nor fool-proof./ //


> The jaundice was mild, and doctors adviced exposure to the sun. It worked. I'm

sure that, had it been severe, they would have adviced other forms of treatment.


> Also, the delivery took place in BLR in August 2005, when the climate is

fairly tolerable. Docs said that we should expose him to the sun only for ten

minutes max in the morning and evening. And since this was done at sunrise and

sunset, damage due to sunburn never happened.


> In case you want to see his chart, it has here:


> Pranav

> 25 Aug 2002

> 08:01 AM

> Bangalore

> (12 n 59; 77 e 35)

> Lagna: 04-Kanya-40


> Note that at birth he was running GU-RA-SA. Guru is karaka for liver and

occupies 6th from 6th, Rahu is lord of 6th (Sani vad Rahu) and Sani is lord of

5th, which rules liver. Sani also rules diseases and the 6th house in this



> Since Guru is uccha in Rasi and Sani is uccha in Navamsa, it was quite mild.

Also, uccha lagnesh Budha would have also offered protection.


> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji. ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~






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Dear Manoj,


You're Welcome.


As Always,




jyotish-vidya , Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj wrote:


> Dear Uttara Ji,


>  Two facts prompted me to post:


> 1. My son had complications from Jaundice. He is not O Type.

> 2. My cousin's daughter had no Jaundice. She was O Type.


> Hence, the statement that blood Group O causes Jaundice was incorrect (atleast

incomplete). That should have been my only statement. You have clearly

explained the Rh factors being involved. I was aware that Rh incompatibilty

causes complications BUT not aware that Rh incompatibility with O type is

worse than the others. Thanks for the clarification and detailed account.

I understand the higher risk of O type now.


> Regards,

>  -Manoj






> ________________________________

> Uttara <muttaraphalguni

> jyotish-vidya

> Sat, January 9, 2010 2:32:43 PM

> Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks/jaundice



> NOTE: I inadvertently forgot to add a link for further reading and knowledge.


> http://www.nlm. nih.gov/medlinep lus/ency/ article/001559. htm


> Uttara


> Dear Manoj, And All,


> Even with your references stated in your post. You either are misguided, ill

informed or do not have a complete understanding of the complexity of jaundice

in babies.


> Where it is very true that more than not, newborn babies have a tendency to

have a problem with the breakdown of red blood cell and their excretion - not

their production - normal levels being(2-18) of billirubin which can vary after

the first 24/48 hrs for a week and up to three, four weeks of nursing babies.

However,once a baby has billirubin levels over 10, at 48hrs, most doctors will

reccommend putting the baby in a sunny window to help break down the red blood

cells to eliminate from the liver. Once the level starts to increase or climb to

14-18, all doctors recommend photolight therapy. Any level that goes above 18 is

considered high risk and babies are monitored very closely under photolight

therapy in the hospital for at least 48hrs if not longer.


> It is also very true that the problem of billirubin stems from an

incompatability of blood types of mother and baby. Some incompatabilities of

blood types are worse than others as is the RH syndrome that some babies have of

incomplete compatibility.


> As far as Otype group being not a problem and can be canceled is infactically

incorrect. In fact, the reality is that it is the Otype blood group that is at

the highest risk to baby if there is not a complete RH imcompatibility.


> In 1976 when I was just barely 25yrs old I gave birth to my first child.

throughout my pregnancy carrying my baby to term and then the viability of my

newborn baby once born, I was on high risk because I have O neg. blood. even

when my husband and I attended pre natal parenting classes for delivery and

first few weeks of baby care. We were advised differently because I had 0 neg

blood. In fact, when the subject of newborn jaundice came up as a possibility of

newborns, with a-b difference and how it resolves etc. when it came time to talk

about O type blood it was advised that parents talk with their doctors about it.

They wouldn''t talk about the high risk openly. However, my husband and I were

already clued in because we had excellant medical care at a top notch hospital

natal center and top rated newbborn pediatricians and ob/gyn.


> As it turned out, my baby was born at 6lbs. 8oz. and with 12 hrs she was

turning a dark yellow and dropped to below 5 lbs because her billirubin was

rising very quickly. At 24hrs her bellirubin was in the high twenties (29)and my

docotrs were advising if they could not get her billirubin down to below 20 with

in the next 24/36 hrs they would have to do a blood transfusion and were also

very concerned that she would have brain damage. My blood type O neg. My

daughter's O pos.


> Thankfully, her billirubin high levels with incubater and phototherpy lights

began to slowly decrease. At 36hrs her levels were at 24 and the doctor took

this to be a very good sign than she would continue to decrease her levels with

light therapy and held off the blood transfusion for another day to she how she

was faring. In the end she was in the hospital 10days. with intervals of being

on and off the photo therapy in her incubator. All nursing was stopped within

the first 12hrs and water and formula was given to help push the toxins from her

liver. There was still a concern that the high levels had caused brain damage

and we wouldn't know for some time as she developed. At one month she was

" failing to thrive " because she was not taking her formula and very clolicky.

she was rehospitalized. Her little digestiive system and liver were not

developed enough to handle any food and excretion. Once home after 14days she

started to projectile vomit and did

> this for the next several months until it was found that she could not

process the formula and was indeed allergic to the milk. So, for her first year

she was a very sick baby. At one year though she had manage to triple her weight

with alternatives and very good pediatrician guidance. At 12 months she weighed

a hair under 15lbs.

> What was the cause? The high levels of bilirubin from an incompatability of O

neg blood to her O pos blood.


> Fast forward, when my son was born several years later, again I was put on

high risk for bringing baby to term and his ability to survive once born. why?

because my blood type is O neg. sure, enough, when he was born his blood type

was B pos. My son started jaudice at 48hrs and was hospitalized for 8 days.

although his levels did not go as high as his sister he still managed to climb

to 23. His weight at birth was 7lbs 11oz. he dropped within 24 hrs to under 7


> It is natural that babies lose 6 to 12 oz of weight after birth but by the

time they go home, should have regained it or close to it.

> I brought my daughter home from the hospital at 5lb 1oz. I brought my son home

at 6lbs 6oz.


> He too had a very colicky first year but not has severe as his sister. with

proper care and very good doctors he too triple his weight in one year to 19lbs.


> And once again, why these two babies were so sick their first year - their

billirubin levels being very high with an incompability of their O pos and B pos

blood to thier mother's O neg blood. Let me also inform that there is RH facotr

problems with one set of cousins whose biological Uncle's wife had the

incompatability factor to her children. these children in contract to mind after

the first born were all blood transfused before they left the hospital to keep

them alive.


> Today, both my daughter and my son are very healthy superior brain functioning

adults. But their births, first year of life and for many years as young

children till the age of 14 saw many problem with digestion, liver, immunity,

allergies and asthma. It took until that time for their bodies to grow enough

and demand more nutrition for muscle growth and development and to start to grow

in height to average levels. today my daughter is a very tiny, petite 5' 2 " .

> My son height is 5' 6 " .


> I hope this very real story enlightens you to the very real facts of

billirubin and their levels of risks along with a better knowledge of the very

real high risk concern of any mother who has a 0 blood type.


> As Always,


> Uttara


> jyotish-vidya, Manoj Chandran <chandran_manoj@ ...>


> >

> > Dear Balaji,

> >

> > Mild Jaundice is very comming amongst babies in the first few weeks. I

have checked with the America Association of Pediatrics Website and with my

cousin who is a pediatric surgeon and it seems that the only situation where

blood Group becomes significant if the mother's and the child's are

different. The Article posted by Mrs Wendy also has the same conclusion. So

blood Group O can be safely ruled out as the cause for Jaundice. That

information is incorrect.

> >  

> > Regards,

> >  -Manoj

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji@ ...>

> > jyotish-vidya

> > Thu, January 7, 2010 10:20:32 PM

> > Re: Vitamin D and heart attacks

> >

> >  

> > Chandran ji,

> >

> > ///Blood Group O as such did not give your Nephew Jaundice, but the fact

that it probably was different from the mother's blood Type may have been the

real reason.///

> >

> > My sister, nephew and Brother in law--ALL have O group. Doctors said that

this is what caused the jaundice in the first place.

> >

> > ///Treatment of severe Jaundice in New Born Infants by exposing them to Sun

is neither preferred nor fool-proof./ //

> >

> > The jaundice was mild, and doctors adviced exposure to the sun. It worked.

I'm sure that, had it been severe, they would have adviced other forms of


> >

> > Also, the delivery took place in BLR in August 2005, when the climate is

fairly tolerable. Docs said that we should expose him to the sun only for ten

minutes max in the morning and evening. And since this was done at sunrise and

sunset, damage due to sunburn never happened.

> >

> > In case you want to see his chart, it has here:

> >

> > Pranav

> > 25 Aug 2002

> > 08:01 AM

> > Bangalore

> > (12 n 59; 77 e 35)

> > Lagna: 04-Kanya-40

> >

> > Note that at birth he was running GU-RA-SA. Guru is karaka for liver and

occupies 6th from 6th, Rahu is lord of 6th (Sani vad Rahu) and Sani is lord of

5th, which rules liver. Sani also rules diseases and the 6th house in this


> >

> > Since Guru is uccha in Rasi and Sani is uccha in Navamsa, it was quite mild.

Also, uccha lagnesh Budha would have also offered protection.

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~

> > Balaji Narasimhan

> > Author & Editor

> > http://www.balaji. ind.in/

> > ~~~~~~~~~

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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