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Weightage of Muhurthas and others...........................

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When a person becomes bankrupt, even a deposit of

Rs. 200- helps him in facing some small expenditure, so

whatever comes is welcome.


Thus Muhurthas too act in this manner.

They cannot override the Mahadasha period effects

or erase them in totality, but provide a small

benefic contribution to the difficult times one is

facing. Mihurtha astrology does form a

important part in the corridors of Astrology

and cannot be overlooked and neither

can their value be underestimated.

A good Mhurtha would mean facing the

troubled times with a positive approach,

while a bad one would mean making it

more worser. No one can stop a native from

doing these Karmas, I mean a chart

will not stop You,. because Karmas are revealed

through the 10th house, over which one has

substantial control in Life. The results of course

have to be left to God.


Just like a PC game we play and as many blocks

we hit with the ball ,as many points keep on adding up, in

same way wearing Proper Gems, colours, eating fruits or

food stuffs related to the problem areas shown

through the afflicted planets, as with Mantras, and

herbs, one is certainly able to pass through the dasha

periods with better amunitions in hands, rather than

being empty handed. The problem is only

time, inclinations and removal of letharginess, and

a laid back attitude, acceptance of what is hapenning,

which does not allow us to take recourse to these

remedial measures in full, for which I dont

blame anybody, because ones duties in this

hard world are enough to

keep him occupied throughout the day, from

where will the poor native get the enrgy, time, money

and inclinations to do all this.


But yet one thing can be done by all -

Hari naam smaran. Jap- Mansik or Vocal

while performing ones duties and His

rememberance also saves one from the

anguish which would be destined, to a good measure,

or at least give the native energy to face these,

if not even this, then at least ways would

be shown to him by the almighty

to take recourse.




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