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US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction

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Namaste friends,


I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts of the candidates

for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that both had controversial

birthtimes and I needed to spend some time looking at various events using

multiple techniques and using various birthtimes in the vicinity of the given

birthtimes, in order to convince myself of one birthtime and rectify it further.


As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will venture to make a

prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological analysis that went into

this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and prediction process. Those who

just want to read the " prediction " can directly go to the end.


* * *


Birthtime of Barack Obama


Several birthtimes were floated for Barack Obama in the past. But, when I tried

to justify the events in his using a small fine-tuning of the birthtime in the

vicinity of the reported birthtime, I was not successful with any time.

Something or the other was amiss.


However, someone sent me the 7:24 birthtime in late June. I found it

satisfactory. It explained all the events I was trying to verify. I will give a

few quick comments using this chart.


Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

(157 deg 51' 30 " W, 21 deg 18' 25 " N).


Capricorn lagna with Saturn and Jupiter gives him pragmatism and also some

optimism and idealism. Saturn in Capricorn lagna with Jupiter is a classical

dhana yoga taught by Parasara and he became rich in Jupiter dasa. Aspect of

Mercury and Sun on lagna and 1st/2nd/3rd lords gives some charm, finesse and

eloquence. Exalted Moon in 5th and Saturn in lagna give mass following. The 10th

lord Venus is in a navamsa of Jupiter and it gave him a teaching profession

first. Saturn aspects 10th in rasi and is the 9th/10th lord in dasamsa and

occupies 5th with Sun and Rahu. This made him a political activist, reformer and



His father left his mother and his mother raised him alone. In rasi chart, 9th

lord is afflicted by 8th lord. In D-12, lagna lord is debilitated in 12th from

9th lord showing abandonment by father. On the other hand, 4th lord and lagna

lord are in mutual trines and are friends. From the arudha pada of the 9th lord,

Rahu is in 8th with a debilitated planet and Jupiter is the 2nd lord in 3rd.

Rahu-Jupiter antardasa killed father.


The 9th house in chaturvimsamsa (D-24) shows bachelor education. It contains

debilitated Sun and he studied political science. During Rahu-Jupiter antardasa,

he did bachelors degree. Jupiter has argala on Sun. This was also the D-24

Narayana dasa of Taurus, which aspects Sun in Libra.


The 2nd house in D-24 shows next level of education and it is owned by Jupiter.

During the D-24 Narayana dasa of Cp, which contains Jupiter, he went to Harvard

law school. In 1990, he was elected as the first African American president of

Harvard Law Review. This was Venus antardasa. In D-24, Venus is a yogakaraka in

a friendly sign in lagna. He also owns arudha lagna (image and status) and A5

(arudha pada of 5th, tangible recognition of abilities). In the 1989-90 annual

Tithi Pravesha (soli-lunar return) chart, Jupiter's annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa

gave this unique distinction, which proved useful later in his life. In D-24,

Jupiter is the 9th lord in 9th in moolatrikona giving fortune. In D-10, he is

the lagna and 10th lord exalted in 5th.


He got married in Oct 1992 in Rahu-Venus antardasa. Rahu is the 7th lord in

navamsa (D-9). Venus is his dispositor and also the karaka of marriage. In the

D-9 of 1992-93 annual TP chart, Mercury is in 7th and aspects 7th lord in lagna.

From Moon and Venus, he is the 7th lord in 2nd. He aspects UL too. His annual TA

dasa gave marriage.


He had children in Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. The two children are

shown by the 5th and 7th lords. The 5th lord Mars is in Aquarius alone showing a

female child and debilitated 7th lord Mercury joins Ketu, again showing a female

child. Both his children are girls. The 5th and 5th lord are aspected by Jupiter

while the 7th lord is Mercury. So the antardasas are Jupiter and Mercury. The

dasa is of Jupiter, who is the significator of children and happens to be the

lagna lord in 9th in D-7.


In 1996, he was elected to Illinois state senate. Though the election was in

1996-97, decision of Alice Palmer to endorse him was in 1995. When she lost the

congress seat to Jesse Jackson, Jr, she wanted her Illionois senate seat back.

When Obama refused, Palmer actually contested against him! Then Obama challeged

the ballot signatures of his opponents and all applications including Palmer's

were rejected. Thus Obama won the democratic primary in March 1996 unopposed.

The victory over the republican candidate later in November 1996 was a mere

formality. The real thing was winning the primary in 1996. In the 1995-96 annual

TP chart, the 4th/9th lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury have a conjunction within

half a degree in the 5th house of power! In D-10, arudha padas of 5th and 10th

houses conjoin in Leo lagna and lord Sun is exalted in 9th, aspected by the 5th

lord Sun. His election was in Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per natal Vimsottari.

Jupiter is the 5th lord from arudha lagna and also owns A5.


In 1998, he was re-elected comfortably. In the annual TP chart, 9th and 10th

lords Sun and Mercury are together. In D-10, 5th house has 5th lord Jupiter in

moolatrikona with Mercury who owns A5 and A10. Mercury dasa gave the re-election



On 2000 March 21, he lost the democratic primary for US congress to incumbent

Bobby Rush. He wanted a jump from being in Illinois senate to US congress, but

failed. This was in Rahu dasa as per annual TA dasa. Rahu afflicts Sun in rasi

chart of annual TP chart, within half a degree. In D-10, Rahu is with Sun in

12th (i.e. marana karaka sthana for Sun). He lost power.


In Jupiter-Mercury antardasa in 2002, he came back to power by going back to

Illinois senate. This time, democrats regained majority after a decade in the

minority. Obama gained an important chairmanship in state senate and built his

legislature portfolio. This was a very important development in his career. In

D-10, Mercury is the 5th lord in 11th from AL and he aspects A5. In rasi, 6th

lord Mercury, 8th lord Sun and 12th lord Jupiter are on 1st-7th axis. Viparita

raja yoga is formed if only dusthana lords join a dusthana without others or if

dusthana lords join in a quadrant with lagna lord. Here the second kind is

formed. Both Jupiter and Mercury take part in it. In the annual TP chart of

2002-03, 9th lord Jupiter and 4th lord Venus give a raja yoga in 11th, in the

7th from AL. A5 (tangible articles reflecting on recognition), A9 (tangible

articles reflecting on fortune) and A3 (tangible articles reflecting on

initiative) are together in lagna, showing a year of fortune, power and

initiative. He used the position to introduce new legislature and build up his

portfolio for future campaigns.


He came to national prominence with a rousing speech at the last DNC in July

2004 and it was in Venus antardasa. Venus is the 5th and 10th lord in rasi

chart. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in AL. Annual TP chart of 2003-04 has 1st,

7th, 9th and 10th lords together in 8th (suddenness) in rasi and also

Gaja-Kesari yoga in in D-10 and the sudden success/fame came in the year.


In Nov 2004 in the same Venus antardasa, he was elected to US senate. In the

annual TP chart of 2004-05, 5th lord Saturn and 9th lord Venus are in 10th. In

D-10, yogakaraka Saturn is in 10th in own house. The 5th lord Mercury occupies

A5 in the 5th house from AL and his annual TA dasa gave the electoral victory.


An acclaimed book by him called " The Audacity of Hope " was published in October

2006 in Jupiter-Venus-Mercury pratyantardasa. Venus is the owner of A3 (a

tangible article reflecting on one's communication skills, e.g. books) and

Mercury is the karaka of writing.


In his annual TP return chart of 2007-08, dasamsa has 10th lord Jupiter in 10th

with 9th lord and aspected by 7th lord Mercury in own sign. Jupiter's annual

dasa during Jan 7-March 9, 2008 catapulted him to the front-runner position.

Rahu is the 12th lord who afflicts this combination and his dasa during March

9-April 17, 2008 prolonged the battle. Venus dasa brought his primary victory.

Venus is the lagna lord with yogakaraka Saturn giving a raja yoga in 4th and in

AL in rasi chart. In D-10, he occupies moolatrikona in 8th and gives sudden

developments. He is in A5 and in the 5th from AL. So the victory makes sense.


* * *


Birthtime of John McCain


Though there is a 11 am birthtime in circulation, it makes no sense when checked

with life events. I took the 9 am birthtime and rectified it by 8 minutes.


Birthdata: 1936 August 29, 9:08:10 am (5:00 west of GMT), 79 deg 52' W, 9 deg

22' N


Lagna is Virgo with Mercury in it. He is an intelligent and logical man.

Debilitated Ketu is in AL in intellectual Gemini and he is seen as a maverick

and an unconventional politician. He has vargottama lagna and has a strong

individuality. Because of vargottama lagna, Sataabdika dasa applies and it works

better than Vimsottari dasa.


He was married on 1965 July 3. This was Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per

Sataabdika dasa. Jupiter is the 7th lord in D-9 and dispositor of Venus. In the

D-9 of 1964-65 annual TP chart, 7th lord Mars is in 11th with lagna lord Venus.

Annual Tithi Ashtottari (TA) dasa of Mars brought marriage.


In the 1967-68 annual TP chart, ruler of the year Moon is in marana karaka

sthana in 8th house and he is in mrityu bhaga. This was a terrible year that

started a 5 year imprisonment. Also, the 3rd house is in mrityu bhaga and his

bravery was tested badly. Based on natal dasa, it was the beginning of Jupiter

dasa. Jupiter is the 4th lord of comfort and in marana karaka sthana. In D-4, he

is in the 12th house in an inimical sign with the 12th lord. This can show loss

of residential comfort and even imprisonment. In D-10, Jupiter is afflicted by a

strong Rahu in Aquarius lagna and gives Guru-Chandala yoga. So there was a big

setback in career. Antardasa was that of Mars. Mars is the 8th lord and occupies

A8. He can give an accident. In D-4, he is in the 8th house and can deprive of

residence. In D-10, he is in 10th and can show an acceident/setback in career.


He was released on 1973 March 14. In the natal D-4 and rasi, Saturn is in 6th

showing a victory and removal of obstacles. His antardasa brought the release.

In the annual TP chart of 1972-73, 9th lord Venus in 10th and 4th lord Jupiter

in 4th give a raja yoga and can show reaching home. Venus-Jupiter antardasa as

per annual TA dasa was running. Jupiter is with Moon in Sagittarius and shows

becoming famous.


The 10th lord in D-10 is Mars and show military career. Sun is the 7th lord,

occupies 11th and aspects 5th. Sun antardasa started in 1977 and he served as

navy's liaison to senate. This was the beginning of his political career.


In Feb 1980, he was divorced. In the annual TP chart's navamsa, 7th lord Jupiter

is in 8th. From the 7th house of marriage, Venus is the 8th lord in 7th and is a

maraka. He is combust in lagna with Sun. His dasa brought divorce. Dasa of Moon

in 7th brought the second marriage on 1980 May 17. In natal navamsa, Venus is

the 2nd lord (2nd is the 8th from 7th and shows the end of first marriage and

also the coming of second marriage). Venus antardasa brought the divorce and

second marriage.


He retired from navy on 1981 April 1. Venus is in the 7th house (2nd house from

the 6th house of service) in D-10 of annual TP chart. In Venus-Venus, his

service ended.


In 1982 November, he was elected to US congress from Arizona. In annual TP

chart, 10th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars are together giving a raja yoga. In

D-10, lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house of power and 5th lord Jupiter aspects

Leo lagna from Aquarius. In Jupiter dasa, he was elected to congress. As per

natal dasa, Mercury dasa was running. Mercury is the 5th lord of power in the

7th house with 10th lord Ketu.


In 1986-87 annual TP chart, 5th house has exalted 5th lord Mercury (who is the

ruler of the year). In D-10, 5th lord Venus is in 9th and 9th lord Saturn is

exalted in 5th. Moreover, there is Gaja-Kesari yoga on the 10th house axis. Dasa

of 10th lord Jupiter gave him success in senate elections. As per natal dasa,

this is Mars dasa. Mars is the 10th lord in the 5th from AL. More importantly,

he gives the results of Ketu, who gives raja yoga with Mercury in 7th (5th and

10th lords together).


In 1999-2000 annual TP chart, lagna lord Moon is afflicted by 8th lord Rahu.

Other 8th lord Saturn is in 5th house of power. The 12th lord of loss Mercury is

with debilitated Sun and their dispositor Venus happens to be badhakesha and he

is retrograde in 2nd. During the dasa of exalted Jupiter in D-10 lagna, he did

well. But he ran into troubles in Venus dasa and dropped out.


In 2006-07 annual TP chart, 8th lord Mars is in 10th. During Mars dasa in

summer, his campaign fell apart.


In 2007-08 annual TP chart, 9th lord Jupiter is in 5th and 5th/10th lord Mars is

in 11th and they aspect each other. In D-10 also, 9th and 10th lords Jupiter and

Mars are in samasaptaka. Amatya karaka Venus is in arudha lagna in the 5th

house. In the annual TA dasa of Venus, he emerged as the presumptive replublican



* * *


Looking ahead to Election 2008


Right now, John McCain is running the Saturn dasa Saturn antardasa as per natal

Satabdika dasa. Saturn is the 6th lord in 6th in rasi. In D-10, he is the lagna

lord in the 10th house. He is in 7th from AL. He owns the rajya pada (A10). The

pratyantardasa at the time of election will be Mercury's. He owns and aspects

the 5th house in D-10 and exalted in lagna in rasi.


The 2008-09 annual TP chart of John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45

pm. In this chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th

lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a

1 deg 10 min arc. This happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns

A10, while Mercury owns A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika

Lagna), which is the seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury

owns it.


In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined

in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL is also

with them.


At the time of elections, Sun, Mercury and Mars transit in his 10th house.


Though 2007-08 annual TP chart of McCain is not promising and explains the

lacklustre performance in opinion polls until now, it is likely that he will

pick up steam after Sept 11.


Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is running.

Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to give a loss.


The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 pm. Lagna

lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year and he is in

moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good

factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus

along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination.

In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and the

5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.


John McCain has a considerably higher chance of winning than Barack Obama.


* * *


Final Prediction


Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But, McCain's

campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and October.

John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I will

re-visit this prediction and see if there is any modification. But, as things

stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both Obama and McCain

and my expectation is that McCain will win.


Best regards,



Do Ganapathi Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org





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Guest guest

narasimha nice analysis, was wondering do you see assasination for barack

obama. the rahu mars combinations suggests so. i was wondering if you found

that to be the case? also your method for determining the profession is

based on the position of the 10th lord of the rasi in the navamsa correct?





Raja Gursahani

(: 559.474.8576

,: rajagursahani






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According to Jhora Obama's TP chart (as you quoted below) has Pisces

lagna. But D10 has Aq as ascendant, not Sg as you are alluding to

here (please see the last sentence here as per you email). So

assuming D10 for annual TP lagna as Aq(it is at 10:24pm), not 10:04pm,

the D10 chart looks fine. Is my Jhora giving me wrong results, or am

I missing something? Please clarify when you have a chance. You could

also email me at nakshatras


M. Sharma


, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr



> Namaste friends,


> Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is

running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to

give a loss.


> The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at

10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the

year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted

in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of power

contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury

and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination.


In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in

6th and the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.


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mr sharma just for your knowledge obamas birthtime is 7:24 pm giving a

capricorn rising. please be aware that this time is accurate as his birth

certificate (official and documented) can be found by googling.







Raja Gursahani

(: 559.474.8576

,: rajagursahani






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Namaste Manjunath,


What you wrote suggests that you are using the regular Lahiri ayanamsa. I too

get 10:24 pm as the annual TP time if I use the regular Lahiri ayanamsa.


I use a slightly modified version of Lahiri ayanamsa. Please note that planets

exist in 3-D, but their longitudes exist on a 2-D plane (known as the zodiacal

plane). Though planets are slightly outside this 2-D zodiacal plane, their

positions are *projected* onto this 2-D plane and those projections are used to

find the longitudes of astrology. Normally, ayanamsa is considered as a question

on " where is the zero degree point in the zodiacal plane " and no questions are

asked on what should be the zodiacal plane itself. The Sun-earth plane is

normally taken as the zodiacal plane. This plane oscillates slowly, i.e. changes

with time. In other words, the 2-D plane on which longitudes are taken is

changing from day to day! For example, the zodiacal plane used in 1961 when

Obama was born is potentially different from the 2-D plane on which longitudes

are taken in 2008 when his TP chart is cast.


In my " modified Lahiri ayanamsa " , we not only fix the starting point of the

zodiac, but fix the zodiacal plane too! It is taken as the *mean* Sun-earth

plane (instead of taking the *true* Sun-earth plane of the day and thus getting

a different plane everyday). Now, the positions of planets on any day are

projected onto the same fixed plane and counted from the same fixed zero degree

point on the same fixed plane.


This results only in a few arc-minutes of difference in the positions of

planets, because the oscillation in Sun-earth plane is very small. However, the

exact change in different planets can be different - it changes from planet to

planet and day to day. That is enough to change the TP times. In normal ayanamsa

variations, the longitudes of all planets are affected the same way. For

example, if I subtract 5 arc-minutes from Lahiri ayanamsa and use that ayanamsa,

longitudes of all planets go up by 5 arc-minutes. So this does not affect TP

calculation because tithi is based on the difference (Moon-Sun), which does not

change because the longitudes of Moon and Sun are changed by the same amount and

the difference remains the same. However, when we change the zodiacal plane as I

did above, longitudes of different planets may be changed by different amounts.

Thus, (Moon-Sun) may change. Thus, TP time may change by upto several minutes!

In this example, it changed from 10:24 pm to 10:04 pm.


I used TP to conclude on regular ayanamsa vs fixed plane ayanamsa issue. I

compared them with many charts and many events and satisfied myself completely

that fixed plane was the right thing. I have been using it for 2-3 years in all

my work related to TP, but did not get a chance to make the software available

publicly. Recently, I got a chance and released JHora 7.2, which gives the

feature. If you select " Modified Lahiri (Chitrapaksha, mean plane) " from among

the ayanamsa choices, you can use this method. You may want to give it a try.

*I* recommend this variation of Lahiri ayanamsa.


Now that software for this calculation is available, I will be using this

modified Lahiri ayanamsa in all my public astrological writings.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



, " M. Sharma " <nakshatras wrote:


> Narasimha,

> According to Jhora Obama's TP chart (as you quoted below) has Pisces

> lagna. But D10 has Aq as ascendant, not Sg as you are alluding to

> here (please see the last sentence here as per you email). So

> assuming D10 for annual TP lagna as Aq(it is at 10:24pm), not 10:04pm,

> the D10 chart looks fine. Is my Jhora giving me wrong results, or am

> I missing something? Please clarify when you have a chance. You could

> also email me at nakshatras

> Thanks

> M. Sharma


> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is

> running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to

> give a loss.

> >

> > The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at

> 10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the

> year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted

> in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of power

> contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury

> and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination.


> In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in

> 6th and the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.




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Guest guest

Namaste Manjunath,


What you wrote suggests that you are using the regular Lahiri ayanamsa. I too

get 10:24 pm as the annual TP time if I use the regular Lahiri ayanamsa.


I use a slightly modified version of Lahiri ayanamsa. Please note that planets

exist in 3-D, but their longitudes exist on a 2-D plane (known as the zodiacal

plane). Though planets are slightly outside this 2-D zodiacal plane, their

positions are *projected* onto this 2-D plane and those projections are used to

find the longitudes of astrology. Normally, ayanamsa is considered as a question

on " where is the zero degree point in the zodiacal plane " and no questions are

asked on what should be the zodiacal plane itself. The Sun-earth plane is

normally taken as the zodiacal plane. This plane oscillates slowly, i.e. changes

with time. In other words, the 2-D plane on which longitudes are taken is

changing from day to day! For example, the zodiacal plane used in 1961 when

Obama was born is potentially different from the 2-D plane on which longitudes

are taken in 2008 when his TP chart is cast.


In my " modified Lahiri ayanamsa " , we not only fix the starting point of the

zodiac, but fix the zodiacal plane too! It is taken as the *mean* Sun-earth

plane (instead of taking the *true* Sun-earth plane of the day and thus getting

a different plane everyday). Now, the positions of planets on any day are

projected onto the same fixed plane and counted from the same fixed zero degree

point on the same fixed plane.


This results only in a few arc-minutes of difference in the positions of

planets, because the oscillation in Sun-earth plane is very small. However, the

exact change in different planets can be different - it changes from planet to

planet and day to day. That is enough to change the TP times. In normal ayanamsa

variations, the longitudes of all planets are affected the same way. For

example, if I subtract 5 arc-minutes from Lahiri ayanamsa and use that ayanamsa,

longitudes of all planets go up by 5 arc-minutes. So this does not affect TP

calculation because tithi is based on the difference (Moon-Sun), which does not

change because the longitudes of Moon and Sun are changed by the same amount and

the difference remains the same. However, when we change the zodiacal plane as I

did above, longitudes of different planets may be changed by different amounts.

Thus, (Moon-Sun) may change. Thus, TP time may change by upto several minutes!

In this example, it changed from 10:24 pm to 10:04 pm.


I used TP to conclude on regular ayanamsa vs fixed plane ayanamsa issue. I

compared them with many charts and many events and satisfied myself completely

that fixed plane was the right thing. I have been using it for 2-3 years in all

my work related to TP, but did not get a chance to make the software available

publicly. Recently, I got a chance and released JHora 7.2, which gives the

feature. If you select " Modified Lahiri (Chitrapaksha, mean plane) " from among

the ayanamsa choices, you can use this method. You may want to give it a try.

*I* recommend this variation of Lahiri ayanamsa.


Now that software for this calculation is available, I will be using this

modified Lahiri ayanamsa in all my public astrological writings.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



, " M. Sharma " <nakshatras wrote:


> Narasimha,

> According to Jhora Obama's TP chart (as you quoted below) has Pisces

> lagna. But D10 has Aq as ascendant, not Sg as you are alluding to

> here (please see the last sentence here as per you email). So

> assuming D10 for annual TP lagna as Aq(it is at 10:24pm), not 10:04pm,

> the D10 chart looks fine. Is my Jhora giving me wrong results, or am

> I missing something? Please clarify when you have a chance. You could

> also email me at nakshatras

> Thanks

> M. Sharma


> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is

> running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to

> give a loss.

> >

> > The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at

> 10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the

> year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted

> in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of power

> contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury

> and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination.


> In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in

> 6th and the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.




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Namaste Raja,


Well, Mars-Rahu combination in the 8th house can show assassination, but it can

show other things too.


Jaimini taught that the 3rd from the stronger of the arudha padas of 1st and 7th

will show the nature and circumstances of death. In all the charts of

assassinated leaders that I saw, there IS malefic influence, especially that of



The 3rd from Barack Obama's AL and A7 has neither conjunction nor sign aspect of

nodes or any malefics. Thus, I am not concerned about assassination.


Regarding profession, navamsa is one factor. I primarily look at D-10. While

people focus on 10th, I look at 2nd, 6th and 10th in D-10 and find the strongest

influence on those. Rasi is important because it is the existence in the

physical plane. D-10 is important because it throws light on the professional

environment. D-9 is important because it throws light on the blessings from

past. All are important. But the chart that throws light specifically on the

professional environment is perhaps the most important. Others may disagree.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



, " Raja Gursahani " <rajagursahani wrote:


> narasimha nice analysis, was wondering do you see assasination for barack

> obama. the rahu mars combinations suggests so. i was wondering if you found

> that to be the case? also your method for determining the profession is

> based on the position of the 10th lord of the rasi in the navamsa correct?


> __________


> Raja Gursahani

> (: 559.474.8576

> ,: rajagursahani




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Guest guest

Namaste Raja,


Well, Mars-Rahu combination in the 8th house can show assassination, but it can

show other things too.


Jaimini taught that the 3rd from the stronger of the arudha padas of 1st and 7th

will show the nature and circumstances of death. In all the charts of

assassinated leaders that I saw, there IS malefic influence, especially that of



The 3rd from Barack Obama's AL and A7 has neither conjunction nor sign aspect of

nodes or any malefics. Thus, I am not concerned about assassination.


Regarding profession, navamsa is one factor. I primarily look at D-10. While

people focus on 10th, I look at 2nd, 6th and 10th in D-10 and find the strongest

influence on those. Rasi is important because it is the existence in the

physical plane. D-10 is important because it throws light on the professional

environment. D-9 is important because it throws light on the blessings from

past. All are important. But the chart that throws light specifically on the

professional environment is perhaps the most important. Others may disagree.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



, " Raja Gursahani " <rajagursahani wrote:


> narasimha nice analysis, was wondering do you see assasination for barack

> obama. the rahu mars combinations suggests so. i was wondering if you found

> that to be the case? also your method for determining the profession is

> based on the position of the 10th lord of the rasi in the navamsa correct?


> __________


> Raja Gursahani

> (: 559.474.8576

> ,: rajagursahani




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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Narasimha,Thank you for your exposition. Currently I am unsure about your newly proposed ayanamsa. For example in the chart of Pandit Sanjay Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and 24 (at a quick glance) and in other's charts also I have observed that this can be a very dramatic change.Nevertheless I wanted to discuss a couple of the Tithi Pravesha rasi charts you mentioned that are mostly the same regardless of which Lahiri

ayanamsa you use.Looking ahead to Election 2008 The 2008-09 annual TP chart of John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10 min arc. This happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while Mercury owns A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna), which is the seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns it.In this chart I was interested in the rivalry between the AL and the A6. In past lectures you had taught to see malefics in the 3rd and 6th from these to determine the victor in a battle. The 3rd and 6th from AL are dual signs and are aspected by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and one malefic - Mars. This does not seem formidable. The A6 on the other hand has the Sun and Saturn combination (AK and PiK) aspecting the 3rd house and aspecting a shakti yoga in the 6th house. Seems far more powerful for the enemy to prosper. In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL is also with them.Mercury is in parivartana with Jupiter, so, would this mean even more reversals? Sun is in MKS, 5th lord (power) is in the 8th house (retirement), and 3rd lord (vacation) is in the 10th house with badakesh. The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination. In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power. 1st lord in the 10th is simhasana yoga, and it is vakra. The longevity of this is seen from the 8th which is the 5th house. This happens to be the 12th from Mars and Saturn bestowing long life to the yoga. Jupiter becomes the AmK (via replacement) in the 10th house.Also, 8th lord Venus is in parivartana with 5th lord Moon (Yanavantah yoga). The 5th house also has 4th and 9th lords (rajyoga) as well as Sankhya yoga - Sun being the 6th lord in 5th showing he can be the first black President.AL and A6 are conjoined. This was the scenario in Al Gore's TP for 2000. However on this occassion it is in kendra to Lagna and Lagna Lord, not 6th house and 6th lord, so it will favour Obama.Interestingly in 2000, the judge held the balance. In Gore's 2000 TP chart Jupiter was Lagna Lord and

dispositer of Sun and Moon. Jupiter was placed in the 9th from both AL and A6 - so who was he going to protect? A6 proved to be stronger.Hope you find some time to comment on these points.Respectfully,MichalNarasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvrvedic astrology ; sohamsa ; Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:09:17 AM US Presidential Election 2008 PredictionNamaste friends, I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts of the candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that both had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time looking at various events using multiple techniques and using various birthtimes in the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself of one birthtime and rectify it further. As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will venture to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological analysis that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and prediction process. Those who just want to read the "prediction" can directly go to the end. * * * Birthtime of Barack Obama Several birthtimes were floated for Barack Obama in the past. But, when I tried to justify the events in his using a small fine-tuning of the birthtime in the vicinity of the reported birthtime, I was not successful with any time. Something or the other was amiss. However, someone sent me the 7:24 birthtime in late June. I found it satisfactory. It explained all the events I was trying to verify. I will give a few quick comments using this chart. Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (157 deg 51' 30" W, 21 deg 18' 25" N). Capricorn lagna with Saturn and Jupiter gives him pragmatism and also some optimism and idealism. Saturn in Capricorn lagna with Jupiter is a classical dhana yoga taught by Parasara and he became rich in Jupiter dasa. Aspect of Mercury and Sun on lagna and 1st/2nd/3rd lords gives some charm, finesse and eloquence. Exalted Moon in 5th and Saturn in lagna give mass following. The 10th lord Venus is in a navamsa of Jupiter and it gave him a teaching profession first. Saturn aspects 10th in rasi and is the 9th/10th lord in dasamsa and occupies 5th with Sun and Rahu. This made him a political activist, reformer and leader. His father left his mother and his mother raised him alone. In rasi chart, 9th lord is afflicted by 8th lord. In D-12, lagna lord is debilitated in 12th from 9th lord showing abandonment by father. On the other hand, 4th lord and lagna lord are in mutual trines and are friends. From the arudha pada of the 9th lord, Rahu is in 8th with a debilitated planet and Jupiter is the 2nd lord in 3rd. Rahu-Jupiter antardasa killed father. The 9th house in chaturvimsamsa (D-24) shows bachelor education. It contains debilitated Sun and he studied political science. During Rahu-Jupiter antardasa, he did bachelors degree. Jupiter has argala on Sun. This was also the D-24 Narayana dasa of Taurus, which aspects Sun in Libra. The 2nd house in D-24 shows next level of education and it is owned by Jupiter. During the D-24 Narayana dasa of Cp, which contains Jupiter, he went to Harvard law school. In 1990, he was elected as the first African American president of Harvard Law Review. This was Venus antardasa. In D-24, Venus is a yogakaraka in a friendly sign in lagna. He also owns arudha lagna (image and status) and A5 (arudha pada of 5th, tangible recognition of abilities). In the 1989-90 annual Tithi Pravesha (soli-lunar return) chart, Jupiter's annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa gave this unique distinction, which proved useful later in his life. In D-24, Jupiter is the 9th lord in 9th in moolatrikona giving fortune. In D-10, he is the lagna and 10th lord exalted in 5th. He got married in Oct 1992 in Rahu-Venus antardasa. Rahu is the 7th lord in navamsa (D-9). Venus is his dispositor and also the karaka of marriage. In the D-9 of 1992-93 annual TP chart, Mercury is in 7th and aspects 7th lord in lagna. From Moon and Venus, he is the 7th lord in 2nd. He aspects UL too. His annual TA dasa gave marriage. He had children in Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. The two children are shown by the 5th and 7th lords. The 5th lord Mars is in Aquarius alone showing a female child and debilitated 7th lord Mercury joins Ketu, again showing a female child. Both his children are girls. The 5th and 5th lord are aspected by Jupiter while the 7th lord is Mercury. So the antardasas are Jupiter and Mercury. The dasa is of Jupiter, who is the significator of children and happens to be the lagna lord in 9th in D-7. In 1996, he was elected to Illinois state senate. Though the election was in 1996-97, decision of Alice Palmer to endorse him was in 1995. When she lost the congress seat to Jesse Jackson, Jr, she wanted her Illionois senate seat back. When Obama refused, Palmer actually contested against him! Then Obama challeged the ballot signatures of his opponents and all applications including Palmer's were rejected. Thus Obama won the democratic primary in March 1996 unopposed. The victory over the republican candidate later in November 1996 was a mere formality. The real thing was winning the primary in 1996. In the 1995-96 annual TP chart, the 4th/9th lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury have a conjunction within half a degree in the 5th house of power! In D-10, arudha padas of 5th and 10th houses conjoin in Leo lagna and lord Sun is exalted in 9th, aspected by the 5th lord Sun. His election was in Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per natal Vimsottari. Jupiter is the 5th lord from arudha lagna and also owns A5. In 1998, he was re-elected comfortably. In the annual TP chart, 9th and 10th lords Sun and Mercury are together. In D-10, 5th house has 5th lord Jupiter in moolatrikona with Mercury who owns A5 and A10. Mercury dasa gave the re-election victory. On 2000 March 21, he lost the democratic primary for US congress to incumbent Bobby Rush. He wanted a jump from being in Illinois senate to US congress, but failed. This was in Rahu dasa as per annual TA dasa. Rahu afflicts Sun in rasi chart of annual TP chart, within half a degree. In D-10, Rahu is with Sun in 12th (i.e. marana karaka sthana for Sun). He lost power. In Jupiter-Mercury antardasa in 2002, he came back to power by going back to Illinois senate. This time, democrats regained majority after a decade in the minority. Obama gained an important chairmanship in state senate and built his legislature portfolio. This was a very important development in his career. In D-10, Mercury is the 5th lord in 11th from AL and he aspects A5. In rasi, 6th lord Mercury, 8th lord Sun and 12th lord Jupiter are on 1st-7th axis. Viparita raja yoga is formed if only dusthana lords join a dusthana without others or if dusthana lords join in a quadrant with lagna lord. Here the second kind is formed. Both Jupiter and Mercury take part in it. In the annual TP chart of 2002-03, 9th lord Jupiter and 4th lord Venus give a raja yoga in 11th, in the 7th from AL. A5 (tangible articles reflecting on recognition) , A9 (tangible articles reflecting on fortune) and A3 (tangible articles reflecting on initiative) are together in lagna, showing a year of fortune, power and initiative. He used the position to introduce new legislature and build up his portfolio for future campaigns.He came to national prominence with a rousing speech at the last DNC in July 2004 and it was in Venus antardasa. Venus is the 5th and 10th lord in rasi chart. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in AL. Annual TP chart of 2003-04 has 1st, 7th, 9th and 10th lords together in 8th (suddenness) in rasi and also Gaja-Kesari yoga in in D-10 and the sudden success/fame came in the year. In Nov 2004 in the same Venus antardasa, he was elected to US senate. In the annual TP chart of 2004-05, 5th lord Saturn and 9th lord Venus are in 10th. In D-10, yogakaraka Saturn is in 10th in own house. The 5th lord Mercury occupies A5 in the 5th house from AL and his annual TA dasa gave the electoral victory.An acclaimed book by him called "The Audacity of Hope" was published in October 2006 in Jupiter-Venus- Mercury pratyantardasa. Venus is the owner of A3 (a tangible article reflecting on one's communication skills, e.g. books) and Mercury is the karaka of writing. In his annual TP return chart of 2007-08, dasamsa has 10th lord Jupiter in 10th with 9th lord and aspected by 7th lord Mercury in own sign. Jupiter's annual dasa during Jan 7-March 9, 2008 catapulted him to the front-runner position. Rahu is the 12th lord who afflicts this combination and his dasa during March 9-April 17, 2008 prolonged the battle. Venus dasa brought his primary victory. Venus is the lagna lord with yogakaraka Saturn giving a raja yoga in 4th and in AL in rasi chart. In D-10, he occupies moolatrikona in 8th and gives sudden developments. He is in A5 and in the 5th from AL. So the victory makes sense. * * * Birthtime of John McCain Though there is a 11 am birthtime in circulation, it makes no sense when checked with life events. I took the 9 am birthtime and rectified it by 8 minutes. Birthdata: 1936 August 29, 9:08:10 am (5:00 west of GMT), 79 deg 52' W, 9 deg 22' N Lagna is Virgo with Mercury in it. He is an intelligent and logical man. Debilitated Ketu is in AL in intellectual Gemini and he is seen as a maverick and an unconventional politician. He has vargottama lagna and has a strong individuality. Because of vargottama lagna, Sataabdika dasa applies and it works better than Vimsottari dasa.He was married on 1965 July 3. This was Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per Sataabdika dasa. Jupiter is the 7th lord in D-9 and dispositor of Venus. In the D-9 of 1964-65 annual TP chart, 7th lord Mars is in 11th with lagna lord Venus. Annual Tithi Ashtottari (TA) dasa of Mars brought marriage.In the 1967-68 annual TP chart, ruler of the year Moon is in marana karaka sthana in 8th house and he is in mrityu bhaga. This was a terrible year that started a 5 year imprisonment. Also, the 3rd house is in mrityu bhaga and his bravery was tested badly. Based on natal dasa, it was the beginning of Jupiter dasa. Jupiter is the 4th lord of comfort and in marana karaka sthana. In D-4, he is in the 12th house in an inimical sign with the 12th lord. This can show loss of residential comfort and even imprisonment. In D-10, Jupiter is afflicted by a strong Rahu in Aquarius lagna and gives Guru-Chandala yoga. So there was a big setback in career. Antardasa was that of Mars. Mars is the 8th lord and occupies A8. He can give an accident. In D-4, he is in the 8th house and can deprive of residence. In D-10, he is in 10th and can show an acceident/setback in career.He was released on 1973 March 14. In the natal D-4 and rasi, Saturn is in 6th showing a victory and removal of obstacles. His antardasa brought the release. In the annual TP chart of 1972-73, 9th lord Venus in 10th and 4th lord Jupiter in 4th give a raja yoga and can show reaching home. Venus-Jupiter antardasa as per annual TA dasa was running. Jupiter is with Moon in Sagittarius and shows becoming famous.The 10th lord in D-10 is Mars and show military career. Sun is the 7th lord, occupies 11th and aspects 5th. Sun antardasa started in 1977 and he served as navy's liaison to senate. This was the beginning of his political career.In Feb 1980, he was divorced. In the annual TP chart's navamsa, 7th lord Jupiter is in 8th. From the 7th house of marriage, Venus is the 8th lord in 7th and is a maraka. He is combust in lagna with Sun. His dasa brought divorce. Dasa of Moon in 7th brought the second marriage on 1980 May 17. In natal navamsa, Venus is the 2nd lord (2nd is the 8th from 7th and shows the end of first marriage and also the coming of second marriage). Venus antardasa brought the divorce and second marriage.He retired from navy on 1981 April 1. Venus is in the 7th house (2nd house from the 6th house of service) in D-10 of annual TP chart. In Venus-Venus, his service ended.In 1982 November, he was elected to US congress from Arizona. In annual TP chart, 10th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars are together giving a raja yoga. In D-10, lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house of power and 5th lord Jupiter aspects Leo lagna from Aquarius. In Jupiter dasa, he was elected to congress. As per natal dasa, Mercury dasa was running. Mercury is the 5th lord of power in the 7th house with 10th lord Ketu.In 1986-87 annual TP chart, 5th house has exalted 5th lord Mercury (who is the ruler of the year). In D-10, 5th lord Venus is in 9th and 9th lord Saturn is exalted in 5th. Moreover, there is Gaja-Kesari yoga on the 10th house axis. Dasa of 10th lord Jupiter gave him success in senate elections. As per natal dasa, this is Mars dasa. Mars is the 10th lord in the 5th from AL. More importantly, he gives the results of Ketu, who gives raja yoga with Mercury in 7th (5th and 10th lords together).In 1999-2000 annual TP chart, lagna lord Moon is afflicted by 8th lord Rahu. Other 8th lord Saturn is in 5th house of power. The 12th lord of loss Mercury is with debilitated Sun and their dispositor Venus happens to be badhakesha and he is retrograde in 2nd. During the dasa of exalted Jupiter in D-10 lagna, he did well. But he ran into troubles in Venus dasa and dropped out.In 2006-07 annual TP chart, 8th lord Mars is in 10th. During Mars dasa in summer, his campaign fell apart.In 2007-08 annual TP chart, 9th lord Jupiter is in 5th and 5th/10th lord Mars is in 11th and they aspect each other. In D-10 also, 9th and 10th lords Jupiter and Mars are in samasaptaka. Amatya karaka Venus is in arudha lagna in the 5th house. In the annual TA dasa of Venus, he emerged as the presumptive replublican nominee. * * * Looking ahead to Election 2008 Right now, John McCain is running the Saturn dasa Saturn antardasa as per natal Satabdika dasa. Saturn is the 6th lord in 6th in rasi. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in the 10th house. He is in 7th from AL. He owns the rajya pada (A10). The pratyantardasa at the time of election will be Mercury's. He owns and aspects the 5th house in D-10 and exalted in lagna in rasi. The 2008-09 annual TP chart of John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10 min arc. This happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while Mercury owns A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna), which is the seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns it. In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL is also with them. At the time of elections, Sun, Mercury and Mars transit in his 10th house. Though 2007-08 annual TP chart of McCain is not promising and explains the lacklustre performance in opinion polls until now, it is likely that he will pick up steam after Sept 11. Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to give a loss. The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year and he is in moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination. In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power. John McCain has a considerably higher chance of winning than Barack Obama. * * * Final Prediction Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But, McCain's campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008. When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any modification. But, as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win. Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do Ganapathi Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

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  • 2 weeks later...



Of course, it can be a "dramatic change" when a planet is on a border. With Lahiri ayanamsa, Sanjay ji's Moon is just below 20 deg in Aq, i.e. just at the end of Satabhishak.


If ayanamsa is reduced by merely 1 arc-min, it takes Moon above 20 deg and changes his nakshatra, navamsa, drekkana, dwadasamsa, siddhamsa, shahstyamsa etc.


The issue is not that this ayanamsa changes things "dramatically". It actually changes things only by a few arc-min at the most and that is not "dramatic". The issue is that a planet is on a critical boundary in this chart.


In such a case, whether you accept my proposed fixed-plane ayanamsa or not, the bottomline is that you cannot be confident that the ayanamsa you are using is perfect and not having even 1 arc-min of error. Even if ayanamsa is perfect (how can you be so sure), a change in birthtime by 2 min can change Moon's longitude to above 20 deg. Thus, you cannot be too sure of Moon's nakshatra, navamsa etc.



People often take the calculations of software to be perfect and assume that everything is known perfectly. That is wrong. People should realize that each parameter (birthtime, ayanamsa etc) could have an error and realize the impact on various calculations. When a specific calculation is on a border, one should consider both the cases. We do that kind of analysis all the time in my Boston class.

BTW, I and Sanjay discussed several years ago whether his star is Satabhishak or Poorvabhadra (because it is right on the border). Sanjay wasn't sure then, but said that his grandfather thought his star was Poorvabhadra!


Best regards,NarasimhaDo a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpanaSpirituality: Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > Dear Narasimha,> > > > Thank you for your exposition. Currently I am unsure about your> newly proposed ayanamsa. For example in the chart of Pandit Sanjay> Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and 24 (at a quick glance) and> in other's charts also I have observed that this can be a very> dramatic change.> > Nevertheless I wanted to discuss a couple of the Tithi Pravesha rasi> charts you mentioned that are mostly the same regardless of which> Lahiri ayanamsa you use.

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Om SreeMahaGanaadhipataye Namah Hari Om,

Hari Om,

Dear PVR jee

"Even if ayanamsa is perfect (how can you be so sure), a change in birthtime by 2 min can change Moon's longitude to above 20 deg. Thus, you cannot be too sure of Moon's nakshatra, navamsa etc"

Can it be really so?2 minutes =20 degrees really?

elaboration can make me wiser.

with regards

OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCS -----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who hascreated the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Dinesh,That's right. So which would you use?Regards,MichalDinesh Nambisan <dinesh_nambisansohamsa Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 4:59:13 AM Re: US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction


sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha,


> Thank you for your exposition. Currently I am unsure about your

newly proposed ayanamsa. For example in the chart of Pandit Sanjay

Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and 24 (at a quick glance) and

in other's charts also I have observed that this can be a very

dramatic change.

> Nevertheless I wanted to discuss a couple of the Tithi Pravesha rasi

charts you mentioned that are mostly the same regardless of which

Lahiri ayanamsa you use.


Dear Michal,


For what its worth, the D-10 Lagna for 2008-ATP of Barack Obama

changes depending upon which ayanamsa you use:- using the Narasimhaji

recommended variation of Lahiri, D-10 Lagna would be in Sagittarius,

whereas using the conventional Lahiri one gets Capricorn lagna.


Best Wishes,



> Looking ahead to Election

> 2008


> The 2008-09 annual TP chart of

> John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th

> lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and

5th lord

> Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10

min arc. This

> happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while

Mercury owns

> A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna),

which is the

> seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns

> it.


> In this chart I was interested in the rivalry between the AL and the

A6. In past lectures you had taught to see malefics in the 3rd and

6th from these to determine the victor in a battle. The 3rd and 6th

from AL are dual signs and are aspected by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury,

and one malefic - Mars. This does not seem formidable. The A6 on the

other hand has the Sun and Saturn combination (AK and PiK) aspecting

the 3rd house and aspecting a shakti yoga in the 6th house. Seems far

more powerful for the enemy to prosper.



> In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are

> conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there.

In fact, GL

> is also with them.


> Mercury is in parivartana with Jupiter, so, would this mean even

more reversals? Sun is in MKS, 5th lord (power) is in the 8th house

(retirement) , and 3rd lord (vacation) is in the 10th house with badakesh.



> The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04

> pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year

and he is in

> moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are

all good

> factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th

lord Venus

> along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good


> In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in

6th and

> the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.

> 1st lord in the 10th is simhasana yoga, and it is vakra. The

longevity of this is seen from the 8th which is the 5th house. This

happens to be the 12th from Mars and Saturn bestowing long life to the

yoga. Jupiter becomes the AmK (via replacement) in the 10th house.

> Also, 8th lord Venus is in parivartana with 5th lord Moon

(Yanavantah yoga). The 5th house also has 4th and 9th lords (rajyoga)

as well as Sankhya yoga - Sun being the 6th lord in 5th showing he can

be the first black President.

> AL and A6 are conjoined. This was the scenario in Al Gore's TP for

2000. However on this occassion it is in kendra to Lagna and Lagna

Lord, not 6th house and 6th lord, so it will favour Obama.


> Interestingly in 2000, the judge held the balance. In Gore's 2000

TP chart Jupiter was Lagna Lord and dispositer of Sun and Moon.

Jupiter was placed in the 9th from both AL and A6 - so who was he

going to protect? A6 proved to be stronger.


> Hope you find some time to comment on these points.

> Respectfully,

> Michal





> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr

> vedic astrology; sohamsa@ .com;


> Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:09:17 AM

> US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction



> Namaste friends,


> I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at

> the charts of the candidates for US presidential election 2008. The

issue was

> that both had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some

time looking

> at various events using multiple techniques and using various

birthtimes in the

> vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself of one


> and rectify it further.


> As I have a decent level of confidence in the data

> now, I will venture to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed

> astrological analysis that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime

> fine-tuning and prediction process. Those who just want to read the


> can directly go to the end.


> *

> * *


> Birthtime of Barack

> Obama


> Several birthtimes were floated for Barack Obama in

> the past. But, when I tried to justify the events in his using a small

> fine-tuning of the birthtime in the vicinity of the reported

birthtime, I was

> not successful with any time. Something or the other was amiss.


> However, someone sent me the 7:24 birthtime in late June. I found it

> satisfactory. It explained all the events I was trying to verify. I

will give a

> few quick comments using this chart.


> Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24 pm (10 hrs west of GMT),

> Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (157 deg 51' 30" W, 21 deg 18' 25" N).


> Capricorn lagna with Saturn and Jupiter gives him pragmatism and

also some

> optimism and idealism. Saturn in Capricorn lagna with Jupiter is a


> dhana yoga taught by Parasara and he became rich in Jupiter dasa.

Aspect of

> Mercury and Sun on lagna and 1st/2nd/3rd lords gives some charm,

finesse and

> eloquence. Exalted Moon in 5th and Saturn in lagna give mass

following. The 10th

> lord Venus is in a navamsa of Jupiter and it gave him a teaching


> first. Saturn aspects 10th in rasi and is the 9th/10th lord in

dasamsa and

> occupies 5th with Sun and Rahu. This made him a political activist,

reformer and

> leader.


> His father left his mother and his mother raised him alone.

> In rasi chart, 9th lord is afflicted by 8th lord. In D-12, lagna

lord is

> debilitated in 12th from 9th lord showing abandonment by father. On

the other

> hand, 4th lord and lagna lord are in mutual trines and are friends.

From the

> arudha pada of the 9th lord, Rahu is in 8th with a debilitated

planet and

> Jupiter is the 2nd lord in 3rd. Rahu-Jupiter antardasa killed father.


> The 9th house in chaturvimsamsa (D-24) shows bachelor education. It

> contains debilitated Sun and he studied political science. During


> antardasa, he did bachelors degree. Jupiter has argala on Sun. This

was also the

> D-24 Narayana dasa of Taurus, which aspects Sun in Libra.


> The 2nd house in D-24 shows next level of education and it is owned by

> Jupiter. During the D-24 Narayana dasa of Cp, which contains

Jupiter, he went to

> Harvard law school. In 1990, he was elected as the first African


> president of Harvard Law Review. This was Venus antardasa. In D-24,

Venus is a

> yogakaraka in a friendly sign in lagna. He also owns arudha lagna

(image and

> status) and A5 (arudha pada of 5th, tangible recognition of

abilities). In the

> 1989-90 annual Tithi Pravesha (soli-lunar return) chart, Jupiter's


> Tithi Ashtottari dasa gave this unique distinction, which proved useful

> later in his life. In D-24, Jupiter is the 9th lord in 9th in


> giving fortune. In D-10, he is the lagna and 10th lord exalted in 5th.


> He got married in Oct 1992 in Rahu-Venus antardasa. Rahu is the 7th

lord in

> navamsa (D-9). Venus is his dispositor and also the karaka of

marriage. In the

> D-9 of 1992-93 annual TP chart, Mercury is in 7th and aspects 7th

lord in lagna.

> From Moon and Venus, he is the 7th lord in 2nd. He aspects UL too.

His annual TA

> dasa gave marriage.


> He had children in Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. The two


> are shown by the 5th and 7th lords. The 5th lord Mars is in Aquarius


> showing a female child and debilitated 7th lord Mercury joins Ketu,


> showing a female child. Both his children are girls. The 5th and 5th

lord are

> aspected by Jupiter while the 7th lord is Mercury. So the antardasas

are Jupiter

> and Mercury. The dasa is of Jupiter, who is the significator of

children and

> happens to be the lagna lord in 9th in D-7.


> In 1996, he was elected to Illinois state senate. Though the

election was

> in 1996-97, decision of Alice Palmer to endorse him was in 1995.

When she lost

> the congress seat to Jesse Jackson, Jr, she wanted her Illionois

senate seat

> back. When Obama refused, Palmer actually contested against him!

Then Obama

> challeged the ballot signatures of his opponents and all

applications including

> Palmer's were rejected. Thus Obama won the democratic primary in

March 1996

> unopposed. The victory over the republican candidate later in

November 1996 was

> a mere formality. The real thing was winning the primary in 1996. In

the 1995-96

> annual TP chart, the 4th/9th lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury have a


> within half a degree in the 5th house of power! In D-10, arudha

padas of 5th and

> 10th houses conjoin in Leo lagna and lord Sun is exalted in 9th,

aspected by the

> 5th lord Sun. His election was in Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per


> Vimsottari. Jupiter is the 5th lord from arudha lagna and also owns A5.


> In 1998, he was re-elected comfortably. In the annual TP chart, 9th and

> 10th lords Sun and Mercury are together. In D-10, 5th house has 5th

lord Jupiter

> in moolatrikona with Mercury who owns A5 and A10. Mercury dasa gave the

> re-election victory.


> On 2000 March 21, he lost the democratic primary for US congress to

> incumbent Bobby Rush. He wanted a jump from being in Illinois senate

to US

> congress, but failed. This was in Rahu dasa as per annual TA dasa.

Rahu afflicts

> Sun in rasi chart of annual TP chart, within half a degree. In D-10,

Rahu is

> with Sun in 12th (i.e. marana karaka sthana for Sun). He lost power.


> In Jupiter-Mercury antardasa in 2002, he came back to power by going


> to Illinois senate. This time, democrats regained majority after a

decade in the

> minority. Obama gained an important chairmanship in state senate and

built his

> legislature portfolio. This was a very important development in his

career. In

> D-10, Mercury is the 5th lord in 11th from AL and he aspects A5. In

rasi, 6th

> lord Mercury, 8th lord Sun and 12th lord Jupiter are on 1st-7th

axis. Viparita

> raja yoga is formed if only dusthana lords join a dusthana without

others or if

> dusthana lords join in a quadrant with lagna lord. Here the second

kind is

> formed. Both Jupiter and Mercury take part in it. In the annual TP

chart of

> 2002-03, 9th lord Jupiter and 4th lord Venus give a raja yoga in

11th, in the

> 7th from AL. A5 (tangible articles reflecting on recognition) , A9


> articles reflecting on fortune) and A3 (tangible articles reflecting on

> initiative) are together in lagna, showing a year of fortune, power and

> initiative. He used the position to introduce new legislature and

build up his

> portfolio for future campaigns.


> He came to national prominence with a

> rousing speech at the last DNC in July 2004 and it was in Venus

antardasa. Venus

> is the 5th and 10th lord in rasi chart. In D-10, he is the lagna

lord in AL.

> Annual TP chart of 2003-04 has 1st, 7th, 9th and 10th lords together

in 8th

> (suddenness) in rasi and also Gaja-Kesari yoga in in D-10 and the


> success/fame came in the year.


> In Nov 2004 in the same Venus antardasa, he was elected to US

senate. In

> the annual TP chart of 2004-05, 5th lord Saturn and 9th lord Venus

are in 10th.

> In D-10, yogakaraka Saturn is in 10th in own house. The 5th lord


> occupies A5 in the 5th house from AL and his annual TA dasa gave the


> victory.


> An acclaimed book by him called "The Audacity of Hope" was

> published in October 2006 in Jupiter-Venus- Mercury pratyantardasa.

Venus is the

> owner of A3 (a tangible article reflecting on one's communication

skills, e.g.

> books) and Mercury is the karaka of writing.


> In his annual TP return chart of 2007-08, dasamsa has 10th lord

Jupiter in

> 10th with 9th lord and aspected by 7th lord Mercury in own sign.


> annual dasa during Jan 7-March 9, 2008 catapulted him to the


> position. Rahu is the 12th lord who afflicts this combination and

his dasa

> during March 9-April 17, 2008 prolonged the battle. Venus dasa

brought his

> primary victory. Venus is the lagna lord with yogakaraka Saturn

giving a raja

> yoga in 4th and in AL in rasi chart. In D-10, he occupies

moolatrikona in 8th

> and gives sudden developments. He is in A5 and in the 5th from AL.

So the

> victory makes sense.


> *

> * *


> Birthtime of John

> McCain


> Though there is a 11 am birthtime in circulation, it makes no sense


> checked with life events. I took the 9 am birthtime and rectified it

by 8

> minutes.


> Birthdata: 1936 August 29, 9:08:10 am (5:00 west of GMT),

> 79 deg 52' W, 9 deg 22' N


> Lagna is Virgo with Mercury in it. He is an

> intelligent and logical man. Debilitated Ketu is in AL in intellectual

> Gemini and he is seen as a maverick and an unconventional

politician. He has

> vargottama lagna and has a strong individuality. Because of

vargottama lagna,

> Sataabdika dasa applies and it works better than Vimsottari dasa.


> He was

> married on 1965 July 3. This was Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per


> dasa. Jupiter is the 7th lord in D-9 and dispositor of Venus. In the

D-9 of

> 1964-65 annual TP chart, 7th lord Mars is in 11th with lagna lord

Venus. Annual

> Tithi Ashtottari (TA) dasa of Mars brought marriage.


> In the 1967-68

> annual TP chart, ruler of the year Moon is in marana karaka sthana

in 8th house

> and he is in mrityu bhaga. This was a terrible year that started a 5


> imprisonment. Also, the 3rd house is in mrityu bhaga and his bravery

was tested

> badly. Based on natal dasa, it was the beginning of Jupiter dasa.

Jupiter is the

> 4th lord of comfort and in marana karaka sthana. In D-4, he is in

the 12th house

> in an inimical sign with the 12th lord. This can show loss of


> comfort and even imprisonment. In D-10, Jupiter is afflicted by a

strong Rahu in

> Aquarius lagna and gives Guru-Chandala yoga. So there was a big

setback in

> career. Antardasa was that of Mars. Mars is the 8th lord and

occupies A8. He can

> give an accident. In D-4, he is in the 8th house and can deprive of


> In D-10, he is in 10th and can show an acceident/setback in career.


> He

> was released on 1973 March 14. In the natal D-4 and rasi, Saturn is

in 6th

> showing a victory and removal of obstacles. His antardasa brought

the release.

> In the annual TP chart of 1972-73, 9th lord Venus in 10th and 4th

lord Jupiter

> in 4th give a raja yoga and can show reaching home. Venus-Jupiter

antardasa as

> per annual TA dasa was running. Jupiter is with Moon in Sagittarius

and shows

> becoming famous.


> The 10th lord in D-10 is Mars and show military career.

> Sun is the 7th lord, occupies 11th and aspects 5th. Sun antardasa

started in

> 1977 and he served as navy's liaison to senate. This was the

beginning of his

> political career.


> In Feb 1980, he was divorced. In the annual TP chart's

> navamsa, 7th lord Jupiter is in 8th. From the 7th house of marriage,

Venus is

> the 8th lord in 7th and is a maraka. He is combust in lagna with

Sun. His dasa

> brought divorce. Dasa of Moon in 7th brought the second marriage on

1980 May 17.

> In natal navamsa, Venus is the 2nd lord (2nd is the 8th from 7th and

shows the

> end of first marriage and also the coming of second marriage). Venus


> brought the divorce and second marriage.


> He retired from navy on 1981

> April 1. Venus is in the 7th house (2nd house from the 6th house of

service) in

> D-10 of annual TP chart. In Venus-Venus, his service ended.


> In 1982

> November, he was elected to US congress from Arizona. In annual TP


> 10th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars are together giving a raja yoga.

In D-10,

> lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house of power and 5th lord Jupiter

aspects Leo

> lagna from Aquarius. In Jupiter dasa, he was elected to congress. As

per natal

> dasa, Mercury dasa was running. Mercury is the 5th lord of power in

the 7th

> house with 10th lord Ketu.


> In 1986-87 annual TP chart, 5th house has

> exalted 5th lord Mercury (who is the ruler of the year). In D-10,

5th lord Venus

> is in 9th and 9th lord Saturn is exalted in 5th. Moreover, there is


> yoga on the 10th house axis. Dasa of 10th lord Jupiter gave him

success in

> senate elections. As per natal dasa, this is Mars dasa. Mars is the

10th lord in

> the 5th from AL. More importantly, he gives the results of Ketu, who

gives raja

> yoga with Mercury in 7th (5th and 10th lords together).


> In 1999-2000

> annual TP chart, lagna lord Moon is afflicted by 8th lord Rahu.

Other 8th lord

> Saturn is in 5th house of power. The 12th lord of loss Mercury is with

> debilitated Sun and their dispositor Venus happens to be badhakesha

and he is

> retrograde in 2nd. During the dasa of exalted Jupiter in D-10 lagna,

he did

> well. But he ran into troubles in Venus dasa and dropped out.


> In 2006-07

> annual TP chart, 8th lord Mars is in 10th. During Mars dasa in

summer, his

> campaign fell apart.


> In 2007-08 annual TP chart, 9th lord Jupiter is in

> 5th and 5th/10th lord Mars is in 11th and they aspect each other. In

D-10 also,

> 9th and 10th lords Jupiter and Mars are in samasaptaka. Amatya

karaka Venus is

> in arudha lagna in the 5th house. In the annual TA dasa of Venus, he

emerged as

> the presumptive replublican nominee.


> *

> * *


> Looking ahead to Election

> 2008


> Right now, John McCain is running the Saturn dasa

> Saturn antardasa as per natal Satabdika dasa. Saturn is the 6th lord

in 6th in

> rasi. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in the 10th house. He is in 7th

from AL. He

> owns the rajya pada (A10). The pratyantardasa at the time of

election will be

> Mercury's. He owns and aspects the 5th house in D-10 and exalted in

lagna in

> rasi.

> The 2008-09 annual TP chart of

> John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th

> lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and

5th lord

> Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10

min arc. This

> happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while

Mercury owns

> A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna),

which is the

> seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns

> it.


> In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are

> conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there.

In fact, GL

> is also with them.


> At the time of elections, Sun, Mercury and Mars transit in his 10th

> house.


> Though 2007-08 annual TP chart of McCain is not promising and

explains the

> lacklustre performance in opinion polls until now, it is likely that

he will

> pick up steam after Sept 11.


> Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is

> running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to

give a

> loss.


> The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04

> pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year

and he is in

> moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are

all good

> factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th

lord Venus

> along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good


> In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in

6th and

> the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.


> John McCain has a considerably higher chance of winning than Barack

> Obama.


> *

> * *


> Final Prediction


> Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But,


> campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and

> October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


> When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available,

I will

> re-visit this prediction and see if there is any modification. But,

as things

> stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both Obama

and McCain

> and my expectation is that McCain will win.

> Best

> regards,

> Narasimha

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Reema,Please see below.Regards,Michal----- Original Message

----Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganeshsohamsa Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:19:11 AM Re: US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction|| Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar,Michal ji, I second you in thanking Narasimha Ji for taking the time to analyse the charts of presidential nominees for 2008 elections with such level of depth. It was great food for astrological thought.> Currently I am unsure about your newly proposed ayanamsa. For example

in > the chart of Pandit Sanjay Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and

24 (at > a quick glance) and in other's charts also I have observed that

this can be a > very dramatic change.I, too, am unsure of the proposed ayanamsa mostly because I have no mathematical understanding (Ganita) behind astrological calculations at large and ayanamsa in particular (it is a big limitation of mine). So I am terribly ignorant to comment on the need for using this modified ayanamsa, but nonetheless, just wanted to add to your observation that using the proposed modified Lahiri ayanamsa, I have seen a dramatic change in a chart where, for instance, atma karaka changes from one graha to another. I would like to see more public astrological postings from Narasimha Ji using this ayanamsa. Perhaps a comparative study between Lahiri and modified Lahiri to explain a few charts with latter, which the former fails to do would be a good thing.Now follows a couple of questions that I have on your comments.> 1st lord in the 10th is simhasana yoga, and it is vakra. The

longevity of this is > seen from the 8th which is the 5th house. This

happens to be the 12th from > Mars and Saturn bestowing long life to the

yoga. I am not sure I understand why being 12th from Mars and Saturn would bestow long life to the yoga. Please explain this.Mars and Saturn conjoining relates to Yama who is responsible for taking our souls after we die. The placement of this combination in the 9th house gives long life as the 12th from here is the 8th house of longevity. Mars rejects the 12th house so it is like Yama refusing to take the person. Extending this, every bhava has an 8th house... so you can look for this combination giving long life to different people ie. Mother, Father, children etc. or perhaps even to career?> Jupiter becomes the AmK (via replacement) in the 10th house.How do we time charakaraka replacements in tithi pravesha charts? In this case, for instance, when will Jupiter mature to replace Mars as the AmK?There

are dasa's for timing CK replacement and perhaps compressed one's could be used for TP charts, but I'm not sure.> Also, 8th lord Venus is in parivartana with 5th lord Moon

(Yanavantah > yoga). Please explain Yanavantah yoga. Not sure I have heard this name before. In short it is a yoga for vehicles, but more than that it can show leadership, like Krishna driving the chariot of Arjuna. It occurs when there is yuti of Moon and Venus or they are in 3 and 11 position from each other. You'll find it in the first chapter of the Jaimini sutras.> The 5th house also has 4th and 9th lords (rajyoga)

as well as Sankhya yoga - > Sun being the 6th lord in 5th showing he can

be the first black President.Very interesting point about 6th lord in 5th showing Obama becoming the first African American president. Not sure I understand the Jyotisha behind this though.Sankhya yoga shows the start of something new or the first of something.> AL and A6 are conjoined. This was the scenario in Al Gore's TP for

2000. > However on this occassion it is in kendra to Lagna and Lagna

Lord, not 6th > house and 6th lord, so it will favour Obama.Excellent point.Just my inference, which really should be backed by examples of this from previous elections, but time hasn't permitted.With the blessings of Sri Vishnu,Reema.sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@. ..> wrote:>> Hare Rama Krsna ||> > Dear Narasimha,> > Thank you for your exposition. Currently I am unsure about your newly proposed ayanamsa. For example in the chart of Pandit Sanjay Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and 24 (at a quick glance) and in other's charts also I have observed that this can be a very dramatic change.> Nevertheless I wanted to discuss a couple of the Tithi Pravesha rasi charts you mentioned that are mostly the same regardless of which Lahiri

ayanamsa you use.> > Looking ahead to Election > 2008> > The 2008-09 annual TP chart of > John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th > lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord > Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10 min arc. This > happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while Mercury owns > A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna), which is the > seat of power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns > it.> > In this chart I was interested in the rivalry between the AL and the A6. In past lectures you had taught to see malefics in the 3rd and 6th from these to determine the victor in a battle. The 3rd and 6th from AL are dual signs and are aspected by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and one malefic - Mars. This does

not seem formidable. The A6 on the other hand has the Sun and Saturn combination (AK and PiK) aspecting the 3rd house and aspecting a shakti yoga in the 6th house. Seems far more powerful for the enemy to prosper.> > > In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are > conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL > is also with them.> > Mercury is in parivartana with Jupiter, so, would this mean even more reversals? Sun is in MKS, 5th lord (power) is in the 8th house (retirement) , and 3rd lord (vacation) is in the 10th house with badakesh.> > > The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 > pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year and he is in > moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good > factors. But the 5th house

of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus > along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination. > In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and > the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.> 1st lord in the 10th is simhasana yoga, and it is vakra. The longevity of this is seen from the 8th which is the 5th house. This happens to be the 12th from Mars and Saturn bestowing long life to the yoga. Jupiter becomes the AmK (via replacement) in the 10th house.> Also, 8th lord Venus is in parivartana with 5th lord Moon (Yanavantah yoga). The 5th house also has 4th and 9th lords (rajyoga) as well as Sankhya yoga - Sun being the 6th lord in 5th showing he can be the first black President.> AL and A6 are conjoined. This was the scenario in Al Gore's TP for 2000. However on this occassion it is in kendra to Lagna and Lagna Lord, not 6th

house and 6th lord, so it will favour Obama.> > Interestingly in 2000, the judge held the balance. In Gore's 2000 TP chart Jupiter was Lagna Lord and dispositer of Sun and Moon. Jupiter was placed in the 9th from both AL and A6 - so who was he going to protect? A6 proved to be stronger.> > Hope you find some time to comment on these points.> Respectfully,> Michal> > > > > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao pvr vedic astrology; sohamsa@ .com; > Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:09:17 AM> US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction> > > Namaste friends,> > I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at > the charts of the candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was > that both had

controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time looking > at various events using multiple techniques and using various birthtimes in the > vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself of one birthtime > and rectify it further.> > As I have a decent level of confidence in the data > now, I will venture to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed > astrological analysis that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime > fine-tuning and prediction process. Those who just want to read the "prediction" > can directly go to the end.> > * > * *> > Birthtime of Barack > Obama> > Several birthtimes were floated for Barack Obama in > the past. But, when I tried to justify the events in his using a small > fine-tuning of the birthtime in the vicinity of the reported birthtime, I was

> not successful with any time. Something or the other was amiss.> > However, someone sent me the 7:24 birthtime in late June. I found it > satisfactory. It explained all the events I was trying to verify. I will give a > few quick comments using this chart.> > Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), > Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (157 deg 51' 30" W, 21 deg 18' 25" N).> > Capricorn lagna with Saturn and Jupiter gives him pragmatism and also some > optimism and idealism. Saturn in Capricorn lagna with Jupiter is a classical > dhana yoga taught by Parasara and he became rich in Jupiter dasa. Aspect of > Mercury and Sun on lagna and 1st/2nd/3rd lords gives some charm, finesse and > eloquence. Exalted Moon in 5th and Saturn in lagna give mass following. The 10th > lord Venus is in a navamsa of Jupiter and it gave him a teaching profession

> first. Saturn aspects 10th in rasi and is the 9th/10th lord in dasamsa and > occupies 5th with Sun and Rahu. This made him a political activist, reformer and > leader.> > His father left his mother and his mother raised him alone. > In rasi chart, 9th lord is afflicted by 8th lord. In D-12, lagna lord is > debilitated in 12th from 9th lord showing abandonment by father. On the other > hand, 4th lord and lagna lord are in mutual trines and are friends. From the > arudha pada of the 9th lord, Rahu is in 8th with a debilitated planet and > Jupiter is the 2nd lord in 3rd. Rahu-Jupiter antardasa killed father.> > The 9th house in chaturvimsamsa (D-24) shows bachelor education. It > contains debilitated Sun and he studied political science. During Rahu-Jupiter > antardasa, he did bachelors degree. Jupiter has argala on Sun. This was also the > D-24

Narayana dasa of Taurus, which aspects Sun in Libra.> > The 2nd house in D-24 shows next level of education and it is owned by > Jupiter. During the D-24 Narayana dasa of Cp, which contains Jupiter, he went to > Harvard law school. In 1990, he was elected as the first African American > president of Harvard Law Review. This was Venus antardasa. In D-24, Venus is a > yogakaraka in a friendly sign in lagna. He also owns arudha lagna (image and > status) and A5 (arudha pada of 5th, tangible recognition of abilities). In the > 1989-90 annual Tithi Pravesha (soli-lunar return) chart, Jupiter's annual > Tithi Ashtottari dasa gave this unique distinction, which proved useful > later in his life. In D-24, Jupiter is the 9th lord in 9th in moolatrikona > giving fortune. In D-10, he is the lagna and 10th lord exalted in 5th.> > He got married in Oct 1992 in Rahu-Venus

antardasa. Rahu is the 7th lord in > navamsa (D-9). Venus is his dispositor and also the karaka of marriage. In the > D-9 of 1992-93 annual TP chart, Mercury is in 7th and aspects 7th lord in lagna. > From Moon and Venus, he is the 7th lord in 2nd. He aspects UL too. His annual TA > dasa gave marriage.> > He had children in Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter-Mercury. The two children > are shown by the 5th and 7th lords. The 5th lord Mars is in Aquarius alone > showing a female child and debilitated 7th lord Mercury joins Ketu, again > showing a female child. Both his children are girls. The 5th and 5th lord are > aspected by Jupiter while the 7th lord is Mercury. So the antardasas are Jupiter > and Mercury. The dasa is of Jupiter, who is the significator of children and > happens to be the lagna lord in 9th in D-7.> > In 1996, he was elected to Illinois state

senate. Though the election was > in 1996-97, decision of Alice Palmer to endorse him was in 1995. When she lost > the congress seat to Jesse Jackson, Jr, she wanted her Illionois senate seat > back. When Obama refused, Palmer actually contested against him! Then Obama > challeged the ballot signatures of his opponents and all applications including > Palmer's were rejected. Thus Obama won the democratic primary in March 1996 > unopposed. The victory over the republican candidate later in November 1996 was > a mere formality. The real thing was winning the primary in 1996. In the 1995-96 > annual TP chart, the 4th/9th lord Venus and 5th lord Mercury have a conjunction > within half a degree in the 5th house of power! In D-10, arudha padas of 5th and > 10th houses conjoin in Leo lagna and lord Sun is exalted in 9th, aspected by the > 5th lord Sun. His election was in

Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per natal > Vimsottari. Jupiter is the 5th lord from arudha lagna and also owns A5.> > In 1998, he was re-elected comfortably. In the annual TP chart, 9th and > 10th lords Sun and Mercury are together. In D-10, 5th house has 5th lord Jupiter > in moolatrikona with Mercury who owns A5 and A10. Mercury dasa gave the > re-election victory.> > On 2000 March 21, he lost the democratic primary for US congress to > incumbent Bobby Rush. He wanted a jump from being in Illinois senate to US > congress, but failed. This was in Rahu dasa as per annual TA dasa. Rahu afflicts > Sun in rasi chart of annual TP chart, within half a degree. In D-10, Rahu is > with Sun in 12th (i.e. marana karaka sthana for Sun). He lost power.> > In Jupiter-Mercury antardasa in 2002, he came back to power by going back > to Illinois senate. This time,

democrats regained majority after a decade in the > minority. Obama gained an important chairmanship in state senate and built his > legislature portfolio. This was a very important development in his career. In > D-10, Mercury is the 5th lord in 11th from AL and he aspects A5. In rasi, 6th > lord Mercury, 8th lord Sun and 12th lord Jupiter are on 1st-7th axis. Viparita > raja yoga is formed if only dusthana lords join a dusthana without others or if > dusthana lords join in a quadrant with lagna lord. Here the second kind is > formed. Both Jupiter and Mercury take part in it. In the annual TP chart of > 2002-03, 9th lord Jupiter and 4th lord Venus give a raja yoga in 11th, in the > 7th from AL. A5 (tangible articles reflecting on recognition) , A9 (tangible > articles reflecting on fortune) and A3 (tangible articles reflecting on > initiative) are together in lagna, showing a

year of fortune, power and > initiative. He used the position to introduce new legislature and build up his > portfolio for future campaigns.> > He came to national prominence with a > rousing speech at the last DNC in July 2004 and it was in Venus antardasa. Venus > is the 5th and 10th lord in rasi chart. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in AL. > Annual TP chart of 2003-04 has 1st, 7th, 9th and 10th lords together in 8th > (suddenness) in rasi and also Gaja-Kesari yoga in in D-10 and the sudden > success/fame came in the year.> > In Nov 2004 in the same Venus antardasa, he was elected to US senate. In > the annual TP chart of 2004-05, 5th lord Saturn and 9th lord Venus are in 10th. > In D-10, yogakaraka Saturn is in 10th in own house. The 5th lord Mercury > occupies A5 in the 5th house from AL and his annual TA dasa gave the electoral >

victory.> > An acclaimed book by him called "The Audacity of Hope" was > published in October 2006 in Jupiter-Venus- Mercury pratyantardasa. Venus is the > owner of A3 (a tangible article reflecting on one's communication skills, e.g. > books) and Mercury is the karaka of writing.> > In his annual TP return chart of 2007-08, dasamsa has 10th lord Jupiter in > 10th with 9th lord and aspected by 7th lord Mercury in own sign. Jupiter's > annual dasa during Jan 7-March 9, 2008 catapulted him to the front-runner > position. Rahu is the 12th lord who afflicts this combination and his dasa > during March 9-April 17, 2008 prolonged the battle. Venus dasa brought his > primary victory. Venus is the lagna lord with yogakaraka Saturn giving a raja > yoga in 4th and in AL in rasi chart. In D-10, he occupies moolatrikona in 8th > and gives sudden developments. He is in

A5 and in the 5th from AL. So the > victory makes sense.> > * > * *> > Birthtime of John > McCain> > Though there is a 11 am birthtime in circulation, it makes no sense when > checked with life events. I took the 9 am birthtime and rectified it by 8 > minutes.> > Birthdata: 1936 August 29, 9:08:10 am (5:00 west of GMT), > 79 deg 52' W, 9 deg 22' N> > Lagna is Virgo with Mercury in it. He is an > intelligent and logical man. Debilitated Ketu is in AL in intellectual > Gemini and he is seen as a maverick and an unconventional politician. He has > vargottama lagna and has a strong individuality. Because of vargottama lagna, > Sataabdika dasa applies and it works better than Vimsottari dasa.> > He was > married on 1965 July 3. This was Jupiter-Jupiter antardasa as per Sataabdika

> dasa. Jupiter is the 7th lord in D-9 and dispositor of Venus. In the D-9 of > 1964-65 annual TP chart, 7th lord Mars is in 11th with lagna lord Venus. Annual > Tithi Ashtottari (TA) dasa of Mars brought marriage.> > In the 1967-68 > annual TP chart, ruler of the year Moon is in marana karaka sthana in 8th house > and he is in mrityu bhaga. This was a terrible year that started a 5 year > imprisonment. Also, the 3rd house is in mrityu bhaga and his bravery was tested > badly. Based on natal dasa, it was the beginning of Jupiter dasa. Jupiter is the > 4th lord of comfort and in marana karaka sthana. In D-4, he is in the 12th house > in an inimical sign with the 12th lord. This can show loss of residential > comfort and even imprisonment. In D-10, Jupiter is afflicted by a strong Rahu in > Aquarius lagna and gives Guru-Chandala yoga. So there was a big setback in

> career. Antardasa was that of Mars. Mars is the 8th lord and occupies A8. He can > give an accident. In D-4, he is in the 8th house and can deprive of residence. > In D-10, he is in 10th and can show an acceident/setback in career.> > He > was released on 1973 March 14. In the natal D-4 and rasi, Saturn is in 6th > showing a victory and removal of obstacles. His antardasa brought the release. > In the annual TP chart of 1972-73, 9th lord Venus in 10th and 4th lord Jupiter > in 4th give a raja yoga and can show reaching home. Venus-Jupiter antardasa as > per annual TA dasa was running. Jupiter is with Moon in Sagittarius and shows > becoming famous.> > The 10th lord in D-10 is Mars and show military career. > Sun is the 7th lord, occupies 11th and aspects 5th. Sun antardasa started in > 1977 and he served as navy's liaison to senate. This was the

beginning of his > political career.> > In Feb 1980, he was divorced. In the annual TP chart's > navamsa, 7th lord Jupiter is in 8th. From the 7th house of marriage, Venus is > the 8th lord in 7th and is a maraka. He is combust in lagna with Sun. His dasa > brought divorce. Dasa of Moon in 7th brought the second marriage on 1980 May 17. > In natal navamsa, Venus is the 2nd lord (2nd is the 8th from 7th and shows the > end of first marriage and also the coming of second marriage). Venus antardasa > brought the divorce and second marriage.> > He retired from navy on 1981 > April 1. Venus is in the 7th house (2nd house from the 6th house of service) in > D-10 of annual TP chart. In Venus-Venus, his service ended.> > In 1982 > November, he was elected to US congress from Arizona. In annual TP chart, > 10th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars

are together giving a raja yoga. In D-10, > lagna lord Sun is in the 5th house of power and 5th lord Jupiter aspects Leo > lagna from Aquarius. In Jupiter dasa, he was elected to congress. As per natal > dasa, Mercury dasa was running. Mercury is the 5th lord of power in the 7th > house with 10th lord Ketu.> > In 1986-87 annual TP chart, 5th house has > exalted 5th lord Mercury (who is the ruler of the year). In D-10, 5th lord Venus > is in 9th and 9th lord Saturn is exalted in 5th. Moreover, there is Gaja-Kesari > yoga on the 10th house axis. Dasa of 10th lord Jupiter gave him success in > senate elections. As per natal dasa, this is Mars dasa. Mars is the 10th lord in > the 5th from AL. More importantly, he gives the results of Ketu, who gives raja > yoga with Mercury in 7th (5th and 10th lords together).> > In 1999-2000 > annual TP chart, lagna

lord Moon is afflicted by 8th lord Rahu. Other 8th lord > Saturn is in 5th house of power. The 12th lord of loss Mercury is with > debilitated Sun and their dispositor Venus happens to be badhakesha and he is > retrograde in 2nd. During the dasa of exalted Jupiter in D-10 lagna, he did > well. But he ran into troubles in Venus dasa and dropped out.> > In 2006-07 > annual TP chart, 8th lord Mars is in 10th. During Mars dasa in summer, his > campaign fell apart.> > In 2007-08 annual TP chart, 9th lord Jupiter is in > 5th and 5th/10th lord Mars is in 11th and they aspect each other. In D-10 also, > 9th and 10th lords Jupiter and Mars are in samasaptaka. Amatya karaka Venus is > in arudha lagna in the 5th house. In the annual TA dasa of Venus, he emerged as > the presumptive replublican nominee.> > * > * *> >

Looking ahead to Election > 2008> > Right now, John McCain is running the Saturn dasa > Saturn antardasa as per natal Satabdika dasa. Saturn is the 6th lord in 6th in > rasi. In D-10, he is the lagna lord in the 10th house. He is in 7th from AL. He > owns the rajya pada (A10). The pratyantardasa at the time of election will be > Mercury's. He owns and aspects the 5th house in D-10 and exalted in lagna in > rasi. > The 2008-09 annual TP chart of > John McCain is cast for 2008 Sept 11 at 11:06:45 pm. In this chart, 5th > lord Mercury is exalted in 5tyh. Lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord > Mercury are conjoined in the 5th house of power within a 1 deg 10 min arc. This > happens in the 9th house of AL (arudha lagna)! Mars owns A10, while Mercury owns > A5. They happen to be in the 7th house from GL (Ghatika Lagna), which is the > seat of

power. Rajya sahamam falls in Gemini and Mercury owns > it.> > In D-10 also, lagna lord Venus, 7th lord Mars and 5th lord Mercury are > conjoined in the 8th house of sudden reversals and A5 is also there. In fact, GL > is also with them.> > At the time of elections, Sun, Mercury and Mars transit in his 10th > house.> > Though 2007-08 annual TP chart of McCain is not promising and explains the > lacklustre performance in opinion polls until now, it is likely that he will > pick up steam after Sept 11.> > Now let us see the chart of Barack Obama. Jupiter-Moon antardasa is > running. Moon is in the 12th house in D-10 and has the potential to give a > loss.> > The annual TP chart of Barack Obama is cast for 2008 July 26 at 10:04 > pm. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter is also the ruler of the year and he is in >

moolatrikona in 10th. The 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd. These are all good > factors. But the 5th house of power contains 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus > along with 7th lord Mercury and 9th lord Ketu. This is not a good combination. > In D-10, lagna lord Jupiter is in 8th. The 10th lord Mercury is in 6th and > the 5th lord Mars is in 4th. Neither shows political power.> > John McCain has a considerably higher chance of winning than Barack > Obama.> > * > * *> > Final Prediction> > Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But, McCain's > campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and > October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.> > When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I will > re-visit this prediction and see

if there is any modification. But, as things > stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both Obama and McCain > and my expectation is that McCain will win.> Best > regards,> Narasimha> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> Do > Ganapathi Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> Free > Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> Free > Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> Sri > Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------->

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Dear Narashima,


Vakya Panchang doesn't have ayanamsa.It doesn't show degree for grahas.

It is very popular in south Tamil nadu.

May in Andra also.. Please write something about this.



Venkatesh--- On Wed, 13/8/08, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr wrote:

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr Re: US Presidential Election 2008 Predictionsohamsa Date: Wednesday, 13 August, 2008, 8:09 AM






Of course, it can be a "dramatic change" when a planet is on a border. With Lahiri ayanamsa, Sanjay ji's Moon is just below 20 deg in Aq, i.e. just at the end of Satabhishak.


If ayanamsa is reduced by merely 1 arc-min, it takes Moon above 20 deg and changes his nakshatra, navamsa, drekkana, dwadasamsa, siddhamsa, shahstyamsa etc.


The issue is not that this ayanamsa changes things "dramatically" . It actually changes things only by a few arc-min at the most and that is not "dramatic". The issue is that a planet is on a critical boundary in this chart.


In such a case, whether you accept my proposed fixed-plane ayanamsa or not, the bottomline is that you cannot be confident that the ayanamsa you are using is perfect and not having even 1 arc-min of error. Even if ayanamsa is perfect (how can you be so sure), a change in birthtime by 2 min can change Moon's longitude to above 20 deg. Thus, you cannot be too sure of Moon's nakshatra, navamsa etc.



People often take the calculations of software to be perfect and assume that everything is known perfectly. That is wrong. People should realize that each parameter (birthtime, ayanamsa etc) could have an error and realize the impact on various calculations. When a specific calculation is on a border, one should consider both the cases. We do that kind of analysis all the time in my Boston class.

BTW, I and Sanjay discussed several years ago whether his star is Satabhishak or Poorvabhadra (because it is right on the border). Sanjay wasn't sure then, but said that his grandfather thought his star was Poorvabhadra!


Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> > Dear Narasimha,> > > > Thank you for your exposition. Currently I am unsure about your> newly proposed ayanamsa. For example in the chart of Pandit Sanjay> Rath the Moon sign changes in D9, 12, and 24 (at a quick glance) and> in other's charts also I have observed that this can be a very> dramatic change.> > Nevertheless I wanted to discuss a couple of the Tithi Pravesha rasi> charts you mentioned that are mostly the same regardless of which> Lahiri ayanamsa you use.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess the events of September are not exactly positive for McCain and it seems


positive for Obama with the Economy being on top of the radar.


With all due respect to your in depth analysis of both their horoscopes, I feel

that the

conclusion you have come may not be the right one. In astrology, like politics.

it is

sometimes good to keep things simple and stick to the fundamentals - KISS works


(Keep it simple Stupid) - no offense to your analysis which could very well be

true. Only

time can tell. Also, I believe in analyzing other factors such as the time Vice


picks were announced, the charts of the potential VP's. etc before coming to a




Here is my 2 cents -


Obama with Capricorn ascendant - is currently running the period of

Jupiter/moon/mercury. Jupiter even though the lord of 3rd and 12th, is

debilitated and

retrograde and is strong in its own navamsa. Jupiter also gets neechabanga in

more than

one way. Since the start of Jupiter dasa, things have been very beneficial for


Gochara on election day remains very positive for him (Ketu in 3rd, mars and sun

in 6th

from moon, transit moon in 9th from natal moon). The bukthi is that of the moon

in its

own nakshatra and powerful (exalted) in the 5th house. Jupiter and moon are

trine to each

other. Mercury the sub sub period lord is lord of the 9th house and in its own


Also, Obama's navamsa chart is exceptionally strong in many respects. On Jan 20,


transit jupiter will be trining his natal Jupiter and in the 9th from his moon -

indicates him

being sworn in as the next president of the USA. Also, I have analyzed the


times of their VP picks and the announcement time of Joe Biden was exceptionally


(Mithuna lagna with Jupiter in the 7th) compared to the Palin pick (Thula lagna

- with

lagna lord debilitated in 12th). Also, analysis of their individual charts with

respect to the

USA chart shows Obama's more closely related especially with respect the onset

of mars

dasa in the USA chart). Joe biden's chart is also exceptionally strong at this



Mccain - Let us start with his gochara, Saturn in the 8th from the moon does not


the current period being good. Chances of scandals breaking out, potential

health related

issues are very high. A debilitated Mars aspecting the moon in his natal chart -

shows his

temperament and issues relating to anger. Transit saturn is on his natal sun in

leo. Moon

along with Jupiter will be on his janma rashi on election day (indicating

stress). Also, he is

running Saturn/Jupiter/Mars which is an average period. Mars is also debilitated

in the

11th. His lagna lord Mercury is debilitated in Navamasa - does not indicate high


such as president. Palin's chart is also strong, no wonder she came from nowhere

to being

famous. But her moon is also in capricorn indicating similar weakness as McCain

and also

her announcement chart is extremely weak.





vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr wrote:


> Namaste Raja,


> Well, Mars-Rahu combination in the 8th house can show assassination, but it

can show

other things too.


> Jaimini taught that the 3rd from the stronger of the arudha padas of 1st and

7th will

show the nature and circumstances of death. In all the charts of assassinated

leaders that I

saw, there IS malefic influence, especially that of nodes.


> The 3rd from Barack Obama's AL and A7 has neither conjunction nor sign aspect


nodes or any malefics. Thus, I am not concerned about assassination.


> Regarding profession, navamsa is one factor. I primarily look at D-10. While


focus on 10th, I look at 2nd, 6th and 10th in D-10 and find the strongest

influence on

those. Rasi is important because it is the existence in the physical plane. D-10


important because it throws light on the professional environment. D-9 is


because it throws light on the blessings from past. All are important. But the

chart that

throws light specifically on the professional environment is perhaps the most


Others may disagree.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> , " Raja Gursahani " <rajagursahani@> wrote:

> >

> > narasimha nice analysis, was wondering do you see assasination for barack

> > obama. the rahu mars combinations suggests so. i was wondering if you found

> > that to be the case? also your method for determining the profession is

> > based on the position of the 10th lord of the rasi in the navamsa correct?

> >

> > __________

> >

> > Raja Gursahani

> > (: 559.474.8576

> > ,: rajagursahani@




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  • 1 month later...

Dear Members,


It was a bold prediction by Mr. PVR on Mc Cain Election............. as

per the news today at this moment.... Mr. Obama has won the election for

Presidentship of USA.




Knowledge and Predictive ability are two different things. We can

justify events based on astrology data.....i.e. perfect fixing astrology

- as some one - Termed it .


With regards,







, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr



> Namaste friends,


> I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts of the

candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that both

had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time looking at

various events using multiple techniques and using various birthtimes in

the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself of one

birthtime and rectify it further.


As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will venture

to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological analysis

that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and

prediction process. Those who just want to read the " prediction " can

directly go to the end.


* * *


Final Prediction


Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But, McCain's

campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and

October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I

will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any modification. But,

as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of both

Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win.


Best regards,







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Namaste Sreeram


its probably one of those calculation where astrolger

soometimes goofs up


but if you follow his predictions many have gone right too


So,it was just a one-of situation where his readings misfired

it can happen to anybody , lets not make a issue of it





, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> It was a bold prediction by Mr. PVR on Mc Cain

Election............. as

> per the news today at this moment.... Mr. Obama has won the

election for

> Presidentship of USA.


> Conclusion:


> Knowledge and Predictive ability are two different things. We can

> justify events based on astrology data.....i.e. perfect fixing


> - as some one - Termed it .


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas





> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts

of the

> candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that


> had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time

looking at

> various events using multiple techniques and using various

birthtimes in

> the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself

of one

> birthtime and rectify it further.


> As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will


> to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological


> that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and

> prediction process. Those who just want to read the " prediction "


> directly go to the end.


> * * *

> >

> Final Prediction


> Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But,


> campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and

> October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


> When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are

available, I

> will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any

modification. But,

> as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of


> Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha






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Dear Member ,


I remember of having seen Pranavji's (Madhuji) prediction in 2007

january in Sandy Crawther's AR list in MSN declaring that Obama will

be the next prex of US.







, " sreeram srinivas " <sreeram64




> Dear Members,


> It was a bold prediction by Mr. PVR on Mc Cain Election.............


> per the news today at this moment.... Mr. Obama has won the election


> Presidentship of USA.


> Conclusion:


> Knowledge and Predictive ability are two different things. We can

> justify events based on astrology data.....i.e. perfect fixing


> - as some one - Termed it .


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas





> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " pvr@

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts of


> candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that both

> had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time looking


> various events using multiple techniques and using various birthtimes


> the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself of


> birthtime and rectify it further.


> As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will venture

> to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological


> that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and

> prediction process. Those who just want to read the " prediction " can

> directly go to the end.


> * * *

> >

> Final Prediction


> Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But,


> campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and

> October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


> When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are available, I

> will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any modification.


> as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of


> Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha






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Thanks Sreeram.


Now wouldn't you agree its good to have least one of either

knowledge or predictive ability, either of which it can be argued

you seem to lack?


The majority of your posts seem to target specific persons,and

nothing much else.


Take care,




, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> It was a bold prediction by Mr. PVR on Mc Cain

Election............. as

> per the news today at this moment.... Mr. Obama has won the

election for

> Presidentship of USA.


> Conclusion:


> Knowledge and Predictive ability are two different things. We can

> justify events based on astrology data.....i.e. perfect fixing


> - as some one - Termed it .


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas





> , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts

of the

> candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that


> had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time

looking at

> various events using multiple techniques and using various

birthtimes in

> the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself

of one

> birthtime and rectify it further.


> As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will


> to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological


> that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and

> prediction process. Those who just want to read the " prediction "


> directly go to the end.


> * * *

> >

> Final Prediction


> Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But,


> campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September and

> October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.


> When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are

available, I

> will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any

modification. But,

> as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes of


> Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha






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Predicting for celebrities or political figures is always risky; the

birth time being never accurate. Whatever source we can claim, I do

not consider these birth times being accurate.


I do not blame individuals for that. It is just an attempt to use the

knowledege with the available birth data. What we have to look at is

the analysis and reasoning one provides; that is what is important

for learners.


Satya S Kolachina


, " maniv_pathak "

<maniv_pathak wrote:


> Thanks Sreeram.


> Now wouldn't you agree its good to have least one of either

> knowledge or predictive ability, either of which it can be argued

> you seem to lack?


> The majority of your posts seem to target specific persons,and

> nothing much else.


> Take care,


> Maniv


> , " sreeram srinivas "

> <sreeram64@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > It was a bold prediction by Mr. PVR on Mc Cain

> Election............. as

> > per the news today at this moment.... Mr. Obama has won the

> election for

> > Presidentship of USA.

> >

> > Conclusion:

> >

> > Knowledge and Predictive ability are two different things. We


> > justify events based on astrology data.....i.e. perfect fixing

> astrology

> > - as some one - Termed it .

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > Sreeram_Srinivas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste friends,

> > >

> > > I finally got time in the last few weeks to look at the charts

> of the

> > candidates for US presidential election 2008. The issue was that

> both

> > had controversial birthtimes and I needed to spend some time

> looking at

> > various events using multiple techniques and using various

> birthtimes in

> > the vicinity of the given birthtimes, in order to convince myself

> of one

> > birthtime and rectify it further.

> >

> > As I have a decent level of confidence in the data now, I will

> venture

> > to make a prediction. I will give all the detailed astrological

> analysis

> > that went into this birthtime picking, birthtime fine-tuning and

> > prediction process. Those who just want to read the " prediction "

> can

> > directly go to the end.

> >

> > * * *

> > >

> > Final Prediction

> >

> > Until mid-September, Obama will seem to have an advantage. But,

> McCain's

> > campaign will pick up steam during the second half of September


> > October. John McCain will win the US presidential election 2008.

> >

> > When (if) the charts of Vice Presidential candidates are

> available, I

> > will re-visit this prediction and see if there is any

> modification. But,

> > as things stand now, I am comfortable with the final horoscopes


> both

> > Obama and McCain and my expectation is that McCain will win.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Satja, Marg, Narasimha,


Thank you all for this exercise. It's process of interpretation that counts-

Narasimha has given such a good astro-analysis, many of us benefited

from studying it, even though we all knew, Narasimha as well, that Obama had a

lead, in real life. Sticking with data at hand is the most precious in

sharpening our tools, not 'overstretching' the rules-  for predictions for the

sake of predictions we have psychics, LOL.  


We all know about problems with birth time, special

circumstances...and predictions, in general, let alone those related  to public

persons. But, the beauty of having predictions is in explanation/experimentation

with astrological data- I've enjoyed studying all explanations- from whoever

wanted to share knowledge, not minding about being right.

I wish we had more of  this.

On the election day, the prominent factor, as Marg brought to our attention, was

Saturn / Uran opposition- It seems that larger pattern was in stake,

that Obama's victory was just instrumental in manifesting it. In one mail Marg

mentioned that nicely. Those born in crucial phases of Sa/Ur, /bigger planets in

general/ know first hand how it looks like to be 'swept' by bigger pattern.

Obama's victory is not a lottery, it comes with huge pressure attached.

I feel it simply couldn't  be 'clear cut' (Ve/Ju) event!



America was obviously ready for this turning point, the time was ripe,  " critical

amount of energy " has been accumulated to shake old equilibrium of forces.

World is in major flux,

not an easy task for Obama /available astro data indicate that ... - Since he's

proved able to deal  with

adversities /all his life/, let's hope and pray for the best.












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Thanks for this post.

First of all I would like to say that the Venus Jupiter connection seems to me

to be one which can give a sound moral basis. I have noticed for some time now

that where the connection exists in a person's chart they have a strong sense of

moral law guiding them in relationships, when other factors might suggest a

'loose nature' could develop.

Due to Venus ruling politics, it would seem natural to apply the sense of moral

obligation to the political field when Venus is influenced by Jupiter.

In Obama's case, the key note of his campaign was the fact he did not resort to

negativity, or to merely pouring scorn and contempt on his opponents-- a sure

sign of losing the argument!. He was guided by an enormous amount of sound

moral principle, and many people have commented on this.

I know many astrologers don't like using the outer planets, though tradition

does show that these do influence nations. For me the Uranus and Neptune mutual

exchange show exactly what is happening in the US where some 'murky' Neptunian

influences are at work, but also some Uranian 'inspirational' and uplifting ones

also which can bring about changes.

Amazing that Obama chose for his slogan 'change' when Uranus was influencing the

mid heaven at the time of US voting! The planets rule OK:-)

best wishes M







Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:37 AM

Re: Re: US Presidential Election 2008 Prediction



Dear Satja, Marg, Narasimha,


Thank you all for this exercise. It's process of interpretation that counts-

Narasimha has given such a good astro-analysis, many of us benefited from

studying it, even though we all knew, Narasimha as well, that Obama had a lead,

in real life. Sticking with data at hand is the most precious in sharpening our

tools, not 'overstretching' the rules- for predictions for the sake of

predictions we have psychics, LOL.


We all know about problems with birth time, special circumstances...and

predictions, in general, let alone those related to public persons. But, the

beauty of having predictions is in explanation/experimentation with astrological

data- I've enjoyed studying all explanations- from whoever wanted to share

knowledge, not minding about being right.

I wish we had more of this.

On the election day, the prominent factor, as Marg brought to our attention,


Saturn / Uran opposition- It seems that larger pattern was in stake,

that Obama's victory was just instrumental in manifesting it. In one mail Marg

mentioned that nicely. Those born in crucial phases of Sa/Ur, /bigger planets in

general/ know first hand how it looks like to be 'swept' by bigger pattern.

Obama's victory is not a lottery, it comes with huge pressure attached.

I feel it simply couldn't be 'clear cut' (Ve/Ju) event!



America was obviously ready for this turning point, the time was ripe,

" critical amount of energy " has been accumulated to shake old equilibrium of


World is in major flux,

not an easy task for Obama /available astro data indicate that ... - Since

he's proved able to deal with

adversities /all his life/, let's hope and pray for the best.






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