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RE: [hanskpvedic] Manmohan Singh Govt.

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The Analysis at bottom was [purely academic to look at various points after

results, any way this had taught me many things,


I do not rely upon this , when Moon and Mercury were playing the roll

heavily and relied on the BJP and Congress chart based analysis.


This was printed in Media on 22nd July ,Punjab Kesri , can be read in Delhi



For the group members , I am pasting it below. Also the members shall

remember that I predicted No election before October 2008 and a possibility

of Congress Government if elections happen again during October November

2008, and it is possible that this Government may complete its term.


Analyzing the charts of BJP, Congress and India Independence , It looks

like that elections will happen at full time. And due to gain of Strength of

BJP chart , the next Government will be lead by BJP and alliances.





Dear Mr Raj,


I am sending my analysis of the present politics, It looks as it is very

difficult to decide. The Horary analysis posted in the Group is not reliable

because , its results came tuned with the mind of Press Reporter , whom I

think was not serious


Till date I had used Congress and BJP birth charts to assess the political

scene of India , because to form Govt in center one among two must be in

Govt or supporting party.


The Congress time I had used 10.00 AM 22.11.1969 New Delhi.


Using Nadi astrology I predicted long back during the previous elections

times that the Saturn crossing Natal Ketu point of Birth chart of Congress

will give boost to the Congress as it is to face nothing but Jupiter and

Venus in Libra who are placed in Libra the exalted sign of Saturn. In

between lies the sign of Mercury having element effect of Mars from

Capricorn now associated with transit Rahu was very dangerous ; Rahu could

have grasped Mars , but it is not easy with Saturn joining this Mars due to

exchange strength; it reflects awkward ties for the Congress yet after the

coming elections at least up to August 2011Rahu grasping Mars can be

compared with Left parties leaving the Congress. Exchange effective can be

seen with other parties supporting Congress. The Saturn crosses natal Ketu

point on 6th November 2008, thus Congress is in dangerous zone, with only

safety due to transit Jupiter from Sagittarius, retrogression effect ,

strengthen it further. Hence Congress gain a little after 6th November 2008

, but had much favorable transit after August 2011.


A fall of Congress Government can not ruled out, but let us study it

further. if BJP will benefit in any way from Elections or these transits or

it is 3rd front gains, let us look at BJP chart if it confirms this.


BJP in the present form took birth on 6.4.1980 at 11.40 AM IST at Delhi.


The 3rd house had very awkward combination of Mars +Rahu + Jupiter +Saturn

with Jupiter and Rahu both retrograde , Mercury interfering in this in

between the degrees of Jupiter and Saturn.


Mercury Ketu in 9th with Saturn Jupiter aspect give Raj Yoga in Prashari

terminology with Mars lowering its strength on the one hand and giving in

another through being Moon sign lord.


Violence is visible in both Congress and BJP chart , the style is different

.. Rahu acting in the both cases Congress gets Public favor , while the BJP

gets allegation, Look at the Congress chart Jupiter protecting and strong

due to Venus having benefit of rumor and overconfidence. Whereas Jupiter is

in the same sign escape Swallow from Rahu by replacement of Sun over here.

The Violence cause loss of power and projection of BJP as playing religious

Cards , which gives fame/defame but damages politics as Sun get the

association of his bitter enemies Rahu and Saturn in 3rd house.


Coming to present transit.


Jupiter retrograde aspect from Sagittarius to Natal Saturn is a very strong

life line for BJP.Jupiter yet retrograde is likely to move toward the points

of Natal Saturn up to 1st week of December 2008


Saturn in Leo and direct will give strength to Natal Saturn of BJP up to

1st week of the year 2009.


3rd parameter axis Rahu is moving in Capricorn making trine with Sun and

also involving Jupiter due to exchange , but it cause strength to Sun and it

is not easy for Rahu to gallop Sun due to support of his Guru Jupiter.


Saturn transit in Virgo had a clear support of Venus from Taurus , with

transit Jupiter moving to Capricorn will give strength to Natal Venus of BJP



Looking at the Dasha charter, the BJP is under the control of Venus

Mahadasha , Mercury antra since 5th May 2008. Mercury is in Jupiter star ,

10th lord and Mercury sub , Saturn is his rashi lord in Sun star Moon sub

strongly watching his activities. This all favor BJP.


Looking at Congress Chart , when Saturn will cross the points of hurdle but

then Mars Rahu effect will be there in the next house.


Jupiter transit in Sagittarius up to 10 degrees due to Mars and then due to

Saturn up to 19 degrees save its life, hence it is on oxygen provided due to

Jupiter from 17th Feb to 29th September 2008 after which it start

protecting Ketu +Transit Saturn in 9th house up to 16th November then this

life saving transit planet is to face transit Rahu in Feb 2009(transit over

transit may have little negative effect without any support from Natal).


The Congress is under the Vishmotary Mahadasha of Mars ; Mars is in Moon

star and Mercury sub, exalted shifted to asc in Cusp chart.


Eighth means revenue income or inheritance cause, Congress as well Manmohan

Singh had ruled as Revenue earning to them , the previously done work and

fame is paying like Pension paid to person for his loyalty and work.


The Antra Dasha is of Venus in 10th cusp , Venus is in Jupiter star , lord

of 3rd and asc cusp is 9th occupant , cannot be considered bad from fame

point of view but as in 9th cause loss of rule.


The Partayantra is of Moon who is a strong significator of 10th , shows

torture , due to malefic association but not loss during the period of Moon

that is 1st July to 5th August 2008.Even if Congress is to lose then that

means it shall work at least up to 5th August 2008.


It also mean that Congress can rule till 29th September 2008 and even after

that up to November.


I had seen in the past that when both the charts that is BJP and Congress

loose strength , 3rd front Gains with the support of Party having some



From the above explanations it is clear that the BJP chart will gain

strength after Feb 2009 , and if elections or results of Elections comes

during this period, we will be having a BJP majority Coalition Govt. Thus

the Full times elections will be much in favor of BJP.


The Congress chart is under affliction s but with protection from Jupiter

transit, this means even if it loose the Confidence Motion , the 3rd front

cannot yet form the Govt. And if elections are held during November December

we will have again the same type of Government. The protection from Jupiter,

Saturn Mars exchange suggest that Congress can win the Confidence Motion .


Both the Charts of Congress and BJP are under favorable transit , with

again we may have a neck to neck fight for survival.






Inder Jit Sahni,#1351-HIG,Model Town, Bhatinda-151001






hanskpvedic [hanskpvedic ] On

Behalf Of Inder Jit Sahni

Saturday, July 19, 2008 1:07 PM

hanskpvedic ;

Cc: Shiv Kumar Goel

[hanskpvedic] Manmohan Singh Govt.




One Press reporter had questioned about the coming Confidence Motion of the

Parliament House and give me KP no. 3 for its calculation.


I had calculated this Horary at 11.15 am at Bhatinda 30.12.N 75.00.E (The

exact longitude latitude of my house are 30 degree 11 minutes 36.55 seconds

North and 74.57.55 (d.m.s)East)


The KP No. ascendant is at 3 degrees Aries Mars as Sign lord Ketu as Star

lord and Sun as Star lord.


Sun is in Jupiter star Rahu sub , Horary is about fate of the Public

through politics as Sun is in 4rth and Jupiter is in 9th.


The 6th cusp lord is Sun with no planet in Sun star, Sun becomes the

strongest significator of 6th house. There might be a confusion in the mind

, that when to approach public for Votes as Jupiter the star lord is



On 20 the Sun will move to the star of Saturn which favors opponents . And

the Saturn will move to Venus star on 29th July. Venus too being in 4rth is

favoring opposition.


Saturn is 4rth 8th and 10th sub lord.


It is in 5th and is lord of 11th and 12th house with his mooltrikona sign in



From 21st July this Horary will be under the Dasha of Rahu Venus Moon Rahu.


Rahu in the 11th cusp is the most suspicious star being in its own sub and

in the star of Mars and sign of Saturn , but Saturn and Mars also refers to

10th and 11th with the sub lords.


A very typical position to decide.


Taking the help of ruling planets


The Ascendant is ruled by Merc Moon Rahu


Moon is ruled by Saturn Moon Rahu


And the day is Saturday


Looks like a fun question , Moon and Mercury strongly ruling. With others

mischievous planets Saturn and Rahu emerging as strong rulers.


The actual happenings go contrary to the calculated results.


Only the astrologer will power or divine grace can help in such situation.


The Sun 1st cusp sub lord winning through the absentees from the Voting. As

Sun is in Jupiter star and Jupiter is Retograde.


And the Sun is strong significator of 6th , occupying 4rth having many

others 4rth house significator.


The 7th sub lord Venus is in Saturn star , in 5th but is lord of 12th and

11th Thus it favors opponents in such a way that it looks like ultimately

suiting to Manmohan singh.


The Horary in exact indicate the immediate loss to the Manmohan Singh Govt.

but a winning and favor from the Public.


With Sun moving to Saturn star the PM may be in a serious thought of

Resigning and fighting back through Public as Saturn is 11th and 12th

lord.The dates of Elections can be announced after Saturn move to Venus



The Election may begin after Jupiter going direct that is 9th September in

such a way that new Government may form in the end of October 2008.


The correct outcome of this question depends on the seriousness of the

questioner and the God grace on me. I am posting this analysis purely as

academic .


Inder Jit Sahni,#1351-HIG,Model Town, Bhatinda-151001










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