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For those interested in the way the mundane charts are working out for this

election, though of course this is only my interp, it is a tropical based one,

it wuold be interesting to compare with anyone who has a sidereal one?

US Elections 2009


Where Solzenizin meets Scott Fitzgerald.




The Solar ingress September 22 2009 has Saturn in 10 house in Virgo, where on 10

July it met with Mars. This combination of Saturn with Mars in Virgo heralded a

major preference for African affairs which I discussed in a previous article in

an online journal for astrologers, in which I predicted that this alone was sign

enough that the US would favour Barack Obama in these elections.




A direct correlation between the solar ingress and major Saturn/Mars conjunction

was predicted by Raphael to be serious and to produce war. It can be relied upon

to imply major riots if not revolutions of a grand order, especially where the

working classes are concerned, and 'slaves' and those who are oppressed. It

brings danger to governments, kings and rulers of countries ruled by sign Virgo

especially but Piscean ruled places are also implicated. Many astrologers

believe the US has a Virgo ascendant therefore this particular conjunction was

always going to be especially significant for this country.




Although Raphael gives Cancer ascendant to Africa, my own researches kept

showing significant important events at the recurrence of Saturn with Mars in

Virgo. Saturn with Mars bring riots, fires, insurrections and even plotting and

scheming of the most Machiavellian nature due to a 'black magic' connotation of

two malefics together.




The fact that for the US these two planets met in Virgo which appears in tenth

at the solar ingress at Autumn equinox, was warning enough, but compare that

chart with the recent New Moon on 28th October to see more warnings of what to

expect over the coming week of elections.




The first house has Taurus ruling, the sin of ease, wealth, and self indulgence,

with ruler Venus in eight illustrating a nation which questions these values, is

in distress and crying out for legislative and administrative change, and a new

contract with it's government due to an exchange between Venus, Jupiter, Saturn

(ruler of tenth) and Mercury (ruler of government ministers in sixth house of

enmity and hostility)




The second house of revenue, the stock exchange, banks and commerce is ruled by

Gemini, sign of same affairs and communication, but also a sign of instability

in these affairs along with a cavalier approach towards them. Ruler Mercury is

in sixth house of the working classes, slaves and ordinary people, it is the

house of health, public welfare, debt, and competition, and it heralds the

election but also illustrates the state of the nation’s economic affairs which

are in a complete state of flux due to the sub prime mortgage scandal amongst

other things.




The third house of transport, trade and foreign relations and the media and the

stage, is ruled by Cancer the sign of caring but also indecision and emotional

obfuscation. Ruler moon in seventh house of foreign trade and relations combines

with mars to demonstrate the Iraq war which has played a significant role in

ruining the standing of the country on the world stage. It speaks of the

wrangling over the energy crisis and the impact on media, transport and stocks

and shares as well as on oil prices which affect the US trading relations with

other countries.




The fourth house is ruled by Leo, a very proud and kingly, if dominant sign. The

fourth is the house of the opposition party and clearly the run up to the

elections has shown the opposition to be more fit for the purpose of ruling than

the present incumbents of the White House. Ruler Sun in seven indicates the

dispute between the opposition and government and in Scorpio with Mars and the

Moon, it screams of murky waters, surreptitious deeds and self undoing of the

government due to the Scorpio influence, a debilitated moon, and ruler Mars of

twelfth house of self undoing, plotting and scheming.


Secret overseas deals with oil companies and energy corporatism is clearly shown

in the conjunction between Mars, Moon and Sun, with transport issues signalled

as disputes arise over crude oil prices to sustain the nations motoring and

energy demands.




Similarly the fourth house of land, property and public buildings are under

dispute with secrets connected to the 7/11 bombings becoming more exposed to

public attention. The moon or media which it rules makes public these hidden

actions of Mars. The loss of homes is starred by ruler of twelfth of loss

combining with the Sun which rules land and property affairs. This combination

doesn't augur well for the army's hold on land in Iraq either.




The South node is in fourth house and is the significator of discernment but

also deception if wisdom is not applied properly. It can indicate self undoing,

or propels into a better future if experience and insight is used to evaluate

situations insightfully. It shows the opposition party needs to be astute or

risk being deceived. The world held its breath at the first test when McCain

called a halt to electioneering to deal with the financial crisis, but the

opposition kept its head and its lead in the polls.




Fifth house of entertainment, children, stocks and shares, gambling and risk

taking says much about the standing of the government in this map of the

heavens. First of all Saturn, ruler of tenth of government leaders is placed

within and this planet signifies a risk taking government which has gambled with

the country's reputation, as well as its gold reserves. Mercury the ruler of

fifth is in sixth house of debt, discord public services and health and inner

government circles. Mercury exchanges signs with Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, each

sadly afflicted and which all demonstrate a situation where there is a dispute

between the nation and how the government has failed to take care of its own

people, its health and its wealth and welfare.




The sixth house shows health services and the working classes and is ruled by

Libra the scales of justice, clearly this needs no explanation as the ordinary

masses call out for deliverance from the oppression of oiligarchs worse than

their Russian communistic equivalents. The ruler of gamblers Fifth in sixth of

debt also speaks for itself providing an image of how the sub prime mortgage and

unregulated financial sector have endangered the lifestyle and health and

welfare of the children and elderly of this nation.




Seventh house ruled by Scorpio is not a good omen for international affairs and

relationships though ruler Mars is placed their, it brings losses to trade and

friendship due to also being ruler of twelfth house of loss, secret dealings and

murky business. It exposes the country to overseas intervention as it combines

with Sun and a debilitated moon. This Martian impression in seventh of overseas

connections also tells of the trade in war and need to broker secret deals in

order to appease the enemy and ward off hostilities abroad. The moon rules

reputation, the masses and the media and debilitated in seventh ruled by

Scorpio, shows just how scandalised and intensely the nation feels about its

situation and reputation.


The moon also rules women and in seventh house it brings a woman honours in

government circles, so Sarah Palin is clearly marked out by this lunar

impression. Does she know something of the scandalous underhand dealings of the

government? Is this why she has a confident air and upper hand during this

election campaign? It looks like she has brokered a deal with overseas

connections as part of a government plan, but more unpleasantness is augured in

connection with this affair.




The eighth house is one of death and mortality but also legislation and high

government dealings. It is ruled by Sagittarius which attempts to bring a sense

of justice into play in these affairs. Sadly ruler Jupiter is debilitated in

Capricorn ruled ninth house screaming of lack of ethical guidance or morality in

legislative affairs.




Ninth house affairs cover religion, courts, shipping, foreign trade, oiligarchy,

celebocracy as well as name and fame. With Jupiter debilitated and ruler Saturn

in fifth house, and combined exchanges with badly placed Venus and mercury not

providing any uplifting influences, we can see that this nation is struggling to

hold onto a past position (Saturn ruler of ninth in fifth of pat) but

unfortunately its reputation is tarnished due to poor position of planets

influencing ninth house.




The tenth house is most worrying. This is the house of government, president and

the top ten oiligarchic elite.




Why is it worrying?




It is worrying because two eclipses govern the tenth house signifying the US

government in this chart.




The total solar eclipse of 1st August at 9 degrees Leo, which is opposite this

tenth house, and the partial lunar eclipse of 16th August at 24 degrees

Aquarius, influencing the tenth house of the 28th October New Moon chart.




This indicates a disastrous result for the government, but is not very

encouraging for the opposition either.




Aquarius rules the tenth house of government and is always associated with

communism or socialism, and rules Russia particularly.


Uranus rules this sign and placed in the eleventh house it shows major changes

to the inner circle of government officials at the top of the scale. Saturn also

rules Aquarius and in fifth of loss and change to status it brings about the

loss for this government in an incredible sweep of capitalistic rule. Neptune,

which significantly rules Marxism, is in tenth house in exchange with Uranus,

and illustrates cheating being brought into the open and exposes an inner cabal

which has lied and gambled in order to make personal gain regardless of

consequence to those in its care. This heralds a government whose reputation is

tarnished very badly, and one which will be proven to have employed huge methods

of deception and delusion to sustain its ruling position.




Uranus in eleventh shows complicated procedures for the inner government

officials, and muddled affairs where the left hand can[to keep track of the

right hand with ensuing dissolution, confusion and dissipation as this

government gets dissolved on a scale of epic proportions. Dangers afflict top

officials and oiligarchs and expect a sudden arrival of crisis to deal with when

the state is at its most vulnerable. Perhaps yet another tawdry drama triangle

will be devised to try and hold onto power at the last minute.




The last house in the chart has Aries ruling and ruler Mars in the seventh house

of open disputes and war. It speaks of friends turning enemies and a complete

crash worthy only of being compared to the fall of the towers of Babylon.




We saw the Bush administration begin its rule with the crash of the twin towers

and will see it crash just as resoundingly as its term of office comes to an





The legacy it leaves is the disastrous image of what happens when struggling and

oppressed serfs of Solzhenitsyn For the Good of the Cause meet the uncaring and

devil may care oiligarchs of The Great Gatsby.




Did both authors tried so hard to warn us in their own way that extremism is the

enemy of any state. Capitalism is as brutal as communism, except it wears a pin

stripe suit. From oligarchy to oiligarchy which one serves a nation best?
























































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