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Why so Uniform, Chakras

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Hi Vinay

Thanks for this so chakra is being used to refer to natal chart of those things?

Do you use the world chakra regularly and what time/s do you set it up for?

regards M


Vinay Jha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:54 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?



Six Tortoise Chakras : House, Village/Town, District, Province, Country

(India), World


The last was known as Earth Chakra, centred at Mt Meru.


Example : Griha-koorma-chakra is for house ( for fate of the house and

householders during solar asterisms).





Marg <margie9

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:51:11 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Dear Vinay

Thanks for you considerate reply, very informative. May I ask you, not to

translate the text as I do know this would take considerable time and currently

I too am short of this commodity, but could you send me examples of the five

chakras as these are new to me.


I would also be interested in learning more about the world events you used to

test the nodal positions as this too would also be interesting, but just a taste

rather than a full report, to save time and energy for both of us.

kind regards



Vinay Jha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


margie9@ :


There is ~95% or more senseless mythology and ~5% science in ancient sources.

Mt meru is said to be 80000 yojana high in Bhaagvata Purana, which Earth's

diameter is only 1600 yojana according to Suryasiddhanta and less than 1100

yojanas according to Aryabhatoya ans Varaha Mihira. why Mt Meru was called

highest mountain has another region has a reason which will need a separete

book, dealing with explanation of ancient astronomy.


There are 84 chakras in ancient astrological tantras, some of which are well

known and used, but those used in mundane astrology were neglected during one

millenium of hostile political environment. According to these ancient chakras,

there must be eight nodes in the world, one central at Mt Meru, and seven for

the socalled dvipas or varshas. Mt Kailash was confused with Mt Meru by some

later authors.


There are six levels of Tortoise chakra, five are well known. I have

experimented with some of the ancient chakras in individual and mundane

astrology and found them to be true, but I've not tested all of them due to



The nodes I mentioned have proven to be real in 100% cases, I've tested

hundreds of mundane horoscopes without a single failure. If you are interested,

I will try to translate the software itself, which will take some time, because

I've other assignments as well.





____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:57:35 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


HI Vinay

Yes I read Mt Meru is supposed to be the highest one in the world. I think

it's Brihat Samhita isn't it, that mentions this?

When you say you set up world horoscopes and 'found them coming true,' what

exactly did you predict would come true?

Just took a look and I guess the events you tested are those listed in the


So do you think this is the 'tortoise' which ancient seers say they used to

predict world and weather affairs? Have you got a similar mapping using the

nakshatras as well?

I once used the method of the tortoise for some event in the UK using the

centre of the region as starting point and it did suggest some truth in the use

of the tortoise method, though I probably didn't use it entirely as an expert


I knew that this region had the centre at that spot also, but didn't call it a

world node.

I think the 'node' for Tibetan region is Mount Kylash which has four main

rivers flowing in the compass directions of N S E W. The mountain is the engine

of the weather patterns in that region.

What I noticed after locating Mt Meru was that if that was Aries then have you

seen where the Taurus mountains are located? Their location does concur with

Aries being at Mt Meru.

Did you also know that it was Atlas who first divided the heavens into twelve

equal parts, though there is no way of knowing whether he was Greek or not.

Yes I am interested in this research though wouldn't have time to give it the

attention it deserves, especially as you say it need so many different charts to

be set up.

I'm still come to grips with astro meteorology principles for weather

forecasting and combing nadi and tropical systems to do it!

kind regards



best wishes





Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:05 PM

Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Margie9@ :


For whole world's astrological node, see

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010


Ptolemy, in Tetrabiblos, had pointed towards eastern Mediterranean or

westernmost Asia as world's astrological node, but he had no idea of

southern lands of Earth. Hence, if correct geography is applied,

Ptolemy's world-node will shift southwards. Then, it occurred to me

that two ancient astrological texts of India clearly mention that Mt

Meru is situated on the surface of Earth in its middle (ie, equator).

Looking southwards from Ptolemy's node, I found a town Meru at the

foot of Mt Kenya. Using ancient methods of Jyotisha, I experimented

with hundreds of world horoscopes made from Mt Kenya at the time of

sidereal beginning of Aries (according to Suryasiddhanta, which

differed from modern physical astronomical value by ~13 hours), and in

all cases found the astrological outcome to be true.


But if we use physical astronomy in above analysis, results are almost

always wrong. In individual horoscopy, a diggerence of half a degree

does not produce much error, but in mundane astrology, a difference of

13 hours means a difference of 6-7 signs. See

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

for the location of world-node in an article by a current HOD of



Similarly, Vidisha near Bhopal is India's node. It is a regional node.

There must be six other regional nodes according to ancient texts. I

took the term " node " from some Western authors who looked for such

nodes in Egypt, Greeece and elsewhere.


It is a vast topic, but neglected. I got many of my forecasts and

related works verified by topmost scientists of NASA, IISc, etc, who

did not know that the method was esoteric. Please do not tell this

fact to scientists, because they hate astrology, and will stop looking

at my rain forecasts.


-Vinay Jha

============ ========= ========= ========= ============ =

, " Marg " <margie9 > wrote:


> Hi Vinay

> Not sure how this connects to what was said before?

> However, as Rohini states yes only rasi chart seems appropriate for

use in mundane astrol. When nodal points are referred to do you mean

moon nodes or planet nodes?

> Thanks

> M

> -

> Vinay Jha


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:13 AM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?



> Margie9@ :


> Following is my rejoinder to Mr Rohiniranjan 's comments today,

which are related to the methodology behind my rain forecasts :


> Rohiniranjan jee has raised a good point . I have devoted most of

my time to mundane and individual natal horoscopy. In mundane

astrology ( Medini Jyotish, medini>mendi( n)i>mundi, mundane, monde)

so far

> I found no proof of the large number of yogas which affect


> But general rules work the same in mundane astrology, like

> sthaan-parivartana relation, denitions of benefic or malefic, etc. But

> I work on mundane astrology according to ancient tantric chakras

> described in Yaamala tantras, Puranas and Narapatijayacharya, casting

> horoscopes at fixed nodal points on Earth and analysing the

raashi-chakra and bhaavachalita according to

> BPHS, neglecting all divisionals (D2-D60), vimshottari & c,

> ashtakavarga, varshaphala, etc which are of no use in mundane

> astrology. I know two nodal points which give foolproof results, one

> for world, another for India. There may be other nodal points, perhaps

> 7 in total, six of which I have failed to locate so far due

> to lack of requisite data in proper format.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg <margie9 >


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:04:28 PM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> HI Vinay

> you ask 'Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?'

> Of course not, BUT I'm sure you understand I DO expect you to have

some astrological foundation

> to impart if sending such research to a group of astrologers?

> Thanks for your offer to send the info privately, and if there are

any astrological foundations to be gained

> from reading the research then of course I would be interested to

read it.

> kind regards

> M


> -

> vinayjhaa16


> Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:40 PM

> Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> The monsoon study you saw was sent to 615 weather scientists and was

> written for them, not for astrologers. Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?


> None of my studies are based on any panchangas, although many

> panchangas are based on my works, as my profoile informs.


> I've never been able to disclose the underlying methodology behind my

> studies, because whenever I tried to explains, I was abused and

> humiliated for using anachronistic out-of-world approach.

> Unfortunately, only this out-of-world approach works, as has been

> certified by many top scientists, but they cannot tolerate the method

> which is clearly based on astronomy.


> If you interested in underlying principles, give me your email ID,

> through which I may send a sample of original files on which my paper

> was based.


> Sincerely,


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ====

> , " Marg " <margie9@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay

> > I took some time to look at your monsoon study but can't find any

> reference to say Moon, Venus or any others planetary factors which

> would deem it an astrological study? If it is based upon panchangs

> then did you find some kind of constellational coincidence with

> perhaps the wave form or the intensity?

> > Also did you arrive at any conclusions as usually these are also in

> such documents perhaps these are on a different page. Clearly your

> study is rigorous which is why I would like to understand more of it

> > kind regards Marg

> > -

> > vinayjhaa16

> >

> > Monday, January 12, 2009 1:46 PM

> > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your interest in these topics. The passage you

mention were

> > cited from my own profile at

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Vinay+Jha

> >

> > On rain forecasts, you can see some of my works at

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ NASA%27s+ Report%3B+

%26+my+Paper+ accepted+ by+CAOS%2C+ IISc

> >

> > My scientific research paper at :

> >

> http://weatherindia .wetpaint. com/page/ A+New+approach+

to+Rain+Forecast ing?t=anon

> >

> > Initial portion of a 12-year World Economic Forecast by Head of Dept

> > of Jyotish(Vedic Astrology) of KSD Sanskrit University (PIN-846008,

> > India) can be viewed at :

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> >

> > Unfortunately, the forecast is in Hindi. I intend to translate

it into

> > English as soon as I get time.

> >

> > A lot of work has been done and verified on these topics, but

most of

> > them are in Hindi and largely unpublished.

> >

> > I started putting these things in astrology forums only

recently. Now

> > I hope more more people may get interested.

> >

> > You may see another topic at this forum inviting research papers

for a

> > new astrological research journal by KSD Sanskrit University

> > (PIN-846008, India). This journal is mainly in Hindi but

Sanskrit and

> > English papers will be published provided they qualify as research

> > paper. Articles can be sent within few weeks through post to the

> > university or by email to me.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ============ ====

> > , " Marg " <margie9@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay

> > > Would you let me have a link to the following feature which you

> > mention please?

> > >

> > > : " Decision of Department of Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > > Thanks

> > > Margaret

> > >

> > > -

> > > vinayjhaa16

> > >

> > > Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:39 PM

> > > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> > >

> > >

> > > Answer to Mr Pradeep's Rumour Mongering :

> > >

> > > You are much more polite than Mr Chandra Hari, but I have analyzed

> > > your post carefully and arrived at following conclusions :

> > >

> > > (1)I had clearly stated " Twelve Bhaavas were conceived according

> to a

> > > well designed logical plan ... " . I gave examples of this ancient

> > > design in the Kali-kundali as well as in World Economy... by a

> HOD of

> > > Jyotisha, which are related to national astrology which is not a

> > > lucrative business for professional astrologers, and therefore

> most of

> > > the astrologers are not interested in these ancient techniques.

> > >

> > > Instead of asking me for the sources or authorities of these

> > > statements, You quoted me out of context in order to befool me.

> If you

> > > are really sincere, read Kali-kundali as well as in World


> > > carefully, you will find the middle of Mesha always at the

> eastern end

> > > of the equator in World Map or India Map. I clearly talked of the

> > > ancient " original plan " of Medini Jyotisha for which i also


> > > two detailed examples in my website, which you are wrongly

> applying to

> > > horoscopy astrology of individuals. You are not deliberately


> > > against me, but you are unconsciously biased, otherwise you must

> have

> > > tried to find the logic of bhaavachalita in medini-kundalis

> which are

> > > so unpalatable to you that you did not fit it advisabe to

> > understand them.

> > >

> > > (2) Who told you varga chakras are based on 30 degrees ? Cite the

> > > original sources of your claims. BPHS clearly says D1 (first

> > > divisional is Lagna and not Raashi. Lagna is clearly defined in

> terms

> > > of the ecliptic in original sources which you ignored to consult

> even

> > > after readinh me. Do not impose your " popular method " upon

sages who

> > > composed shaastras. Your " popular method " will certainly give

> you more

> > > votes, but it will destroy shaastras.

> > >

> > > (3)And then you say " As i am not interested in a debate on Varga

> > > charts and new theories let us keep it aside. " Are you

> interested only

> > > in finding fault in my supposedly " new theory " , and then want to

> stop

> > > me from answering, by leaving it aside? Your tone is clear

from you

> > > charge " I can see that you have copied and borrowed some of these

> > > theories from contemporary scholars which is purely your

> choice. " You

> > > say that I am putting forth my " new theories " which I copied

> > > (stole/plagiarised) from modern authors !! If I stole them from

> > > existing theories of others, how they can be " new " theories?

> > >

> > > If these theories are old, them I stole them from others (whom

> you do

> > > not name), and if these theories are my own creations then I am

> > > distorting shaastras with my novelties ; hence both head and

> tail are

> > > yours ! You should name those " original " authors. I am a fraud

> in your

> > > eyes, but you do not feel it necessary to provide the proof.

> > >

> > > I guess you are perhaps alluding to Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of

> Dept

> > > of Jyotisha in KSD Sanskrit University, whose article at my


> > > uses the same method which is used in Kali-kundali. You

> > > imagined that I must have stolen his " novel concept " . But you must

> > > have read at the same website : " Decision of Department of

> Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > >

> > > If this statement is wrong, why you do not report to this


> > > or to a legal authority, instead of directly accusing me of


> > > sans evidences on various websites ? This debate was being

> carried on

> > > at the forum of Chandra Hari's students

> > >

> >

> (http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology

/message/ 17334), there

> > > was no need to copy and post rumours about me elsewhere without my

> > > inforfation. I do not know at how many websites Chandra Hari and

> > > Pradeep are spreading false rumours about me without giving me a

> > > chance to counter!!

> > >

> > > (4)You say " Please don't draw the kundali of Shri Krishna. "

> Tomorrow,

> > > someone will say " Please don't call thiese fictious figures of

> Hindus

> > > as real personalities " . I firmly believe that Lord Krishna was a

> > > historical figure, although I am not sure of his birth year.

> Research

> > > in his horoscope and related events is one of the many methods

> to find

> > > out his actual time. If you dislike me just because I want to

> find out

> > > accurate time of ancient personages, you are free to do so. It

> is not

> > > possible to please everyone.

> > >

> > > Instead of concentrating on finding or inventing faults in me,you

> > > should have tried to understand the medini kundalis provided

at many

> > > pages of my website which have read but with a lens , such as

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> > > or

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ National+ Astrology+

%3A+Medini+ Jyotisha

> > >

> > > Do you think this type of allegations of " copying " other's ideas

> > > leveled on me, without proving ant proof, will induce me to


> > > these ancient theories to you. If you want to learn these ancient

> > > things of shaastra, which you refuse to be ancient, then you


> > > enrol as a student in some Sanskrit university : you certainly


> > > the article of Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of Dept of Jyotisha

of KSD

> > > Sanskrit University cited above, which used these ancient

> techniques.

> > > But like Mr Chandra Hari, you are willing to believe and


> > > without evidences, that this university is also a den of fraud,

> > like me.

> > >

> > > -Vinay Jha

> > > ======= ======= ======= ======= =======

> > > , " Rohiniranjan "

<jyotish_vani@ >

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namashkaar Vijay ji and a Happy New Year to you!

> > > >

> > > > Going off on a diagonal or perhaps on a tangent -from this


> > > > thread -- it has often perplexed me that the basic framework

> was so

> > > > uniform with each rashi regardless of those being of long or

> short

> > > > ascension depending on the hemisphere of residence are

> precisely of

> > > > 30 degrees each and nakshatras of 13d20m each, unless one runs

> into

> > > > the ashtottari scheme!

> > > >

> > > > Have you thought about that and would you care to share your

> > thoughts?

> > > >

> > > > Rohiniranjan

> > > >

> > > > , " vijayadas_pradeep "

> > > > <vijayadas_pradeep@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vinay ji

> > > > >

> > > > > In one of your articles, you have mentioned about Bhava

> chalitha.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) You have mentioned that aspects,friendship ucha neecha

> etc are

> > > > > judged from ''rashi chart'' while phala is judged from


> > > > chart.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2) You have mentioned that ''In both Rashi-chakra and Bhaava-

> > > > chalita,

> > > > > lagna is always placed at the centre of first mansion. But in

> > > > Raashi-

> > > > > chakra, successive mansions are computed by merely adding 30

> > > > degrees

> > > > > to the lagna, whereas in the bhaava-chalita bhaavas are

> reckoned

> > > > > independently' '.

> > > > >

> > > > > Moreover you said - ''The entire house of Lagna is

> > approximately 30

> > > > > degrees (plus or minus few degrees), half of it remains

> below the

> > > > > horizon''.

> > > > >

> > > > > For instance if Lagna is 27 degree pisces then can you please

> > > > explain

> > > > > how is Lagna placed at the CENTRE of first mansion in Rashi

> > > > Chakra?.

> > > > > And how is half of it below horizon.

> > > > >

> > > > > 3) You have mentioned that all rashis are not 30

> > degrees(elliptic)

> > > > > and hence chalitha chart is important. However in the same

> > article

> > > > or

> > > > > another article you are speaking high about ''varga chakras''

> > which

> > > > > are based on 30 degrees. In your view if this 30 degree

> > delineation

> > > > > is approximate then how do you support vargas and consider

> > them as

> > > > so

> > > > > important? Don't you feel self-contradiction here ? Also in

> your

> > > > view

> > > > > don't you think we have to draw bhava chalith for these


> > > > > kundalees'' as well ?Are we in a loop ?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that at certain places you talk logic and in total

> > > > > contradiction and illogical at other places while talking

> > about the

> > > > > same.

> > > > >

> > > > > As i am not interested in a debate on '' Varga charts''

and new

> > > > > theories let us keep it aside. I can see that you have

> copied and

> > > > > borrowed some of these theories from contemporary scholars

> > which is

> > > > > purely your choice.

> > > > >

> > > > > However please be consistent in your logic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dieties are the inner dwellers in a Kshethra. Physical

> > > > manifestation

> > > > > of a graha can be seen with sensory organs while the essence

> > or the

> > > > > atma of the graha has to be felt using inner instruments.

> But you

> > > > are

> > > > > creating new theories and talking about two suns and trying to

> > draw

> > > > > an invisible sun with the help of software? Vinay ji are

> they two

> > > > > suns or different talas of the same sun ?

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that you are fortunate to access valauble knowlegde.

> > But

> > > > > please don't re-create the same errors by mixing non-logic


> > > > > paramparic knowledge. Please don't draw the kundali of Shri

> > Krishna.

> > > > >

> > > > > There could be different ways of expressing rosha- can be


> > > > polite

> > > > > as compared to Chandra ji - in some one's views. However


> > > > seeing

> > > > > all these , Kaliyuga, Dashamsha Chakra of ShriKrishana etc ,

> > if one

> > > > > remains silent, is one doing justice to oneself ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Pradeep

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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margie9@ :


You are driving the discussion towards fields which did not constitute the core

of my work either in individual horoscopy or in mundane.


Griha koorma chakra (house tortoise chakra) is related to householder, but not

to natal charts of that householder. I never tested the validity of these

chakrsa. You diverted the discussion to tortoises. I am stll not sclear which

regions should be placed in the central three asterisms of the national and

international tortoise chakras, and I do not know the geographical location of

provincial chakras. Why you neglect the maps which I had indicated in link,

instead of trodding into unknown waters ? It is very important thing, with

concrete evidences.







Marg <margie9


Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:09:54 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, Chakras



Hi Vinay

Thanks for this so chakra is being used to refer to natal chart of those things?

Do you use the world chakra regularly and what time/s do you set it up for?

regards M


Vinay Jha


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:54 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Six Tortoise Chakras : House, Village/Town, District, Province, Country (India),



The last was known as Earth Chakra, centred at Mt Meru.


Example : Griha-koorma- chakra is for house ( for fate of the house and

householders during solar asterisms).




____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:51:11 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Dear Vinay

Thanks for you considerate reply, very informative. May I ask you, not to

translate the text as I do know this would take considerable time and currently

I too am short of this commodity, but could you send me examples of the five

chakras as these are new to me.


I would also be interested in learning more about the world events you used to

test the nodal positions as this too would also be interesting, but just a taste

rather than a full report, to save time and energy for both of us.

kind regards



Vinay Jha


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


margie9@ :


There is ~95% or more senseless mythology and ~5% science in ancient sources. Mt

meru is said to be 80000 yojana high in Bhaagvata Purana, which Earth's diameter

is only 1600 yojana according to Suryasiddhanta and less than 1100 yojanas

according to Aryabhatoya ans Varaha Mihira. why Mt Meru was called highest

mountain has another region has a reason which will need a separete book,

dealing with explanation of ancient astronomy.


There are 84 chakras in ancient astrological tantras, some of which are well

known and used, but those used in mundane astrology were neglected during one

millenium of hostile political environment. According to these ancient chakras,

there must be eight nodes in the world, one central at Mt Meru, and seven for

the socalled dvipas or varshas. Mt Kailash was confused with Mt Meru by some

later authors.


There are six levels of Tortoise chakra, five are well known. I have

experimented with some of the ancient chakras in individual and mundane

astrology and found them to be true, but I've not tested all of them due to



The nodes I mentioned have proven to be real in 100% cases, I've tested hundreds

of mundane horoscopes without a single failure. If you are interested, I will

try to translate the software itself, which will take some time, because I've

other assignments as well.





____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:57:35 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


HI Vinay

Yes I read Mt Meru is supposed to be the highest one in the world. I think it's

Brihat Samhita isn't it, that mentions this?

When you say you set up world horoscopes and 'found them coming true,' what

exactly did you predict would come true?

Just took a look and I guess the events you tested are those listed in the


So do you think this is the 'tortoise' which ancient seers say they used to

predict world and weather affairs? Have you got a similar mapping using the

nakshatras as well?

I once used the method of the tortoise for some event in the UK using the centre

of the region as starting point and it did suggest some truth in the use of the

tortoise method, though I probably didn't use it entirely as an expert would.

I knew that this region had the centre at that spot also, but didn't call it a

world node.

I think the 'node' for Tibetan region is Mount Kylash which has four main rivers

flowing in the compass directions of N S E W. The mountain is the engine of the

weather patterns in that region.

What I noticed after locating Mt Meru was that if that was Aries then have you

seen where the Taurus mountains are located? Their location does concur with

Aries being at Mt Meru.

Did you also know that it was Atlas who first divided the heavens into twelve

equal parts, though there is no way of knowing whether he was Greek or not.

Yes I am interested in this research though wouldn't have time to give it the

attention it deserves, especially as you say it need so many different charts to

be set up.

I'm still come to grips with astro meteorology principles for weather

forecasting and combing nadi and tropical systems to do it!

kind regards



best wishes






Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:05 PM

Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Margie9@ :


For whole world's astrological node, see

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010


Ptolemy, in Tetrabiblos, had pointed towards eastern Mediterranean or

westernmost Asia as world's astrological node, but he had no idea of

southern lands of Earth. Hence, if correct geography is applied,

Ptolemy's world-node will shift southwards. Then, it occurred to me

that two ancient astrological texts of India clearly mention that Mt

Meru is situated on the surface of Earth in its middle (ie, equator).

Looking southwards from Ptolemy's node, I found a town Meru at the

foot of Mt Kenya. Using ancient methods of Jyotisha, I experimented

with hundreds of world horoscopes made from Mt Kenya at the time of

sidereal beginning of Aries (according to Suryasiddhanta, which

differed from modern physical astronomical value by ~13 hours), and in

all cases found the astrological outcome to be true.


But if we use physical astronomy in above analysis, results are almost

always wrong. In individual horoscopy, a diggerence of half a degree

does not produce much error, but in mundane astrology, a difference of

13 hours means a difference of 6-7 signs. See

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

for the location of world-node in an article by a current HOD of



Similarly, Vidisha near Bhopal is India's node. It is a regional node.

There must be six other regional nodes according to ancient texts. I

took the term " node " from some Western authors who looked for such

nodes in Egypt, Greeece and elsewhere.


It is a vast topic, but neglected. I got many of my forecasts and

related works verified by topmost scientists of NASA, IISc, etc, who

did not know that the method was esoteric. Please do not tell this

fact to scientists, because they hate astrology, and will stop looking

at my rain forecasts.


-Vinay Jha

============ ========= ========= ========= ============ =

, " Marg " <margie9 > wrote:


> Hi Vinay

> Not sure how this connects to what was said before?

> However, as Rohini states yes only rasi chart seems appropriate for

use in mundane astrol. When nodal points are referred to do you mean

moon nodes or planet nodes?

> Thanks

> M

> -

> Vinay Jha


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:13 AM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?



> Margie9@ :


> Following is my rejoinder to Mr Rohiniranjan 's comments today,

which are related to the methodology behind my rain forecasts :


> Rohiniranjan jee has raised a good point . I have devoted most of

my time to mundane and individual natal horoscopy. In mundane

astrology ( Medini Jyotish, medini>mendi( n)i>mundi, mundane, monde)

so far

> I found no proof of the large number of yogas which affect


> But general rules work the same in mundane astrology, like

> sthaan-parivartana relation, denitions of benefic or malefic, etc. But

> I work on mundane astrology according to ancient tantric chakras

> described in Yaamala tantras, Puranas and Narapatijayacharya, casting

> horoscopes at fixed nodal points on Earth and analysing the

raashi-chakra and bhaavachalita according to

> BPHS, neglecting all divisionals (D2-D60), vimshottari & c,

> ashtakavarga, varshaphala, etc which are of no use in mundane

> astrology. I know two nodal points which give foolproof results, one

> for world, another for India. There may be other nodal points, perhaps

> 7 in total, six of which I have failed to locate so far due

> to lack of requisite data in proper format.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg <margie9 >


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:04:28 PM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> HI Vinay

> you ask 'Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?'

> Of course not, BUT I'm sure you understand I DO expect you to have

some astrological foundation

> to impart if sending such research to a group of astrologers?

> Thanks for your offer to send the info privately, and if there are

any astrological foundations to be gained

> from reading the research then of course I would be interested to

read it.

> kind regards

> M


> -

> vinayjhaa16


> Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:40 PM

> Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> The monsoon study you saw was sent to 615 weather scientists and was

> written for them, not for astrologers. Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?


> None of my studies are based on any panchangas, although many

> panchangas are based on my works, as my profoile informs.


> I've never been able to disclose the underlying methodology behind my

> studies, because whenever I tried to explains, I was abused and

> humiliated for using anachronistic out-of-world approach.

> Unfortunately, only this out-of-world approach works, as has been

> certified by many top scientists, but they cannot tolerate the method

> which is clearly based on astronomy.


> If you interested in underlying principles, give me your email ID,

> through which I may send a sample of original files on which my paper

> was based.


> Sincerely,


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ====

> , " Marg " <margie9@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay

> > I took some time to look at your monsoon study but can't find any

> reference to say Moon, Venus or any others planetary factors which

> would deem it an astrological study? If it is based upon panchangs

> then did you find some kind of constellational coincidence with

> perhaps the wave form or the intensity?

> > Also did you arrive at any conclusions as usually these are also in

> such documents perhaps these are on a different page. Clearly your

> study is rigorous which is why I would like to understand more of it

> > kind regards Marg

> > -

> > vinayjhaa16

> >

> > Monday, January 12, 2009 1:46 PM

> > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your interest in these topics. The passage you

mention were

> > cited from my own profile at

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Vinay+Jha

> >

> > On rain forecasts, you can see some of my works at

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ NASA%27s+ Report%3B+

%26+my+Paper+ accepted+ by+CAOS%2C+ IISc

> >

> > My scientific research paper at :

> >

> http://weatherindia .wetpaint. com/page/ A+New+approach+

to+Rain+Forecast ing?t=anon

> >

> > Initial portion of a 12-year World Economic Forecast by Head of Dept

> > of Jyotish(Vedic Astrology) of KSD Sanskrit University (PIN-846008,

> > India) can be viewed at :

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> >

> > Unfortunately, the forecast is in Hindi. I intend to translate

it into

> > English as soon as I get time.

> >

> > A lot of work has been done and verified on these topics, but

most of

> > them are in Hindi and largely unpublished.

> >

> > I started putting these things in astrology forums only

recently. Now

> > I hope more more people may get interested.

> >

> > You may see another topic at this forum inviting research papers

for a

> > new astrological research journal by KSD Sanskrit University

> > (PIN-846008, India). This journal is mainly in Hindi but

Sanskrit and

> > English papers will be published provided they qualify as research

> > paper. Articles can be sent within few weeks through post to the

> > university or by email to me.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ============ ====

> > , " Marg " <margie9@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay

> > > Would you let me have a link to the following feature which you

> > mention please?

> > >

> > > : " Decision of Department of Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > > Thanks

> > > Margaret

> > >

> > > -

> > > vinayjhaa16

> > >

> > > Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:39 PM

> > > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> > >

> > >

> > > Answer to Mr Pradeep's Rumour Mongering :

> > >

> > > You are much more polite than Mr Chandra Hari, but I have analyzed

> > > your post carefully and arrived at following conclusions :

> > >

> > > (1)I had clearly stated " Twelve Bhaavas were conceived according

> to a

> > > well designed logical plan ... " . I gave examples of this ancient

> > > design in the Kali-kundali as well as in World Economy... by a

> HOD of

> > > Jyotisha, which are related to national astrology which is not a

> > > lucrative business for professional astrologers, and therefore

> most of

> > > the astrologers are not interested in these ancient techniques.

> > >

> > > Instead of asking me for the sources or authorities of these

> > > statements, You quoted me out of context in order to befool me.

> If you

> > > are really sincere, read Kali-kundali as well as in World


> > > carefully, you will find the middle of Mesha always at the

> eastern end

> > > of the equator in World Map or India Map. I clearly talked of the

> > > ancient " original plan " of Medini Jyotisha for which i also


> > > two detailed examples in my website, which you are wrongly

> applying to

> > > horoscopy astrology of individuals. You are not deliberately


> > > against me, but you are unconsciously biased, otherwise you must

> have

> > > tried to find the logic of bhaavachalita in medini-kundalis

> which are

> > > so unpalatable to you that you did not fit it advisabe to

> > understand them.

> > >

> > > (2) Who told you varga chakras are based on 30 degrees ? Cite the

> > > original sources of your claims. BPHS clearly says D1 (first

> > > divisional is Lagna and not Raashi. Lagna is clearly defined in

> terms

> > > of the ecliptic in original sources which you ignored to consult

> even

> > > after readinh me. Do not impose your " popular method " upon

sages who

> > > composed shaastras. Your " popular method " will certainly give

> you more

> > > votes, but it will destroy shaastras.

> > >

> > > (3)And then you say " As i am not interested in a debate on Varga

> > > charts and new theories let us keep it aside. " Are you

> interested only

> > > in finding fault in my supposedly " new theory " , and then want to

> stop

> > > me from answering, by leaving it aside? Your tone is clear

from you

> > > charge " I can see that you have copied and borrowed some of these

> > > theories from contemporary scholars which is purely your

> choice. " You

> > > say that I am putting forth my " new theories " which I copied

> > > (stole/plagiarised) from modern authors !! If I stole them from

> > > existing theories of others, how they can be " new " theories?

> > >

> > > If these theories are old, them I stole them from others (whom

> you do

> > > not name), and if these theories are my own creations then I am

> > > distorting shaastras with my novelties ; hence both head and

> tail are

> > > yours ! You should name those " original " authors. I am a fraud

> in your

> > > eyes, but you do not feel it necessary to provide the proof.

> > >

> > > I guess you are perhaps alluding to Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of

> Dept

> > > of Jyotisha in KSD Sanskrit University, whose article at my


> > > uses the same method which is used in Kali-kundali. You

> > > imagined that I must have stolen his " novel concept " . But you must

> > > have read at the same website : " Decision of Department of

> Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > >

> > > If this statement is wrong, why you do not report to this


> > > or to a legal authority, instead of directly accusing me of


> > > sans evidences on various websites ? This debate was being

> carried on

> > > at the forum of Chandra Hari's students

> > >

> >

> (http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology

/message/ 17334), there

> > > was no need to copy and post rumours about me elsewhere without my

> > > inforfation. I do not know at how many websites Chandra Hari and

> > > Pradeep are spreading false rumours about me without giving me a

> > > chance to counter!!

> > >

> > > (4)You say " Please don't draw the kundali of Shri Krishna. "

> Tomorrow,

> > > someone will say " Please don't call thiese fictious figures of

> Hindus

> > > as real personalities " . I firmly believe that Lord Krishna was a

> > > historical figure, although I am not sure of his birth year.

> Research

> > > in his horoscope and related events is one of the many methods

> to find

> > > out his actual time. If you dislike me just because I want to

> find out

> > > accurate time of ancient personages, you are free to do so. It

> is not

> > > possible to please everyone.

> > >

> > > Instead of concentrating on finding or inventing faults in me,you

> > > should have tried to understand the medini kundalis provided

at many

> > > pages of my website which have read but with a lens , such as

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> > > or

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ National+ Astrology+

%3A+Medini+ Jyotisha

> > >

> > > Do you think this type of allegations of " copying " other's ideas

> > > leveled on me, without proving ant proof, will induce me to


> > > these ancient theories to you. If you want to learn these ancient

> > > things of shaastra, which you refuse to be ancient, then you


> > > enrol as a student in some Sanskrit university : you certainly


> > > the article of Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of Dept of Jyotisha

of KSD

> > > Sanskrit University cited above, which used these ancient

> techniques.

> > > But like Mr Chandra Hari, you are willing to believe and


> > > without evidences, that this university is also a den of fraud,

> > like me.

> > >

> > > -Vinay Jha

> > > ======= ======= ======= ======= =======

> > > , " Rohiniranjan "

<jyotish_vani@ >

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namashkaar Vijay ji and a Happy New Year to you!

> > > >

> > > > Going off on a diagonal or perhaps on a tangent -from this


> > > > thread -- it has often perplexed me that the basic framework

> was so

> > > > uniform with each rashi regardless of those being of long or

> short

> > > > ascension depending on the hemisphere of residence are

> precisely of

> > > > 30 degrees each and nakshatras of 13d20m each, unless one runs

> into

> > > > the ashtottari scheme!

> > > >

> > > > Have you thought about that and would you care to share your

> > thoughts?

> > > >

> > > > Rohiniranjan

> > > >

> > > > , " vijayadas_pradeep "

> > > > <vijayadas_pradeep@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vinay ji

> > > > >

> > > > > In one of your articles, you have mentioned about Bhava

> chalitha.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) You have mentioned that aspects,friendship ucha neecha

> etc are

> > > > > judged from ''rashi chart'' while phala is judged from


> > > > chart.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2) You have mentioned that ''In both Rashi-chakra and Bhaava-

> > > > chalita,

> > > > > lagna is always placed at the centre of first mansion. But in

> > > > Raashi-

> > > > > chakra, successive mansions are computed by merely adding 30

> > > > degrees

> > > > > to the lagna, whereas in the bhaava-chalita bhaavas are

> reckoned

> > > > > independently' '.

> > > > >

> > > > > Moreover you said - ''The entire house of Lagna is

> > approximately 30

> > > > > degrees (plus or minus few degrees), half of it remains

> below the

> > > > > horizon''.

> > > > >

> > > > > For instance if Lagna is 27 degree pisces then can you please

> > > > explain

> > > > > how is Lagna placed at the CENTRE of first mansion in Rashi

> > > > Chakra?.

> > > > > And how is half of it below horizon.

> > > > >

> > > > > 3) You have mentioned that all rashis are not 30

> > degrees(elliptic)

> > > > > and hence chalitha chart is important. However in the same

> > article

> > > > or

> > > > > another article you are speaking high about ''varga chakras''

> > which

> > > > > are based on 30 degrees. In your view if this 30 degree

> > delineation

> > > > > is approximate then how do you support vargas and consider

> > them as

> > > > so

> > > > > important? Don't you feel self-contradiction here ? Also in

> your

> > > > view

> > > > > don't you think we have to draw bhava chalith for these


> > > > > kundalees'' as well ?Are we in a loop ?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that at certain places you talk logic and in total

> > > > > contradiction and illogical at other places while talking

> > about the

> > > > > same.

> > > > >

> > > > > As i am not interested in a debate on '' Varga charts''

and new

> > > > > theories let us keep it aside. I can see that you have

> copied and

> > > > > borrowed some of these theories from contemporary scholars

> > which is

> > > > > purely your choice.

> > > > >

> > > > > However please be consistent in your logic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dieties are the inner dwellers in a Kshethra. Physical

> > > > manifestation

> > > > > of a graha can be seen with sensory organs while the essence

> > or the

> > > > > atma of the graha has to be felt using inner instruments.

> But you

> > > > are

> > > > > creating new theories and talking about two suns and trying to

> > draw

> > > > > an invisible sun with the help of software? Vinay ji are

> they two

> > > > > suns or different talas of the same sun ?

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that you are fortunate to access valauble knowlegde.

> > But

> > > > > please don't re-create the same errors by mixing non-logic


> > > > > paramparic knowledge. Please don't draw the kundali of Shri

> > Krishna.

> > > > >

> > > > > There could be different ways of expressing rosha- can be


> > > > polite

> > > > > as compared to Chandra ji - in some one's views. However


> > > > seeing

> > > > > all these , Kaliyuga, Dashamsha Chakra of ShriKrishana etc ,

> > if one

> > > > > remains silent, is one doing justice to oneself ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Pradeep

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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''I am stll not sclear which regions should be placed in the central three

asterisms of the national and international tortoise chakras, '' Thanks that's

all I needed to know

best wishes M


Vinay Jha

Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, Chakras



margie9@ :


You are driving the discussion towards fields which did not constitute the

core of my work either in individual horoscopy or in mundane.


Griha koorma chakra (house tortoise chakra) is related to householder, but not

to natal charts of that householder. I never tested the validity of these

chakrsa. You diverted the discussion to tortoises. I am stll not sclear which

regions should be placed in the central three asterisms of the national and

international tortoise chakras, and I do not know the geographical location of

provincial chakras. Why you neglect the maps which I had indicated in link,

instead of trodding into unknown waters ? It is very important thing, with

concrete evidences.





Marg <margie9

Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:09:54 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, Chakras


Hi Vinay

Thanks for this so chakra is being used to refer to natal chart of those


Do you use the world chakra regularly and what time/s do you set it up for?

regards M


Vinay Jha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:54 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Six Tortoise Chakras : House, Village/Town, District, Province, Country

(India), World


The last was known as Earth Chakra, centred at Mt Meru.


Example : Griha-koorma- chakra is for house ( for fate of the house and

householders during solar asterisms).




____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:51:11 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Dear Vinay

Thanks for you considerate reply, very informative. May I ask you, not to

translate the text as I do know this would take considerable time and currently

I too am short of this commodity, but could you send me examples of the five

chakras as these are new to me.


I would also be interested in learning more about the world events you used to

test the nodal positions as this too would also be interesting, but just a taste

rather than a full report, to save time and energy for both of us.

kind regards



Vinay Jha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


margie9@ :


There is ~95% or more senseless mythology and ~5% science in ancient sources.

Mt meru is said to be 80000 yojana high in Bhaagvata Purana, which Earth's

diameter is only 1600 yojana according to Suryasiddhanta and less than 1100

yojanas according to Aryabhatoya ans Varaha Mihira. why Mt Meru was called

highest mountain has another region has a reason which will need a separete

book, dealing with explanation of ancient astronomy.


There are 84 chakras in ancient astrological tantras, some of which are well

known and used, but those used in mundane astrology were neglected during one

millenium of hostile political environment. According to these ancient chakras,

there must be eight nodes in the world, one central at Mt Meru, and seven for

the socalled dvipas or varshas. Mt Kailash was confused with Mt Meru by some

later authors.


There are six levels of Tortoise chakra, five are well known. I have

experimented with some of the ancient chakras in individual and mundane

astrology and found them to be true, but I've not tested all of them due to



The nodes I mentioned have proven to be real in 100% cases, I've tested

hundreds of mundane horoscopes without a single failure. If you are interested,

I will try to translate the software itself, which will take some time, because

I've other assignments as well.





____________ _________ _________ __

Marg <margie9 (AT) talktalk (DOT) net>

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:57:35 PM

Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


HI Vinay

Yes I read Mt Meru is supposed to be the highest one in the world. I think

it's Brihat Samhita isn't it, that mentions this?

When you say you set up world horoscopes and 'found them coming true,' what

exactly did you predict would come true?

Just took a look and I guess the events you tested are those listed in the


So do you think this is the 'tortoise' which ancient seers say they used to

predict world and weather affairs? Have you got a similar mapping using the

nakshatras as well?

I once used the method of the tortoise for some event in the UK using the

centre of the region as starting point and it did suggest some truth in the use

of the tortoise method, though I probably didn't use it entirely as an expert


I knew that this region had the centre at that spot also, but didn't call it a

world node.

I think the 'node' for Tibetan region is Mount Kylash which has four main

rivers flowing in the compass directions of N S E W. The mountain is the engine

of the weather patterns in that region.

What I noticed after locating Mt Meru was that if that was Aries then have you

seen where the Taurus mountains are located? Their location does concur with

Aries being at Mt Meru.

Did you also know that it was Atlas who first divided the heavens into twelve

equal parts, though there is no way of knowing whether he was Greek or not.

Yes I am interested in this research though wouldn't have time to give it the

attention it deserves, especially as you say it need so many different charts to

be set up.

I'm still come to grips with astro meteorology principles for weather

forecasting and combing nadi and tropical systems to do it!

kind regards



best wishes





Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:05 PM

Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


Margie9@ :


For whole world's astrological node, see

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010


Ptolemy, in Tetrabiblos, had pointed towards eastern Mediterranean or

westernmost Asia as world's astrological node, but he had no idea of

southern lands of Earth. Hence, if correct geography is applied,

Ptolemy's world-node will shift southwards. Then, it occurred to me

that two ancient astrological texts of India clearly mention that Mt

Meru is situated on the surface of Earth in its middle (ie, equator).

Looking southwards from Ptolemy's node, I found a town Meru at the

foot of Mt Kenya. Using ancient methods of Jyotisha, I experimented

with hundreds of world horoscopes made from Mt Kenya at the time of

sidereal beginning of Aries (according to Suryasiddhanta, which

differed from modern physical astronomical value by ~13 hours), and in

all cases found the astrological outcome to be true.


But if we use physical astronomy in above analysis, results are almost

always wrong. In individual horoscopy, a diggerence of half a degree

does not produce much error, but in mundane astrology, a difference of

13 hours means a difference of 6-7 signs. See

http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+ %3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

for the location of world-node in an article by a current HOD of



Similarly, Vidisha near Bhopal is India's node. It is a regional node.

There must be six other regional nodes according to ancient texts. I

took the term " node " from some Western authors who looked for such

nodes in Egypt, Greeece and elsewhere.


It is a vast topic, but neglected. I got many of my forecasts and

related works verified by topmost scientists of NASA, IISc, etc, who

did not know that the method was esoteric. Please do not tell this

fact to scientists, because they hate astrology, and will stop looking

at my rain forecasts.


-Vinay Jha

============ ========= ========= ========= ============ =

, " Marg " <margie9 > wrote:


> Hi Vinay

> Not sure how this connects to what was said before?

> However, as Rohini states yes only rasi chart seems appropriate for

use in mundane astrol. When nodal points are referred to do you mean

moon nodes or planet nodes?

> Thanks

> M

> -

> Vinay Jha


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:13 AM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?



> Margie9@ :


> Following is my rejoinder to Mr Rohiniranjan 's comments today,

which are related to the methodology behind my rain forecasts :


> Rohiniranjan jee has raised a good point . I have devoted most of

my time to mundane and individual natal horoscopy. In mundane

astrology ( Medini Jyotish, medini>mendi( n)i>mundi, mundane, monde)

so far

> I found no proof of the large number of yogas which affect


> But general rules work the same in mundane astrology, like

> sthaan-parivartana relation, denitions of benefic or malefic, etc. But

> I work on mundane astrology according to ancient tantric chakras

> described in Yaamala tantras, Puranas and Narapatijayacharya, casting

> horoscopes at fixed nodal points on Earth and analysing the

raashi-chakra and bhaavachalita according to

> BPHS, neglecting all divisionals (D2-D60), vimshottari & c,

> ashtakavarga, varshaphala, etc which are of no use in mundane

> astrology. I know two nodal points which give foolproof results, one

> for world, another for India. There may be other nodal points, perhaps

> 7 in total, six of which I have failed to locate so far due

> to lack of requisite data in proper format.


> -VJ


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Marg <margie9 >


> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:04:28 PM

> Re: Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> HI Vinay

> you ask 'Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?'

> Of course not, BUT I'm sure you understand I DO expect you to have

some astrological foundation

> to impart if sending such research to a group of astrologers?

> Thanks for your offer to send the info privately, and if there are

any astrological foundations to be gained

> from reading the research then of course I would be interested to

read it.

> kind regards

> M


> -

> vinayjhaa16


> Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:40 PM

> Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?


> The monsoon study you saw was sent to 615 weather scientists and was

> written for them, not for astrologers. Do you expect me to send

> astrological essays to weather scientists?


> None of my studies are based on any panchangas, although many

> panchangas are based on my works, as my profoile informs.


> I've never been able to disclose the underlying methodology behind my

> studies, because whenever I tried to explains, I was abused and

> humiliated for using anachronistic out-of-world approach.

> Unfortunately, only this out-of-world approach works, as has been

> certified by many top scientists, but they cannot tolerate the method

> which is clearly based on astronomy.


> If you interested in underlying principles, give me your email ID,

> through which I may send a sample of original files on which my paper

> was based.


> Sincerely,


> -VJ

> ============ = ============ ====

> , " Marg " <margie9@ > wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay

> > I took some time to look at your monsoon study but can't find any

> reference to say Moon, Venus or any others planetary factors which

> would deem it an astrological study? If it is based upon panchangs

> then did you find some kind of constellational coincidence with

> perhaps the wave form or the intensity?

> > Also did you arrive at any conclusions as usually these are also in

> such documents perhaps these are on a different page. Clearly your

> study is rigorous which is why I would like to understand more of it

> > kind regards Marg

> > -

> > vinayjhaa16

> >

> > Monday, January 12, 2009 1:46 PM

> > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your interest in these topics. The passage you

mention were

> > cited from my own profile at

> > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Vinay+Jha

> >

> > On rain forecasts, you can see some of my works at

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ NASA%27s+ Report%3B+

%26+my+Paper+ accepted+ by+CAOS%2C+ IISc

> >

> > My scientific research paper at :

> >

> http://weatherindia .wetpaint. com/page/ A+New+approach+

to+Rain+Forecast ing?t=anon

> >

> > Initial portion of a 12-year World Economic Forecast by Head of Dept

> > of Jyotish(Vedic Astrology) of KSD Sanskrit University (PIN-846008,

> > India) can be viewed at :

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> >

> > Unfortunately, the forecast is in Hindi. I intend to translate

it into

> > English as soon as I get time.

> >

> > A lot of work has been done and verified on these topics, but

most of

> > them are in Hindi and largely unpublished.

> >

> > I started putting these things in astrology forums only

recently. Now

> > I hope more more people may get interested.

> >

> > You may see another topic at this forum inviting research papers

for a

> > new astrological research journal by KSD Sanskrit University

> > (PIN-846008, India). This journal is mainly in Hindi but

Sanskrit and

> > English papers will be published provided they qualify as research

> > paper. Articles can be sent within few weeks through post to the

> > university or by email to me.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ ============ ====

> > , " Marg " <margie9@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vinay

> > > Would you let me have a link to the following feature which you

> > mention please?

> > >

> > > : " Decision of Department of Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > > Thanks

> > > Margaret

> > >

> > > -

> > > vinayjhaa16

> > >

> > > Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:39 PM

> > > Re: Why so Uniform, why a UNIFORM?

> > >

> > >

> > > Answer to Mr Pradeep's Rumour Mongering :

> > >

> > > You are much more polite than Mr Chandra Hari, but I have analyzed

> > > your post carefully and arrived at following conclusions :

> > >

> > > (1)I had clearly stated " Twelve Bhaavas were conceived according

> to a

> > > well designed logical plan ... " . I gave examples of this ancient

> > > design in the Kali-kundali as well as in World Economy... by a

> HOD of

> > > Jyotisha, which are related to national astrology which is not a

> > > lucrative business for professional astrologers, and therefore

> most of

> > > the astrologers are not interested in these ancient techniques.

> > >

> > > Instead of asking me for the sources or authorities of these

> > > statements, You quoted me out of context in order to befool me.

> If you

> > > are really sincere, read Kali-kundali as well as in World


> > > carefully, you will find the middle of Mesha always at the

> eastern end

> > > of the equator in World Map or India Map. I clearly talked of the

> > > ancient " original plan " of Medini Jyotisha for which i also


> > > two detailed examples in my website, which you are wrongly

> applying to

> > > horoscopy astrology of individuals. You are not deliberately


> > > against me, but you are unconsciously biased, otherwise you must

> have

> > > tried to find the logic of bhaavachalita in medini-kundalis

> which are

> > > so unpalatable to you that you did not fit it advisabe to

> > understand them.

> > >

> > > (2) Who told you varga chakras are based on 30 degrees ? Cite the

> > > original sources of your claims. BPHS clearly says D1 (first

> > > divisional is Lagna and not Raashi. Lagna is clearly defined in

> terms

> > > of the ecliptic in original sources which you ignored to consult

> even

> > > after readinh me. Do not impose your " popular method " upon

sages who

> > > composed shaastras. Your " popular method " will certainly give

> you more

> > > votes, but it will destroy shaastras.

> > >

> > > (3)And then you say " As i am not interested in a debate on Varga

> > > charts and new theories let us keep it aside. " Are you

> interested only

> > > in finding fault in my supposedly " new theory " , and then want to

> stop

> > > me from answering, by leaving it aside? Your tone is clear

from you

> > > charge " I can see that you have copied and borrowed some of these

> > > theories from contemporary scholars which is purely your

> choice. " You

> > > say that I am putting forth my " new theories " which I copied

> > > (stole/plagiarised) from modern authors !! If I stole them from

> > > existing theories of others, how they can be " new " theories?

> > >

> > > If these theories are old, them I stole them from others (whom

> you do

> > > not name), and if these theories are my own creations then I am

> > > distorting shaastras with my novelties ; hence both head and

> tail are

> > > yours ! You should name those " original " authors. I am a fraud

> in your

> > > eyes, but you do not feel it necessary to provide the proof.

> > >

> > > I guess you are perhaps alluding to Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of

> Dept

> > > of Jyotisha in KSD Sanskrit University, whose article at my


> > > uses the same method which is used in Kali-kundali. You

> > > imagined that I must have stolen his " novel concept " . But you must

> > > have read at the same website : " Decision of Department of

> Jyotisha ,

> > > KSD Sanskrit University, Bih & #257;r, India in Sep 2008 to work

> on four

> > > projects related to natural disasters (forecasting Rains, Floods,

> > > Cyclones, Earthquakes) with the collaboration of and according

> to the

> > > computations of Vinay Jha. "

> > >

> > > If this statement is wrong, why you do not report to this


> > > or to a legal authority, instead of directly accusing me of


> > > sans evidences on various websites ? This debate was being

> carried on

> > > at the forum of Chandra Hari's students

> > >

> >

> (http://groups. / group/ancient_ indian_astrology

/message/ 17334), there

> > > was no need to copy and post rumours about me elsewhere without my

> > > inforfation. I do not know at how many websites Chandra Hari and

> > > Pradeep are spreading false rumours about me without giving me a

> > > chance to counter!!

> > >

> > > (4)You say " Please don't draw the kundali of Shri Krishna. "

> Tomorrow,

> > > someone will say " Please don't call thiese fictious figures of

> Hindus

> > > as real personalities " . I firmly believe that Lord Krishna was a

> > > historical figure, although I am not sure of his birth year.

> Research

> > > in his horoscope and related events is one of the many methods

> to find

> > > out his actual time. If you dislike me just because I want to

> find out

> > > accurate time of ancient personages, you are free to do so. It

> is not

> > > possible to please everyone.

> > >

> > > Instead of concentrating on finding or inventing faults in me,you

> > > should have tried to understand the medini kundalis provided

at many

> > > pages of my website which have read but with a lens , such as

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ World+Economy+

%3A+Apr+2009- Mar+2010

> > > or

> > >

> >

> http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ National+ Astrology+

%3A+Medini+ Jyotisha

> > >

> > > Do you think this type of allegations of " copying " other's ideas

> > > leveled on me, without proving ant proof, will induce me to


> > > these ancient theories to you. If you want to learn these ancient

> > > things of shaastra, which you refuse to be ancient, then you


> > > enrol as a student in some Sanskrit university : you certainly


> > > the article of Dr Radhakant Mishra, Head of Dept of Jyotisha

of KSD

> > > Sanskrit University cited above, which used these ancient

> techniques.

> > > But like Mr Chandra Hari, you are willing to believe and


> > > without evidences, that this university is also a den of fraud,

> > like me.

> > >

> > > -Vinay Jha

> > > ======= ======= ======= ======= =======

> > > , " Rohiniranjan "

<jyotish_vani@ >

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namashkaar Vijay ji and a Happy New Year to you!

> > > >

> > > > Going off on a diagonal or perhaps on a tangent -from this


> > > > thread -- it has often perplexed me that the basic framework

> was so

> > > > uniform with each rashi regardless of those being of long or

> short

> > > > ascension depending on the hemisphere of residence are

> precisely of

> > > > 30 degrees each and nakshatras of 13d20m each, unless one runs

> into

> > > > the ashtottari scheme!

> > > >

> > > > Have you thought about that and would you care to share your

> > thoughts?

> > > >

> > > > Rohiniranjan

> > > >

> > > > , " vijayadas_pradeep "

> > > > <vijayadas_pradeep@ > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Vinay ji

> > > > >

> > > > > In one of your articles, you have mentioned about Bhava

> chalitha.

> > > > >

> > > > > 1) You have mentioned that aspects,friendship ucha neecha

> etc are

> > > > > judged from ''rashi chart'' while phala is judged from


> > > > chart.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2) You have mentioned that ''In both Rashi-chakra and Bhaava-

> > > > chalita,

> > > > > lagna is always placed at the centre of first mansion. But in

> > > > Raashi-

> > > > > chakra, successive mansions are computed by merely adding 30

> > > > degrees

> > > > > to the lagna, whereas in the bhaava-chalita bhaavas are

> reckoned

> > > > > independently' '.

> > > > >

> > > > > Moreover you said - ''The entire house of Lagna is

> > approximately 30

> > > > > degrees (plus or minus few degrees), half of it remains

> below the

> > > > > horizon''.

> > > > >

> > > > > For instance if Lagna is 27 degree pisces then can you please

> > > > explain

> > > > > how is Lagna placed at the CENTRE of first mansion in Rashi

> > > > Chakra?.

> > > > > And how is half of it below horizon.

> > > > >

> > > > > 3) You have mentioned that all rashis are not 30

> > degrees(elliptic)

> > > > > and hence chalitha chart is important. However in the same

> > article

> > > > or

> > > > > another article you are speaking high about ''varga chakras''

> > which

> > > > > are based on 30 degrees. In your view if this 30 degree

> > delineation

> > > > > is approximate then how do you support vargas and consider

> > them as

> > > > so

> > > > > important? Don't you feel self-contradiction here ? Also in

> your

> > > > view

> > > > > don't you think we have to draw bhava chalith for these


> > > > > kundalees'' as well ?Are we in a loop ?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that at certain places you talk logic and in total

> > > > > contradiction and illogical at other places while talking

> > about the

> > > > > same.

> > > > >

> > > > > As i am not interested in a debate on '' Varga charts''

and new

> > > > > theories let us keep it aside. I can see that you have

> copied and

> > > > > borrowed some of these theories from contemporary scholars

> > which is

> > > > > purely your choice.

> > > > >

> > > > > However please be consistent in your logic.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dieties are the inner dwellers in a Kshethra. Physical

> > > > manifestation

> > > > > of a graha can be seen with sensory organs while the essence

> > or the

> > > > > atma of the graha has to be felt using inner instruments.

> But you

> > > > are

> > > > > creating new theories and talking about two suns and trying to

> > draw

> > > > > an invisible sun with the help of software? Vinay ji are

> they two

> > > > > suns or different talas of the same sun ?

> > > > >

> > > > > I can see that you are fortunate to access valauble knowlegde.

> > But

> > > > > please don't re-create the same errors by mixing non-logic


> > > > > paramparic knowledge. Please don't draw the kundali of Shri

> > Krishna.

> > > > >

> > > > > There could be different ways of expressing rosha- can be


> > > > polite

> > > > > as compared to Chandra ji - in some one's views. However


> > > > seeing

> > > > > all these , Kaliyuga, Dashamsha Chakra of ShriKrishana etc ,

> > if one

> > > > > remains silent, is one doing justice to oneself ?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Pradeep

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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