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Some Cardinal Problems of Astrology

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To All :-


As I gather from remarks made by users of various internet forums and

experiments made by astrological software makers, the most important

problem faced by Vedic astrologers is that of Ayanamsha. All other

problems of mathematical portion of astrology seems to have been finally

resolved by modern physical scientists. Since the basic rules of phalita

(predictive) astrology have not been questioned by almost all Vedic

astrologers, does it mean barring ayanamsha there is no real problem in

vedic astrology today ?


But is it really so ? There are softwares in the market today which give

the user an opportunity to chose or put in any value of ayanamsha.

Currently, various values of ayanamsha range from over 22 to 24 degrees

approximately. With all possible values of ayanamsha already having been

experimented with, has the problem of a foolproof software been solved ?

If any astrologer feels he/she already has perfect softwares and barring

a slight readjustment of ayanamsha there is nothing to be experimented

with, he/she need not read my messages, because it will lead to useless

fuss. But if anyone feels even with all types of ayanamshas and all

types of softwares, accurate prediction is never guaranteed and much

remains to be done, they must read this thread.


Astrologers are human beings, and to err is human. I have also erred on

many occassions. It is difficult to take into account all charts

together with their due weightage. There were numerous occassions when

with all sorts of interpretations I could not get satisfactory

explanations of real life events. After decades of research, I found out

that most of our current problems are rooted in our departure from

ancient principles, which can be summed up in following points :


1) Suryasiddhantic ayanamsha gives accurate results. BV Raman adopted

Suryasiddhantic ayanamsha, but for the present era he added modern rate

of annual precession. Hence his ayanamsha is a hybrid one, very near to

Suryasiddhantic one. Yukteshwar ayanamsha is also Suryasiddhantic, with

negligible difference.


2) Vimshottari year of 360 days ought to be lunar, based 360 lunar days

(tithis). Vimshottari is made from Moon. Chhaandogya Upanishada says

full life is of 116 years. 120 lunar years are equal to 116.4 solar

years. leave aside these arguments, perfect timing of events has found

to be achieved with lunar year used for Vimshottari. Many other software

developers had also experimented with this option ; I am not the first.

But they did not carry out the third reform given below.


3) Suryasiddhantic true planets have slight difference from the true

planets of modern physical astronomy, ranging from half to over a

degree. This difference was minimum in 2000 AD and has again started

rising, at the rate of one degree in nearly 117 years.


If these three adjustments are made into modern astrological softwares,

perfect Vimshottari will be achieved. Some other softwares have options

for lunar year for Vimshottari, and they also have optons for adding or

substracting offset to ayanamsha. Had it contained similar offsets for

true planets and lagna, it would have saved me years which I wasted in

developing Kundalee software.


Only third of the above three points needs some clarification, because

the first two points have already been adopted in many famous vedic

softwares. Some people say Suryasiddhanta is an outdated text and there

is no need to experiment with it. They know majority of Indian

panchangas are still made from tables based on Suryasiddhanta either

directly or indirectly. Hence, majority of traditional vedic astrologers

make horoscopes from Suryasiddhanta either knowingly or unknowingly.

Many of them have made comparative studies of horoscopes made from

traditional system with horoscopes made from softwares, and a large

number of these traditional astrologers declare that Suryasiddhantic

horoscopes are far nearer to real life events that horoscopes based on

modern astronomy. That is why astrologers of many states of India , led

by four Sanskrit universities, unanimously decided in 2005 at a

conference in Varanasi that all panchangas ought to be made on the basis

of Suryasiddhanta. Unfortunately, voice of this traditional India is not

duly represented on the internet because most Sanskrit pandits have

little or no experience of computers and internet. That is why some

computerized astrologers think the voice of traditional Indian astrology

must be forcibly suppressed because this " anachronistic " voice is

against modernization.


The whole problem is of just half to little over one degree of offset in

positions of true planets, which will make all divisional charts

absolutely accurate for all natives whose birthtime is accurate.

Moreover, traditional predictive rules work in perfect harmony with

Suryasiddhantic computations.


One method of test is analysis of horoscopes for seeing the operation of

rules of death prediction (

http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Prediction+of+Death ).


Another method is analysis of horoscopes for examining Vimshottari

timings of events. One example is displayed at

http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Vimshottari+Dasha under title

Vimshottari Timings for Planets of Mixed Attributes


Third method is mundane astrology. One example is forecasting world

economy (


) ; another example is

Economic Future of India : mid-Apr 2009 to mid-Apr 2010 in the same page

; third example is rain forecast




Third method, ie, of mundane astrology, is easiest for ascertaing

whether Suryasiddhantic or physical-astronomical planets ought to be

used for making horoscopes, because horoscopes made at Samkraantis has a

difference of 6-7 raashis due to over half a degree difference in

Suryasiddhantic Surya and modern asteronomical Sun. Such a great

difference in horoscopes will make it easier to see which conforms more

to real events.


It is useless to solve this problem merely by word duel which will lead

us to nowhere. Historical or logical debates will not help. Practical

testing is the only proper way. It is foolish to crush the voice of a

great body of traditional India just because it has no presence on

internet. All these pandits of Sanskrit universities are not fools or

thugs. They have mastered the ancient methods more than socalled experts

of indology in the West. Vedic Astrology is a traditional discipline and

voice of traditional pandits must be listened.


I am calling for free and fair comparison of both methods, without

personal attacks. Those who are not interested in examining the validity

of traditional scholarship may keep away.








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