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Free Will and Destiny reading from chart

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Namaste Sanjay P,


I agree with this view.


While natal chart, its dasas and transits are giving valuable insight based only

on karmas done until birth, prasna chart includes karmas in this life also, done

until the prasna. It is based on the " upto-date destiny " .


Though several people often see charts without a prasna chart accompanying the

natal chart, many old astrologers are strict. They see a chart only when the

native or somebody close to him approaches then with a specific question and

they make a prasna chart in addition to the natal chart.


Thanks for the quotes!


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

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sohamsa , Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> Dear Jyotishas,

> I was try to get some reference from any classical texts to find how much

> karma the person has gathered thru free will in this birth versus the

> destined karma results from previous births.

> Prashna Marga Chapter One gives this details. It mentions that Natal

> horoscope at birth indicates all the karma done prior to birth. The prashna

> chart cast at the time of prashna can be used to find the additional karma

> the person has accumulated since birth till that moment. I think the older

> the person gets more the chances of accumulating additional karma. A young

> child may not have accumulate much karma by free will whereas an older

> person could have underwent most the karma fruits indicated in the birth

> chart and also may have added additional karma. So as the person get older I

> think it's very essential to cast the Prashna Chart. I am giving the qoutes

> from Prashna marga Chapter one below.


> Warm Regards,

> Sanjay P



> Stanza 39.  The balance of good or bad Karma brought forward from the

> previous birth is prarabdha, and it is the reading of this that goes under

> the name of Jataka or Astrology.


> Stanza 40.  One undergoes the consequences of one's previous Karma


> birth to death and this can be known from his horoscope. Then what is the

> use of Prasna?




> As the name of the book implies, Prasna Marga has primarily to do with

> Prasna or horary astrology, though, almost all the principles may be used

> with advantage in interpreting radical horoscopes. In stanza 40, the author

> queries as to what use a Prasna chart could be put to when horoscopy can

> deal with all important events. He answers the question in the following

> stanzas: -


> Stanza 41.  Prasna reveals to us whether a man reaps the fruits of his

> deeds in his previous birth or the fruits of his actions in this birth. Here

> a question arises.


> Stanza 42.  How can we distinguish whether it is the result of our


> Karma or present Karma that is yielding its result now?


> Stanza 43.  If the horoscope has bene6cial planetary patterns and the

> Prasna chart malefic ones, then it is to be understood that the native is

> experiencing the fruits of evil Karma done in this birth. If vice versa,

> then also the native is experiencing the effects of good Karma done in this

> birth.


> Stanza 44.  If the planetary patterns in the horoscope as well as in


> Prasna chart are similar, then a clever astrologer should divine that the

> native is experiencing the fruits of his past Karma only.




> In stanzas 41 to 44, the author explains the relative utilities of the

> Prasna and the birth charts. There is repeated emphasis on the influences of

> Karma and the importance of Prasna in finding out the nature of Karma to be

> enjoyed in this birth. The horoscope by itself reveals the nature of past

> Karma and the Prasna chart acts as some sort of a supplement to the birth

> chart. Suppose we see in a man's horoscope a good period and in a query of

> his (Prasna chart) a very bad time, then we have to assume that the person

> is reaping the bad effects of his Karma done in this life. Suppose we see in

> his horoscope a bad period and in his Prasna chart a good period, it is to

> be inferred that the person is reaping the favourable effects of good deeds

> done in this birth only. If the horoscope and Prasna are similar in

> positions and combinations, then the person is reaping the result of Karma

> done in his previous birth. Since some sort of a balancing of the birth and

> Prasna charts is involved, it is clear that the current indications in the

> birth chart, i.e., the indications obtaining at the time of a query â€â€


> benefic and malefic dispositions of current Dasa lords, Yogakarakas, etc.,

> have to be studied along with the Prasna chart to know the nature of Karma

> now being experienced.








> Stanza 45.  The Prasna chart should be read just as the horoscope is

> examined with reference to its relative merits and demerits.


> Stanza 46.  A person goes to an astrologer prompted by Providence to


> his future.


> Therefore there is a close similarity between Prasna and Jataka.


> Stanza 47.  As Prasna Lagna is similar to Janma Lagna, all events

should be

> read from Prasna as you would do in a horoscope.




> The sum and substance of these three stanzas is that the time of question

> (Prasna) should be given the same importance as the time of birth. Human

> births are regulated according to the law of Karma and hence the time of

> birth is significant. Similarly a person proceeds to an astrologer to

> ascertain his future prompted by a Divine force and hence the time of

> question is equally important. There are no doubt certain points of

> difference in reading Prasna charts and horoscopes. They are discussed by

> the author in their proper places. But unless otherwise implied, all events

> revealed in a horoscope can also be read from a Prasna chart. The principles

> given in this book may be used with advantage in studying horoscopes.

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Dear Narasimha Raoji,


Though it may sound funny I wish to ask a question in view of some astrologers

like AKK saying  that they had not succeeded in making predictions correctly.

My question is :- Should the astrologer also not ask a question about himself

as to whether his prediction will come correct or not ? I mean should astrologer

himself not prepare next a prasna chart for his own prasna and see that chart

alongwith the two charts of the native. There may be changes in the two prasna

charts due to the time-interval between the two prasnas.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya




--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:



Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

Re: Re: Free Will and Destiny reading from chart

sohamsa , vedic astrology ,


Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 1:23 PM









Namaste Sanjay P,


I agree with this view.


While natal chart, its dasas and transits are giving valuable insight based only

on karmas done until birth, prasna chart includes karmas in this life also, done

until the prasna. It is based on the " upto-date destiny " .


Though several people often see charts without a prasna chart accompanying the

natal chart, many old astrologers are strict. They see a chart only when the

native or somebody close to him approaches then with a specific question and

they make a prasna chart in addition to the natal chart.


Thanks for the quotes!


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


sohamsa@ .com, Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar@ ...> wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> Dear Jyotishas,

> I was try to get some reference from any classical texts to find how much

> karma the person has gathered thru free will in this birth versus the

> destined karma results from previous births.

> Prashna Marga Chapter One gives this details. It mentions that Natal

> horoscope at birth indicates all the karma done prior to birth. The prashna

> chart cast at the time of prashna can be used to find the additional karma

> the person has accumulated since birth till that moment. I think the older

> the person gets more the chances of accumulating additional karma. A young

> child may not have accumulate much karma by free will whereas an older

> person could have underwent most the karma fruits indicated in the birth

> chart and also may have added additional karma. So as the person get older I

> think it's very essential to cast the Prashna Chart. I am giving the qoutes

> from Prashna marga Chapter one below.


> Warm Regards,

> Sanjay P



> Stanza 39.  The balance of good or bad Karma brought forward from the

> previous birth is prarabdha, and it is the reading of this that goes under

> the name of Jataka or Astrology.


> Stanza 40.  One undergoes the consequences of one's previous Karma


> birth to death and this can be known from his horoscope. Then what is the

> use of Prasna?




> As the name of the book implies, Prasna Marga has primarily to do with

> Prasna or horary astrology, though, almost all the principles may be used

> with advantage in interpreting radical horoscopes. In stanza 40, the author

> queries as to what use a Prasna chart could be put to when horoscopy can

> deal with all important events. He answers the question in the following

> stanzas: -


> Stanza 41.  Prasna reveals to us whether a man reaps the fruits of his

> deeds in his previous birth or the fruits of his actions in this birth. Here

> a question arises.


> Stanza 42.  How can we distinguish whether it is the result of our


> Karma or present Karma that is yielding its result now?


> Stanza 43.  If the horoscope has bene6cial planetary patterns and the

> Prasna chart malefic ones, then it is to be understood that the native is

> experiencing the fruits of evil Karma done in this birth. If vice versa,

> then also the native is experiencing the effects of good Karma done in this

> birth.


> Stanza 44.  If the planetary patterns in the horoscope as well as in


> Prasna chart are similar, then a clever astrologer should divine that the

> native is experiencing the fruits of his past Karma only.




> In stanzas 41 to 44, the author explains the relative utilities of the

> Prasna and the birth charts. There is repeated emphasis on the influences of

> Karma and the importance of Prasna in finding out the nature of Karma to be

> enjoyed in this birth. The horoscope by itself reveals the nature of past

> Karma and the Prasna chart acts as some sort of a supplement to the birth

> chart. Suppose we see in a man's horoscope a good period and in a query of

> his (Prasna chart) a very bad time, then we have to assume that the person

> is reaping the bad effects of his Karma done in this life. Suppose we see in

> his horoscope a bad period and in his Prasna chart a good period, it is to

> be inferred that the person is reaping the favourable effects of good deeds

> done in this birth only. If the horoscope and Prasna are similar in

> positions and combinations, then the person is reaping the result of Karma

> done in his previous birth. Since some sort of a balancing of the birth and

> Prasna charts is involved, it is clear that the current indications in the

> birth chart, i.e., the indications obtaining at the time of a query â€â€


> benefic and malefic dispositions of current Dasa lords, Yogakarakas, etc.,

> have to be studied along with the Prasna chart to know the nature of Karma

> now being experienced.








> Stanza 45.  The Prasna chart should be read just as the horoscope is

> examined with reference to its relative merits and demerits.


> Stanza 46.  A person goes to an astrologer prompted by Providence to


> his future.


> Therefore there is a close similarity between Prasna and Jataka.


> Stanza 47.  As Prasna Lagna is similar to Janma Lagna, all events

should be

> read from Prasna as you would do in a horoscope.




> The sum and substance of these three stanzas is that the time of question

> (Prasna) should be given the same importance as the time of birth. Human

> births are regulated according to the law of Karma and hence the time of

> birth is significant. Similarly a person proceeds to an astrologer to

> ascertain his future prompted by a Divine force and hence the time of

> question is equally important. There are no doubt certain points of

> difference in reading Prasna charts and horoscopes. They are discussed by

> the author in their proper places. But unless otherwise implied, all events

> revealed in a horoscope can also be read from a Prasna chart. The principles

> given in this book may be used with advantage in studying horoscopes.





















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Sunil ji,


As Mr Sanjay P already cited, " a person proceeds to an astrologer to ascertain

his future prompted by a Divine force and hence the time of question is equally

important " .


If the native or the astrologer is not prompted by the Divine force then the

Prashna chart will not work. If the native has no belief in astrology or

astroger and is merely testing the astrologer, then the Prashna chart will not



A Prashna chart is made by ANOTHER astrologer, not by oneself.


-Vinay Jha


======================== ====




Sunil Bhattacharjya <sunil_bhattacharjya



Wednesday, June 3, 2009 4:32:58 AM

Re: Re: Re: Free Will and Destiny reading from chart






Dear Narasimha Raoji,


Though it may sound funny I wish to ask a question in view of some astrologers

like AKK saying that they had not succeeded in making predictions correctly. My

question is :- Should the astrologer also not ask a question about himself as to

whether his prediction will come correct or not ? I mean should astrologer

himself not prepare next a prasna chart for his own prasna and see that chart

alongwith the two charts of the native. There may be changes in the two prasna

charts due to the time-interval between the two prasnas.




Sunil K. Bhattacharjya



--- On Tue, 6/2/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

Re: Re: Free Will and Destiny reading from chart

sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology, @

. com

Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 1:23 PM


Namaste Sanjay P,


I agree with this view.


While natal chart, its dasas and transits are giving valuable insight based only

on karmas done until birth, prasna chart includes karmas in this life also, done

until the prasna. It is based on the " upto-date destiny " .


Though several people often see charts without a prasna chart accompanying the

natal chart, many old astrologers are strict. They see a chart only when the

native or somebody close to him approaches then with a specific question and

they make a prasna chart in addition to the natal chart.


Thanks for the quotes!


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


sohamsa@ .com, Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiar@ ...> wrote:


> || Om Gurave Namah ||


> Dear Jyotishas,

> I was try to get some reference from any classical texts to find how much

> karma the person has gathered thru free will in this birth versus the

> destined karma results from previous births.

> Prashna Marga Chapter One gives this details. It mentions that Natal

> horoscope at birth indicates all the karma done prior to birth. The prashna

> chart cast at the time of prashna can be used to find the additional karma

> the person has accumulated since birth till that moment. I think the older

> the person gets more the chances of accumulating additional karma. A young

> child may not have accumulate much karma by free will whereas an older

> person could have underwent most the karma fruits indicated in the birth

> chart and also may have added additional karma. So as the person get older I

> think it's very essential to cast the Prashna Chart. I am giving the qoutes

> from Prashna marga Chapter one below.


> Warm Regards,

> Sanjay P



> Stanza 39.  The balance of good or bad Karma brought forward from the

> previous birth is prarabdha, and it is the reading of this that goes under

> the name of Jataka or Astrology.


> Stanza 40.  One undergoes the consequences of one's previous Karma


> birth to death and this can be known from his horoscope. Then what is the

> use of Prasna?




> As the name of the book implies, Prasna Marga has primarily to do with

> Prasna or horary astrology, though, almost all the principles may be used

> with advantage in interpreting radical horoscopes. In stanza 40, the author

> queries as to what use a Prasna chart could be put to when horoscopy can

> deal with all important events. He answers the question in the following

> stanzas: -


> Stanza 41.  Prasna reveals to us whether a man reaps the fruits of his

> deeds in his previous birth or the fruits of his actions in this birth. Here

> a question arises.


> Stanza 42.  How can we distinguish whether it is the result of our


> Karma or present Karma that is yielding its result now?


> Stanza 43.  If the horoscope has bene6cial planetary patterns and the

> Prasna chart malefic ones, then it is to be understood that the native is

> experiencing the fruits of evil Karma done in this birth. If vice versa,

> then also the native is experiencing the effects of good Karma done in this

> birth.


> Stanza 44.  If the planetary patterns in the horoscope as well as in


> Prasna chart are similar, then a clever astrologer should divine that the

> native is experiencing the fruits of his past Karma only.




> In stanzas 41 to 44, the author explains the relative utilities of the

> Prasna and the birth charts. There is repeated emphasis on the influences of

> Karma and the importance of Prasna in finding out the nature of Karma to be

> enjoyed in this birth. The horoscope by itself reveals the nature of past

> Karma and the Prasna chart acts as some sort of a supplement to the birth

> chart. Suppose we see in a man's horoscope a good period and in a query of

> his (Prasna chart) a very bad time, then we have to assume that the person

> is reaping the bad effects of his Karma done in this life. Suppose we see in

> his horoscope a bad period and in his Prasna chart a good period, it is to

> be inferred that the person is reaping the favourable effects of good deeds

> done in this birth only. If the horoscope and Prasna are similar in

> positions and combinations, then the person is reaping the result of Karma

> done in his previous birth. Since some sort of a balancing of the birth and

> Prasna charts is involved, it is clear that the current indications in the

> birth chart, i.e., the indications obtaining at the time of a query â€â€


> benefic and malefic dispositions of current Dasa lords, Yogakarakas, etc.,

> have to be studied along with the Prasna chart to know the nature of Karma

> now being experienced.








> Stanza 45.  The Prasna chart should be read just as the horoscope is

> examined with reference to its relative merits and demerits.


> Stanza 46.  A person goes to an astrologer prompted by Providence to


> his future.


> Therefore there is a close similarity between Prasna and Jataka.


> Stanza 47.  As Prasna Lagna is similar to Janma Lagna, all events

should be

> read from Prasna as you would do in a horoscope.




> The sum and substance of these three stanzas is that the time of question

> (Prasna) should be given the same importance as the time of birth. Human

> births are regulated according to the law of Karma and hence the time of

> birth is significant. Similarly a person proceeds to an astrologer to

> ascertain his future prompted by a Divine force and hence the time of

> question is equally important. There are no doubt certain points of

> difference in reading Prasna charts and horoscopes. They are discussed by

> the author in their proper places. But unless otherwise implied, all events

> revealed in a horoscope can also be read from a Prasna chart. The principles

> given in this book may be used with advantage in studying horoscopes.



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