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very complicated matter

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II Om Gurave Namah II

Hari Om,

Dear J,

Take Cuspal position of VII That is Rasi lord/ Constellaion lord / sub



Treat VII as if it is lagna.


Find marak and badhak for this proposed lagna ..( reckoned from VII House )


Now take sub of your ascendant. That is Find Sub lord denoted by your

number 19


See what this planet signifies. Is it related to your II house?


If it signifies one or more of the marak or badhak plantes determind above

along with any connection to second, Note these carefully.


Check the Birth RP of people you are feeling bad about in your circle.


Those have commn birth RP with ,Avoid interaction with them, Do Gayatri Japa

as much as possible.


Hope this helps. I am not solving this for you. As it is self question and

Ganesha does not permit me to answer for your calculations..


With best wishes.,







" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has

created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "





" jai_125 " <bhm


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 5:03 PM

very complicated matter



Hari OM Swamiji, I appreciate your response yesterday but would

appreciate any feedback for the actual chart I generated and posted



Kind Regards,




Good Morning everyone, one thing I need help for a problem caused by

very a very cruel minded individual(s) that is/are causing a problem

for me and a very big problem. Rather than sit suppressed and

searching for a solution alone with none in sight it's better I take

the input of others with experience in this, the longer I sit quiet

the greater the problems become.


The core of the matter is that various in-laws, their kith and their

kin from my both parents sides are causing problems for me, they have

been able to cover their motives very cleverly, very deceitfully and

very charmingly over a period of maybe decades and thus are able to

remain deeply disguised which makes them an even more very dangerous

type of enemy. They can stay behind the lines and play puppet masters

acting in collaboration with each other and outsiders basically to

cause ruin.


The main thing to find out is using specific questions(who what why

when how where) but the matter is so complicated so many individuals

involved that I don't know which of these to even put into my query...


And there are so many people involved in this thing and problems these

people are creating... I was raised to think these elder relatives are

like my father and mother figures but it has turned out they are

opportunistic and parasitic basically double-crossers, prior to this I

had a very deep love and respect for my relatives, right now I have my

doubts until I am able to confirm who is doing what...


Just 1 problem of many... I visited an ashram in 2006 with my paternal

first cousin's wife, where they did some paduca puja on me. The reason

for this was I was coaxed lovingly into going by my mother who was

being deceived by this very cruel and wicked minded lady.


The amount of grim tales she cooked up about my future (she actually

worried my mother), the truth is she trapped me through my mother and

did not interact directly with me as I would have discovered her

motives right there and refused further involvement.


The other thing too is that when I went there I stumbled into an

individual whose father basically fleeced million's of dollars of my

father's business and made him bankrupt, this happened in another

country when I was very young. My father is a very honest man he

himself did not know this man is involved in rackets like this.


It's also confirmed this man(who resides abroad) is heavily involved

with tantriks and the underworld in that country and then it filters

out to other countries esp India, he threatened my dad

in 1988 that he is going to kill him, his kids and wife if my father

reports him to the police, this man I have not seen for the past 17

years but I stumble into his youngest son at the ashram who tried

basically to start a fight with me i ignored it all and had no choice

but to ignore it since he like his dad travels around with a gang of

paid friends that double as violent bodyguards and bullies, but being

told before I went by this tantrik witch... I will meet a very old and

sincere friend which is very far from the truth it's more like being

put directly into harms way... when I did mention to her who he is,

she responded with it's not the person your thinking of, even those

priests at the ashram said the same thing when i mentioned this to

them, along the way to the ashram and more so back this woman had a

very nasty attitude with me which I had never witnessed or even

suspected she was like this.... she was openly hostile with me on the

way back on the train going there she was openly disclosing details

about me to a male stranger in her cabin despite my attempts to be

polite and tell her to not speak to a stranger. On the way back she

was very hostile and basically made my blood boil she was also with

her gang. I kept quiet all along just trying to uphold this lady's



This lady is a Jyotisha, for years I thought of her as an elder sister

and used to call her bhabi, unaware this lady is so cruel, so

secretive, so deceitful and associated with people that help her to

achieve her dirty motives.


Since that time I have a very sharp pain in various parts of my

head/brain, my heart area and left toe(it's becoming worst), I wanted

to invest money in commodities and also pursue this as a career since

I have been involved in analytics since early 2002, but that also has

been blocked (I concluded recently) in 2003 I asked her for a Muhartam

(auspicious time) to start my thing however 1 step forward and 10

steps backward.


Since the ashram debacle my power to reason, analyze objectively is

very weak, in things like learning, research, interests, watching the

television I feel like an upside down matka on which water is being

poured, also I feel very amnesic where I cannot associate anything

like previous experiences, lessons, wisdom with the present situations

I face however simple they are and respond accordingly.


If I sit to read any book I cannot read more than a few pages at a

time then I lose interest in the book which I initially bought so

optimistically for a good amount of money without hesitating, I really

wanted to get married but I don't even feel the urge anymore.

Basically my life is being stagnated by this lady,... her kith and kin....


I have problems at home with my folks, at work with colleagues and in

my other relationships which I can only say I am the victim of very

secretive and highly orchestrated activity.... it's possible that

these people have found some way to penetrate my workplace to glean

information for my co-employees without their even knowing who the

people they are speaking to really are or if they are away they may be

selling the information, then other people physically close to where I

live basically paid spies that relay information back to them in some

way or the other, they also may be getting updates from other

(non-hostile) relatives that wish me well, or have detectives

monitoring my movements.


The main thing again is there are other of the in-laws and their kin

from both sides that are very deeply disguised hidden enemies, they

use their charm into deceiving my parents and others into thinking

they are sincere which is not true some live abroad many live in India

as well,


I have a great fear that they will along with their kith and kin try

to frame me in something and harass me to try to suppress my cries and

bully me around in which they are experts in positioning themselves

little by little 1 inch at a time so they are not even suspected of

conspiring, it's all a long term thing which I need help to understand

and also expose each and every individual member involved...


Right now I am only able to generate charts but not able to read them

like the experienced members of this forum. I appeal for serious help.



Horary No.: 19


Question : who are the root individuals behind my problems?


Cuspal links come first and above that is it's planetery occupant and



eg. mars 10:41:33 is in cusp # 3 that starts at 19:34:50.


I 26:40:00


II 24:28:24


Ma 10:41:33

III 19:34:50


Mo 09:51:43

IV 15:37:50


Ke 02:25:12

Sa[R] 09:35:24

V 15:36:33


VI 20:28:08


Fo 25:01:51

VII 26:40:00


VIII 24:28:24


Ju 24:21:00

Pl 07:11:53

IX 19:34:50


Ne 29:06:47

Ch 24:52:43

X 15:37:50


Ve 11:31:16

Me 09:27:41

Ra 02:25:12

Ur 25:14:45

XI 15:36:33


Su 03:13:00

XII 20:28:08




Planetary Positions

Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl

Su P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Mo Su

Mo Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Sa Ju

Ma Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Sa Ra

Me Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ju Ke Su

Ju P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Ke Sa

Ve Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ve Me

Sa[R] Magha(3) Su Ke Sa Sa Ra

Ra Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Ju Ra

Ke Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Sa Mo

Ur P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Ju Ju

Ne Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Mo Mo

Pl Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Su Ra

Ch Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Sa Mo

Fo Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ra Sa





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