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Will I be victim of a bomb blast? My HORARY number is 168.

Dear Jai,

          Very typical question you have asked


Yes nowadays,

any one can be a victim OF attack and accidental death as it  is common occurrence.

Question falls

in area of longevity and mode of death?



related are compiled for ease in application.


in this type of situation death ought to be sudden, and accidental .It could be

“sanghataka maran”


In vedic astrology It is easy to

answer this type of question FOR iii house from Arudh

lagna indicates mode of death and it is easy to see

conditions and environment at the time of death. However one can see in KP


I am not

solving your question for you. Because, I do not answer death related question

unless very essential. You are too young to bother.


following rules can be useful to you. Please study and work out. In case of

doubt please post on list some one may help you.

With best wishes.


Step 1.    Short life, Medium or Long Life needs to be

classified initially.

When lord of the

Ascendant or Lagnesh is in the 8th house or if the

planets in the 8th house are in the Nakshtras of the

1st house then the person himself is responsible for his death. [Means suicidal tendencies)

If Uranus is

present here then the death is Natural, sudden and sensational. { this is important condition}

If Neptune is present then death is in coma or in an

unconscious state. Poisoning, suffocation, overdose of medicines are related.

If Saturn is

present then a very long life is assured and death is due to prolonged illness.

Mars indicates Quickness or speed in death.


If Mars is in an

Air sign then death is due to bleeding. Jupiter generally gives a peaceful end.

How Long will one Live : Plot a Prashna Kundali

for the Given Number.

If the ascendant is

in a Movable Sign then 11th house is the Badhaksthan.

If the ascendant is

in a Fixed Sign then 9th house is the Badhaksthan.

If the ascendant is

in a Common Sign then 7th house is the Badhaksthan.

The ascendant may

fall in any Sign, 2nd and 7th houses are the Maraksthanas.

One has to judge all

these 3 houses and find out the Significator.

Refer to the dasha Report along with the Significators.

Note the

Sub-Lord of the Ascendant, If it is deposited in the

Stars of the Significator of Badhak or Marak Sthans then the Life is

short with reference to the time of judgment and will not be for many years.

If Sub-Lord of the

ascendant were to be in the Star of the Significator of the 6th house, the

person will suffer from disease but will not succumb to the same.

If Sub-Lord of the ascendant were to be in the Star of the Significator

of the 8th house, the person shall meet with an accident.

If Sub-Lord of the

ascendant were to be in the Star of the Significator of the 12th house, the

person will be in bed for long period and may be admitted in a hospital.

Death is indicated only by the significators

of the Maraksthan and Badhaksthan. According to the strength of the Star-Lord

in which the Sub-Lord of the ascendant is deposited, we have to fix the dasha and the sub-periods. Refer to the Dasha

Reports and find out when the conjoined period of the significators

will operate. Predict that the life expectancy is for the derived number of

years and months. One should always confirm this with the Ruling Planets as at

the time of judgment.


1) Planets placed in

the Stars of the occupants of the Badhak and Marak Sthana.

2) Planets occupying

the above said houses.

3) Planets placed in

the Stars of the lords of the Badhak & Marak houses.

4) Lords of these


5) Planets that are

conjoined with Significators at 1-4,

or aspected by them are connected.

Accidents : Sub-lord of the 8th house is to be

deposited in the Stars of the planet which is the significator of the 8th


If that significator

is also the significator of the 6th house, then the native will have fever

following the accident.

If that significator

is also the significator of the 12th house, the native will be admitted in a

hospital. If the sub-lord happens to be the significator of Badhak

and Marak Sthana, the

native will succumb to it provided his longevity is not further promised. If

the longevity is promised, he will overcome this condition but his condition

will be serious.

Suicide : The sub-lord of the 8th cusp must be

placed in the star of a planet who is the significator of Badhaksthana

or Maraksthana and also 8th house, the lord of the

said star must have some connection with Mars

WHEN:  The danger is indicated during the conjoined

periods and sub periods of lord of sign , lord of star

and the lord of Sub where 8 th cusp falls, and the

lord of the constellation in which the sub lord is deposited.

Danger shown during the conjoined period of the lord of sign

, lord of star, lord of sub and the lord of constellation where the lord of the

8 h house was deposited;. OR

If the sub is ruled by the Benefic, promising long life, even

though their danger, one will escape and survive. If the sub lord is malefic,

significator of death one will succumb to it.

Jupiter shows pleasant end, Mars shows sudden, Saturn chronic

and lingering one.


If the SUBLORD of 8 cusp is` significator of the house 1,4 and 10 ,end will come in his own place.

If the SUB LORD of 8 cusps is significator of III house end will

be on journey mostly when returning.

If the sub lord of 8 cusp is significator

of6, 8, 12 death is in hospital, jail or in unknown place.

If sub lord of 8 cusps is significator of iX

house death occurs in long journey and usually in far off places.


----------------it was


Hi this has

been on my mind for quite some time and pretty much jittery about stuff like


Terrorism: Everyone in India faces

this risk or faces getting caught up in some violent

attack of this type, however it's all new to me....

What are the chances for me to get caught up as one of the victims in some

terrorist blast or attack?

I don't know how to ask the question but this is what I have settled on.

Will I be victim of a bomb blast? My

HORARY number is 168. I would sincerely appreciate

responses to this specific query both private and public. 

Also my daddy met someone (while his own sister was being operated on in the

hospital), this person's son was a victim in one of the July 06' train bogeys, and

he was headed off to some exam center to pay some school related fees. My daddy

went to visit them periodically at the hospital and tried to give his new found

friend emotional support as

he had become too weak from seeing his son's condition. The poor boy has brain

damage and is not even able to move/twitch a muscle. It's a very painful thing

to see your own kids suffering like this.”jai_125”




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