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Saturn in 10th house-need holistic approach- fortuna limits

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Dear Sir, Fortuna mostly helps for timing of events - the bhava in which it is placed is likely to thrive. See the origin of fortuna principle. Fortuna, in KP and western system, Punaya Sahama in traditional / tajaka system/ varshaphal and Arabian points from Arabic pundits are all same and mostly useful for timing and to guage the general strength of the bhava. In tajaka 53 Sahamas (fortuna) points are dealt with. Kp system is basically a Hindu traditional system blended with western principles. So Sahama / fortunae is considered. The distance between Moon, Sun, and Lagna are considered - In hindu traditional systems - Lagna PLUS Thidhi are used for some items. So my point is Fotuna alone is not going to alter the Saturn's influential position Coming to what you have written while I agree with the good gains promised with fortunae - it

depend on the entire chart - and benefits of transits. rao chitturu ramesh tendulkar <ram_t_1968 wrote: Dear Rao SirAs per KP tenets, Fortuna has to be looked into critically. If it favours the job & related houses (transfer, promotions etc) then good gains shall be blessed upon.Fortuna has to be looked into based

on Natal Chart constructed using KP. If it signifies, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, there will be good gains connected with job.There is an article in the files section.RegardsRamesh rao chitturu <csr162002 > Sent: Tuesday, 10 June, 2008 4:00:50 AMRe: Re: Saturn in 10th house-need holistic approach Mr.Malhi, Let me add while agreeing with all said. No planet works in isolation - at any given time native get a package deal of all planets with a leadership of one / more planets as per D/B/A or transit positions. Strengths / weakness of natal charts cannot be ignored. What is needed mostly in predictive astrology is a

'holistic approach' - "Holism" theory is that a being has an identity other than and exceeding the total or sum of its parts. So an holistic approach helps predictive part. you have to consider the role of a planet by itself and also as a part of the team- This approach is Scientific / Rational / Professional / by whatever superf ine term useful. rao chitturusujatkaram <sujatkaram (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Respected Mr.Malhi,Sir,In my opinion,only in exceptional cases,a single planet happens to be so strong that it brings about the full results on its own singlehandedly. Normally it is the result of influence by a number of planets viz. DBA lords.And this will be true in case of saturn in tenth house too.Again no rule gives cent percent results.So one has to be very cautious and

judicious in applying rules. In my horoscope saturn is in tenth house, in addition it is a strong significator of the tenth house.But my career was fairly normal.No ups and downs. No sudden rise or fall. Nevertheless there used to be tremendous tension throughout the period of duty.I entered into service at the age of 21 and retired at 58.Regards,sujatkaram-- - In @gro ups.com, "G.S.MALHI" <gsmtex wrote:>> Respected Members,> 1-This particular person is now 47 years old.> So settling in 36 years not happened here.> 2-This person career graph was climbing fast up to> 41 years then lost speech and job.> 3-Again got good job in 45th year and lost in> 46th year.> 4-After losing job got operated for speech problem> now speech

is better but not normal.> 5-This person is highly qualified and foreign trained> in technical field.> 6-Prof..Krishnamurth y opinion in 5th reader page 123> is like this "reach high position and then fell down to > a depth much greater than the height they climb> and ultimately become sanyasi as they don't own anything"> 7-I want to know this is true when only alone saturn in 10th house> or else, as this person has saturn + kethu in 10th house..> 8-Details are as following > D.O.B 14-9-1961> Birth time-9.10AM, Birth place -longitude-75. 42 E> Latitude- 31.49 N.> I am taking this as study to solve mysteries of life and not short cut> in learning.> With High Regards> G.S.Malhi> > > Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one roof. Go to http://in.promos. / groups/> Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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