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aarushi murder case

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16th June 2008



Dear friends



On 31st May 2008 (16:02:52 hours, NZST, Auckland, New Zealand), I asked this question to myself, if Dr Talwar has killed his daughter and came to some conclusion.


Does anybody wishes to try this? I have also got the actual date of birth of Aarushi (the murdered victim) and her parents as well. At this point of time, I am not too sure whether to release my analysis or not. Whether its right for me to do so or not? Please advise.




Ravinder Grover

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Om SreeMahaGanaadhipataye Namah Hari Om,

Dear Sri Ravinder Grover,

Even if you have correct data you may share data if client has permitted you BUT ,please do not predict at this point of time nor post your analysis.

Astrolgers should keep out from controversies.Predict only if affected party consults you in private.

In fact i searched for data , But even year of birth of late Arushi is different on web / news report what to say of birth time?

Yes it is possible to figure out murderer from data .Clear guide line is given in KP.

In astrology , circumstances of death , mode of death etc are clearly revealed, but it is better not to speculate on basis of data you have in public.

with regards,


OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCS

-----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who hascreated the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--



AL Grover



Monday, June 16, 2008 3:53 PM

aarushi murder case






16th June 2008



Dear friends



On 31st May 2008 (16:02:52 hours, NZST, Auckland, New Zealand), I asked this question to myself, if Dr Talwar has killed his daughter and came to some conclusion.


Does anybody wishes to try this? I have also got the actual date of birth of Aarushi (the murdered victim) and her parents as well. At this point of time, I am not too sure whether to release my analysis or not. Whether its right for me to do so or not? Please advise.




Ravinder Grover

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16th June 2008


Dear Swami ji


Thanks for your advice.  Even though I have been approached by

the family through somebody in India but I will hold the analysis and

prediction till the time is right.    I believe sometimes, such right

predictions can inflate the ego of the astrologer too if he is right.


Thanks for your kind advice.




Ravinder Grover





On Behalf Of swami

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:35 AM


Re: aarushi murder case











|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Om SreeMahaGanaadhipataye Namah

Hari Om,




Sri Ravinder Grover,




if you have correct data you may share data if client has permitted

you BUT ,please do not predict at this point of time nor post your





should keep out from controversies.Predict only if affected party consults you

in private.




fact i searched for data , But even year of birth of late Arushi is

different on web / news report what to say of birth time?




it is possible to figure out murderer from data .Clear guide line is given in





astrology , circumstances of death , mode of death etc are clearly revealed,

but it is better not to speculate on basis of data you have in public.
















" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has

created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "






Original Message -----



AL Grover











Monday, June 16,

2008 3:53 PM




murder case








16th June 2008

Dear friends

On 31st May 2008

(16:02:52 hours, NZST, Auckland, New Zealand), I asked this question to

myself, if Dr Talwar has killed his daughter and came to some conclusion.


Does anybody wishes to try

this? I have also got the actual date of birth of Aarushi (the murdered

victim) and her parents as well. At this point of time, I am

not too sure whether to release my analysis or not. Whether its right for

me to do so or not? Please advise.


Ravinder Grover

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