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Summary: Difference Between Different Editions of KP Readers

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Differences between 1966 edition (2 readers) and present editions (6 readers)

Mr. Dhanabalan ji has stirred the hornet's nest by stating that the present 6 readers available in not written by Sri KS Krishnamurti and hence cannot be relied upon. It created a serious doubt in the mind of the KP student on which readers to use & refer for learning KP. The 1966 edition published by Sagar publication, which Sri Dhanabalan ji is referring, is not available in the market. I tried to obtain 1966 edition from him and some other members who are said to posses these books but in vein.

Please note that the comments & suggestions mentioned are my personal comments as an astrologer and are not made in the capacity of a moderator. Anyways, the purpose of this post is to summarize the discussion and sharing my personal comments for the sake of KP students and members of this forum. There is noticeable, if not significant differences between 1966 readers (OE – old edition) and 6 readers (NE - new edition). I have tabulated the changes pointed out of Dhanabalan ji in his recent posts followed by my comments and suggestions for the benefits of the forum members and KP students as follows -

1) The KP Community is divided in usage of the ayanamsa. There are KP astrologers who use KP Straight-line Newcomb Ayanamsa, which is close to Lahiri and other KP astrologers use New KP Ayanamsa. Cuspal interlinks follows Straight-line Newcomb Ayanamsa whereas 4-step follows New KP Ayanamsa.

My comments & suggestions: usage of ayanamsa had always been debatable. We have seen heated debate in this forum between cuspal interlinks followers and other KP astrologers in the past. Cuspal interlinks uses sub-sub extensively, and that is one of the reason for favoring KP straight-line Newcomb ayanamsa. On the other hand, other KP astrologers also got excellent results using KP New ayanamsa. It made me believe that the question of ananamsa is not that important one and one can get good predictions with any of these ayanamsa. I personally use KP New Ayanamsa. I agree to Tw ji that generally sub doesn't change with the change in ayanamsa, so this discussion is not an important one.


2) According to Mr. Dhanabalan, the mention of good aspect and bad aspect in OE seems influenced by western aspects where aspects are classified as good or bad. For example, square aspect is classified as bad whereas trine is classified as good.

My comments & suggestions: Going through the second reader, it becomes very clear that KSK has used western aspects and aspects nature extensively. The 2nd reader, especially the language used, seems highly influenced by Western astrology and some western astrology books.


3) In OE, KSK has used exalted, debilitated, friend, enemy, vargottama etc. while judging the power of signification which has been removed from 6 readers.

My comments & suggestions: I am follower of the school which suggests usage of multiple systems for getting better results. I am sure that not everybody will agree to this. I personally use multiple systems and found good results so I don't see any problem in following this theory. Though it would be good to do a systematic research to find out the applicability of this principle from KP perspective.


4) Mr.KSK said (ref page 356) that if a planet occupies a sign which is the 6th or 8th or the 12th from the sign which it owns, it loses strength to offer such results as are indicated by that house, but will give results just opposite to the indications of the house owned by it. This theory has been taken off 6 readers.

My comments & suggestions: Again I have never tried it. It would be good to do a systematic research on this topic too. Though this is a popular traditional astrology rule which is in vogue for a long time, and hence I take it correct based on my knowledge of traditional astrology. Though it can be debatable whether this rule can be classified as KP or not. As per OE it is KP and as per NE it is not KP. It also making me rethink on the definition that I created for KP for this forum during the recent headed discussion on KP vs. 4-step where I mentioned that everything in 6 readers should be called KP. I am just wondering should I also mention the edition of the readers in my definition of KP J


5) Mr.K.S.Krishnamoorthy recommended using the Uttarakalmrita method to rectify the birth time. While calculating ghatis, one should subtract the local sunrise time from the local birth time. Or in otherwise, convert the sunrise to IST by adding the local correction and subtract it from the IST birth time. This is explained by Mr.KSK in his book volume II in page 411. I have also verified in some other books.

My comments & suggestions: I never used this method as I got good results using RP based BTR. I am also non-believer of "Astro Secrets" method of moon and ascendant connection. We know that KSK has very high respect for Kalidas and generally accepted most of his theories as it is. We know that idea of 1-249 based KP horary has also been borrowed from Kalidas/Uttarkalamrita.


6) In volume II of Krishnamoorthy paddhati of sagar publications in 1966, he gave many examples taking moon sign as first house. He also clearly explained how to find out whether lagna is strong or moon sign is strong. Mr.K.S.Krishnamoorthy advised the readers to use moon sign if it is strong and lagna is afflicted. This method of prediction is still in vogue in vedic. As I already told, k.p. is not far away from vedic system.

My comments & suggestions: I believe that having multiple charts makes analysis more difficult and that is the reason Sri KSK stick to one chart approach. It doesn't mean that other charts are useless, though it simply mean that single chart approach makes predictive astrology simple, logical, systematic and easy to understand. If an astrologer is capable of judging multiple charts, in my opinion, s/he can further verify the predictions made using lagna chart with other charts. I personally don't use Moon chart alone, as over a period of time we got good results using lagna chart alone.


7) With reference to the volume II, six fold general significator table should be followed instead of the existing 4 fold.

My comments & suggestions: this is another principle where systematic research is required to understand whether 6 fold signification can add more value to KP predictions. Dhabalanji's point that Sri KSK has used 4 fold signification at some other places just because of the lack of automated computation make some sense to me.


8) According to Mr. Dhanabalan, the famous principle of knowing the possibility of event using signification of cuspal sublord to a group of house is missing in OE. For example, in NE, it has been mentioned that for marriage 7th cuspal sub lord should signify 2,7,11. But in OE, Sri KSK has simply mentioned to judge house 2, 7, and 11.

My comments & suggestions: I don't have OE so I don't have much to comment here. Though like many KP astrologers I have found this rule works miraculously. I have seen some cases where this rule has failed, but it has given excellent results to me most of the times and I strongly recommend using it, even if it is missing in OE.


9) Mr.K.S.Krishnamoorthy has discussed the birth time rectification with pre-natal-epoch method and rejected this method as not correct in pages 403 to 408 of volume II. But in the Reader V page ix of 2004 edition, it is stated that the success rate of this method is 50%.


10) According to Mr.K.S.Krishnamoorthy, whether the planet X and the star Y signifies 2,7,11 or 4,6,10 is not the matter. Whether the sublord Z signifies 2,7,11 is the matter. If Z signifies 2,7,11 then marriage will happen. If Z signifies 4,6,10 then there is no marriage in that period. (Mr.KSK in page 253 of volume II). For example, generally "7th cusp star or sub" has been changed to "7th cusp sub' star or sub'sub."

My comments & suggestions: The edition that I have also states the same as mentioned by Dhanabalan ji. We can say that till the time of Sri KSK, the theory of Cuspal sub's star was not there. This was added later on either due to further research or due to some other reason which is unknown to us and will remain debatable.

After going through all the recent posts on this topic, one point is very clear that some significant changes have been made in NE. There is no way to ascertain whether those changes had been made by Sri KSK or somebody else (e.g. KMS). Raichur ji is very clear in his suggestion that we should follow Sri KSK only in case of discrepancy. He also shares the concern with Dhanabalan ji about the authorship of the NR. In the document summarizing differences between 1971 edition and 2004 edition, he mentions " This casts a serious doubt whether even 1971 edition contained text not written by KSK " . On the other hands, Tw ji, another senior KP astrologer, believes that the modifications are made as a result of further research in KP by the followers and relative of Sri KSK and it is changes are inevitable.

Dhanabalan ji said in Message #18311 that "There are lot of vital changes were made in subsequent editions. Assuming that the Reader III was written by Mr.KSK, further correction in KSK's articles should not be done by others. If done, the originality of Mr.KSK will lost. The same thing was done in Reader III. The beginners thing that the entire content of the Reader III belongs to Mr.KSK." I also believes on the same like that it would have been good if original content had been kept intact and notes had been added instead of modifying the content. It is very unfortunate that we lack original content now and speculating what all content was written by Sri KSK and what all content has been written by others.


Before wrapping up, I highly recommend to go through the reference material given below especially the comparison between 1971 edition and 2004 edition by Sri Anant Raichur ji. I have also uploaded this file in the file section of this forum for future reference.




1. /message/18265

2. /message/18330

3. /message/18305

4. /message/18332

5. /message/18163

6. File "Differences between 1971 and 2004.doc" in Difference%20in%20Readers/ folder.


Thanks & Regards,Punit PandeyWeb: http://www.AstroSage.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/punitastrologerFriendFeed: http://friendfeed.com/punitastrologer


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