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Which is correct? sub's star or sub's sub's star- -TO TAKE U P TO SUB LEVEL

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1. This is the same like taking only the 3 examples with the "sub" and neglecting the 12 examples without the "sub"; here referring only the 2 levels of the "planet and star" and neglecting the 3rd level of most powerful SUB according to-


"The planet is the source, constellation indicates nature of the result and the sub is a "deciding factor" whether the matter is favorable or not."

- Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, 1966, p 41


and the star is stronger than the planet and the sub is more powerful than the star.



2. The evidence for taking the 3 rd level of sub in judging the cuspal sub lord is given as under:-


2.1. In the following self referred statement in Msg#18372, the sub of the 5th cusp sub lord (a planet) is the KP standard sub level of deciding factor, not significator like the planet and star level.



Please refere page 198 of Reader V (Transit), 2004 edition under the heading "Horary New Finding"..


I reproduce the sentence," Find out the sublord of the 5th cusp.

If the sublord of the 5th cusp is deposited in any sign in any constellation, but in the sub of the significator of the houses 6 and 11 one wins most satisfactorily. Highest reward."

From this I understand that the 5th cusp sub's sub is the significator. i.e. we have to consider the 5th cusp sub's sub's star also.



2.2. The "Role of Sub" in pp 1-7 of the orginal KP Vol. 2, 1966 or KP Reader, original version of 1971, Theorectical Part pp 59-66 or revised version pp 62-70 is a reference in this regard. Msg#18415 is found in this line of thinking.


2.3. In p 24 of the "Nakshatra Chintamani" by Chandrakant R. Bhatt, the sub lord is taken as the decider, not significator as shown below :-


"The sub lord of the significator is the "deciding factor" regarding the matters of the star lord...."


2.4. In "the Further Light on Nakshatra Chintamani" by Chandrakant R. Bhatt, it can be found the consideration of:


1) the sub of the Asc cuspal sub lord (CSL) in p 65;

2) the sub of the 5th CSL in p 75;

3) the sub of the 12th CSL in p 83;

4) the sub of the 4th CSL in p 89;

5) the sub of the 5th CSL in p 144, etc.


2.5.In the K.M. Subramanium's "Sublord Speaks" article, the last one no LX (KP & Astrology 1998)-


1) the sub lord is taken as the decider, not significator as shown below:


"Whether it is a planet or CUSPAL SUBLORD these are controlled by the relevant sublord & its significations only. As regards to a planet, the matter is seen through the star lord of that planet and the SUB LORD of that planet "decides" the result and how the matter is altered & enjoyed and suffered by the native. While we take the sublord of the CUSP (all know the SUB Lord is a PLANET), we must be more careful, while dealing with the subject. As told above, the CUSPAL SUBLORD is a PLANET…."


"Finally, I like to Bring to the knowledge of the students of K.P. that the sublord of a planet tells the frutification of certain matters, shown by the Sublord & the result either good or bad in terms of the signification of the Sublord. The quality and quantity of the result is simply assessed through the signification attained by the SUBLORD of the planet ruling the relevant CUSP. This is final in KRISHNAMURTHY OADDHATHI."


"The sublord of the IInd CUSP is SATURN. Saturn is in VIII (No planet in Saturn star) & so fully signifies VIII; and Saturn in the star of Moonin VII- owning X (RAHU in X). So Saturn fully signifies VII & VIII. Saturn is in the SUB of RAHU signifying IV, so IInd had been rendered very weak & nothing can be expected out of IInd Cusp."


2) the star lord of the sub lord of the cuspal sub lord is used to be considered to know more about the indication of the sub lord of the cuspal sub lord , but not like taking the 4th level significator, as given under:-


"The Sublord of the IVth CUSP is JUPITER. Jupiter signifies III & IX fully under steller strength. Jupiter in the SUB of Saturn in VIII (No planet in Saturn star) & so VIII fully & Saturn in the star of Moon in VII & so VII fully, so VII & VIII fully."


2.6. Such kind of checking the star lord of the sub lord of the cuspal sub lord to know

more about the indication of the sub lord of the cuspal sub lord is found in the KP Reader IV p 227 for the chart of Horary no. 235 for a Male whether the child is promised or not. "The 11th cuspal sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star and sub of Rahu. Therefore the 11th cusp demises."






The planet is the source, constellation indicates nature of the result and the sub is a "deciding factor" whether the matter is favorable or not."

- Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. 2, 1966, p 41





, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan wrote:>> Dear yogesh Rao> > In all the k.p.Readers, Astrosecret and the books written by Mr.Suramaniam and Hariharan (both english and Tamil) only the 2 steps in the 4 step theory is followed.> > I have gone through the earlier messages of this group and collected about it. You might be aware of it.> > I reproduce what I have collected fom this group message files.> > ------------> > If person is to settle abroad, then 12th must signify 9th Travel, and 3,change of residence, and the 12th must be in a fixed Sign. If 12th cusp sub lord is occupant of fixed sign native is likely to settle at abroad or stay for longer periods.> > For going abroad: 12th sublord must be a significator of 9th (long travel) or 3rd (leaving> home). If it also is connected/significator of 10th, then you go abroad for service, if to> 4th then for education.> > for getting a job, 10th sublord must be the significator of 6 or 2, as 6th is sucess over other competitors, 2 is for getting money. 11th is for fulfilment of hopes, wishes etc. So if 10th sub lord is also significator of 11th, you will get a job which is to your liking.> > Additional information from "HORARY ASTROLOGY, KP Reader VI", pp 302-303,> 1) Whether one's desire will be fuffilled early or not is to be decided from the owner of 11th house and the planets posited in it.> 2) Whether one will settle permanently abroad or not is to be decided from the 12th cusp.> (a) If 12 th sublord is deposited in a common sign, he will go and come back;> (b) If it's in a movable sign, he will once for all leave the present place and never erturn;> © In fixed sign, he will not move out> > For successful completion of education > the s/l of the IVth cusp should signify IV,IX & XI...> any connection with VIII will indicate breaks in education...and,> if the s/l of IV is Mars or Sat,connected to VIII & XII indicates he will not go to school at all... > Lower level education houses IV & XI.> Higher education IV,IX & XI. > One will submit his thesis for Ph.D. only during the conjoined period of significators of IV & IX.> If the s/l of the IXth is also a significator of XI,you will get success...> if it signifies XII you will fail,and succeed only when the period of IX & XI operates...and so on...> > If the 7th Sublord signifies 2,6,10,11 own business is promised > if it signifies 7th house partnership is o.k. > In Ashtakavarga more than 30 points needed for own profession. > If 10th sub signinfies 2,6,10 and 11 service is promissed> > if the s/l of VII signifies II,VII or XI...marriage is promised,and> if it signifies II,V VII & XI,then a love-marriage is promised...> > > If 2 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, no wealth. (Note: you may rewrite 5 or 8 or 12; 5 & 8 together is better than only 5; 5,8 & 12 together is much better than 5 & 8 together etc)> > If 11 or 6 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, failure in competiotion, election, litigation, etc.> > If 3 Sbl signifies 6, 11 success in appeal; if 5,12, failure.> > If 10 Sbl is deposited in the Stl of significator of 1 or 5 or 9 or 12, no reappointement in service. > The houses 5,9,1 indicates suspension or dismissal (from service). > If 7 or 10 or 12 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, loss in business (partner gains). > > If the sublord of the VIIth, signifies IV,VI,X or XII...it shows unhappiness in married life... > If the sublords of VII & V and their lords are all posited in fruitful signs(Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces),an early marriage is seen.> > > For property,the s/l of IV,should signify IV,XI & XII and also have a connection with Mars...> For a vehicle the s/l of IV should must signify II,IV & XI and have a connection with Venus... and be deposited in a moveable sign...> "planets connected with > 4th house and Mars will indicate house,> 4th house and Venus indicates conveyance,> 4th house and Moon govern mother,> 4th house and Mercury indicates education." > > > For property karkas are sat(for land) & mars (for constructed house.)For aquring property 4th sublord/nakhshatra lord shuold signify 4 11 12.At the same time karka should not negate ie should not signify 4 6 8 12/ 6 8 12(throgh their shblord/nakhshatralord).Result will fructify during dba of planets which signify 4 11 12.Infact 4 11 is sufficient if property is aqured w/o own investment-eg 4 8 11 for gifted property.> > Is Marriage Promised? > 1) "The simple rule is, note the sublord of the 7th Cusp; if the sublord is connected with 4, 6, 10th houses, one will be denied of marriage." you have to understand this rules as : 7th cuspsublord not signifies 2 or 7 or 11. and connected with 4, 6, 10th houses, one will be denied of marriage..> 2) "Note the sublord of the 7th cusp. If it is a significator of house 7 or 2 or 11, marriage is promised." you have to understand this rules as : 7th cuspsublord signifies 2 or 7 or 11. and not connected with 4, 6, 10th houses, marriage is promised.> If 7th sublord is significator of house 2 or 7 or 11 then marrage is promis but when DBA will run significator of 6 or 10 (in this case you have mention as for example) then at that time divorce or sepration . And if 7th cusp not signifies 2 or 7 or 11 than marriage is denied.> > ------------------> According to the INVENTOR OF KP SYSTEM, LATE SHRI K.S.KRISHNAMURTHIJI, the Cuspal Sub Lords, are the final Arbiters FOR ALL THE MATTERS relating to that Cusp. In case such Sub Lords do not have any other Planets in their Stars, then they become very powerful to give the results of the relevant Cusps for which they have taken control as Sub Lords. Here the question of Benefic or Malefic nature of Planets does not arise. As a matter of fact in KP System there is no such thing as Benefic or Malefic Planet. All Planets are Benefic and Malefic according to their disposition in the Charts. Shri KSK has beautifully defined this Benefic/Malefic matter in regarsd to Planets. As an explanation - suppose one wants to know about one's marriage prospects then, all those Planets signifying the matters of the houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 counted from the 7th, are good for the 7th house matters i.e., the Planets that are ln the Sub of the significatiors of houses> 7,8,9.12,4 and 5 are bendeficial to give result of this 7th house matters. Here you will notice that houses 7,8,9,12,4 and 5 are houses 1,2,3,6,10 and 11 counted from 7th. This is the way to interpret the Benefic/Maldefic Planets in a Chart as per K.P.System. I hope I have made the position clear.> -----------> Dear Srinivasa,> Examine the Xth house for change of job or profession... If the s/l of the Xth signifies> I,V,IX. & XI then alone, is a change in Job is promised... The sublord of the Xth must> promise a change of job...else,it will never materialise.. Change will take place during> the period ruled by the significators of I,V,IX & XI...> -----------------------------> Dear Mr Gopalachary,> > If both 7th and 10th sublord signifies 2,6,10 & 11 is it business or service. Please clarify> > Good evening Sir,> > If the 7th Sublord signifies 2,6,10,11 own business is promised > if it signifies 7th house partnership is o.k. > In Ashtakavarga more than 30 points needed for own profession. > If 10th sub signinfies 2,6,10 and 11 service is promissed> ------------------------> DENIAL OF MERRIAGE? > > Marriage is generally examined from the VIIth cusp... If the s/l of the VIIth signifies II,V,VII XI...then alone marriage is promised...> --> > 2. As per KP 5H (12th to winning 6H) is a losing/undesirable house..> > a/ If 2 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, no wealth. (Note: you may rewrite 5 or 8 or 12; 5 & 8 together is better than only 5; 5,8 & 12 together is much better than 5 & 8 together etc)(Astrosecrets & KP, Part III, p 65)> > b/ If 11 or 6 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, failure in competiotion, election, litigation, etc. (Astrosecrets & KP, Part III, p 57, item 8; KP Year Book 2000, p 58, 5th is a defeat in a race)> > c/ If 3 Sbl signifies 6, 11 success in appeal; if 5,12, failure. (KP Reader VI, p 168)> > d/ If 10 Sbl is deposited in the Stl of significator of 1 or 5 or 9 or 12, no reappointement in service. (KP Reader VI, p 168; Astrosecrets & KP, Part III, p 50, item 5)> > e/ The houses 5,9,1 indicates suspension or dismissal (from service). (KP Reader III, p 370; CR Bhatt: Nakshatra Chintamai, p 14)> > f/ If 7 or 10 or 12 Sbl signifies 5,8,12, loss in business (partner gains). (KP Reader III, p 362; Astrosecrets & KP, Part I, p 192, item 3; Astrosecrets & KP, Part I, p 209, item 14; CR Bhatt: Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamai, p 99)> > -------------> > P.Shanmugam: If sublord of 4th is connected to 4-6-9-1-12 One would purchase a constructed house. Also 12th sublord should be connected to 4-6-12-9.> > C.R.Bhatt : If 4th sublord signifies 4,11 or 12 then one can buy a house during joint period of significators of 4,11. or 12 And Mars or Saturn connected with 4.> > K.Bhaskaran: If 4th sublord is linked to 4,9,6 & 11 + Fixed Sign then one would buy a constructed house.> > I would like to know members opinion on this.> ----------------------------> > --- On Tue, 8/5/08, Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1 wrote:> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi lyrastro1 Re: Re: Which is correct? sub's star or sub's sub's star> > Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 8:53 AM> > > > > > > > > Dear Dhanabalan,> "Very simple Dr.Watson" !> Take all the significators applying all the suggestions you have given...> Then as per KSK's dictum the strogest among them are the ones whose star is not tenanted... !> I personally follow this method as told to all of us by KSK in person...! !> And I need not emphasise that I got excellent results...> L.Y.Rao.> > > > > Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ >> @gro ups.com> Tuesday, 5 August, 2008 11:49:42 AM> Re: Re: Which is correct? sub's star or sub's sub's star> > > > > > > > > Dear Pandey> > You are telling that the 7th cusp sublord should signigy 2,7 and 11 for marriage.> > How you will take the significator?> > a) cuspal sublord's occupation and ownership only or> b) cuspal sublord's starlord occupation and ownership only or> c) cuspal sublords occupation, ownership and sublord's starlord occupation and ownership> > Dhanabalan> > --- On Tue, 8/5/08, Punit Pandey punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:> > Punit Pandey punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com>> Re: Re: Which is correct? sub's star or sub's sub's star> @gro ups.com> Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 5:48 AM> > > > > > > I use 1, "7th cusp sublord should signify 2,7,11" and found good results. > > Thanks & Regards,> > Punit Pandey> > > > On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ > wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Sunialaka> > I accept that there is evidence in the Reader V (Transit) for your 4 step theory.> But according to me, all the Readers were not written by Mr.KSK. In the name of Mr.KSK, someone has written. I have shown some evidence in Reader III in support of my contention. There are some more evidences in the Reader VI (Horary) in support of my contentention. > > Further, there is another controversy. which one is to take? cusp's star or cusp sub's sub's star for prediction. For example,> > For marriage which will decide the marriage among the following 3? Which should signify 2,7 and 11? Which should fall in fruitful sign?> > 1) 7th cusp sublord should signify 2,7,11 or> 2) 7th cusp sublord' star should signify 2,7,11 or > 3) 7th cusp sublord's sublord's star should signify 2,7,11> > Dhanabalan> > --- On Mon, 8/4/08, sunilalaka sunilalaka (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:> > sunilalaka sunilalaka (AT) gmail (DOT) com>> Re: Which is correct? sub's star or sub's sub's star> @gro ups.com> Monday, August 4, 2008, 9:04 AM> > > > > > dear dhanabalan,> in my previous messages,i have mentioned that my> late guru,hasbe,told me that KSK was using sub's star.> so you have found the example also,thanks> -sunil gondhalekar> > @gro ups.com, Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ ...> > > wrote:> >> > Dear members> > > > > > Please refere page 198 of Reader V (Transit), 2004 edition under > the heading "Horary New Finding".> > > > I reproduce the sentence," Find out the sublord of the 5th cusp.> > If the sublord of the 5th cusp is deposited in any sign in any > constellation, but in the sub of the significator of the houses 6 > and 11 one wins most satisfactorily. Highest reward."> > From this I understand that the 5th cusp sub's sub is the > significator. i..e. we have to consider the 5th cusp sub's sub's > star also.> > > > In 4 step theory, Mr.Sunil Gondhalekar has considered the 5th cusp > sublord as planet(first step), star (2nd step), sub's sub (3rd step) > and sub's sub's star in the 4th step.> > It seems the 4 step theory is only a k.p. and there is no > deviation from k.p.rule.> > > > Dhanabalan> > > >> > > > > > > > Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download.>

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