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Horary Timing an event

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Dear Sirs,

I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses.

Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?

I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month), otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!

Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"

Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn-Sun




Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

A. 6

B. 6

C. 5

D. 1, 8

So matter is confirmed.


Time of Event:


Significators of 3rd house:

A. x

B. x

C. Ketu

D. Mercury


Significators of 5th house:

A. x

B. Sun, Saturn

C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

D. Moon


Significators of 9th house:

A. x

B. Jupiter[R]

C. x

D. Jupiter[R]


Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R]


Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

Asc. Star lord: Ketu

Asc. Sign lord: Mars

Moon Star lord: Mars

Moon Sign lord: Venus

Day lord: Mercury


Rahu represents: Saturn

Ketu represents: Moon


Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]


Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.


As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.


Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9.







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Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Dear Antariksh

jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80 wrote:

*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80 Horary >> Timing an event Date: Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM




Dear Sirs,

I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses.

Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?

I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!

Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"

Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun




Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

A. 6

B. 6

C. 5

D. 1, 8

So matter is confirmed.


Time of Event:


Significators of 3rd house:

A. x

B. x

C. Ketu

D. Mercury


Significators of 5th house:

A. x

B. Sun, Saturn

C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

D. Moon


Significators of 9th house:

A. x

B. Jupiter[R]

C. x

D. Jupiter[R]


Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R]


Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

Asc. Star lord: Ketu

Asc. Sign lord: Mars

Moon Star lord: Mars

Moon Sign lord: Venus

Day lord: Mercury


Rahu represents: Saturn

Ketu represents: Moon


Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]


Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.


As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.


Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9.







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Dear Sagar ji,Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this? Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSH" Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. RamanSagar S <ssagar86 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AMRe: Horary >> Timing an event


Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Dear Antariksh

jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:

*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > Horary >> Timing an event@gro ups.comFriday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM




Dear Sirs,

I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses.

Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?

I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!

Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"

Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun




Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

A. 6

B. 6

C. 5

D. 1, 8

So matter is confirmed.


Time of Event:


Significators of 3rd house:

A. x

B. x

C. Ketu

D. Mercury


Significators of 5th house:

A. x

B. Sun, Saturn

C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

D. Moon


Significators of 9th house:

A. x

B. Jupiter[R]

C. x

D. Jupiter[R]


Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R]


Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

Asc. Star lord: Ketu

Asc. Sign lord: Mars

Moon Star lord: Mars

Moon Sign lord: Venus

Day lord: Mercury


Rahu represents: Saturn

Ketu represents: Moon


Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]


Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.


As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.


Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9.







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NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR--- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80 wrote:

*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80Re: Horary >> Timing an event Date: Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM




Dear Sagar ji,Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?


Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSH

" Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman



Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>@gro ups.comSaturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AMRe: Horary >> Timing an event







Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Dear Antariksh

jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:

*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > Horary >> Timing an event@gro ups.comFriday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM




Dear Sirs,

I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses.

Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?

I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!

Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"

Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun


Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

A. 6

B. 6

C. 5

D. 1, 8

So matter is confirmed.

Time of Event:

Significators of 3rd house:

A. x

B. x

C. Ketu

D. Mercury

Significators of 5th house:

A. x

B. Sun, Saturn

C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

D. Moon

Significators of 9th house:

A. x

B. Jupiter[R]

C. x

D. Jupiter[R]

Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R]

Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

Asc. Star lord: Ketu

Asc. Sign lord: Mars

Moon Star lord: Mars

Moon Sign lord: Venus

Day lord: Mercury

Rahu represents: Saturn

Ketu represents: Moon

Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. Thanks, Antariksh


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Dear L Y Rao,I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. Please explain it clearly. Please

note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I

talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP Horary

[using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani

and Astro Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

prediction if it was wrong. I don't know if that's something

"re-kindling a well-settled controversy,all over again". If so I really

apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP lovers

to understand the subject better? Regards & Best

Wishes,ANTARIKSHYogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AMRe: Horary >> Timing an event

Dear Antariksh,

I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV Raman and his "more-loyal-than-the-king" followers had waged a WAR against KSK and lost miserably...not very long ago...

It seems to me that you are interested in re-kindling a well-settled controversy,all over again...IF so, this is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble opinion...

Kindly desist from comparing Raman's version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of K.P. !

L.Yogesh Rao.



Sagar S <ssagar86 Sent: Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PMRe: Horary >> Timing an event









NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR--- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:

*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >Re: Horary >> Timing an event@gro ups.comSaturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM




Dear Sagar ji,Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?


Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSH

" Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman



Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>@gro ups.comSaturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AMRe: Horary >> Timing an event







Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

Dear Antariksh

jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

Sahhasra Saagara--- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:


*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > Horary >> Timing an event@gro ups.comFriday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM




Dear Sirs,

I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses.

Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?

I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!

Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"

Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)


TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST



POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun


Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

A. 6

B. 6

C. 5

D. 1, 8

So matter is confirmed.

Time of Event:

Significators of 3rd house:

A. x

B. x

C. Ketu

D. Mercury

Significators of 5th house:

A. x

B. Sun, Saturn

C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

D. Moon

Significators of 9th house:

A. x

B. Jupiter[R]

C. x

D. Jupiter[R]

Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R]

Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

Asc. Star lord: Ketu

Asc. Sign lord: Mars

Moon Star lord: Mars

Moon Sign lord: Venus

Day lord: Mercury

Rahu represents: Saturn

Ketu represents: Moon

Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. Thanks, Antariksh



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Dear Antariksh Ji,


The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:


1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

itself at the time of judgement.


4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.


5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

pertaining to the question.


6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3)

or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the

querent. Results will not fructify.


These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.


Hope the Senior Members will add more light.








, *** ANTARIKSH ***

<antariksh_80 wrote:


> Dear L Y Rao,


> I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

Please explain it clearly.


> Please

> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I

> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP


> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> prediction if it was wrong.


> I don't know if that's something

> " re-kindling a well-settled controversy,all over again " . If so I


> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP


> to understand the subject better?


> Regards & Best Wishes,





> Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1


> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80

> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Dear Antariksh,

> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

Raman and his " more-loyal-than-the-king " followers had waged a WAR

against KSK and lost miserably...not very long ago...

> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy,all over again...IF so, this

is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble


> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of

K.P. !

> L.Yogesh Rao.






> Sagar S <ssagar86


> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event








> --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >



> *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> @gro ups.com

> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM



> Dear Sagar ji,


> Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At

that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars

dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5

and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub

of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.


> I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of

Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change

his job. What's your opinion on this?





> Regards & Best Wishes,



> " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say

with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman





> Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> @gro ups.com

> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> Dear Antariksh

> jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give

better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> Sahhasra Saagara


> --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >



> *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> Horary >> Timing an event

> @gro ups.com

> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM



> Dear Sirs,

> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using

horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the

concerned houses.

> Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned

houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

> One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets.

That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs

inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an


> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

valuable comments on this!

> Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes,

then when? "

> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


> Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun


> Analysis:


> Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> A. 6

> B. 6

> C. 5

> D. 1, 8

> So matter is confirmed.


> Time of Event:


> Significators of 3rd house:

> A. x

> B. x

> C. Ketu

> D. Mercury


> Significators of 5th house:

> A. x

> B. Sun, Saturn

> C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> D. Moon


> Significators of 9th house:

> A. x

> B. Jupiter[R]

> C. x

> D. Jupiter[R]


> Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

Jupiter [R]


> Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> Moon Star lord: Mars

> Moon Sign lord: Venus

> Day lord: Mercury


> Rahu represents: Saturn

> Ketu represents: Moon


> Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]


> Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come

in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.


> As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.


> Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th -

none of 3, 5 or 9.





> Thanks,

> Antariksh

> ________________________________

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now


> ________________________________

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> ________________________________

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now


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Dear S.Gopalakrishnan ji -Please comment on the timing of an event based upon the significators of primary/secondary houses. In case we find multiple significators and 4-5 RPs (including nodes) at the time of judgment, how someone would fix the DBA lords for the timing of the event. ... another method of looking into the sub lord of

each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

from the Time Of Judgement period rulers. [Astrosecrets & KP II]

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP II] Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSHS.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 1:35:41 PM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear Antariksh Ji,


The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:


1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

itself at the time of judgement.


4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.


5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

pertaining to the question.


6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3)

or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the

querent. Results will not fructify.


These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.


Hope the Senior Members will add more light.





@gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

<antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:


> Dear L Y Rao,


> I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

Please explain it clearly.


> Please

> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I

> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP


> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> prediction if it was wrong.


> I don't know if that's something

> "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I


> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP


> to understand the subject better?


> Regards & Best Wishes,





> Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>

> @gro ups.com

> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Dear Antariksh,

> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR

against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this

is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble


> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of

K.P. !

> L..Yogesh Rao.






> Sagar S <ssagar86@.. .>

> @gro ups.com

> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event








> --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >



> *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> @gro ups.com

> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM



> Dear Sagar ji,


> Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At

that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars

dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5

and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub

of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.


> I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of

Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change

his job. What's your opinion on this?





> Regards & Best Wishes,



> " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say

with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman





> Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> @gro ups.com

> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> Dear Antariksh

> jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give

better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> Sahhasra Saagara


> --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >



> *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> Horary >> Timing an event

> @gro ups.com

> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM



> Dear Sirs,

> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using

horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the

concerned houses.

> Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned

houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

> One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets.

That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs

inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an


> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

valuable comments on this!

> Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes,

then when?"

> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)


> Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun


> Analysis:


> Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> A. 6

> B. 6

> C. 5

> D. 1, 8

> So matter is confirmed.


> Time of Event:


> Significators of 3rd house:

> A. x

> B. x

> C. Ketu

> D. Mercury


> Significators of 5th house:

> A. x

> B. Sun, Saturn

> C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> D. Moon


> Significators of 9th house:

> A. x

> B. Jupiter[R]

> C. x

> D. Jupiter[R]


> Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

Jupiter [R]


> Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> Moon Star lord: Mars

> Moon Sign lord: Venus

> Day lord: Mercury


> Rahu represents: Saturn

> Ketu represents: Moon


> Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]


> Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come

in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.


> As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.


> Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th -

none of 3, 5 or 9.





> Thanks,

> Antariksh

> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now


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Dear sir,

As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further. If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other points mentioned by you.

With regards.

Dr. Luther



S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear Antariksh Ji,The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde itself at the time of judgement.4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses pertaining to the question.6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

situations.Hope the Senior Members will add more light.RegardsS.Gopalakrishnan@gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L Y Rao,> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. Please explain it clearly. > > Please> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP Horary> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> prediction if it was wrong. > > I don't know if that's something> "re-kindling a

well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I really> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP lovers> to understand the subject better?> > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>> @gro ups.com> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Dear Antariksh,> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble opinion...> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of K.P. !> L.Yogesh Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@.. .>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> sAHHASRA sAAGARA> NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, ***

ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > Dear Sagar ji,> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of

6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Dear Antariksh > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or after Jupiter gets

direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > Sahhasra Saagara> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > Dear Sirs,> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses. > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> One method is to eliminate the significators using

Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets &

KP]> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!> Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > Analysis: > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > A. 6 > B. 6 > C. 5 > D. 1, 8 > So matter is confirmed. > > Time of Event: > > Significators of 3rd house: > A. x > B. x > C. Ketu > D. Mercury > > Significators of 5th house: > A. x > B. Sun, Saturn > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > D. Moon >

> Significators of 9th house: > A. x > B. Jupiter[R] > C. x > D. Jupiter[R] > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R] > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > Moon Star lord: Mars > Moon Sign lord: Venus > Day lord: Mercury > > Rahu represents: Saturn > Ketu represents: Moon > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > Thanks, > Antariksh > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now>

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Dear Sir,Please comment on how one should fix the timing of event. ... another method of looking into the sub lord of

each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

from the Time Of Judgement period rulers. [Astrosecrets & KP II]

It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP II] Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSHLuther Rath <rathluther Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 9:31:32 PMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear sir,

As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further. If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other points mentioned by you.

With regards.

Dr. Luther



S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear Antariksh Ji,The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde itself at the time of judgement..4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses pertaining to the question.6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

situations.Hope the Senior Members will add more light.RegardsS.Gopalakrishnan@gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L Y Rao,> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. Please explain it clearly. > > Please> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP Horary> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> prediction if it was wrong. > > I don't know if that's something> "re-kindling a

well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I really> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP lovers> to understand the subject better?> > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>> @gro ups.com> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Dear Antariksh,> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again....IF so, this is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble opinion...> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of K.P. !> L.Yogesh Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@.. .>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> sAHHASRA sAAGARA> NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08,


ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > Dear Sagar ji,> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > I feel next

bhukti of Moon [significator of

6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Dear Antariksh > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change of job on or

after Jupiter gets

direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > Sahhasra Saagara> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > Dear Sirs,> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses. > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> One method is to eliminate the significators using

Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets &

KP]> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!> Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > Analysis: > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > A. 6 > B. 6 > C. 5 > D. 1, 8 > So matter is confirmed. > > Time of Event: > > Significators of 3rd house: > A. x > B. x > C. Ketu > D. Mercury > > Significators of 5th house: > A. x > B. Sun, Saturn > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > D. Moon >

> Significators of 9th house: > A. x > B. Jupiter[R] > C. x > D. Jupiter[R] > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R] > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > Moon Star lord: Mars > Moon Sign lord: Venus > Day lord: Mercury > > Rahu represents: Saturn > Ketu represents: Moon > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.. > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > Thanks, > Antariksh > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now>

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Dear Dr. Luther,


I always get confused as to how to fix the timing of an event. As per my understanding we can use Moon/Sun/Juptier for fixing the timing if the event is likely to happen in days/months/year by aligning the RPs. Another way is to find the DBA rulers using the significators/RPs and then check if the transit agrees. Please let me know which method to use when or my understanding is wrong altogether.




-R Kalia



*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 1:50:19 PMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event



Dear Sir,Please comment on how one should fix the timing of event.... another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers. [Astrosecrets & KP

II] It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP II]


Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSH



Luther Rath <rathluther >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 9:31:32 PMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event




Dear sir,

As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further. If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other points mentioned by you.

With regards.

Dr. Luther



S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear Antariksh Ji,The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde itself at the time of judgement..4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses pertaining to the question.6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

situations.Hope the Senior Members will add more light.RegardsS.Gopalakrishnan@gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L Y Rao,> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. Please explain it clearly. > > Please> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP Horary> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> prediction if it was wrong. > > I don't know if that's something> "re-kindling a

well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I really> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP lovers> to understand the subject better?> > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>> @gro ups.com> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Dear Antariksh,> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again....IF so, this is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble opinion...> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of K.P. !> L.Yogesh Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@.. .>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> sAHHASRA sAAGARA> NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, ***

ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > Dear Sagar ji,> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > I feel next bhukti of

Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Dear Antariksh > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change

of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > Sahhasra Saagara> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > Dear Sirs,> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses. > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> One method is to

eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!> Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > Analysis: > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > A. 6 > B. 6 > C. 5 > D. 1, 8 > So matter is confirmed. > > Time of Event: > > Significators of 3rd house: > A. x > B. x > C. Ketu > D. Mercury > > Significators of 5th house: > A. x > B. Sun, Saturn > C.

Mercury, Venus, Mars > D. Moon > > Significators of 9th house: > A. x > B. Jupiter[R] > C. x > D. Jupiter[R] > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R] > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > Moon Star lord: Mars > Moon Sign lord: Venus > Day lord: Mercury > > Rahu represents: Saturn > Ketu represents: Moon > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. >

Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.. > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > Thanks, > Antariksh > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now>

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It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,

if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of

retrograde planet.


Thanks and regards,





, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote:


> Dear sir,

> As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the

XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition

but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the

point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.

If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other

points mentioned by you.

> With regards.

> Dr. Luther






> S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3


> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Dear Antariksh Ji,


> The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:


> 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

> sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


> 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

> lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


> 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

> itself at the time of judgement.


> 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

> NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.


> 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

> pertaining to the question.


> 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3)

> or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the

> querent. Results will not fructify.


> These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.


> Hope the Senior Members will add more light.


> Regards

> S.Gopalakrishnan


> @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

> <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear L Y Rao,

> >

> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

> Please explain it clearly.

> >

> > Please

> > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I

> > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP

> Horary

> > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

> Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> > prediction if it was wrong.

> >

> > I don't know if that's something

> > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so I

> really

> > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP

> lovers

> > to understand the subject better?

> >

> > Regards & Best Wishes,


> >

> >

> >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > Dear Antariksh,

> > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

> Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a WAR

> against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > It seems to me that you are interested in

> re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this

> is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> opinion...

> > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

> version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of

> K.P. !

> > L.Yogesh Rao.


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >





> >

> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> > Dear Sagar ji,

> >

> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At

> that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars

> dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5

> and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub

> of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

> 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

> bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.

> >

> > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of

> Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change

> his job. What's your opinion on this?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards & Best Wishes,


> >

> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

> take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say

> with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > Dear Antariksh

> > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give

> better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

> 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > Sahhasra Saagara

> >

> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > Horary >> Timing an event

> > @gro ups.com

> > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> >

> >

> > Dear Sirs,

> > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using

> horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

> matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the

> concerned houses.

> > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned

> houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

> > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets.

> That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs

> inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

> which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an

> RP?

> > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

> each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

> signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

> one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

> from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

> plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

> within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

> days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

> valuable comments on this!

> > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes,

> then when? "

> > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

> >

> > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun

> >

> > Analysis:

> >

> > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> > A. 6

> > B. 6

> > C. 5

> > D. 1, 8

> > So matter is confirmed.

> >

> > Time of Event:

> >

> > Significators of 3rd house:

> > A. x

> > B. x

> > C. Ketu

> > D. Mercury

> >

> > Significators of 5th house:

> > A. x

> > B. Sun, Saturn

> > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> > D. Moon

> >

> > Significators of 9th house:

> > A. x

> > B. Jupiter[R]

> > C. x

> > D. Jupiter[R]

> >

> > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

> Jupiter [R]

> >

> > Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> > Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> > Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > Moon Sign lord: Venus

> > Day lord: Mercury

> >

> > Rahu represents: Saturn

> > Ketu represents: Moon

> >

> > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> >

> > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come

> in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.

> >

> > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> >

> > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th -

> none of 3, 5 or 9.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Antariksh

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> >


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Firstly, it is to choose the fruitful significators by—


1) selecting the significators as one of the joint period rulers

(D/B/A/S), only if both the significator and its sub lord signify the

concerned house(s); and

2) taking the significators which are among the RPs at the time of



Secondly, as per the best KP narrator C.R.Bhatt (Nakstra Chintamani

page 37/ Further light on Nakstra Chintamani page 17):--


" 1. An event generally happens during the joint period of the

significatores when transit agrees.

2.At the time of event Sun,Moon or/and joint period rulers are

generally found to be transiting in

(A) the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers (i.e. in

the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter period or/and

sookshma period ruler./DBAS)

(B) the star of the significatore of the event(other then the joint

period rules) in the horoscope " .


Finally, it's supposed to check mainly chosen DBAS lords whether they

are transiting in the star or sub of the same DBAS. Here it isn't

open-ended to take the signification of transiting DBAS lords which is

not promised in the natal chart for them. And then the transiting Sun

and Moon may be taken into consideration to choose appropriate

Sookshama or accurate timing. For slow moving planets, in addition to

stars the bhavas they are transiting may be also taken into account

and needless to say the subs will decide the signification of

transiting planets. . (KP Reader V,2004, page 163, " one should not

alway's calculet the ascendent for the place of birth unles the native

is permanent in his birth place. " )




, *** ANTARIKSH ***

<antariksh_80 wrote:


> Dear Sir,


> Please comment on how one should fix the timing of event.


> ... another method of looking into the sub lord of

> each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

> signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

> one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

> from the Time Of Judgement period rulers. [Astrosecrets & KP II]



> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

> plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

> within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

> days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP II]



> Regards & Best Wishes,








> Luther Rath <rathluther


> Monday, September 8, 2008 9:31:32 PM

> Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Dear sir,

> As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the

XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition

but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the

point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.

If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other

points mentioned by you.

> With regards.

> Dr. Luther






> S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 >

> @gro ups.com

> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Dear Antariksh Ji,


> The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:


> 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

> sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


> 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

> lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.


> 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

> itself at the time of judgement.


> 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

> NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.


> 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

> pertaining to the question.


> 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3)

> or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the

> querent. Results will not fructify.


> These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.


> Hope the Senior Members will add more light.


> Regards

> S.Gopalakrishnan


> @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

> <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear L Y Rao,

> >

> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

> Please explain it clearly.

> >

> > Please

> > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I

> > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP

> Horary

> > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

> Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> > prediction if it was wrong.

> >

> > I don't know if that's something

> > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so I

> really

> > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP

> lovers

> > to understand the subject better?

> >

> > Regards & Best Wishes,


> >

> >

> >

> > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > Dear Antariksh,

> > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

> Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a WAR

> against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > It seems to me that you are interested in

> re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this

> is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> opinion...

> > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

> version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of

> K.P. !

> > L.Yogesh Rao.


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >





> >

> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> >

> >

> > Dear Sagar ji,

> >

> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At

> that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars

> dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5

> and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub

> of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

> 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

> bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.

> >

> > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of

> Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change

> his job. What's your opinion on this?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards & Best Wishes,


> >

> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

> take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say

> with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > Dear Antariksh

> > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give

> better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

> 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > Sahhasra Saagara

> >

> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> wrote:

> >

> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > Horary >> Timing an event

> > @gro ups.com

> > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> >

> >

> > Dear Sirs,

> > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using

> horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

> matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the

> concerned houses.

> > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned

> houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?

> > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets.

> That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs

> inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

> which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an

> RP?

> > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

> each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord

> signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as

> one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking

> from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

> plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

> within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

> days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

> valuable comments on this!

> > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes,

> then when? "

> > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

> >

> > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun

> >

> > Analysis:

> >

> > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> > A. 6

> > B. 6

> > C. 5

> > D. 1, 8

> > So matter is confirmed.

> >

> > Time of Event:

> >

> > Significators of 3rd house:

> > A. x

> > B. x

> > C. Ketu

> > D. Mercury

> >

> > Significators of 5th house:

> > A. x

> > B. Sun, Saturn

> > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> > D. Moon

> >

> > Significators of 9th house:

> > A. x

> > B. Jupiter[R]

> > C. x

> > D. Jupiter[R]

> >

> > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

> Jupiter [R]

> >

> > Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> > Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> > Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > Moon Sign lord: Venus

> > Day lord: Mercury

> >

> > Rahu represents: Saturn

> > Ketu represents: Moon

> >

> > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> >

> > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come

> in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.

> >

> > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> >

> > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th -

> none of 3, 5 or 9.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Antariksh

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> >


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Dear Sir,

It is absolutely my personal openion opeion.

First of all consider what is the issue. Is it primary eduction, higher education, job or marriage etc.

For primary education 4 to 15 years, higher educationfrom 15 to maximum of 30 years,for job 18 to about 35 years,for marriage of women from 18 to35 yers, for men 20 to 40 years and for disease in any age of the native It is so.

Then fix up which major periods the native is run during that particular period. then examine which major period signifies the concerned primary of secondary houses. Once it is done for selection of bhukti examine one after the other.Find out which one signfies.If it signifies the same houses for dasa lord search for the antara lord which could complete the chain of houses concerned with the mater.Find out if those lord do not signify the adverse houses at the same time If the lords signify only the benificail houses there rises no problem.

If they signify both benificial as wellas detrimental houses find out which significators supports them to give good results.Then go for the transit of the lords.They give result when they transit in the constellation of a significator more so if dasa lord transit in that of Bhukti lor or antara lord and bhukti lord transits in that of dssa or antara lor and or/or in the constellation in which it was in natal char in cse the constellation is a significtor.

The rule should be first come first serve. One is not to by pass one period waiting for the strongest one. Weak significators give result if other criteria are fulfilled.

Some type of intution developed from experience always helps if one is sincere and has patience.

With regards..

Dr. Luther



Raman Kalia <rkalia1 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 11:35:55 AMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event




Dear Dr. Luther,


I always get confused as to how to fix the timing of an event. As per my understanding we can use Moon/Sun/Juptier for fixing the timing if the event is likely to happen in days/months/ year by aligning the RPs. Another way is to find the DBA rulers using the significators/ RPs and then check if the transit agrees. Please let me know which method to use when or my understanding is wrong altogether.




-R Kalia


*** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 1:50:19 PMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event



Dear Sir,Please comment on how one should fix the timing of event.... another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers. [Astrosecrets & KP

II] It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP II]


Regards & Best Wishes,ANTARIKSH



Luther Rath <rathluther >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 9:31:32 PMRe: Re: Horary >> Timing an event




Dear sir,

As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further. If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other points mentioned by you.

With regards.

Dr. Luther



S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3 >@gro ups.comMonday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Dear Antariksh Ji,The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde itself at the time of judgement..4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses pertaining to the question.6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY satisfied to denote a positive answer.. If any one of the rules (3) or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the querent. Results will not fructify.These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

situations.Hope the Senior Members will add more light.RegardsS.Gopalakrishnan@gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:>> Dear L Y Rao,> > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. Please explain it clearly. > > Please> note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP Horary> [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> prediction if it was wrong. > > I don't know if that's something> "re-kindling a

well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I really> apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP lovers> to understand the subject better?> > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>> @gro ups.com> Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Dear Antariksh,> I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> It seems to me that you are interested in

re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again....IF so, this is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble opinion...> Kindly desist from comparing Raman's version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of K.P. !> L.Yogesh Rao.> GOOD LUCK !> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@.. .>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> sAHHASRA sAAGARA> NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, ***

ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > Dear Sagar ji,> > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > I feel next bhukti of

Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> ANTARIKSH> > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> @gro ups.com> Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Dear Antariksh > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give better change

of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > Sahhasra Saagara> > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > wrote:> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> Horary >> Timing an event> @gro ups.com> Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > Dear Sirs,> I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the concerned houses. > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> One method is to

eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an RP?> I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in

days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your valuable comments on this!> Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, then when?"> Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > Analysis: > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > A. 6 > B. 6 > C. 5 > D. 1, 8 > So matter is confirmed. > > Time of Event: > > Significators of 3rd house: > A. x > B. x > C. Ketu > D. Mercury > > Significators of 5th house: > A. x > B. Sun, Saturn > C.

Mercury, Venus, Mars > D. Moon > > Significators of 9th house: > A. x > B. Jupiter[R] > C. x > D. Jupiter[R] > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter [R] > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > Moon Star lord: Mars > Moon Sign lord: Venus > Day lord: Mercury > > Rahu represents: Saturn > Ketu represents: Moon > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. >

Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.. > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > Thanks, > Antariksh > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > ____________ _________ _________ __> Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now>

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Respected Sir,

If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger..

Comments from seniors are invited.

With regards..


Dr. Luther


tw853 <tw853 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub ofretrograde planet.Thanks and regards,tw@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Dear sir,> As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine theXI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruitionbut only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches thepoint from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord isretrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine otherpoints mentioned by you.> With regards.> Dr. Luther> > >

> > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > itself at the time of judgement.> > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse

should > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > pertaining to the question.> > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > querent. Results will not fructify..> > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > Hope the Senior Members will add more light.> > Regards> S.Gopalakrishnan> > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > Please explain it

clearly. > > > > Please> > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > Horary> > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > I don't know if that's something> > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > really> > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > lovers> > to understand the subject better?> > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi

<lyrastro1@ ..>> > @gro ups.com> > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > It seems to me that you are interested in > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > is a K.P. site...please note....not meant for you,in my humble > opinion...> > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > K.P. !> > L.Yogesh Rao.> > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > >

> > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > @gro ups.com> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > wrote:> > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > @gro ups.com> > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > Dear

Sagar ji,> > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > ANTARIKSH> > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will >

take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > @gro ups.com> > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > Dear Antariksh > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > wrote:> >

> > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > Horary >> Timing an event> > @gro ups.com> > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > concerned houses. > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs > inluding two nodes, how

would someone judge the joint period?> > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > RP?> > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > Please correct me if my

understanding is wrong. > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > valuable comments on this!> > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > then when?"> > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > Analysis: > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > A. 6 > > B. 6 > > C.. 5 > > D. 1, 8 > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > Time of Event: > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > A. x > > B. x > > C. Ketu > > D. Mercury > > > > Significators of

5th house: > > A. x > > B. Sun, Saturn > > C.. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > D. Moon > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > A. x > > B. Jupiter[R] > > C. x > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > Jupiter [R] > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful

significator. > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > Antariksh > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now>


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Respected Members,


In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer

should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain

whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon

must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in

question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows

that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction

might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.

In four-step theory,retrogression of planets is not taken into

consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while

examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been


The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really

excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines.

Thanks to him.

The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it

in future. Thanks to him.

with regards,



, Luther Rath <rathluther wrote:


> Respected Sir,

> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde

planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking

another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't

remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a

cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde

planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the

result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a

constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde

planets are stronger.

> Comments from seniors are invited.

> With regards.


> Dr. Luther




> tw853 <tw853


> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned


> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of

> retrograde planet.


> Thanks and regards,


> tw


> @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...>


> >

> > Dear sir,

> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine


> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to


> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the

> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed


> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other

> points mentioned by you.

> > With regards.

> > Dr. Luther

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > Dear Antariksh Ji,

> >

> > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:

> >

> > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

> > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> >

> > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> >

> > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

> > itself at the time of judgement.

> >

> > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

> > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.

> >

> > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

> > pertaining to the question.

> >

> > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules


> > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for


> > querent. Results will not fructify.

> >

> > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to


> >

> > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..

> >

> > Regards

> > S.Gopalakrishnan

> >

> > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

> > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear L Y Rao,

> > >

> > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

> > Please explain it clearly.

> > >

> > > Please

> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail,


> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP

> > Horary

> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

> > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> > > prediction if it was wrong.

> > >

> > > I don't know if that's something

> > > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so


> > really

> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP

> > lovers

> > > to understand the subject better?

> > >

> > > Regards & Best Wishes,


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Antariksh,

> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

> > Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a


> > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > > It seems to me that you are interested in

> > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so,


> > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> > opinion...

> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

> > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique


> > K.P. !

> > > L.Yogesh Rao.

> > > GOOD LUCK !

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > >

> > >






> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sagar ji,

> > >

> > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September.


> > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru


> > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies


> > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in


> > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

> > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

> > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.

> > >

> > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub


> > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to


> > his job. What's your opinion on this?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regards & Best Wishes,


> > >

> > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

> > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can


> > with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > >

> > >

> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > Dear Antariksh

> > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to


> > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

> > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > > Sahhasra Saagara

> > >

> > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>

> > > Horary >> Timing an event

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sirs,

> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event


> > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

> > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of


> > concerned houses.

> > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the


> > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the


> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling


> > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5


> > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

> > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not


> > RP?

> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

> > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub


> > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered


> > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start


> > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

> > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

> > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay


> > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

> > valuable comments on this!

> > > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If


> > then when? "

> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

> > >

> > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun

> > >

> > > Analysis:

> > >

> > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> > > A. 6

> > > B. 6

> > > C.. 5

> > > D. 1, 8

> > > So matter is confirmed.

> > >

> > > Time of Event:

> > >

> > > Significators of 3rd house:

> > > A. x

> > > B. x

> > > C. Ketu

> > > D. Mercury

> > >

> > > Significators of 5th house:

> > > A. x

> > > B. Sun, Saturn

> > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> > > D. Moon

> > >

> > > Significators of 9th house:

> > > A. x

> > > B. Jupiter[R]

> > > C. x

> > > D. Jupiter[R]

> > >

> > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

> > Jupiter [R]

> > >

> > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> > > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > > Moon Sign lord: Venus

> > > Day lord: Mercury

> > >

> > > Rahu represents: Saturn

> > > Ketu represents: Moon

> > >

> > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> > >

> > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd


> > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.

> > >

> > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > >

> > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in

6th -

> > none of 3, 5 or 9.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > Antariksh

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > >

> >


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Dear Dr.Luther,

Very true.

Retrogarde planets are stronger in the sense that whatever matters are signified by them, they are bound to execute them definitely without fail.

Planets, retrograde or not, when signifying detrimental houses to the matter in question, cannot and will not execute it.

With thanks and warm regards,MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English TutorAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006Cell: 99443-07025



sujatkaram <sujatkaram Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:29:10 PM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will

certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With

regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to

fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S..Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal >

> sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > >

These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > help me understanding the KP

Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear

Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago....> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52

PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time

[till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in

future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@

..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate

the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > >

plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!> > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when?"> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A.

6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R] > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] >

> > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > >

> > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > >> >>

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Dear Sujat,

You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.

Dr. Luther


sujatkaram <sujatkaram Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will

certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With

regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord

if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST

IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not

fructify.> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to>

> > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > >

> > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Sent:

Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will

get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those

who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned

> > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from

the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!> > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when?"> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > >

> > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, >

> Jupiter [R] > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns

6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > >> >>

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Hare Ram Krishna

Dear friends,

Why second number should be taken for reworking at different time if Same question is to be examined for the same querent?

I am reading this view here.

Any reason or logic.

According to fundamentals of Astrology, in hindu numerology Number is expression of Thought.IN KP and also in vedic it is seed for Horary, a method to find Aarudh.

Why should it be altered ?

I will be happy to learn the logic behind .

with best wishes.

PROF KSK said , if one retakes question at other times same cusp calculation can be used if Astrologer does not change place, This i remember having read.

OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCSrivastava AstrologerTeaching & Consultationshttp:\\www.kaalvastu.com] -----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--



Luther Rath

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:15 PM

Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event





Dear Sujat,

You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.

Dr. Luther


sujatkaram <sujatkaram (AT) (DOT) co.in> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!> > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when?"> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R] > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > >> >>

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Respected Swamiji,


Your writings show that your knowledge of astrology and philosophy is

profound and I cannot come anywhere near you in those fields.

Therefore when you raise any doubt I feel I am too small to have

knowledge or any authority to clear your doubt.So let me say that I

am only writing what I have understood:-

the KP number serves as a tool that connects querrent,s mind and the

moon. So the moon must show what lies in the mind of the questioner

and the questioner must put into his querry what lies in his mind.

For example, if the querrent is asking about his education, then the

moon must show house 4 or 9.If the moon does this, we can say the

number has served its purpose and so we can go ahead. But if the moon

does not show the concerned houses, the number has failed to serve

its purpose. This means that the querrent is not in the right state

of mind or is not earnest in his querry; is not asking what actually

is in his mind. Therefore we have to request him to come again nwhen

he is in the correct state of mind and earnest in his querry. That

time ,to ensure that he is in right earnest about his querry , we

have to ask him to give a KP number.

Sir, in astrology there are no hard and fast rules. I know that there

are some astrologers who use the same number again. Actually I know

one such astrologer. I have discussed this point with him. His

explaination is quite interesting. He says, " I examine the querry at a

time that is convinient to me. If the moon does not show the

concerned houses, then my timing is wrong. I will sit next time and

continue till the moon indicates the correct houses. " Quite

convincing,isn,t it?

But to me, the first arguement appears to be more convincing.


sujatkaram. , " swami " <swami




> || Om Gurave Namah ||

> Hare Ram Krishna

> Dear friends,

> Why second number should be taken for reworking at different time

if Same question is to be examined for the same querent?

> I am reading this view here.

> Any reason or logic.

> According to fundamentals of Astrology, in hindu numerology Number

is expression of Thought.IN KP and also in vedic it is seed for

Horary, a method to find Aarudh.

> Why should it be altered ?

> I will be happy to learn the logic behind .

> with best wishes.

> PROF KSK said , if one retakes question at other times same cusp

calculation can be used if Astrologer does not change place, This i

remember having read.



> ------------------------

> Swami_RCSrivastava Astrologer

> Teaching & Consultations

> http:\\www.kaalvastu.com]

> -----------------------

> " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being

who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "

> --


> -

> Luther Rath


> Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:15 PM

> Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event




> Dear Sujat,

> You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the

querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.

> Dr. Luther





> sujatkaram <sujatkaram


> Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM

> Re: Horary >> Timing an event



> Respected Members,

> Sir,

> In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the


> should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to


> whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The


> must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in

> question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this


> that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the


> might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP


> In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into

> consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while

> examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been

> established.

> The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really

> excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive


> Thanks to him.

> The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try


> in future. Thanks to him.

> with regards,

> sujat.


> @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...>


> >

> > Respected Sir,

> > If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde

> planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead.


> another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I


> remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of


> cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a


> planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the

> result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a

> constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said


> planets are stronger.

> > Comments from seniors are invited.

> > With regards.

> >

> > Dr. Luther

> >

> >

> >

> > tw853 <tw853@>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM

> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> >

> >

> > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned

> house,

> > if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub


> > retrograde planet.

> >

> > Thanks and regards,

> >

> > tw

> >

> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath

<rathluther@ ...>

> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear sir,

> > > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to


> the

> > XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to

> fruition

> > but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches


> > point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

> > retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed

> further.

> > If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine


> > points mentioned by you.

> > > With regards.

> > > Dr. Luther

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>

> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Antariksh Ji,

> > >

> > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:

> > >

> > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its


> > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> > >

> > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal


> > > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> > >

> > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be


> > > itself at the time of judgement.

> > >

> > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse


> > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.

> > >

> > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other


> > > pertaining to the question.

> > >

> > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the


> (3)

> > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result


> the

> > > querent. Results will not fructify.

> > >

> > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

> situations.

> > >

> > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > S.Gopalakrishnan

> > >

> > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

> > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear L Y Rao,

> > > >

> > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last


> > > Please explain it clearly.

> > > >

> > > > Please

> > > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous


> I

> > > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting

thru KP

> > > Horary

> > > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and


> > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and

rectify my

> > > > prediction if it was wrong.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know if that's something

> > > > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " .

If so

> I

> > > really

> > > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping


> > > lovers

> > > > to understand the subject better?

> > > >

> > > > Regards & Best Wishes,


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> > > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Antariksh,

> > > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

> > > Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had

waged a


> > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > > > It seems to me that you are interested in

> > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF


> this

> > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> > > opinion...

> > > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

> > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior


> of

> > > K.P. !

> > > > L.Yogesh Rao.

> > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > >

> > > >



> 6TH




> > > >

> > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sagar ji,

> > > >

> > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of


> At

> > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go


> Mars

> > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who


> 5

> > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and


> sub

> > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't


> > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during


> > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.

> > > >

> > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in


> of

> > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to

> change

> > > his job. What's your opinion on this?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Regards & Best Wishes,


> > > >

> > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what


> > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma,


> say

> > > with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > > Dear Antariksh

> > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has


> give

> > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion


> > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > > > Sahhasra Saagara

> > > >

> > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@

> ..com>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>

> > > > Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sirs,

> > > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event

> using

> > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or


> > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that


> > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators


> the

> > > concerned houses.

> > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the

> concerned

> > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of


> event?

> > > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling

> planets.

> > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find


> RPs

> > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> > > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a


> > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator


> > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's


> an

> > > RP?

> > > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub

lord of

> > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its


> lord

> > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be


> as

> > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start

> checking

> > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast


> > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be


> > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd


> (in

> > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> > > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite


> > > valuable comments on this!

> > > > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If

> yes,

> > > then when? "

> > > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> > > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

> > > >

> > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun

> > > >

> > > > Analysis:

> > > >

> > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> > > > A. 6

> > > > B. 6

> > > > C.. 5

> > > > D. 1, 8

> > > > So matter is confirmed.

> > > >

> > > > Time of Event:

> > > >

> > > > Significators of 3rd house:

> > > > A. x

> > > > B. x

> > > > C. Ketu

> > > > D. Mercury

> > > >

> > > > Significators of 5th house:

> > > > A. x

> > > > B. Sun, Saturn

> > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> > > > D. Moon

> > > >

> > > > Significators of 9th house:

> > > > A. x

> > > > B. Jupiter[R]

> > > > C. x

> > > > D. Jupiter[R]

> > > >

> > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars,


> > > Jupiter [R]

> > > >

> > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> > > > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus

> > > > Day lord: Mercury

> > > >

> > > > Rahu represents: Saturn

> > > > Ketu represents: Moon

> > > >

> > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> > > >

> > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september,


> come

> > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.

> > > >

> > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized


> > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > >

> > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and


> 6th -

> > > none of 3, 5 or 9.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > > Antariksh

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Friends,


In horary or Prashna,the true intention/seriosness of query is reflected in the Moon position:this is well known.


Normally on basic principles. Lagna reflects the querent, if malefics/mercury occupy lagna, answer to the query is to be postponed. On thumb rule basis, if Moon is connected to the 11th house, success can be anticipated.


Further examination of the chart can then be proceeded upon.





--- On Wed, 9/10/08, sujatkaram <sujatkaram wrote:

sujatkaram <sujatkaram Re: Horary >> Timing an event Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 1:29 PM



Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will

certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With regards.> > Dr. Luther>

> > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the>

point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out

the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > >

> Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > >

> > > > I don't know if that's something> > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his

"more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > >

> > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator

of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will

definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH ***

<antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But

in cases we find 4-5 RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in

hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!> > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when?"> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So

matter is confirmed. > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R] > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star

lord: Mars > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th -

> > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > >> >>

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Dear sir


In horary, KP number will express the only sincere thought, through Moon position.So querier should be very sincere with the particular query while giving the number.


If horary no is not reflecting the query, one has to stop working on it and becos it was not a sincere query how will it relate to query next time also. So we have to take another number next time after explaining the querient regarding importance of sincerity of thought of query in his mind at the time of giving horary no.


If Moon position reflects the query, and by chance u r unable to solve the query at that time, in such condition we can use the same horary number next time.



Dr Sheetal

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 8:08 PM, swami <swami wrote:








|| Om Gurave Namah ||Hare Ram Krishna

Dear friends,

Why second number should be taken for reworking at different time if Same question is to be examined for the same querent?

I am reading this view here.

Any reason or logic.

According to fundamentals of Astrology, in hindu numerology Number is expression of Thought.IN KP and also in vedic it is seed for Horary, a method to find Aarudh.

Why should it be altered ?

I will be happy to learn the logic behind .

with best wishes.

PROF KSK said , if one retakes question at other times same cusp calculation can be used if Astrologer does not change place, This i remember having read.

OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCSrivastava AstrologerTeaching & Consultationshttp:\\www.kaalvastu.com]

----------------------- " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. " --





Luther Rath





Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:15 PM

Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event





Dear Sujat,

You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.

Dr. Luther


sujatkaram <sujatkaram

Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon

must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.

In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really

excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.

@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde

planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a

cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde

planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com

> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,

> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...>

wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the

> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other

> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>

> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> >

> > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

> > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

> > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for

the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..

> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please

> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

> > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something

> > > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers

> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > >

> > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a

WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this

> > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique

of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event


> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru

Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

> > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub

of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can

say > > with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

> > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:

> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the

concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5

RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub

lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay

(in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!

> > > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when? " > > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > >

> > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > >

> > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house:

> > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R]

> > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > >> >>

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Dear Sir

As Sujatakarmji rightly said, In 4step theory retrogration of planet is not considered in natal as well as in horary chart. it is only considered during transit and it gives good results.


Dr Sheetal

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 1:29 PM, sujatkaram <sujatkaram wrote:






Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon

must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.

In four-step theory,retrogression of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really

excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat. , Luther Rath <rathluther wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde

planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a

cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde

planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > >



> tw853 <tw853> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,

> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine

the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther

> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com

> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:

> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

> > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> >

> > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan

> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,

> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail,

I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so

I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,

> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > >

> > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.

> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES

6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,

> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies

5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

> > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to

change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > >

> > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com

> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>

> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the

concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5

RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub

lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay

(in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!

> > > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when? " > > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > >

> > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > >

> > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house:

> > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R]

> > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > >> >>

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Sujatkaram.

Appearance of a concept as covincing is unimportant.

Please experiment and apply what your known astrologer says.

You will find He is perfectly right.

Proof of pudding lies in its eating .

confusion is because concept of vedic numerology are hidden parampara secrets taught only to disciple within paramparas.

At deeper level Fundamentals of astrology are one and only one.

Our application may vary to suit the system.

Astrologer need not entertain any one , if ones motive are impure.

seeking another number is like submitting to test.

Astrology can not be put to test,It is para vidya.

It is divines sweet will ,It may choose to reveal the truth or may hide it.

Lastly desire to peep in the matter is sweet will of astrologer and Divine has to choose him a media to express, so prasna time is time when astrologer is prompted to take matter for examination.

Prof KSK did say subtly all about it.He gave example and rules related to it.

hope this helps.

With best wishes.

OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCSrivastava AstrologerTeaching & Consultationshttp:\\www.kaalvastu.com] -----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who hascreated the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--




Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:52 PM

Re: Horary >> Timing an event



Respected Swamiji,Sir,Your writings show that your knowledge of astrology and philosophy is profound and I cannot come anywhere near you in those fields. Therefore when you raise any doubt I feel I am too small to have knowledge or any authority to clear your doubt.So let me say that I am only writing what I have understood:-the KP number serves as a tool that connects querrent,s mind and the moon. So the moon must show what lies in the mind of the questioner and the questioner must put into his querry what lies in his mind. For example, if the querrent is asking about his education, then the moon must show house 4 or 9.If the moon does this, we can say the number has served its purpose and so we can go ahead. But if the moon does not show the concerned houses, the number has failed to serve its purpose. This means that the querrent is not in the right state of mind or is not earnest in his querry; is not asking what actually is in his mind. Therefore we have to request him to come again nwhen he is in the correct state of mind and earnest in his querry. That time ,to ensure that he is in right earnest about his querry , we have to ask him to give a KP number. Sir, in astrology there are no hard and fast rules. I know that there are some astrologers who use the same number again. Actually I know one such astrologer. I have discussed this point with him. His explaination is quite interesting. He says,"I examine the querry at a time that is convinient to me. If the moon does not show the concerned houses, then my timing is wrong. I will sit next time and continue till the moon indicates the correct houses." Quite convincing,isn,t it? But to me, the first arguement appears to be more convincing.regards,sujatkaram. , "swami" <swami wrote:>> > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Hare Ram Krishna> Dear friends,> Why second number should be taken for reworking at different time if Same question is to be examined for the same querent?> I am reading this view here.> Any reason or logic.> According to fundamentals of Astrology, in hindu numerology Number is expression of Thought.IN KP and also in vedic it is seed for Horary, a method to find Aarudh.> Why should it be altered ?> I will be happy to learn the logic behind .> with best wishes.> PROF KSK said , if one retakes question at other times same cusp calculation can be used if Astrologer does not change place, This i remember having read.> > OM TATSAT> ------------------------> Swami_RCSrivastava Astrologer> Teaching & Consultations> http:\\www.kaalvastu.com] > -----------------------> " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."> -------------------------> > - > Luther Rath > > Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:15 PM> Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > Dear Sujat,> You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.> Dr. Luther> > > > > sujatkaram <sujatkaram> > Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > Respected Members,> Sir,> In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer > should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain > whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon > must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in > question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows > that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction > might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.> In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into > consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while > examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been > established. > The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really > excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. > Thanks to him. > The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it > in future. Thanks to him.> with regards,> sujat.> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Respected Sir,> > If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde > planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking > another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't > remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a > cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde > planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the > result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a > constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde > planets are stronger.> > Comments from seniors are invited.> > With regards.> > > > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > tw853 <tw853@>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned > house,> > if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> > retrograde planet.> > > > Thanks and regards,> > > > tw> > > > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear sir,> > > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine > the> > XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to > fruition> > but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> > point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> > retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed > further.> > If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> > points mentioned by you.> > > With regards.> > > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > > pertaining to the question.> > > > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules > (3) > > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for > the > > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to > situations.> > > > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > > > Regards> > > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > > > Please> > > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, > I> > > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > > Horary> > > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so > I > > > really> > > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > > lovers> > > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > > @gro ups.com> > > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a > WAR > > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, > this > > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > > opinion...> > > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique > of > > > K.P. !> > > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > > @gro ups.com> > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES > 6TH > > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > > wrote:> > > > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > @gro ups.com> > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. > At > > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru > Mars > > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies > 5 > > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in > sub > > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub > of > > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to > change > > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can > say > > > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > > @gro ups.com> > > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > Dear Antariksh > > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to > give > > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > ..com> > > > wrote:> > > > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > > @gro ups.com> > > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event > using > > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of > the > > > concerned houses. > > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the > concerned > > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the > event?> > > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling > planets. > > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 > RPs > > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not > an > > > RP?> > > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub > lord > > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered > as > > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start > checking > > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay > (in > > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > > valuable comments on this!> > > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If > yes, > > > then when?"> > > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > > A. 6 > > > > B. 6 > > > > C.. 5 > > > > D. 1, 8 > > > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > > A. x > > > > B. x > > > > C. Ketu > > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > > A. x > > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > > D. Moon > > > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > > A. x > > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > > C. x > > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > > Jupiter [R] > > > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd > come > > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in > 6th - > > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > > Antariksh > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > > >> > >> >>

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Dr Sheetal,

A` small point.

Number represent thought.Sincere or insincere is judged if reflected by MOON.Planets in whole OR RP OR Arudh lagna has essential elements for its fructification in seed form.

If questioner is insincere why entertain him?

with best wishes.


OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCSrivastava AstrologerTeaching & Consultationshttp:\\www.kaalvastu.com] -----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who hascreated the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--




Thursday, September 11, 2008 6:51 PM

Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event





Dear sir


In horary, KP number will express the only sincere thought, through Moon position.So querier should be very sincere with the particular query while giving the number.


If horary no is not reflecting the query, one has to stop working on it and becos it was not a sincere query how will it relate to query next time also. So we have to take another number next time after explaining the querient regarding importance of sincerity of thought of query in his mind at the time of giving horary no.


If Moon position reflects the query, and by chance u r unable to solve the query at that time, in such condition we can use the same horary number next time.



Dr Sheetal

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 8:08 PM, swami <swami (AT) kaalvastu (DOT) com> wrote:








|| Om Gurave Namah ||Hare Ram Krishna

Dear friends,

Why second number should be taken for reworking at different time if Same question is to be examined for the same querent?

I am reading this view here.

Any reason or logic.

According to fundamentals of Astrology, in hindu numerology Number is expression of Thought.IN KP and also in vedic it is seed for Horary, a method to find Aarudh.

Why should it be altered ?

I will be happy to learn the logic behind .

with best wishes.

PROF KSK said , if one retakes question at other times same cusp calculation can be used if Astrologer does not change place, This i remember having read.

OM TATSAT------------------------Swami_RCSrivastava AstrologerTeaching & Consultationshttp:\\www.kaalvastu.com] -----------------------" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."--




Luther Rath





Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:15 PM

Re: Re: Horary >> Timing an event





Dear Sujat,

You are very right. The Moon must reflect the mind of the querist. Unless he is sincere result will not be correct.

Dr. Luther


sujatkaram <sujatkaram (AT) (DOT) co.in> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:59:10 AM Re: Horary >> Timing an event


Respected Members,Sir,In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.In four-step theory,retrogressio n of planets is not taken into consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been established. The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines. Thanks to him. The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it in future. Thanks to him.with regards,sujat.@gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Sir,> If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde planets are stronger.> Comments from seniors are invited.> With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > tw853 <tw853> @gro ups.com> Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM> Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned house,> if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of> retrograde planet.> > Thanks and regards,> > tw> > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear sir,> > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine the> XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to fruition> but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the> point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is> retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed further.> If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other> points mentioned by you.> > With regards.> > Dr. Luther> > > > > > > > > > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM> > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-> > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde > > itself at the time of judgement.> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses > > pertaining to the question.> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules (3) > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for the > > querent. Results will not fructify.> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to situations.> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH *** > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Dear L Y Rao,> > > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail. > > Please explain it clearly. > > > > > > Please> > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail, I> > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP > > Horary> > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to> > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my> > > prediction if it was wrong. > > > > > > I don't know if that's something> > > "re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again". If so I > > really> > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP > > lovers> > > to understand the subject better?> > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > > > > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>> > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Dear Antariksh,> > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV > > Raman and his "more-loyal- than-the- king" followers had waged a WAR > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...> > > It seems to me that you are interested in > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so, this > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble > > opinion...> > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique of > > K.P. !> > > L.Yogesh Rao.> > > GOOD LUCK !> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > BEFORE 31ST OCTOBER CHANGE OF WILL TAKE PLACE AS IT SIGNIFIES 6TH > > mARS OCCUPIED AND SUN TOO SIGNIFIES 6TH.> > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA> > > NOTE; DHANISHTA MAY BE THE FRUIYFUL STAR> > > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ > > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sagar ji,> > > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September. At > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru Mars > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies 5 > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in sub > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.> > > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub of > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to change > > his job. What's your opinion on this?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,> > > ANTARIKSH> > > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can say > > with certainty what will definitely happen?" - B. V. Raman> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>> > > @gro ups.com> > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event> > > > > > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Dear Antariksh > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to give > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide. > > > Sahhasra Saagara> > > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com> > > wrote:> > > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>> > > Horary >> Timing an event> > > @gro ups.com> > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM> > > > > > > > > Dear Sirs,> > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event using > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of the > > concerned houses. > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the concerned > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the event?> > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling planets. > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5 RPs > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?> > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not an > > RP?> > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub lord > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered as > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start checking > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.> > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled] > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay (in > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]> > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your > > valuable comments on this!> > > Query: "Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If yes, > > then when?"> > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)> > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic) > > > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun > > > > > > Analysis: > > > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars. > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas – > > > A. 6 > > > B. 6 > > > C.. 5 > > > D. 1, 8 > > > So matter is confirmed. > > > > > > Time of Event: > > > > > > Significators of 3rd house: > > > A. x > > > B. x > > > C. Ketu > > > D. Mercury > > > > > > Significators of 5th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Sun, Saturn > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars > > > D. Moon > > > > > > Significators of 9th house: > > > A. x > > > B. Jupiter[R] > > > C. x > > > D. Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon, > > Jupiter [R] > > > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:- > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R] > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars > > > Moon Star lord: Mars > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus > > > Day lord: Mercury > > > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn > > > Ketu represents: Moon > > > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R] > > > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd come > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator. > > > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara. > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th. > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th. > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th. > > > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in 6th - > > none of 3, 5 or 9. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Antariksh > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now> > >> >>

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Dear Friends,


In 4step theory retrogration of planet is not > considered in natal as

well as in horary chart and also in RPs*, and if so, how can the

retrograde starlord (planet) in which fast moving DBA lord is

transitting and the retrograde sublord (planet) in which slow moving

DBA lord is transitting be considered not to materialize the event

promised by the chain primary signification of the DBA lords?


* In KP the RPs in the star or sub of retrograde planet is to be

rejected. (KP Reader VI0


Thanks and regards,





, Sheetal <ratnamalag wrote:


> Dear Sir

> As Sujatakarmji rightly said, In 4step theory retrogration of planet

is not

> considered in natal as well as in horary chart. it is only

considered during

> transit and it gives good results.

> Regards

> Dr Sheetal


> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 1:29 PM, sujatkaram <sujatkaram wrote:


> > Respected Members,

> > Sir,

> > In Horary,before undertaking analysis of the chart, the astrologer

> > should first examine the moon,s position in the chart to ascertain

> > whether the querrent is right earnest in his querry or not. The moon

> > must be directly connected with the main or the sub-houses in

> > question.If not, the astrologer should not proceed because this shows

> > that the questioner,s mind is not in the querry and so the prediction

> > might go wrong. He should try again next time with a new KP number.

> > In four-step theory,retrogression of planets is not taken into

> > consideration ,as far as I know. It is considered only while

> > examining the Transit.This is a new approach and has not yet been

> > established.

> > The step-by-step guidelines given by Mr. Gopalkrishnan are really

> > excellent.New students like us need such comprehensive guidelines.

> > Thanks to him.

> > The point given by Dr. Luther is new to me. I will certainly try it

> > in future. Thanks to him.

> > with regards,

> > sujat.

> >

> > <%40>,


> > Rath <rathluther@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Respected Sir,

> > > If the sub-lord of XI is in the constellation of a retrograde

> > planet the mater will not come through. One need not go ahead. Taking

> > another horary number for review leads to invalid prediction. I don't

> > remember if I have ever read about the effect if the sub-lord of a

> > cusp concerned with a mater occupies a constellation of a retrograde

> > planet.This is about horary chart. It is not mendatory that the

> > result will be negative if the sub-lord of a houce occupies a

> > constellation of a retrograde planet. Rather it is said retrograde

> > planets are stronger.

> > > Comments from seniors are invited.

> > > With regards.

> > >

> > > Dr. Luther

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > tw853 <tw853@>

> > > <%40>

> > > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:52:06 PM

> > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > >

> > >

> > > It's more interesting what will be the result of the concerned

> > house,

> > > if the sublord of the concerned cusp or 11th cusp is in the sub of

> > > retrograde planet.

> > >

> > > Thanks and regards,

> > >

> > > tw

> > >

> > > @gro ups.com, Luther Rath <rathluther@ ...>

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear sir,

> > > > As far as I remember, in horary, first of all we have to examine

> > the

> > > XI cusp. XI cusp sub-lord if retrograde,the mater may come to

> > fruition

> > > but only after the sub-lord takes a direct course and reaches the

> > > point from where it began retrograde motion. If its star-lord is

> > > retrograde then the result is negative. One need not proceed

> > further.

> > > If the star lord is in direct motion then one has to examine other

> > > points mentioned by you.

> > > > With regards.

> > > > Dr. Luther

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > S.Gopalakrishnan <subragops3@ ...>

> > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > Monday, September 8, 2008 1:05:41 AM

> > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Antariksh Ji,

> > > >

> > > > The KP Horary Rules are stated as under:

> > > >

> > > > 1) For every query, find out the MOST IMPORTANT house, its cuspal

> > > > sub-lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> > > >

> > > > 2) Find out the houses RELATED to this main house, its cuspal sub-

> > > > lord and the star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord.

> > > >

> > > > 3) The Cuspal sub-lord of the main house should NOT be retrograde

> > > > itself at the time of judgement.

> > > >

> > > > 4) The star-lord of the cuspal sub-lord of the main shouse should

> > > > NOT be retrograde at the time of judgement.

> > > >

> > > > 5) The main house sub-lord should be related with other houses

> > > > pertaining to the question.

> > > >

> > > > 6) Finally, rules (3), (4) and (5) should be SIMULTANEOUSLY

> > > > satisfied to denote a positive answer. If any one of the rules

> > (3)

> > > > or (4) or (5) is not satisfied, it shows a negative result for

> > the

> > > > querent. Results will not fructify.

> > > >

> > > > These are the horary rules I have learnt and applying to

> > situations.

> > > >

> > > > Hope the Senior Members will add more light..

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > S.Gopalakrishnan

> > > >

> > > > @gro ups.com, *** ANTARIKSH ***

> > > > <antariksh_80@ ...> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear L Y Rao,

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm sorry I didn't understand what you meant in your last mail.

> > > > Please explain it clearly.

> > > > >

> > > > > Please

> > > > > note that I'm a follower of KP principles. In my previous mail,

> > I

> > > > > talked about some of my doubts I faced while predicting thru KP

> > > > Horary

> > > > > [using principles mentioned in Nakshtra Chintamani and Astro

> > > > Secrets & KP] and humbly requested all KP stalwarts to

> > > > > help me understanding the KP Horary rules better and rectify my

> > > > > prediction if it was wrong.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't know if that's something

> > > > > " re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again " . If so

> > I

> > > > really

> > > > > apologize. Really this is not the site meant for helping ALL KP

> > > > lovers

> > > > > to understand the subject better?

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,

> > > > > ANTARIKSH

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@ ..>

> > > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > > Cc: ANTARIKSH <antariksh_80@ ...>

> > > > > Sunday, September 7, 2008 11:03:18 AM

> > > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Antariksh,

> > > > > I wonder if you know about how bitterly BV

> > > > Raman and his " more-loyal- than-the- king " followers had waged a

> > WAR

> > > > against KSK and lost miserably... not very long ago...

> > > > > It seems to me that you are interested in

> > > > re-kindling a well-settled controversy, all over again...IF so,

> > this

> > > > is a K.P. site...please note...not meant for you,in my humble

> > > > opinion...

> > > > > Kindly desist from comparing Raman's

> > > > version of Traditional Astrology with the far superior technique

> > of

> > > > K.P. !

> > > > > L.Yogesh Rao.

> > > > > GOOD LUCK !

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86@ .>

> > > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008 10:07:52 PM

> > > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > >

> > > > >


> > 6TH


> > > > > sAHHASRA sAAGARA


> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Sat, 6/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ >

> > > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > > Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 12:06 PM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sagar ji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Jupiter will get direct motion in the second week of September.

> > At

> > > > that time [till 31-oct-08], native (as per horary) will go thru

> > Mars

> > > > dasha [significator of 6,5,1,8 and in sub of Saturn who occupies

> > 5

> > > > and owns 11,12] and Sun bhukti [significator of 6,5,2,7 and in

> > sub

> > > > of Mars who occupies 6 and owns 1,8]. Now as Sun doesn't signify

> > > > 3,5,9 thru its sub, will it give the results of 3,5,9 during its

> > > > bhukti period? Please clarify my doubt.

> > > > >

> > > > > I feel next bhukti of Moon [significator of 6,1,8,5 and in sub

> > of

> > > > Sun who occupies 5 and owns 6], would be more convenient to

> > change

> > > > his job. What's your opinion on this?

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards & Best Wishes,

> > > > > ANTARIKSH

> > > > >

> > > > > " Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will

> > > > take place in future. Who else, except the Creator, Brahma, can

> > say

> > > > with certainty what will definitely happen? " - B. V. Raman

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sagar S <ssagar86 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > > Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:44:45 AM

> > > > > Re: Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > > > Dear Antariksh

> > > > > jupiter signifying 9th and in the sub of Rahu in 10th has to

> > give

> > > > better change of job on or after Jupiter gets direct motion if

> > > > 6,2,10,11 dasha,b,a,sookshma period coincide.

> > > > > Sahhasra Saagara

> > > > >

> > > > > --- On Fri, 5/9/08, *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@

> > ..com>

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > *** ANTARIKSH *** <antariksh_80@ ..com>

> > > > > Horary >> Timing an event

> > > > > @gro ups.com

> > > > > Friday, 5 September, 2008, 2:08 PM

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sirs,

> > > > > I'm having some confusion while predicting time of an event

> > using

> > > > horary. If the cuspal sub-lord signifies the primary and/or the

> > > > secondary houses related to the matter asked, it said that the

> > > > matter will fructify in the joint period of the significators of

> > the

> > > > concerned houses.

> > > > > Now in case there are more than 6 significators for the

> > concerned

> > > > houses, then how would one determine the correct period of the

> > event?

> > > > > One method is to eliminate the significators using Ruling

> > planets.

> > > > That's fine as long as there are 3 RPs. But in cases we find 4-5

> > RPs

> > > > inluding two nodes, how would someone judge the joint period?

> > > > > Here I've a question if Rahu/Ketu acts as an agent for a planet

> > > > which is not among the ruling planets, but is a significator of

> > > > concerned matter - can we still eliminate that planet as it's not

> > an

> > > > RP?

> > > > > I've heard about another method of looking into the sub lord of

> > > > each of the significators, if both the significator and its sub

> > lord

> > > > signify the concerned house(s), then only it would be considered

> > as

> > > > one of the joint period rulers (D/B/A/S). We need to start

> > checking

> > > > from the Time Of Judgement period rulers.

> > > > > It's also said that if cusp sub lord of 11th is a fast moving

> > > > plant, matter will fructify [querent's desire will be fulfilled]

> > > > within near future (in hours/days/month) , otherwise it'd delay

> > (in

> > > > days/months/ years) [Astrosecrets & KP]

> > > > > Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

> > > > > Here is an example I was working on. I cordially invite your

> > > > valuable comments on this!

> > > > > Query: " Will I be able to change my job to a better one? If

> > yes,

> > > > then when? "

> > > > > Horary No.: 7 (1 to 249)

> > > > > TOJ: September 03, 2008, 11:52:57PM IST

> > > > > POJ: 88:24:32 E / 22:36:39 N (Geographic)

> > > > >

> > > > > Joint period rulers at the TOJ:- Mars-Sun-Saturn- Sun

> > > > >

> > > > > Analysis:

> > > > >

> > > > > Cuspal sub lord of 10th: Mars.

> > > > > Cuspal sub lord signifies following bhavas –

> > > > > A. 6

> > > > > B. 6

> > > > > C.. 5

> > > > > D. 1, 8

> > > > > So matter is confirmed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Time of Event:

> > > > >

> > > > > Significators of 3rd house:

> > > > > A. x

> > > > > B. x

> > > > > C. Ketu

> > > > > D. Mercury

> > > > >

> > > > > Significators of 5th house:

> > > > > A. x

> > > > > B. Sun, Saturn

> > > > > C. Mercury, Venus, Mars

> > > > > D. Moon

> > > > >

> > > > > Significators of 9th house:

> > > > > A. x

> > > > > B. Jupiter[R]

> > > > > C. x

> > > > > D. Jupiter[R]

> > > > >

> > > > > Significators: Ketu, Merecury, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Moon,

> > > > Jupiter [R]

> > > > >

> > > > > Ruling planets at the TOJ:-

> > > > > Asc. Sub lord: Jupiter[R]

> > > > > Asc. Star lord: Ketu

> > > > > Asc. Sign lord: Mars

> > > > > Moon Star lord: Mars

> > > > > Moon Sign lord: Venus

> > > > > Day lord: Mercury

> > > > >

> > > > > Rahu represents: Saturn

> > > > > Ketu represents: Moon

> > > > >

> > > > > Ruling planets: Ketu, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter[R]

> > > > >

> > > > > Keeping Jupiter here as after second week of september, it'd

> > come

> > > > in direct motion, so it'd be a fruitful significator.

> > > > >

> > > > > As Moon is represented by Ketu, matter will be materialized in

> > > > Mars dasa, Moon bhukti, Jupiter anthara.

> > > > > Mars in sub of Saturn, owns 11th, 12th and in 5th.

> > > > > Moon in sub of Sun, owns 6th and in 5th.

> > > > > Mercury in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > > > Jupiter in sub of Rahu, in 10th.

> > > > >

> > > > > Discarding Sun as Sun in sub of Mars owns 1st and 8th and in

> > 6th -

> > > > none of 3, 5 or 9.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks,

> > > > > Antariksh

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > > >

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > > > Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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