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mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions.

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Hare Ram Krishna,

Dear friends,

Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of VII is not

significator of House II,VII OR XI.

Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?

Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB

Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;

I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case was posted

earlier also on this list.There was one response .}

Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008 at 27N11

and 78E02


Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct to 12 Nov

2009.This now comes the probable Answer.

Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a significator

of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.

So three questions ; rather corollary become important.

1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,

2.Moon is connected to XI by sub

3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII

Do any above situation promise Marriage?.


Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled. BY Joint

period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.

Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer is worth


Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.

with regards






Teaching & Consultations



" Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has

created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "


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1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, for instance:1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16-39-26 (Leo); Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA

23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7. No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublord of cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24-24-01(Aquarius); Moon-11-16-17

(Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5, 9,11,3,1,12,6); Sbl Mo(5,6).

Me Conj Ve(10,3,4,8).Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?3. > this Native Will have Marriage.> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;

1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7. No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mo becomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy, Kanak Bosmia and others)2) Mo is star of Ve l/o 11.3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for being in sub of Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.Regards,tw , "swami" <swami wrote:>> > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Hare Ram Krishna,> Dear friends,> Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of VII is not > significator of House II,VII OR XI.> Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case was posted> earlier also on this list.There was one response .}> Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008 at 27N11 > and 78E02> The RP are VEN SUN JUP> Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct to 12 Nov> 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.> Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a significator> of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.> So three questions ; rather corollary become important.> 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,> 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub> 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII> Do any above situation promise Marriage?.> > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled. BY Joint> period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.> Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer is worth > Knowing.> Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.> with regards> > > OM TATSAT> ------------------------> ASTROLOGER_RCSrivastava.> Teaching & Consultations> http:\\www.kaalvastu.com> -----------------------> " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has> created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding."> -->

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Dear Sir,

Regarding the marriage of X and Y born in 1080 and 1971; I have posted that both are married. If any chart does not promise marriage please rectify the birth times. Both these charts pose confusions. One need not bother if he goes wrong. These are putforth only for discussion and learning. But I promise I have not given fake birth times.

With regards.

Dr. Luther


tw853 <tw853 Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2008 8:41:22 PM Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions.


1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, for instance:1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16- 39-26 (Leo); Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7. No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublord of cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24- 24-01(Aquarius) ; Moon-11-16-17(Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo) (84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5,

9,11,3,1,12,6); Sbl Mo(5,6).Me Conj Ve(10,3,4,8).Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?3. > this Native Will have Marriage.> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7. No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mo becomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy, Kanak Bosmia and others)2) Mo is star of Ve l/o 11.3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for being in sub of Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.Regards,tw @gro ups.com, "swami" <swami wrote:>> > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Hare Ram Krishna,> Dear friends,> Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of VII is not > significator of House II,VII OR XI.> Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case was posted> earlier also on this list.There was one response .}> Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008 at 27N11 > and 78E02> The RP are VEN SUN JUP> Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct to 12 Nov> 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.> Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a

significator> of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.> So three questions ; rather corollary become important.> 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,> 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub> 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII> Do any above situation promise Marriage?.> > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled. BY Joint> period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.> Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer is worth > Knowing.> Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.> with regards> > > OM TATSAT> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> ASTROLOGER_RCSrivas tava.> Teaching & Consultations> http:\\www.kaalvast u.com> ------------ ---------

--------- --------- --------- --------> " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has> created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -->

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Dear Luther and TW,


My response again on birth times.


1. Chart 1 July 15, 1980. Lagan sublord is Moon so TOB is correct.


7sub is Venus analysed by 4 step.


Ven...(not a primary signf)... ........


starlord/sublord of Ven, Mar (1p,4, 9p)


starlord of Mars Sun( 11p,1).


hence marriage is promised. Sat 10th asp ignored as Ven is non primary signf.



2. Dec6.1971 minor tweaking of birth time to 12-10-50 to make lagna sub match Mooon starlord.


Now 7th sub is Sat.


Analysed by 4 step.


Sat ( non primary)


starlord Sun 9p,7p Jup(10p,11,)


sublord Ven (10p,3,4p,8p)


starlord of Ven ,Ven....


Hence in step 2 ok and 3rd/4thstep, 8th is supportive.



Marriage is promised.



We can now move to fixing dates of marriage.





Satish--- On Sun, 9/7/08, tw853 <tw853 wrote:

tw853 <tw853 Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions. Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 9:11 AM



1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, for instance:1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16- 39-26 (Leo); Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7. No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublord of cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24- 24-01(Aquarius) ; Moon-11-16-17(Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo) (84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5,

9,11,3,1,12,6); Sbl Mo(5,6).Me Conj Ve(10,3,4,8).Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?3. > this Native Will have Marriage.> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7. No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mo becomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy, Kanak Bosmia and others)2) Mo is star of Ve l/o 11.3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for being in sub of Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.Regards,tw @gro ups.com,

"swami" <swami wrote:>> > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Hare Ram Krishna,> Dear friends,> Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of VII is not > significator of House II,VII OR XI.> Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case was posted> earlier also on this list.There was one response .}> Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008 at 27N11 > and 78E02> The RP are VEN SUN JUP> Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct to 12 Nov> 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.> Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a significator> of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.> So

three questions ; rather corollary become important.> 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,> 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub> 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII> Do any above situation promise Marriage?.> > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled. BY Joint> period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.> Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer is worth > Knowing.> Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.> with regards> > > OM TATSAT> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> ASTROLOGER_RCSrivas tava.> Teaching & Consultations> http:\\www.kaalvast u.com> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------> " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine

Being who has> created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -->

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Dear Satish,

Thank you very much for trying once and again. I am not versed with 4 step mentod. So I cannot comment.

Plaese go ahead leisurely.

Thanking you again. I ony know the marriage dates. In one case I have not attempted in another I failed.

With regards.

Dr. Luther


Satish Rallabandi <rsatish1942 Sent: Monday, September 8, 2008 6:49:32 AMRe: Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions.








Dear Luther and TW,


My response again on birth times.


1. Chart 1 July 15, 1980. Lagan sublord is Moon so TOB is correct.


7sub is Venus analysed by 4 step.


Ven...(not a primary signf)... ........


starlord/sublord of Ven, Mar (1p,4, 9p)


starlord of Mars Sun( 11p,1).


hence marriage is promised. Sat 10th asp ignored as Ven is non primary signf.



2. Dec6.1971 minor tweaking of birth time to 12-10-50 to make lagna sub match Mooon starlord.


Now 7th sub is Sat.


Analysed by 4 step.


Sat ( non primary)


starlord Sun 9p,7p Jup(10p,11,)


sublord Ven (10p,3,4p,8p)


starlord of Ven ,Ven....


Hence in step 2 ok and 3rd/4thstep, 8th is supportive.



Marriage is promised.



We can now move to fixing dates of marriage.





Satish--- On Sun, 9/7/08, tw853 <tw853 > wrote:

tw853 <tw853 > Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions.@gro ups.comSunday, September 7, 2008, 9:11 AM



1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, for instance:1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16- 39-26 (Leo); Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7. No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublord of cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24- 24-01(Aquarius) ; Moon-11-16-17(Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo) (84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5,

9,11,3,1,12,6); Sbl Mo(5,6).Me Conj Ve(10,3,4,8).Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?3. > this Native Will have Marriage.> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7. No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mo becomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy, Kanak Bosmia and others)2) Mo is star of Ve l/o 11.3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for being in sub of Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.Regards,tw @gro ups.com,

"swami" <swami wrote:>> > || Om Gurave Namah ||> Hare Ram Krishna,> Dear friends,> Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of VII is not > significator of House II,VII OR XI.> Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?> Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case was posted> earlier also on this list.There was one response .}> Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008 at 27N11 > and 78E02> The RP are VEN SUN JUP> Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct to 12 Nov> 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.> Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a significator> of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.> So

three questions ; rather corollary become important.> 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,> 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub> 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII> Do any above situation promise Marriage?.> > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled. BY Joint> period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.> Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer is worth > Knowing.> Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.> with regards> > > OM TATSAT> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> ASTROLOGER_RCSrivas tava.> Teaching & Consultations> http:\\www.kaalvast u.com> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------> " Let us meditate

on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being who has> created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -->

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Dear Satish,


1. The given TOBs are used in the analysis of promise for marriage.

No body knows whether they are correct or not. No BTR method is proved

by sufficiently reliable statistical records.


2. BRT is generally a big guy's job in Vedic and Western, here is any

body's job.


3. If whenever the event does not fit with the chart, it is to rectify

the AA rated TOBs. For example, Pele, married, without promise of

marriage, Tony Blair becoming PM within unjustified DBA etc.


4. It is up to one to go ahead in fixing timing of marriage. Right or

wrong it doesn't matter. Here is no Vahara Mihira whatever he utters

becomes true. But the only prediction with astrological reasoning is

helpful for the group to learn some thing, and in the fortune telling

style is nothing to learn, just saying so without putting all cards on

the table to check whether they are reliable or not.


5. If the marriage is promised by 4 step, then fixation of timing for

marrige is also to be done by 4 step, without mixing up 4 step with KP.


6. By 4 step, one needs to check whether 7 CSL is among the 4 step RPs

at the time of casting the chart, and if not to change the 7 CSL as

necessary. In the chart born 6 Dec 1971, the 7 CSL is Mercury, not

Saturn. Only if " Saturn's aspect on Moon and taking supporting house 5

in 4 th step " will promise marriage and this is not the case in KP.

That is why not to mix up 4 step and KP.


Thanks and regards,





, Satish Rallabandi <rsatish1942




>     Dear Luther and TW,


>                                  My response again on birth times.


>  1. Chart 1   July 15, 1980. Lagan sublord is Moon so TOB is correct.


>        7sub is Venus analysed by 4 step.


>                             Ven...(not a primary

signf)...               ........


>                   starlord/sublord  of Ven,  Mar (1p,4, 9p)


>                   starlord of Mars             Sun(  11p,1).


>                   hence marriage is promised. Sat 10th asp ignored

as Ven is non primary signf.



>         2.    Dec6.1971  minor tweaking  of birth time to 12-10-50

to make lagna sub match Mooon starlord.


>               Now 7th sub is Sat.


>               Analysed by 4 step. 


>                       Sat ( non primary)


>                        starlord Sun    9p,7p  Jup(10p,11,)


>                        sublord Ven (10p,3,4p,8p)


>                         starlord of Ven ,Ven....


>                     Hence in step 2 ok and 3rd/4thstep, 8th is




>                     Marriage is promised.



>                      We can now move to fixing dates of marriage.


>                      Reagrds,



>                      Satish


> --- On Sun, 9/7/08, tw853 <tw853 wrote:


> tw853 <tw853

> Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP

handling exceptions.


> Sunday, September 7, 2008, 9:11 AM

1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, for



> 1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16- 39-26 (Leo);

Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA

> 23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19)  (Msg#19374)


> 7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).

> Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7.  No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublord

of cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.


> Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?


> 2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24- 24-01(Aquarius) ;


> (Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo) (84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)


> 7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5, 9,11,3,1,12,6); Sbl Mo(5,6).

> Me Conj Ve(10,3,4,8).


> Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?


> 3. >  this Native Will have Marriage.

> > Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB

> > Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;


> 1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7.

> No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mo

becomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy,

Kanak Bosmia and others)

> 2) Mo is star of  Ve l/o 11.

> 3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.


> 4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for being

in sub of  Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.


> Regards,


> tw



> @gro ups.com, " swami " <swami@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> > Hare Ram Krishna,

> > Dear friends,

> > Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL of

VII is not

> > significator of House II,VII OR XI.

> > Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?

> > Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB

> > Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;

> > I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This case

was posted

> > earlier also on this list.There was one response .}

> > Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008

at 27N11

> > and 78E02

> > The RP are VEN SUN JUP

> > Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 oct

to 12 Nov

> > 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.

> > Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not a


> > of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.

> > So three questions ; rather corollary become important.

> > 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,

> > 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub

> > 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII

> > Do any above situation promise Marriage?.

> >

> > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled.

BY Joint

> > period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.

> > Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologer

is worth

> > Knowing.

> > Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.

> > with regards

> >

> >


> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> > ASTROLOGER_RCSrivas tava.

> > Teaching & Consultations

> > http:\\www.kaalvast u.com

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------

> > " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Being

who has

> > created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --

> >


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Dear TW,


Thanks for your valuable suggestion. Normally I would have attempted the issues based on given B.T.Since there is a group philisophy to check BT and correct to 'desired' level,I made the attempt.Blind charts are the flavour of the day.


I do not generally rely on one system alone as per my small experience, I do use more than one , for my 'comfort'.




Satish--- On Mon, 9/8/08, tw853 <tw853 wrote:

tw853 <tw853 Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KP handling exceptions. Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 9:36 PM



Dear Satish,1. The given TOBs are used in the analysis of promise for marriage. No body knows whether they are correct or not. No BTR method is provedby sufficiently reliable statistical records.2. BRT is generally a big guy's job in Vedic and Western, here is anybody's job. 3. If whenever the event does not fit with the chart, it is to rectifythe AA rated TOBs. For example, Pele, married, without promise ofmarriage, Tony Blair becoming PM within unjustified DBA etc. 4. It is up to one to go ahead in fixing timing of marriage. Right orwrong it doesn't matter. Here is no Vahara Mihira whatever he uttersbecomes true. But the only prediction with astrological reasoning ishelpful for the group to learn some thing, and in the fortune tellingstyle is nothing to learn, just saying so without putting all cards onthe table to check whether they are reliable or not. 5. If the

marriage is promised by 4 step, then fixation of timing formarrige is also to be done by 4 step, without mixing up 4 step with KP.6. By 4 step, one needs to check whether 7 CSL is among the 4 step RPsat the time of casting the chart, and if not to change the 7 CSL asnecessary. In the chart born 6 Dec 1971, the 7 CSL is Mercury, notSaturn. Only if "Saturn's aspect on Moon and taking supporting house 5in 4 th step" will promise marriage and this is not the case in KP.That is why not to mix up 4 step and KP.Thanks and regards,tw@gro ups.com, Satish Rallabandi <rsatish1942@ ...>wrote:>> > Dear Luther and TW,> >

My response again on birth times.> > 1. Chart 1 July 15, 1980. Lagan sublord is Moon so TOB is correct.> > 7sub is Venus analysed by 4 step.> > Ven...(not a primarysignf)... ........> > starlord/sublord of Ven, Mar (1p,4, 9p)> >

starlord of Mars Sun( 11p,1).> > hence marriage is promised. Sat 10th asp ignoredas Ven is non primary signf.> > > 2. Dec6.1971 minor tweaking of birth time to 12-10-50to make lagna sub match Mooon starlord.> > Now 7th sub is Sat.> > Analysed by 4 step. > >

Sat ( non primary)> > starlord Sun 9p,7p Jup(10p,11,)> > sublord Ven (10p,3,4p,8p)> > starlord of Ven ,Ven....> > Hence in step 2 ok and 3rd/4thstep, 8th issupportive.> > >

Marriage is promised.> > > We can now move to fixing dates of marriage.> > Reagrds,> > > Satish> > --- On Sun, 9/7/08, tw853 <tw853 wrote:> > tw853 <tw853> Re: mail_Marriage timing from Birth chart KPhandling exceptions.> @gro ups.com> Sunday, September 7, 2008, 9:11 AM> > > > > > > 1. If > Promise of marriage is absent, No exception exists, forinstance:> > 1) Native X, 8-54 AM, July 15th 1980,Asc-16- 39-26 (Leo);Moon-3-01-16 (Leo); KPA> 23-29-42, 7CSL Ve (Ve-Ma-Ma)(84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)> > 7 CSL Ve(10,3,10); Stl Ma(1,4,9) Sbtl Ma(1,4,9).> Sa+ is in 1 also l/o 6, 7. No planet in Sa star and Sa is sublordof cusps 6,10, for which houses Sa becomes a strong significator.> > Is marriage promised only by aspect of Sa+ l/o 7 on Ve?> > 2) Native Y, 12-15 PM, December 6th 1971,Asc-24- 24-01(Aquarius) ;Moon-11-16-17> (Cancer); KPA 23-22-30,7CSL Me(Ju-Ke-Mo) (84 E 48; 19 N 19) (Msg#19374)> > 7 CSL Me(10,5); Stl Ke(5, 9,11,3,1,12, 6); Sbl Mo(5,6).> Me

Conj Ve(10,3,4,8) .> > Is marriage promised only by aspect of Ju l/o 11 on Ke?> > 3. > this Native Will have Marriage.> > Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> > Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> > 1) 7 CSL Mo aspected by Sa l/o 7. > No planet in Mo star and Mo is sublord of cusp 7, for which house Mobecomes a strong significator. (Kuppu Ganapathi, Vaikari Ramamurthy,Kanak Bosmia and others)> 2) Mo is star of Ve l/o 11.> 3) Mo is in sub of Ra in 11.> > 4. Chosen Antara lord Su should be rejected for marriage for beingin sub of Ma in 1 l/o 10, although Su is in the RPS.> > Regards,> > tw> > > @gro ups.com, "swami" <swami@> wrote:> >> > > > || Om Gurave Namah ||> > Hare Ram

Krishna,> > Dear friends,> > Promise of marriage is absent.What exceptions exists , if CSL ofVII is not > > significator of House II,VII OR XI.> > Will this Native have Marriage, if yes when?> > Female native DOB 16 September 1983.TOB 2:23:30(reported 2:25) POB> > Jabalpur India 79E57 23N10;> > I retook this case for attempting timing of Marriage.{This casewas posted> > earlier also on this list.There was one response .}> > Time and date of re judgment was at 10:34:26PM on 5 th Sept 2008at 27N11 > > and 78E02> > The RP are VEN SUN JUP> > Marriage if comes could be in DAB of Moon-Ven-Sun that is 12 octto 12 Nov> > 2009.This now comes the probable Answer.> > Main problem In this case is 7 th Cuspal Sub lord Moon is not asignificator> > of 2,7 and 11 in simple manner.> > So three

questions ; rather corollary become important.> > 1.Moon the 7 CSL is in star of chief significator Venus,> > 2.Moon is connected to XI by sub> > 3.Moon is supremo (Cuspal sub lord) of VII> > Do any above situation promise Marriage?.> > > > Question of marriage arise only If Promise exist and is fulfilled.BY Joint> > period rulers along with Transits OF planets in DBAS Chain.> > Any thing can be justified, but opinion of experienced Astrologeris worth > > Knowing.> > Hope someone teaches, What and Why of marriage is to be concluded.> > with regards> > > > > > OM TATSAT> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> > ASTROLOGER_RCSrivas tava.> > Teaching & Consultations> > http:\\www.kaalvast u.com> > ------------ --------- ---------

--------- --------- --------> > " Let us meditate on the glorious effulgence of that Divine Beingwho has> > created the three worlds.May He Direct our understanding. "> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------ --> >>

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