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Seeking MargDarshan : Tim Jorge

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Dear Tim,


I do not study a horoscope to read future. You may have to consult

some one else.















, Tim Jorge <tim.jorge



> Respected Esteemed Astrologers ,


> Would like to seek ur advise to make things look better as they

are in my life :


> Background:

> I had a checked higher education mostly through correspondence

courses,I am MBA+M Tech. working with a big IT company as a manager

as of now. This is the best part of my life though ....in spite of

inferior qualifications !......God Please continue this grace on

me ......


> I am suffering from a skin problem called as alopecia areata

(there is no remedy for this in medical science as of today), a rare

situation where in I have lost all my hairs on the head because my

white blood cells eat my hair follicle so am bald which does not

look natural rather looks very odd.When swagrahi guru full aspect is

at my lagna ....as per my understanding these problems shud not have

been there at the first place.


> I got married in June-2004 , it was an arrange marriage , I have

never seen the girl before the jaimaal. My in laws hide the fact

that the girl had 'paranoid schizophrenia' for a long time......we

lived together for only 20 days. I filed for divorce got an ex-prate

divorce in march-2007 the case is in the process of being re-

opened.Swagrahi guru with kendradhipati doosha is there in my 7th

house .....I wud agree I may have troubled marriage on account of

wifes health ............But It would land me in such a legal

mess.... I wud never have imagined in my wildest dreams .....Please

suggest me something to get out of this......


> Questions :

> 1.When will I get divorce. Any remedies to make it fast !! Is Guru

7th lord in 7th responsible for this ? this really baffles

me .......what could I had done to my guru in previous janmas that

I am suffering this !!!

> 2.Will I ever re-marry again ? if yes , Any remedies to make it

fast !!

> 3.I have alopecia areata , a rare situation where in I have lost

all my hairs because my white blood cells eat my hair follicle , Is

this because of Neecha lagneesh Budha ? Any suggested remedies !!

I look like a bald rakchas ...........I really feel low because of

this .

> 4. Is there any change of job/place lined up in near future , I

have a decent enough IT job which has kind of become stagnant. I can

stay here as long as I feel like but I cannot grow in this current

state.Please suggest me.

> 5. What will saturn mahadasha have to offer me , I am really

scared because of the fact that 9th lord is in 12 creating a bandhan

yog . God ...what will be spent off me now !

> 6. What is the other impact of neech lagnesh in the 10th house ,

Any remidies to get over it. Will I continue in IT or I will move to

business in latter part of life considering mahadasha of Sani(9th

lord in 12th ) is due after sept-09, all these factors will make me

work hard harder or hardest ?


> Please suggest !!


> Birth Details

> Date of birth : 13 March 1972

> Time of birth : 13:14 min

> Place of birth : Varanasi UP India (25.20 North 83.0 East)

> Current Place of Residence : Hyderabad AP India

> Dasha Details :

> Current Dasha : Guru > Rahu > Sani > Guru > Guru > Budh

> Guru Mahadasha ending : 2009-Sept-04


> Planet Positions :

> -


> Nirayan Longitude Nakshatra &

Pada Rasi Lord N.Lord & N.Sublord

> -


> Lagna Mithun 26? 00' 24 " Punarvasu

Pada: 2 Budh Guru Ketu

> Surya Kumbh 29? 22' 00 " Poorvabhadrapada Pada:

3 Sani Guru Surya

> Chandra Kumbh 00? 02' 36 " Dhanistha

Pada: 3 Sani Mangal Budh

> Mangal Mesh 27? 26' 37 "

Krittika Pada: 1 Mangal Surya Chandra

> Budh Meena 17? 35' 43 "

Revati Pada: 1 Guru Budh Budh

> Guru Dhanu 12? 07' 48 "

Moola Pada: 4 Guru Ketu Budh

> Shukra Mesh 13? 28' 18 "

Bharani Pada: 1 Mangal Shukra Shukra

> Sani Vrishabh 07? 41' 60 "

Krittika Pada: 4 Shukra Surya Ketu

> Rahu Makara 10? 48' 30 " R

Shravan Pada: 1 Sani Chandra Chandra

> Ketu Karka 10? 48' 30 " R

Pushya Pada: 3 Chandra Sani Surya





> Wearing Gem Stones : Panna , Moonga (Indian coral ) , Manik (Ruby

in left hand sun finger)


> Please feel free to ask me any further questions ,


> Thanking you for your Valuable Time and Inputs in Advance

> Amit Misra










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