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3/1 Monday's Star Report & Saturn Poll! Malefic or Benefic? g4sf

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Coming to you, today, 3/1 Monday, in the am, cst,

for today's transits...3/1 Monday. cst.




Saturn Poll!....scroll down to below!




Today, or 'right now'...is the most intense part of the presently, happening Saturn & Moon,

let's call it Planetary Battle....instead of Planetary War...

Battle because it only lasts for a short time, instead of something like sade sat, which lasts for 7 1/2 years!






Nature's Astrology: Star Report






Monday, March 1st


Moon Moves to the Middle of Gemini,




Dear Friends:


The Moon has moved to 14 degrees Gemini, today,

as of 9am, Monday, ... March lst!...2004.....




If you're in the Eastern Hemisphere.....

This next day Star Report starts 6 hours later, simultaneously at 3pm 3/1st!...

London, England

time....for example....













Dear Friends:


Did you feel, or are you feeling that intense Saturn grip, 'right now'!


Moon's at 14 degrees and Saturn's at 12degrees, 'right now'.... wherever you

are on the Earth....'right now'....


So, whether you're in London, which is 6 hrs ahead, or 3pm... or in India, which is 11 1/2 hrs ahead....or 8:30pm, tonite!...


Moon's still at 14 degrees,...this very moment...


For me, this greatest intensity of this Planetary battle, came 4 hours ago, in deep sleep!..... Was kind of an intense sleep, by the way...


but 'right now', the Moon has already moved 2 degrees farther away, and so wherever you are...notice that in the next few hours you should be feeling better and better!


For some reason, like a Moon approaching the Sun, near the New Moon, whenever the Moon is found approaching malefics, like Saturn.... here...

or Rahu....


the greatest intensity of it's effects seems to be right up to that 'malefic', and immediately when it goes past, it feels...better!


But, the 2 still, Moon & Saturn, are still very close,....'right now', so look into your experience... and ask yourself One Question:....?


Is this Saturn moment....acting malefically....?

or is this Saturn...... acting benefically....?


The way you'll know is you'll either be experiencing the negative characteristics of Saturn...or the more positive one's...


Malefic Saturn:


Will be characterized by feelings of delay, or loss, or grief, or loneliness, or disappointment.... The qualities of Saturn will be 'felt' during this transit because of the Moon being the Planet to close....


In the next few months...we'll see all the Planets, start to move closer and closer to Saturn...so this is a good lesson to learn, now, before then!


Benefic Saturn:


Will be found with feelings of silence, peacefulness, inner-silent joy! bliss, and things happening in a delightful, orderly way....


What amazing differences....all due to the same Planet!


When you look into your experience... and find either one...

write to me, and let me know which Saturn did you experience....?


ps....a little hint, you could also experience a little bit of both....!

I know I have been...mmmmmmm


We'll make a little Saturn Jyotish Poll:


Q How many experienced Saturn - Malefically.... over the last 2 days!




Q How many experienced Saturn - Benefically!







Other Tranists....Today:



o Mars & Rahu are still very close, today. As of Saturday, 2/28...,

Mars is at 23:28 degrees and Rahu's at 19:33 degrees of Aries.


Can you begin to feel this slightly more relaxed Mars & Rahu quality?


Mars & Rahu are still very close, but like the Moon moving past Rahu or Saturn; Mars moving past Rahu means the 'intensity' of last week, is now, also starting to diminish....



o Jupiter's still going through Leo, and today is at 20:23 degrees, Retrograde


This is fortunate because this is making the Mars & Rahu, 'intensity', more pure of Sattvic!


o Rahu's still very close to Mars, only 3 degrees away, so don't be surprised if some quality of 'intensity' is persisting for awhile.....


o One other final point: Moon's Very Big Right Now: Moon's in it's 2nd Quarter of Waxing Cycle...so enjoy lots of dynamism....outwardness....


Just don't strain!






Subscriber's Comments,

Questions & Answers:





Subscriber's Comments: Re. last couple day's of Moon's Exaltation!





From Cindy, in Chicago, US.


" Dear Mark: I've been watching the Planets for a few months now, and I have a question for you. I've got a Libra Rising, and have noticed repeatedly that when the Moon's going through Taurus, where it's supposed to be Exalted, that it doesn't feel that 'super'. Why is this? "


" Dear Cindy: This is a very good question. It shows that you're experiencing some subtleties of these Transits. There can be several reasons. #1, Having a Libra Rising means that 'your' Taurus, resides in your 8th House. And this is often experienced as a malefic House, being the House of Death!, or life-span.


Though every House has the potential of being a great House....so ideally, it could also be about Immortality!


but, it's also a very inward House, being a moksha House, and is also just not as 'outward' as some of the other Houses...


We all, could pay slightly more attention to how we feel with the Moon, regularly transiting all of our 12 Houses!


Normally, you'll experience the Moon as being more 'positive' when it's Transiting your lst, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th & 11th Houses...


These correspond generally with the Kendra & Trikona Houses in Jyotish, which sometimes says, the House can be more important than the Sign....!


This would explain why the Moon's Exaltation in Taurus is not especially 'brillant' for you, transiting as it does your 8th House!


Watch the next few days and you might experience, that instead of the Moon being so 'bad' with Saturn, that you might notice 'it' feels pretty good transiting as it is, your 9th House!







Good Luck!




God bless....





Mark Kincaid






Jai Guru!






Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...





For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Nature's Astrology Website:







The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!




For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....


Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for some more information.



Main Basic Chart:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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