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2-David re. Howard Dean's chart

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Dear Friends, here's some interesting thoughts about Howard Dean and his recent run to the white house...







Dear David:


when I run his chart, I get that Gemini Rising,...


though I thought from other charts about him he had Mars in Scorpio..



And I thought watching him that his Mars must be dominate...cuz he kept kind of rubbing people the wrong way. And that Mars in the 7th house, may be why.......hehhehe or....

A debilitated.... Venus explains a lot too.



Though his exalted Full Moon in Taurus.... should account for at least his great intentions....


Maybe he's meant to go for enlightenment...

with such a good Moon, in the 12th.....













" David Hawthorne " <david


Thu, 26 Feb 2004 11:00:50 -0600

" Jyotish List " <jyotish-list, <jyotish-list

[jyotish-list] Howard Dean



Dear Friends:


Back on Dec. 9, 2003, I posted the following message on the Jyotish List newsgroup.


(At the time of the posting, Howard Dean was the front runner for winning the Democratic party nomination for the presidency of the U.S.).



Dear Friends:


If indeed Howard Dean's birth data is Nov. 17, 1948, at 7:21 p.m., New York....


I don't see how he could get elected to the presidency.


This gives the Gemini rising sign, with a number of weak planets....


For example, the chart contains debilitated Venus, weak Mars (00:08 degrees), badly placed Sun (sixth house), afflicted Saturn (by Rahu's fifth aspect), weak Mercury (on account of its debilitated dispositor) and badly placed Moon (twelfth house).


Jupiter, in its own sign of Sagittarius in the house of relationships, has been carrying the chart all along.


The democrats had better come up with a better candidate if they want seriously challenge Bush.


Best wishes,


David Hawthorne, M.S., J.B.

President, IIPA





Now that Mr. Dean has discontinued his bid for the candidacy, I think it is fair to repost this message to illustrate how even the simplest fundamentals of Vedic astrology can be used to predict outcomes. There are six weak planets in the chart, which lessen the chance for becoming the president.


On the other hand, the chart for John Kerry is quite strong and supports his chance for gaining this high office.


I will post his chart and analysis in the near future.


Best wishes,


David Hawthorne, M.S., J.B.

President, IIPA


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