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2/28 Saturday's Star Report..... With Special Advice for Saturn & Moon Planetary War, coming up! g4sf

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Coming to you, today, 2/28 Saturday, in the am, cst,

for today's transits...2/28 Saturday. cst.




See, Discussion below for thoughts on how to prepare for up-coming

Moon & Saturn Planetary War, coming up, Sunday and Monday....


Nature's Astrology: Star Report






Saturday, February 28th..


Moon Moves to the middle of Taurus,




Dear Friends:


The Moon has moved to 20 degrees Taurus, today,

as of 9am, Saturday, February 28th....2004.....




If you're in the Eastern Hemisphere.....

This next day Star Report starts 6 hours later, simultaneously at 3pm 2/26th....

London, England

time....for example....











Dear Friends:


Moon continues in it's wonderful, Exalted Sign of Taurus, today.


Presently at 20 degrees, this means 10 more hours of Taurus before slipping into Gemini.


Good day today for most everything...


Though you can sense from the 'happenings' in the press.....


All this controversey surrounding the new movie that came out this Wednesday, " The Passion of the Christ " and Gay marriages,

the influences of Mars & Rahu's still very close togetherness.


Good day, though today, if you can steer clear of 'controversey', for accomplishing many things.


Especially, follow your intuition, which is the Moon's charm and power still,




Other Tranists....Today:



o Mars & Rahu are still very close, today. As of Saturday, 2/28...,

Mars is at 22:1 degrees and Rahu's at 19:38:37 degrees of Aries.


You can really see how the environment reflects these present Transits.


Mars is moving through Aries, it's own sign and one of Mars' significations is fighting for righteousness.


The new 'Christ' movie, is full of this vim and verve of spiritual crusading and fighting for.... righteousness.


o Also, Jupiter's still going through Leo, and today is at 20:38 degrees.


This, coincidently, is casting a direct 9th house aspect upon Mars itself, which

was yesterday, at 20 degrees and today at 22 degrees Aries.


o Rahu's presence, there which does represent such things as homosexuality and unusual and strange sexual activities makes it very interesting that this other 'crusading' is going on, people fighting for the rights of this, as well.


o One other final point right now, is the fact that the Moon is still extremely big. This means there'll be a big impetitus to 'do', or to 'act' alot because of

that. So, enjoy this more dynamic time of the month.


However, if you're also feeling out of sorts, then we need to honor this personal need as well.


This is one of the greatest mysteries in life, really, how sometimes we 'feel' things that are conflicting and are themselves causing us our confusion.


But, finding peace between are active and our need for in-activeness, means we'll somehow need to find a way to be true for both.


Fortunately, the human nervous system itself, has an inherent nature, at being

able to reflect, many and in fact, all different qualities and even opposite opposing circumstances.


The Human Nervous system, for examle, has the ability to reflect two styles of functioning at the same time.


The auto-nomic nervous system has the ability to reflect quietness, (the opposite of the stressed, fight of flight response) and dynamic activities at the same time.


However, if the mind or nervous systems are stressed then this inherent synthesizing nature will not function naturally.


This is where things like meditation can be so valuable.


If our charts show that we have a weak or undeveloped Saturn, for example, and our practical, every day experience shows us that Saturn is acting malefically, then this shows just how much we need to develop this inner balance characteristic of our nervous systems.


For those, however, who already have a long history in things like meditation, and Saturn is still acting malefically, then, we can still decide to do even other things to strenthen and improve the Saturn for us.





Subscriber's Comments,

Questions & Answers:




Here are some Subscriber's Comments, about the still very close Mars & Moon, planetary war!




From Sally, in California, US.


" HI Mark: Yesterday, (Wednesday) was a rough day for me. I didn't feel

well and felt even a little confused. I wasn't sure if I was gonna come down with something or not but just felt weird. " confused " was the word of the day for me. "


" Dear Sally: Confusion and roughness are two accurate words for this last week's recent transits of Mars & Rahu colliding and being joined by the Moon

as well.


We've been talking about this 'negative', maleficness, of the most recent past, so today let's start talking about what we can do differently in preparation for the next malefic moments....



Some Thoughts of Advice - How to Strengthen & Improve the Saturn

Balance, Nature for us!


Tomorrow, for example, we will find the Moon moving into Gemini, where

Saturn's aspecting also in Gemini.


Now, once you understand the nature of the maleficness going on, ie. the particular Planet that's being Malefic, then....we can begin to perceive the particular flavor of Jyotish suggestion or prescription that we might try.


In Tomorrow and Monday's case, as the Moon gets so close to Saturn, the pre-

dictable 'malefic' prediction will be grief, loss, roughness, again, particularly on a Moon, feeling level. So, what can we do?


#1 Knowing that it's going on, number one, will help alot. Knowing that if

we're out of balance we'll be feeling particularly rough during these days,

means we can plan ahead and take some steps to be better prepared, rested,

more relaxed and not frazzled days.


The other thing we want to record for ourselves, is just how out of sorts do we get during these malefic moments? These 'roughnesses' during more malefic situations show us where we need to shore up our inner centeredness and grow!


Other Suggestions for Strengthening Saturn, include being more in-tune with the 3 Primary, Ayurvedic cycles of Rest & Activity.


#1 There's the daily, Rest & Activity cycle. Most everyone is not getting enough practical, daily rest.


Rule of Thumb: If you're waking up and not completely refreshed, then tiredness, fatigue and stress are building up. This is very important, because 'stress' equals imbalance with Saturn!


And when Saturn starts getting out of balance, then that's when any and all kinds of malefic Saturn consequences, pop up!


Look at your next 2 days, to see if Saturn's presently acting malefically, or not!


#2 Secondly, there is the Monthly Cycle of Rest & Activity of the Moon!


As I've emphasized many times, the Moon cycle represents the very important monthly rest and activity cycle. Like right now, is the end of the 2-week Waxing Moon cycle and as such represents the most dynamic time of any entire month.


In a week, however, or so, the Moon will peak during it's Full Moon, on March 6th, at 17:15pm. After that, watch how the Moon immediately starts it's pendulem swing, 'inward', and the next rest cycle begins!


#3 One last thing I've found very helpful for strengthening and combating any malefic Saturn's.... either in the transits, our dasas or charts....

is to study, these very Transiting Cycles. Each Planet has a nature and a cycle and we can be more in-tune with these Cosmic characteristics as well!


As I've learned how to do this, especially after looking at each day's transits for over 16 years, now!; I've found that I naturally became more aware of these vibrations and upon innocently studying them, I found myself being more and more in-tune with them!


Then, I found that my Saturn, spontaneously, started acting less malefically!


Let's see how we all do, over the next 2 days!


Conversely, if you're more in-tune with your Saturn, right now, these Moon & Saturn days will just feel more silent, inward and profoundly joyful!









Good Luck!




God bless....





Mark Kincaid






Jai Guru!






Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...





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please go to:


Nature's Astrology Website:







The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!




For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....


Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for some more information.



Main Basic Chart:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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