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3/3 Wednesday's Star Report & Moon Finally Moves into Cancer!.....g4sf

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Coming to you, today, 3/2 Tuesday, in the pm, cst,

for tomorrow's transits...3/2 Wednesday. cst.









Saturn Poll...


So far correspondence running about 70% malefic and 30% benefic!


Have had so many of you respond to this...will send out a Advanced Newsletter soon regarding all your different experiences!






Nature's Astrology: Star Report






Wednesday, March 3rd


Moon Moves to the Beginning of Cancer,




Dear Friends:


The Moon has moved to 9 degrees Cancer, today,

as of 9am, Wednesday, ... March 3rd...2004.....




If you're in the Eastern Hemisphere.....

This next day Star Report starts 6 hours later, simultaneously at 3pm March 3rd!...

London, England

time....for example....


Therefore if you're in the Eastern Hemisphere, you'll be receiving this Star Report, tonite, at 8:30pm, CST,

which will be 2:30am tomorrow, in London,

and 8am in Russia/India....which is 5.5 time zone East....










Dear Friends:


Wow!!!! did you feel that intense, Saturn/Ketu...grip start to lessen last nite?


Wow...., I really did. Was a very intense day. Had a person murdered in my small town here, really shook up a lot of people in our community.


When I looked at the Jyotish for Monday, evening, 3/1 around 7pm....


When I looked at the Jyotish for this... the Moon was at 19 degrees of Gemini

which was about 7 degrees away from Saturn, which was at 12 degrees of Gemini, but at this very moment, Ketu was also at 19 degrees.


And though Ketu was in Libra, it's 7th House aspect was exactly aspecting the Moon at this very moment.


And then, if you look at the chart of the town I live in, Fairfield, at that very moment, Mars & Rahu were in the 8th House of death, and Moon and Saturn were together in the 10th House of the Public.


This young boy's death was indeed very public, in a University cafeteria, with many people around.


One of the University Administrators was quoted saying: and I'm paraphrasing: 'He talked about how the world had all kinds of influences and how a bad influence had sort of permeated the campus from the outside.'


I thought this was very interesting because this is exactly how it feels some times in especially, these negative or malefic transits.


Though we don't seem to mind, when they're Benefic, in nature!


Like tomorrow: Wednesday.... Moon moves into Cancer...

which will seem like Heaven...after the last few days!


Moon will stay in Cancer, it's Own sign, and represents quite a nice, transit, for the next 2 1/2 days...


Look for the #4, or Cancer in your chart, to see where the Moon's primary influence will be happening!






Other Tranists....Today:



o Mars & Rahu are still very close, today. As of Tuesday 3/2...,

Mars is at 24:44 degrees and Rahu's at 19:19 degrees of Aries.



Mars & Rahu are still very close, but especially now with the Moon, moving out of harms way, the next few days and even full Moon when the Moon moves into Leo...in about 3 days... will be nicer...


Now, the 2 are 5 degrees apart,...and each day as Mars continues moving farther and away, represents...less and less intensity goings on!



o Jupiter's still going through Leo, and today is at 20:07 degrees, Retrograde


This is fortunate because this is making the Mars & Rahu, 'intensity', more pure or Sattvic!


o Rahu's still very close to Mars, only 5 degrees away, so don't be surprised if some quality of 'intensity' is persisting for awhile.....


o Forgot to mention, Venus made it's transition into Aries the other day, leaving Pisces, where it's been exalted the last few weeks! In Aries, notice that the affections, love and appreciations have a pitta, outward, active quality.... which can be good...but don't allow it to be too pushy or bossy....


Already Venus is up to about 3 degees of Aries...


So, we should pay attention as Venus, itself, gets closer and closer to Rahu.

Which seems to be responsible...for quite a bit of roughness, lately.


o One other final point: Moon's Very Big Right Now: Moon's in it's 2nd Quarter of Waxing Cycle...so enjoy lots of dynamism....outwardness....


Moon will be Full, on March 6th!






Subscriber's Comments,

Questions & Answers:





Subscriber's Comments: Will be commenting in the next 2 days about the most recent Saturn & Moon, Rahu/Ketu....battle...


Thank you all for your feedbacks... We're all beginning to see very dramatically, how important these transits are!





Good Luck!




God bless....





Mark Kincaid






Jai Guru!






Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...





For More Jyotish;

please go to:


Nature's Astrology Website:







The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!




For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....


Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.


See below for some more information.



Main Basic Chart:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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