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Week At A Glance.... Newsletter Monday, 4/5....to Sunday...4/11.... , g4sf

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Week At A Glance


Dear Friends:


This Newsletter, is to help give a brief, heads-up, about the up-coming

Week of Transits.


I like to send these out on the 'Cusp' of the Moon's 4 Cycles,

Full, 1/2 Full, New, & 1/2 Full, again.....


Though shorter than the daily, Transits, this Weekly Newsletter, will also

include more details of important transits, that you might want to know about!


Also, will include a brief A, M, or IA, ratings...for each day to correspond with:


Medium, positive/negative, and

In-Auspicious, or Delicate....





o Monday April 5th.. A


Full Moon, today. The Height of the Full Moon, came this morning, early, about 5am, CST, so adjusting for other times, zones, about,...5 hours ago.


Moon, now, is technically beginning it¹s Waning Motion, however you may not feel it for a couple of days...


Today, great opportunity to enjoy this Fullness of the Moon!




o Tuesday April 6th.. A


Moon moves into Libra, today. Moon, still very big, and likes the Libra Energy. Today, at 8 degrees of Libra, means not too close to Ketu which is presently at 17 degrees, also in Libra. Good day, to find some harmonious, energy, to reconcile previous differences either in the work place or at home!


Note: in 9 degrees, or 18 hours, Moon will arrive at the 17th degree of Libra. This will be coinciding with the exact degrees of Ketu, also transiting Libra. IA This will represent a sore, spot, moment for the Moon, so if you¹re feeling any Œroughness¹, or Œstrangeness¹, this is why. For many, especially in the Western Hemisphere, this time, 18 hours after the day¹s transits begin, this will coincide with deep sleep.


So might not effect your daylight hours, too much. However, if you wake up in the middle of the night: Remember, Ketu¹s saying hello!


o Wednesday April 7th.. M


Moon moves to the 23rd degree of Libra, today. Which by itself, would be fine, but this Month, & Year, the nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu are in the Aries/Libra/ Axis. So, today, the Moon¹s moved past the exact degrees of Ketu! Though by now, that, Œcollision¹ will have begun to pass. Already by this 9am starting time, the Moon¹s gone past Ketu, by 6 degrees. You may feel something of that influence this am, but by the pm, it should have passed.




o Thursday April 8th.. IA


Moon moves into Scorpio, today. Moon is in it¹s least happy place in Scorpio. This is because the quality of Scorpio, which is good for Mars, is not healthy for the Moon. Therefore the Œworst¹ of Scorpio, seems to come alive into the Mind¹s, or ŒFeelings¹ of the Moon. Don¹t buy into that angry, too passionately convictions, today. If you feel that upsurge of irritableness, or especially anger, dissipate it in ways other, then venting on people or circumstances. If feeling, Œrough¹, good time, to be outside, go for a walk, do something in your Garden. Chill...!...is the operative word, even if not very scientific, Astrologically, speaking!




o Friday April 9th.. IA


Moon moves to the 22nd degree of Scorpio, today. Moon may still feel a little, Mars, Œrough¹, though the good news it only has 8 degrees left to go. I¹ve often wondered, what we should do on days like these, which are mostly described as Œpay-back¹, or Jyotish moments, where the karmas, or consequences of our out of tune with Scorpio, energies come back to us?


Well, now I realize, any such Œmalefic¹ moments are nature¹s way of showing us how we¹re doing.


And this speaks to the Absolute, Essence of Astrology. Nature allows us Œfree will¹, to do whatever we would like.


There¹s only 1 draw back; we¹re going to experience the consequences of our actions, For Better or Worse!


We¹ve heard the word, Œkarma¹, this is what this is referring to. In the West, we¹re used to the expression, ŒAs you Sow, So Shall You Reap¹. Though most have heard the more, modern, scientific expression, too: ŒFor every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.¹

I remember the very first time I heard that. I thought, ŒWhy then, don¹t people believe this!¹ Look at all the violence, all the sufferings. Why don¹t people Œunderstand¹ this expression?


Well, first of all, this expression came from a modern-day, Physicist, who was referring to the interactions and behaviors of atoms, in particle Physics.


My next question was, Œokay, how come the Psychologists of our age, haven¹t seized upon this and found this in Psychology, and especially in Human Life?


I think the reason is that it¹s very difficult. How could you prove, that what you¹re going through is predictable, a consequence of previous actions, bounding around like billiard, particle balls!


But, at some point I realized...¹Oh, my God, that¹s what Jyotish has proved!, or at least given expression to.¹


Our Charts, are mathematical, expressions of the Œkarmic¹ or Œfor every action, there¹s an equal and opposite reaction....¹....principles, which say, because of previous actions, you will experience these consequences...in this life, and in fact, during these (dasas), time periods!


Wow.... what a fabulous way of understanding Karma, and Jyotish.


Now, as we¹re going through this Œrough¹, admittedly Œuncomfortable¹ transit, we can accept it as part of the total, karma that we¹ve bought in for during this time.


Though, if you¹ve got a Œbetter¹ Moon, in your Chart, then, this collective transit, is about, you probably won¹t experience it, as roughly.


But, this is part of the collective karma of an entire World, that has quite a bit of difficulty at understanding Mars!


Too many people, have no problem Œfighting¹, for what they want, even if it means others are going to be hurt. All deception, misrepresenting the Truth, even lieing, thievery, all criminal behavior, are Mars¹ patterns, that people are trying to work through!


We live in such a School, this Earth, that serves as a back drop, to help us see, which rules, laws and principles of Nature, we¹ve got straight!


Remember Nature let¹s us do what we want. We¹re just going to be saddled with what we¹ve created from the past!... Why?, so we learn.




o Saturday April 10th.. A & M


Moon into Sagittarius today. Now, at 7 degrees, at 9am, CST. So, over the next 2 1/2 days, enjoy the Moon¹s transit, through Jupiter¹s Sign, Sagittarius. It¹s interesting but Jyotish, says, there are no planets that don¹t like being in Sagittarius. So, take advantage of this nice transit. Good few days, to catch up with any Œreading¹ that you¹ve been meaning to do. Good time, to focus on any, especially, more Spiritual perspective, that you¹ve also been wanting to do.


Good times, to do Spiritual things. As it coincides with the Weekend, allow yourself, extra time to meditate, to enjoy any spiritual activities, even being in Nature, can be a profound Spiritual experience.


I put a ŒM¹, here because, even though there¹s nothing generally, Œinauspicious¹ about Sagittarius; this Month, & Year, however, all the Malefics are simultaneously experiencing Sag. as well.


Saturn¹s in Gemini, directly opposite and casting a direct influence into the 13 degree of

Sagittarius. (notice that Moon will collide with that influence in about 12 hours)

Mars is in Taurus, and also influences Sagittarius, due to it¹s 8th House Aspect.

Mars is at 19 degrees, so Moon will collide with that direct influence in 24 hours.

and finally, Rahu¹s also influencing Sagittarius. Rahu¹s at 17 degrees in Aries, so from it¹s 9th House aspect, Rahu is influencing. When the Moon gets to the 17th degree, of Sagittarius, we should beware of Rahu¹s influence. This will be in 10 degrees of 20 hrs.

So, mostly tomorrow)

All these, Œmalefic¹ influences, means we should pay attention to these Œnegative¹ possibilities. If we feel an upsurge of Œanger¹ especially around the predictable time when Mars is influencing, then we can take heed to that, and not act it out, let it dominate us, and we¹ll find more success, and happiness.

Like that, Saturn and RAhu have particular Œscripts¹ of Astrological meaning, which pop up regularly and we experience... Why? So, we can see the consequences of our actions, going out, and coming back to us, related to these different aspects of life!

Saturn is about patience, balance and inner, silence or centeredness. When Saturn¹s acting malefic, especially at a moment of aspect upon the Moon, say, in 12 hours, then this shows us how in-tune we are with our Saturn...


The Other Really Good News of this Transit, is that Jupiter is also influencing Sagittarius. This is especially Œgood¹, because Sagittarius is Jupiter¹s Own Sign, and whenever any Planet is found aspecting or influencing it¹s Own Home,...then it¹s positive influences will be stronger during this time!


So, Jupiter will be shining into it¹s great, Sagittarius energy...at 16 degrees, means, in approximately 20 hours, also, Jupiter will be strongest.

However, if you feel the dominance of good, Jupiter energy, then take advantage of it.


Try and see, during this fairly complicated transit, if you can Œfeel¹ which of these Œmany¹ qualities of the Transits, are going on the most, for you!



o Sunday April 11th.. A


Moon has moved to the 21st degree of Sagittarius, today, at 9am, CST. This means it¹s slid by all the different, simultaneous qualities of the other Transits, and still has 9 degrees of Sagittarius to finish through. These last 18 hours will seem very smooth and most, everything that you focus on during this day, will be easier and more successful.







Other Simultaneous Transits, Goings, On....



Jupiter - Rahu

Planetary Battle...



Rahu & Jupiter are still awfully close due to their mutual aspecting....


Rahu & Jupiter, seem to be moving, almost at the same pace...

so don¹t be surprised if things remain kind of sluggish.


Jupiter will continue being Retrograde, and therefore more weak and inward till,....


May 5, 2004

But watch after that!....things will really shift!


Then, Jupiter begins it's Direct motion and over the next couple of months will finally move away from Rahu's direct 'locking' grip and this will represent the real beginning of the next good Jupiter cycle!


Jupiter moves from 16:18 degrees of Leo to 15:50 degrees from Monday, April 5th - Sunday, April 11th...

And Rahu moves from 17:25 degrees of Aries, on Monday, April 5th to 17:27 degrees, in Aries.


All this means, is that they¹re still very close together in their mutual aspects, and therefore, we get this Œstuck-ed¹, kind of sluggish quality going on, both in our personal lives and our in the collective environments, including World Affairs, and Economics, Stock Markets...etc....




Most Important Other Transits....




Special Transits - Include....


Mercury¹s Retrograde Coming Up 4/7th..

& Venus & Mars...Conjuction....


See below...




o Venus - Now, 8 degrees of Taurus, on April 5th, moves to 13 degrees by Sunday, April 11th...

So, look for good qualities associated with the Heart! this entire Month!

(Venus, remains in this very good Sign....from 3/29 - May 5th)....!

This is good news for everything related to Venus because Taurus is one of the Signs that is Venus¹ 'Own Sign'...and everything connected with relationships, interactions and affections, will be positively surcharged during the whole 3 weeks of Venus' Transits... Look for the #2, or Taurus in your chart to see where the primary benefit of this transit will be. This good Venus quality will be stronger during this Week, and until, even,

May 6th!.....



o Mercury is in Aries, now....at 8 degrees, today...Monday, April 5th... and will move to 6 degrees by Sunday, the 11th... Why?

Because, on April 7th...Mercury goes Retrograde again, so from this time onward, be careful, of Mercury¹s traditionally, weird, kind of functionings, during these times..


Especially if you notice, that you¹re making little, strange, calculating, or decision makings, chalk this up to Mercury¹s Retrograde... and take more time to think things through more careful!



o Rahu & Jupiter are still locked in their mutually

aspecting...Planetary Battle/War........


Today, Rahu's at 17:25 degrees of Aries, while Jupiter's at 16:18 degrees of Leo....


Notice Rahu moves to 17:27 by Sunday, April 11th... & Jupiter moves to 15:50 degrees.


This means that Rahu is going more slowly right now, so in some slight way, it¹s influence upon Jupiter may be a little less here, during this time.


Though, as you can imagine, the influence, still, isn¹t positive, enough!


So, this generally, all-important, 'benefic' Jupiter, is as if still locked into a kind of slow-down due to Rahu's aspecting, influence....

Many things will continue being sluggish, like the economy and personal progress and prosperity.... till Jupiter starts going direct, and moves farther away from Rahu's simultaneous, influence....


Main point here, though, is to not strain, and especially bring more patience and Silence...to the Rahu, desire nature, which is clamoring to fulfill any

desires, really!



o Mars is in Taurus, Today, 4/5...... Now, at 15 degrees!

and will move to 19:42 degrees by Sunday, the 11th of April....


See, if you notice a kind of 'passionate' quality, related to your concerns for 'relations' and a kind of 'passionate' intensity, 'convictions', etc...especially, for 'romantic relations...the closer and closer Mars & Venus...get...

Though Venus won't be directly, 'conflicting' with Mars,....for a long time, 'months'...because Mars moves very fast too!

Expect a kind of nice 'passionate' quality, now and for especially the time that Venus is in Taurus!



o Mars & Venus:..... Are moving slightly closer during this week.


Mars starts out at 15 degrees, in Taurus, while Venus is at 8 degrees. (Only 7deg.apart)

Mars then moves to 19degrees, on Sunday, while Venus moves to 13 degrees. (Only 6 degrees, apart)


So, they¹re technically getting a little closer, but still not too, close.


Though if you notice any, combustion, going on between your Passions, and Convictions, and your love, romantic, and friendship, relationships...


This may be due to this Mars & Venus Conjunction...


So,...favor the Venus...it¹s more appropriate...and successful!








and God Bless...








Mark Kincaid

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