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2-hans, MK 4/13 re. Consciounsess Jyotish & Full Potential of each planet & 3 basic Jyotish readings...

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Dear Hans:


See below:




Hans Gerhard Jäger <hans.gerhard.jaeger


Tue, 13 Apr 2004 05:48:27 +0200


Fw: 2-hans, from Mark Kincaid....4/8





" Hans Gerhard Jäger " <hans.gerhard.jaeger

" Mark Kincaid " <m.kincaid

Monday, April 12, 2004 6:20 AM

Re: 2-hans, from Mark Kincaid....4/8



> Hi Mark !

> Hans? Is it me? Is it a dream? It doesn't look like. Some weeks ago I


> asking a question to Sanjay, but I never get an answer, it's a pity. And


> it's suddenly my turn to answer: So, thank you for the warm welcome, Mark


> It's great to study your postings. Maharishi is connecting us. I was

> introduced to TM in 69 - so we're two oldies. As you I studied at first

> western astrology. As I'm a naturopath practising since 1980 I always

> looked for a help to understand the problems of my patients.

Someday, soon, I'm going to teach a jyotish course for healers, doctors and people who have careers in helping people.....


And indeed: it

> works... Two years ago I started studying Jyotish by Internet (Dirah

> Academy). My first impression was very sobering.


I know what you mean, too much of traditional jyotish is steeped in either negativity,

or fate...


My joy has been to bring a fresh, Consciousness approach to Jyotish...

to bring the best of the West...to the best of the East....


hence,...my natures astrology....


Western astrology


> the damned EGO while the eastern one destroys it.


Remember Maharishi says...the ego doesn't need to be destroyed....


it needs to be expanded....


And when the Sun, ego, gets expanded to Cosmic proportions....then that ego,...

is found soooo full....


like a tree that is sooo full of it's many fruits...that it's spontaneously found bowing down...

because of it's very own fullness!


Like that...I try and help people discover the more exalted...full potential status of each Planet...


I'm sort of glad about

> that, but I'm often missing a constructive link. When I read for example


> daily predictions of " howisyourdaytoday " by S.S.Kansal I should always


> in my bed, it's not worthwhile to get up early with the chickens as I do.

> That's the fatalistic aspect you're talking about some days ago. It's

> dangerous, because words can kill you.


Maharishi has always said: " knowledge is the greatest purifier " ....


And this is a good example of that...


poor 'knowledge' can have a horrible effect...


but good, even great knowledge can have the opposite!


We can aspire to 'receive' positive knowledge...in the beginning of our Jyotish/Astrology journey but...a time will come...when we can learn...


to thrill ourselves....with pure wisdom and knowledge...


I can't tell you how many times, I've found myself....talking to people...

and the more I talked and we discussed....


the more bliss, flowed...because I was putting attention on pure knowledge...!


So I'm glad to see you connecting

> Jyotish with western astrology in an encouraging manner. Your enthousiasm


> contagious as virus disease.


Hopefully, it's have just the oppositve effect!


pure health! and progress and success in life!




> At last I take the liberty to ask you the same question concerning my

> horoscope that I still directed in vain to Sanjay. It's a matter of

> benefic/malefic.



> I'm just running the mercure-dasha so it's important for me if mercure is

> really my worsest planet (written in theVJYOTISH-analysis by Sandal) ? I'm

> wearing a kavaca, a cosmic bodyguard, that appease the negative influence


> mars and venus (scorpio ascendent, mercure in the fourth house). I got it

> from Marcus Schmieke, german specialist in vedic sciences, his teacher is

> prof.choudhry. According to their rules mercure is a functionlly positive

> planet. Into the bargain I take vasati planet-essences to transform the

> negative influence of mars, venus, ketu and rahu and otherwise essences to

> strengthen sun, moon, mercure (!), jupiter and saturn (!) on the according

> days, so mercure each wednesday.


> Saturn, mercure and venus are rather malefics for a scorpio-ascendent. So


> shouldn't take vedic drops that strengthen mercure!?

> And if he's really my worsest planet will the next 17 years be a


> I hope you can help me.


Hans: I'd recomend you have one of my formal charts done for you.


What I can say now, is...that I believe....that all the Planets are essentially benefic!


That being said, though.... I also believe any planet can be found being a functional malefic

because of 'us'....


Maharishi Parshara, one of the great founders of jyotish, says:


" In the beginning Lord Vishnu entered into the Grahas, to bestow upon his devotees, the consequences of their actions... "


I remember this when contemplating the Planets and what they really represent....


Life is a quality of 'us'...and 'it'...


We've created certain actions from the past....and those actions, for better or worse, are coming back to us...


In our charts, the good, planets, or benefic one's are just those thoughts and actions that we did in the past, that were more in-tune with nature...


As a result we got this benefic quality...


However, we've also created other actions, because we didn't know better, and those consequences, too are coming back to us...


Those are our malefics...


So, when I help people discover which of your planets are acting malefically....


it's not just because of their house rulership...


it's also whether....the symptoms...of maleficness...are wrapped around that planet, or not...


For example Mars is acting malefically, if we're having accidents, fights, anger, and things like this...


Mercury may be acting malefically, because of this or that... and in your chart, you have your Saturn, in the oppositve sign, casting a much more dynamic glance upon both your venus and mercury....


I'd investigate into how to strengthen Saturn, first!


take care






ps...I should list my 3 basic charts that I do, for your information and also for anyone else on this group. For those ready for a more formal 'reading':




For Personal

Jyotish Charts....


See below for some more information.








3 Basic Charts:


#1 Natal - Birth Chart


Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths

and weaknesses. This is the basic of all Jyotish transformations and

how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives!

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.


#2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart


People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter

Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially.

Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart

that are causing us our greatest problems!

Cost: $ 50.00



#3 Questions & Answers: Chart


People who have particular questions about their life or charts,

enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish

to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on.

Cost: $ 25.00





All payments can be made through my paypal.com account

Please use my below account name/email address when submitting.





Otherwise payments can be sent to:


Starlight Unlimited

Checks or money orders c/o

Mark Kincaid

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa 52556







> My dates: 17.03.1949 in Greifswald, Germany at 01:04

> Excuse my bad English, I'm not in habit of writing English, because I'm

> married with a French woman, so I speak french all day long...


> Warm regards and much fortitude for your great encouragement

> Hans




> -

> " Mark Kincaid " <m.kincaid

> <hans.gerhard.jaeger

> Thursday, April 08, 2004 8:22 PM

> 2-hans, from Mark Kincaid....4/8



> > Dear hans:

> >

> > I wanted to make you a personal Greeting and Welcome, to the Nature's

> > Astrology, group!

> >

> > I also wanted to make sure you received this 'Introduction to Nature's

> > Astrology'.

> >

> > I'm interested in your background, interests in Astrology, and how did


> > hear about this group...?

> >

> > Also, if you feel like writing an introduction to yourself, and send to

> the

> > group;... that would be nice, too!

> >

> >

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I Wanted to Welcome you to my new .

> >

> > Already, I'm seeing a lot of activity and enthuiasm for this new

> > group.

> >

> > The way I've been experiencing it, Astrology truely, exists, out

> > there, somewhere, in Nature, in real life. Watching the Daily

> > transits, now, for over 16 years, has shown me that there is a

> > true, Astrology, alive and full of incredible wisdom.

> >

> > As far as both Western & Eastern, goes, I think they're both

> > important and great Astrologys, but I think there's a great need,

> > today for a kind of synthesis of both.

> >

> > Nature's Astrology, is my attempt at finding a common ground,

> > where we can find the best of West & East.

> >

> > And perhaps, we can help in inspiring a future day where a new,

> > truely modern Science of Astrology can emerge.

> >

> > Astrology has the potential of being a truely 'First' Science, which

> > can serve to unite all the branches of knowledge from the

> > Physical Sciences, to Psychologys, and even more importantly,

> > to the even, esoteric and especially important Spiritual disciplines and

> > Philosophys.

> >

> > Welcome again, and please feel free to contribute in whatever way you

> would

> > like.

> >

> >

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> >

> >

> > Mark Kincaid

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For those of you who don't know me, I'm a teacher of TM,

> > Transcendental Meditation, for over 31 years and most recently

> > studying Jyotish, Eastern Astrology for over 16 years.

> >

> > I've recently created a business, called Starlight Unlimited, which

> > is in the process of creating programs of self-impovement for

> > many areas of life.

> >

> > Some of these programs include:

> >

> > Adult Education.

> > Career Counseling.

> > Life Purpose, Educational programs.

> > Relationship Counseling.

> > Business & Financial Success programs.

> > Health & Longevity programs.

> > Children Education.

> > and

> > Spiritual Seminars.

> >

> > Jyotish/Nature's Astrology; utilizing both Western & Eastern;

> > is an unbelievable tool, to help in all areas of Life.

> >

> > Feel free to take advantage of any of our emerging self-help

> > programs.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






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